
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 37

At this moment, Solon was very glad that he did not shoot.

Otherwise, his heroic name will become the grandson thief in Johnny's mouth.

On his side, Luffy and Usopp had shook into a sieve.

They can attack pirates and enemies, but they still have a bottom line, and they can attack innocent people, or Solon's friends, which makes them panic.

Especially seeing Joseph looking like he was going to die, the two were even more panicked.

Lin Bei didn't feel anything, Johnny and Joseph's embarrassment was caused by their cannon, but the near-death state had nothing to do with them.

Moreover, sepsis is just a cure.

In fact, the superpowers he randomly got today are precisely therapeutic.

It's just that today's superpower is very unorthodox!

So Lin Bei was a little hesitant, thinking that anyway, in the original plot, after Nami stood up and gave Joseph some orange juice, he would soon get better.

In this case, he won't make a move, this ability, really can't take the hand, it's too shameful!

Sure enough, Nami quickly spoke up

, "Don't worry, he won't die, it's scurvy."

People who live at sea rarely eat fruit because they cannot preserve fresh fruit, and scurvy often occurs.

Just give him some fruit.

Luffy and Usopp went to bring the basket of oranges from the warehouse and squeezed orange juice for him to drink.

In a few days he will be fine.

Johnny wiped tears and asked

in surprise, "Really?!"

Nami hugged her shoulders

"Of course~"

Don't look at her young age, but all kinds of knowledge in navigation, Menqing!

Soon, Luffy and Usopp began taking turns squeezing orange juice for Joseph.

This face, in Lin Bei's opinion, looks like a country that loves to drink river water.

Experienced old Ganges vendors can feel the quality of fruits with the palm of their hands, squeeze the fruit to squeeze the juice with their own hands, and add trace elements to provide a rich taste.

It is said that in the old Ganges, the juices sold by each stall have a different flavor.

And the secret recipe is the taste of the hands of small vendors that outsiders cannot imitate.

What Joseph drank this time can be said to be even more out-of-print and rare.

You know, this brings the flavor of the future One Piece and Sniper King, which is absolutely extraordinary.

If memory serves, he will be able to stand up soon.

Sure enough, the next second Joseph moved.

It's just that I may have been moved by the rich taste that the juice carries extra, too excited, and too excited.

Somewhere on the body, blood began to rush!

Johnny's eyes widened, and his heart, which had been relaxed, instantly lifted up, and glared at Nami

, "Why is this happening?!"

Nami frowned

, "My method is fine, it should be that he himself was injured."

Solon quickly swung his knife, cut Joseph's clothes, and sure enough, he found a hole in his abdomen!

Nami said

, "Orange juice can't instantly cure his scurvy, this wound is a bit big, the amount of bleeding is also terrible, if you can't stop the bleeding quickly, maybe he really can't do it."

When Johnny heard this, he was directly desperate.

It's an endless loop!

Scurvy cannot stop bleeding, and if it is more than blood, it can only wait for death.

Now what?

Lin Bei was on the side, always watching, but at this time, he also had to sigh.

Damn, he knew there was nothing good about changing the plot.

He knew what the problem was, it was with that cannon!

It wasn't an ordinary shell, but a special shell from Bucky.

One shot flattened the reef mountain, the power is too great, even if Johnny takes Joseph in advance, too close may be collapsed by stones.

Coincidentally, the position is not good, heavy bleeding.

Now the people are gone, save, or not save?

There is nothing to choose here, and Lin Bei can't really see death without saving it.

It's just that after the rescue, Joseph will be fine, but he may die….

Lin Bei silently walked into the cabin, began to undress, and engaged in the paint when he painted the pirate flag before.

When he appeared, everyone was stunned.

They saw the chief of an indigenous tribe!

Lin Bei was painted with various oil paints on his body, and a hair was inserted on his head, and the whole person looked wild and shy.

Johnny came to his senses and yelled

, "What are you doing?" Celebrate my brother's death!

Even if you are a friend of your eldest brother, I will not allow you to insult Joseph like that!

Shouting, Johnny picked up the knife and was stopped by Solon.

"He probably didn't mean that, he never did anything useless.

Maybe it's like this now, it's to save Joseph.

Johnny couldn't believe it, looking at Lin Bei who looked like a chief,



Does saving people need to be transformed into this?

Lin Bei gritted his teeth

, "Need!"

From now on you all shut up for me, whatever I do.

In addition, you, when this person is alive, you will have to kneel and kowtow to me to thank me.

After that, Lin Bei didn't care about the gang, and began to dance a strange and dead dance beside the dying Joseph.

This is today's superpower: [The mysterious power of the tribe]

is actually a good superpower, both offensive and auxiliary abilities.

It's that the trigger conditions are too stupid!

It actually required Lin Bei to put on the appearance of a tribal chieftain, and then dance a specific dance to trigger.

Like now, Lin Bei's dance can cure all negative symptoms.

In addition, after dancing, you can strengthen yourself and those around you.

It can be said that this ability is actually good, quite comprehensive, that is, the death of Taishe!

Think about it, if this ability remains permanent, during the top war, the red dog will punch Ace in the heart, declaring the pirates' operation a failure.

But suddenly I saw the chief of an indigenous tribe begin to dance around him in a circle, behaving strangely….

Go to the special effect! Handsome comes first!

In short, he didn't want to see a boatload of people again, so he silently stared at him dancing around Joseph, with an expression that wanted to laugh but felt impolite and forced to endure.

The people of the Straw Hat Group actually knew that this should be the condition for Lin Bei to launch his superpowers.

But Johnny didn't know ah, Johnny was shocked!

What shocked him even more was that after Lin Bei's dance, a green light suddenly rose from Joseph's body.

Immediately afterwards, whether it was the symptoms of heavy bleeding or scurvy, all disappeared!

Joseph directly opened his eyes and sat up, saw Lin Lin, who was close at hand, and lay back in fright.

"What man!"

Seeing that he was going, Lin Bei quickly covered his face and ran into the cabin.

Today this cabin, he is not coming out!