
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 224

The moment he tasted the orange, Lin Bei decided that this ability must be retained.

the key to this ability is also powerful firepower, an ordinary orange tree can exert such a large firepower, what if it is a more powerful plant?

like a corn cannon, the power in the game is very large, put in the pirate world, maybe it will become a real cannon.

no matter how bad it is, it has to be a small grenade canister for normal size.

and to be honest, this ability matches Usopp very well, and Usopp in the original plot played with plants in the later stage.

Although the current Usopp has changed to cannon under his influence, and has also cultivated armed color domineering, it is not in the way, and the skills are not pressing.

I don't know what task to do if I want to give Usopp this ability.

' choose to gift to a partner, Usopp'


>[Release partner mission: defeat Princess Mononoke Perona without the help of others, and can be gifted after completion.] < p idx="9"> Perona?

that dark little loli?


Lin Bei's smile gradually….

"Usopp, do you like this ability?"

Lin Bei suddenly spoke, so that Usopp didn't react for a while, but soon widened his eyes

"Of course!"

Usopp burst into tears, this version is finally my turn to strengthen me!

"But the conditions to complete it are also very serious, you should be mentally prepared."

your words may be worse than Yamaji, and death is not impossible. "

"Ah, so!

I suddenly had a disease that would kill if I completed the conditions! "

Usopp is worthy of Usopp, a first-class performance artist in Pirate World.

Solon looked at him with his shoulders folded, and the words of contempt were almost written on his face.

Yamaji lit a flue

"Aren't you going to be a warrior on the sea?"

"Warriors, you can also get sick, right?"

Usopp said, shrinking his neck.

said flatly on the north side of the forest

"There is only one chance, if you give up, there will be no next time."

"Isn't it less dangerous?"

"Do you think pie can fall from the sky?"

Yamaji kicked a few CP9s in order to complete the challenge, and he was beaten with only half a breath.

it doesn't matter if you're afraid, anyway, I see this ability very well. < p idx="33"> When he finished saying this, Usopp had no chance.

did he know the first day that the co-captain was careful?

you can't grab what I don't give you, do you dare to give you what I give you?

Usopp, I'm afraid you don't know what it is called from the deputy captain の愛!

Usopp nodded weakly, hid on the Melly, and continued to upgrade his weapons.

This has almost become Usopp's habit, whenever he senses his cowardice, he improves his weapons!

as if he could stop being cowardly as long as the firepower was large enough.

Lin Bei knew that superficial fear and cowardice were just the appearance of Usopp, and his core was bravery.

just used to the afraid and cowardly side since childhood, so he will not become brave until he is forced to do it.

so Lin Bei said that he let Usopp casually, but in fact, he had already thought about how to 'whip' Usopp later.

want to become stronger without experiencing labor pain, what good things do you want!

the ship continued to sail, and soon in the gym and observation room on the mast, Solon saw a barrel and informed everyone by radio.

everyone immediately gathered, and Usopp took a telescope and looked at it and found that it was a wooden barrel with a flag, and the flag said in front of the Seagod Imperial Treasure.

Lin Bei knew that he was about to meet the second Nanabu Sea, and from the deputy captain の愛, it was also coming.

The Straw Hats' companions fished up the bucket with their usual audacity, and the knowledgeable Robin and Nami knew that it was an offering to the god of the sea.

mostly wine and food.

As soon as he hears this, Solon opens it to taste.

but Nami tells him that he must pray to God first.

Solon was very disdainful, saying that he would not pray to some ethereal god for wine.

Lin Bei wanted to say at that time, he had never seen my Buddha's kind smile.

but it is true that their gang killed a thunder god, and then prayed to some god before drinking, which is too far-fetched.

so Luffy directly untied the rope on the barrel, opened the lid, and the result was a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops came to meet!

this is a signal flare!

simply put, the person who laid the thing marked an enemy when someone opened the barrel.

when they realized that this was a trap, everyone was immediately alert.

but people did not see one, but waited for the storm.

but with Nami's increasingly excellent sailing skills, and two extremely reliable ships, the storm is not at all, and the Straw Hats are not afraid of it.

in the shortest possible time, through the stormy area, came to a sea area covered by dark clouds, the Devil's Triangle Sea!

at first it was not clear why it was so dark during the day.

until Nami thought of something

"This won't be the sea!"

Franky followed

"Yes, that's the sea!"

Usopp: Riddler Get Out of One Piece!

"What the hell is this place?"

Frankie laughed grimly, and he began to scare the timid Usopp

"This is the legendary sea area where more than 100 ships disappear every year, the Devil's Triangle!"


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"71">"Is it because of ghosts!?"

"Hehe, yes, it's haunted here~" IDX="73″

> Luffy laughed in Usopp's ear, this smile was one year less merit, but fortunately the wooden fish kept knocking.

Usopp instantly had a layer of white sweat on his body, but he also realized that everyone might be teasing him

< p idx="75"> "How can everyone know what this place is, I don't know!"

Usopp has a brave expression of why I'm afraid of all of you, but in fact, the little deer Joba is just like him, scared and sweaty.

Usopp was just a little scared by what he said, but Choba, he really saw a ghost!

Perona's negative specter is floating behind him, revealing a head.


"79"> but he was too scared to speak, and everyone was focused on teasing Usopp, so no one noticed him.

"This thing was told to us by Granny Coco, so we know."

It is said that there are also lost skeletons here~

" Luffy said


After all, the Straw Hats have been in the capital of seven waters for a while, as a Coco Granny who has a good relationship with Iceberg and Franky, she will naturally come over to drink and chat together.

chatting about the Devil's Triangle Sea.

but when he said this, Usopp was not there, so he didn't know.

and the others seized on this and spun around to scare him one by one.

Yamaji specially drew a match in a dim environment and then illuminated his face from below with a faint fire

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"Listen, Usopp, there are also ships carrying ghosts floating around here~"


>Seeing this, Lin Bei thought for a while, everyone said, then he doesn't seem to be very gregarious if he doesn't share it.

I just wanted to scare Usopp later….

Well, it's all the same.

"Hey Usopp, let me tell you a real story about the Devil's Triangle."