
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 225

"According to legend, an aspiring captain wanted to conquer this devil's sea, so he took the initiative to sail into it.

but on the first day, something strange happened to them.

there is often a faint song in the ears, which is very good, but it has magical power and will reap people's lives!

at first the captain and crew did not believe that this was a group of bold fellows who continued to sail in this devil's sea.

but the next day, the crew found that there was one less person.

followed by the third day, the fourth day, each day with one less person.

crew began to panic! Wanting the captain to drive the ship out of this devil sea, the captain was also a little afraid and decided to leave tomorrow.

crew was pacified.

but after one night, when the crew got up to leave the sea, the captain disappeared!

crew was completely panicked, desperate to leave the sea, and they rowed hard despite the faint song in their ears.

At this time, there was a crew member who wanted to go to the warehouse to get a bucket of water for everyone because everyone was tired.

when he arrived at the warehouse on the bottom floor of the ship, he felt something dripping on his neck. At first he thought it was water, but he felt that something was wrong, a little sticky!

he stretched out his hand, and in the dim candlelight, his hands were full of blood!

he looked up tremblingly.

just face to face with the disappearing captain!

not only the captain, but all the disappeared crew members were nailed to the roof of the warehouse.

a pair of gray eyes seem to be staring at him!

crew was scared stupid, because above the warehouse, this is where they sleep every day!

Considering that they slept with so many dead people on their backs every day, the crew rushed out of the warehouse like crazy, wanting to go to the deck to inform the others.

but the moment he rushed onto the deck, all the crew members disappeared, and the melodious singing still sounded in his ears…"


> When Lin Bei finished telling this story, Usopp and the timid Choiba were already hugging each other and curled up.

which is actually a ghost story that Lin Bei heard when he was a child, and then adapted according to the geographical location of the Devil's Triangle Sea.

I have to say that after listening to this ghost story when he was a child, Lin Bei would nervously check every day before going to bed whether there were good brothers nailed under his bedboard.


but when I grow up, I suddenly feel that the good brother in this kind of ghost story is inevitably too resentful!

every time he is nailed, he must be the protagonist's good brother, and he will never die.

now that I think about it, it's a little funny, and I'm not scared.

but he is very satisfied with the effect of telling this story, and it is estimated that when Usopp and Joba go to bed later, they will also see if there are nails under their bedboards.

Lin Bei noticed that even Solon and Yamaji's foreheads were slightly sweaty, in such a special environment, telling ghost stories, the lethality is too great!

but what Lin Bei didn't expect was that just after he finished telling this story, there was really a melodious singing voice in his ears!

"> "Yo Roar Roar ~ Yo Roar Roar ~ "

> Usopp and Joba, who were already frightened, suddenly screamed!

"Here it comes! Here it comes! "

"The song of life is coming!!"

accompanied by this song is a large tattered ship slowly floating.

that voice came from the ship!

at this time, everyone is not calm.

"Hey Lin Bei!" The story you tell won't really be true, will it! < p idx="38"> Lin Bei naturally knew that the ship and the source of that voice was Brooke.


"Of course it's true!"

the whole ship fell into a panic, Solon and Yamaji were sweating, and Robin looked a little calmer.

until, the ship floats by, and everyone sees a skeleton leaning against the boat roaring and singing Binks's wine.

People's fear often stems from the unknown, like you don't know what will happen after death.

and once you see an exploding skeleton singing, then even if this scene is really outrageous, for the outlaws of the Straw Hats, it will not be too scary.

Luffy quickly returned to normal

"Did you see that!"

skeletons are singing! "

the timid Usopp immediately shouted

"idiot!" How can a skeleton sing, this must be the evil spirit in Lin Bei's story appeared!

he wants to crucify us one by one! "

but Luffy's eyes are burning

"52"> "There are

living skeletons, it seems to go and see!"


lean me up, I'm going to go up and see! "


Luffy, you have the way to die!

"We will be cursed!!"

Lin Bei smiled badly and put his arm around Usopp

"But, this is the captain's meaning, how can we violate it?"

You're right, Usopp. "

Usopp: …

"If you say so, but you are going to be cursed…"

"> "

If you are not worried, you can go with you."

Usopp's eyes are almost popping out

"Who's going!"

"Somebody has to watch Luffy and don't let him do stupid things."

"That's your co-captain's responsibility!"

"Hey ~ Our ship is very democratic, I have a fair method, let's draw lots."

two people are selected to follow Luffy up to check on the situation. "

Luffy scratched his head

"No, I'll just go up alone."

Usopp pointed at Luffy in surprise and

shouted "Look, Captain!"

Lin Bei slapped his hand

"The captain's opinion, the dog does not listen."

Usopp: ….

didn't you just say that, bastard!!

Under Lin Bei's 'democracy', lots were finally drawn to decide who would board the ship.

"Long signature stays, short signatures go up, no problem, right?"

everyone nodded, and Lin Bei took out a handful.

Usopp did not panic at this time, and thanked Lin Bei for letting them practice domineering collectively before.

now his sights are perfect!

isn't this equivalent to touching a card!

Usopp laughed, and the first one stepped forward to draw lots, ran for a long sign and went.

"I'll smoke this."

Lin Bei smiled kindly when he saw this


> While speaking, Usopp pulled out the stick, but found that the sign was at least half shorter than what he had seen!

Usopp looked at the smiling Lin Bei, where could he not know what happened

< p idx="90" > "Lin Bei, you!"

"What's wrong?" The smile on Lin Bei's face gradually disappeared

"You wouldn't want to say that this signature is a long signature, right?"


"Then the question is, gentleman's game, you can't use sight, how do you know?"

Usopp, cheaters have to swallow a thousand needles Oh~


> Usopp was silent, he understood, this is a set.

regardless of whether the draw is long or short, he will finally get on board.

Usopp crouched aside and began to draw circles, waiting for all the sticks to be drawn….