
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 35

Probably because they stayed for a week longer than in the original, so although Luffy has not officially offered to let Usopp join, there is a tacit understanding between the two sides.

Otherwise, Usopp wouldn't have stuffed all his belongings into his bag and looked like a ball.

After Luffy also issued an official statement, Lin Bei smiled and handed Usopp a bottle of water and pulled him up.

"Welcome to join.

Give you some time to say goodbye to your girlfriend, and we'll go up first.

After that, Lin Bei didn't give Usopp time to react, turned around and boarded their new ship with everyone.

Then there was a Luffy's monkey-like call….

On the shore, Koya's face was flushed, and Usopp was also at a loss.

However, Usopp didn't say anything arrogant about Ya Cai not being my girlfriend, which led to a pretty good atmosphere between the two of them.

It was the old butler Melly who looked bad on the side.

This is the first time this good, gentle old sheep wants to cut something in a week.

Noticing Melly, Usopp was a little stunned and didn't know what to say.

In the past, he was the most bragging, and he couldn't say a word when he lied, didn't make drafts or blush.

After a while, Keya still blushed and said

, "May you fulfill your dream and become a warrior on the sea."

Usopp then reacted

, "May you be healthy, and do what you wanted to do but didn't dare to do before."

The two looked at each other for a while, but Usopp still carried his bulging bag and got on the boat.

When the ship sailed out, Koya plucked up her courage and shouted

, "Remember me, Usopp!"

"I will! I rejoice…" The

words did not reach Koya's ears completely, but dissipated halfway through the sea breeze.

But in Keya's little head, the second half of the sentence was not finished, and he couldn't help but show a smile.

And Meili, who was standing next to her, felt his hands itchy, and then carefully recalled whether he had put a bomb on the ship before.


No, but now I want to catch up and put more.


"Is this the sea!

The sea, I'm coming! Ten

minutes after going to sea, Usopp was excited.

And Lin Bei, Luffy, Solon and other old crew members are very calm.

Because they have passed the time when they will be excited to go to sea, they have had the experience of floating at sea.

So only when you come across the next land and adventure, you get excited.

But Usopp is still a newcomer, and everyone looks at him and doesn't stop him.

Just after he calmed down, Lin Bei suspended today's training and gathered everyone

: "Two things, first we have to come up with the name of the pirate group, and then we have to make our iconic pirate flag."

Secondly, I have to find a cook as soon as possible, although I don't hate cooking, but there are too many buckets and it takes too long to cook a meal. "

Lin Bei is not kidding, now not only Luffy Solon can eat, he is also a big stomach king.

It was estimated that it would take several hours just to prepare the meal, and he couldn't wait to see Yamaji.

However, for now, the crew is still more concerned about the first point.

"Yes, we all set up a pirate group, and we don't even have a name!

What is better? Solon

: "Sword Hao Pirates!" Nami

: "Gold Coin Pirates!" "

Usopp: "Usopp's most bullish 13 pirates!" Lin

Bei was speechless, he already knew that he didn't teach Usopp the national essence, and this supreme chicken secret was leaked.

"Luffy, what do you think?"

Luffy looked at his straw hat

"Straw Hat Pirates"

and everyone shrugged, indicating that since it was the captain who said it, then this was good.

Anyway, except for Usopp, they have no attachment to the name of the pirate group.

"If there is no opinion, the Straw Hat Pirates will pass unanimously.

Next is the pirate flag, I think it would be good to add the characteristics of our gang. Saying

that, he simply dipped in water and drew an image of a skull wearing a straw hat on the deck.

Not surprisingly, the unanimous vote passed.

Then Luffy wanted to draw it himself, everyone started to have no opinion, and when he finished drawing, he decisively put the captain in the painting group.

In the end, it was the versatile Usopp who painted it, not to mention, he painted it really well.

"Okay, then move on to the next item, find a cook!"

"How is it so fast, today you still cook Lin Bei, don't think about escaping."

Lin Bei: ...

If you know early, you shouldn't expose your craft.

Fortunately, Nami solved the siege

in time: "I know that there is a sea restaurant, it is said that the taste is particularly good, that is, the cook inside is slightly powerful, it seems to be a re-employed person who retired from the former pirate."

Lin Bei brushed a thumbs

up: "Professional counterpart!" That's them!

Nami nodded, the chart she remembered in her head, so she directly had a new goal, set sail!

Because the past time was about seven or eight hours, it was inevitable that Lin Bei was forced to continue to be a cook, responsible for feeding this extremely capable group of people.

Fortunately, he is also a person with a countermeasure.

Most of the dishes in this world are Western food, one at a time, if you completely feed three rice buckets, it will take a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Lin Bei has the method of making Huaxia's cauldron dish in his hands!

Although because of the large amount, he may not be able to master the heat and saltiness well, but the amount is full!

Luffy and Solon looked like when he ate, no less like a pig arch, as if he would be snatched away if he didn't eat quickly.


That said, it seems to really do!

But fortunately, after this trouble, it is not his business, it is Yamaji who has to worry about.

Thinking so, Lin Bei's mood suddenly became very beautiful.

After eating, I took a short break and started training.

It was at this time that Usopp approached him and handed him a wooden box.

"What is it?"

"Give your gift.

Thank you for giving me that gun before, which made me realize that if I want to fulfill my dream, I can't use such a child's weapon anymore!

Lin Bei took the wooden box and couldn't help but think in his heart, did he change the trajectory of Usopp's life?

If he was addicted to guns from then on, would he still be thrown to that island later?

Will you also develop a way to fight with plants?

Hey, forget it, anyway, his arrival will definitely trigger a change in the plot, and he doesn't bother to care if the plot is the same, as long as the general direction is not biased.

Lin Bei opened the wooden box and immediately exclaimed

, "Zhuo!"