
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 226

after which there are no cheaters, the draw ends quickly, and the lucky winner selected is another member of the League of Cowards, Nami.

both Usopp and Nami cried

"I say, you guys should choose at least one with strength to board the ship."

the two of them had a weak, helpless and pitiful little expression, which made Lin Bei sigh

"Okay, then I'll accompany you on the boat."

seeing Lin Bei accompanying him, the two were not so afraid, followed closely behind Lin Bei, and carefully boarded the dilapidated ship.

"Guian ~

It's really rude, I met just now but couldn't say hello properly.

really shocked me, I don't know how many years I haven't seen a living person.

in addition to the ghost ship or the ghost ship, it scares people to death~"


> An exploding skull in a suit, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, a purple crutch hanging from his arm, greeting several people on board very gentlemanly.

Not surprisingly, Usopp and Nami were immediately scared to cry.

Usopp even understood Brooke's words to mean that he had not seen a living person who could be killed in a long time.


Lin Bei and Luffy thought the exploding skull was cute, and even Nami was relieved to find out that this skeleton didn't seem to be aggressive.

a skeleton is afraid of the ghost ship, the contrast is great.

"I'll just say yes, the exploding skull is really talking!"

Luffy laughed

Brook looked at the laughing Luffy, Nami behind him.

the whole person, no, the whole skeleton was stunned.

looked down at what he was wearing, and quickly packed up.

and so on, the board was straightened out, and then he stepped forward and said to Nami, who was not particularly scared

"beautiful miss"

Nami swallowed her saliva, nervously


What's wrong?"

"Can I see your panties?"

At this moment, a sentence made Nami completely lose her fear.

avatar shark face kicked Brooke in the head!

Brooke was kicked directly to the ground with a meat bun on his head….

"Such a wonderful young lady, it hurts in my bones."

Ah, although I'm just a skeleton. "

Nami yelled something unpleasantly, but Luffy laughed.

this guy pokes Luffy's point!

for this, Luffy specially sent out an interview

question "Hey, are you?"

Brooke stood up and deliberately took his coffee in his hand, and then said

"Don't look at me as a skeleton, but, I can pull it."

Lin Beimo rubbed his chin

"Really, I don't believe it!"

Nami listened to this conversation and felt that she didn't know if she was crazy or this servant was

crazy< p idx="40" > "Is it time to ask this!"

Hey! Now is not the time to ask the real situation in this sea, what dangers will there be! "

Lin Bei looked at Brooke without turning

"> "I want to see how the skeleton pulls more than that kind of thing."

the Brooke people are very easygoing, scratching the explosive head and saying

"Hey~ said that it can be pulled, but in fact, I haven't pulled it for a long time."

after all, I can't eat anything often here, yo roar~"

"47"> "

It's okay, it's not a thing."

Lin Bei stared at Brooke with burning eyes, and stepped forward to directly open the jet aura.

he has seen the long meat wrap on the bone, and now he wants to know how the bones pull the blossom, does he have latsu muscles?

"Hey~hey! Ay!!! "

Brooke actually felt a long-lost poop

"What's going on!"

Sorry for the faux pas! "

Brooke quickly pounded his bones, his long legs disappeared on the deck.

After a while, when he returned, the pants on his lower body were gone, and he had replaced it with a skirt surrounded by rags.

"Ah~ What a faux pas, and I don't know what's going on, after many years, the intention suddenly surged up.

the despicable pants also died here, because it was too long and there were no clothes to change, so I had to see you like this. "

Nami hammered a fist on Lin Bei's head when she saw this


bastard, don't make this joke!"

and apologized to Brooke.

"Sorry to lose your only pants, we have new clothes on board, please change into them."

Brooke scratched his explosive head

"Yo roar, roar, what a good guy."

don't worry about what is bad for me, let me experience a long-lost squirt, which is a very novel experience for me, who has not squirted for a long time.

< P idx="65">Yo roar~" then Usopp dared to stand up


This skeleton is a bit different from the story told by Lin Bei."

how does this feel, and how is it a little cute? "

Luffy kept laughing

"Hahaha, you're so funny!"

Are you coming as my partner? "

Usopp and Nami slammed their heads helplessly, and Luffy came again.

< p idx="73"> how could

people < p idx="74" > "Okay~" "

It's too hasty!" ×2


"So, he was pulled on board by Luffy?"

Solon's brain is

bruised "Then what the hell do you want to follow Luffy for!"

isn't it just to tell Luffy not to do stupid things! "

Lin Bei shrugged

"The captain's opinion cannot be violated~"

Usopp who was pitted once beeped softly


You didn't

say that before!"

"Okay~" Linbei Dao

"Since there are new partners joining, let's have a meal together."

everyone is still very cautious about Brooke at this time, especially Sanji!

Brooke actually got on the boat and asked if he could see Robin and Nami's fat, which he wanted to ask but did not dare to ask!

Fortunately, after a meal, everyone's attitude towards Brooke eased a lot.

after all, Brooke is a gentle old skeleton, such a person has always been very easy to get along with.

After Brooke's self-introduction, everyone knows that this guy is not a ghost, just a person who has eaten the fruit of Huangquan and died once and resurrected.

the reason why he became a skeleton man is also ridiculous.

it turns out that because Brooke's soul got lost when it returned to the flesh, lost for a whole year, so he could only become a skeleton man.

but the body functions the same as normal people, you can eat, you can spray, and you can also be punched with a big bag on your head.

after understanding that this is the Devil Fruit ability, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, just not a ghost.

at this time, everyone is still a little resistant, after all, people who don't know each other, suddenly join, will be like this.

same was true when Robin joined.

but when Lin Bei said

"Remember Rab?"

the skeleton suddenly trembled, everyone did not notice, but one by one said

is it the island whale of Twin Cape?

the one that hit the red earth continent with his head? "


aren't you curious about what I said to Raab at that time to calm him down and stop hitting the Red Earth Continent?

I told him that the people who had agreed with it had not fled, but were trapped.

and that person is in the Devil's Triangle Sea. "