
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



This was Bruno's counterattack. This was a spell in the form of a large circular wall of high-speed spinning air. The drill made contact with the circular wall and the speeds of the air inside it immediately changed its course and threw the drill to the side, in the process it even damaged the drill a little.

The nightwalker didn't give up though, he shot even more drills but just like before none of them managed to destroy the wall in front of them.

The beast realized that an attack from afar wouldn't help it, so he chose to approach the enemy.

This was the first mistake that the nightwalker had ever made.

As soon as he stopped attacking, what he saw were several firebirds that were coming his way and he was their target.

Almost all the firebirds hit him in the head and the beast found itself once more flung in the air.

After the bombardment it received, it was barely standing however, it got up and entered one last staredown with the captain of the group Bruno.

His enemy didn't seem to falter and returned the look without any fear.

With a quick leap, the beast entered the woods and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jason: Thank you si...


Before Jason could even finish his sentence the palm of his captain hit him in the face with enough force to throw him to the ground.

Jason: סּ_סּ Sir I...

Bruno: EVERYONE GATHER. Get into position, take the corpses, and put them in the second carriage.

As for you, I'll deal with you later.

Bruno: Get moving the beast will come again. KIRG!!!

Kirg: Sir yes sir.

Bruno: Good job, but this isn't over yet. I will need your help once more. My spell needs a lot of time to activate and we can't afford that anymore in a frontal confrontation. The only way for us to get alive out of this is if we trap it.

Kirg: But sir can't you drive it out again like you did before??

Bruno: Don't interrupt me, and no I can't. I already used more than half of my mana on those. If that happens one more time we are done for

Kirg: I understand sir.

Bruno: Good, We will discuss the details later, now go. WAIT, was it Stephan who...?

Kirg: Yes sir.

Bruno: I see. Carry on.

Kirg: Yes sir.

Step by step Bruno approached Stephan's corpse. Now in his mind, the only thought in his mind did not seem like it was toward one of his underlings.

Bruno(in his mind): Fool, Greed, and envy were the things that did this to you.

[2 and a half hours later]

Outside the carriage in the middle of the field Evans, Bruno, and Kirg were talking.

Kirg: Sir everything has been prepared, the men are also ready.

Bruno: Good, the beast will not let us leave the second circle. It will come for us and we will be ready for it.

Evans: Are you sure about this, Bruno?

Bruno: Do not worry young master, there will be no mistakes this time.

Evans: I am not talking about that Bruno, I want to know if we can win this time. I don't want my men to die a pointless death.

Bruno: Thank you for your consideration young master, but the beast will die today. This fight will not be a frontal one. I am planning to trap that thing and then give it the finishing blow.

Evans: So it's an immediate attack?!?!

Bruno: Well...No... But the trap will first drag the beast to the center of the trap where a deep pit has been made for it to fall into...

Evans: Can't the beast just get out of it? You know that nightwalkers are born with the ability to control the Earth right?

Bruno: Ah, you don't have to worry about that young master. We have made all the possible calculations, and our plan involves...

Kirg: CAPTAIN. The detection spell has picked up a large beast heading our way at immense speed. It's definitely the nightwalker.

Bruno: Young master, quickly enter the carriage. This will be all over very soon. Men Into position. Erect the barrier and get ready. We're going to fight this beast and we will emerge victorious. For now, you will all, listen to Kirg. If anyone disobeys him you will have to answer to me. UNDERSTAND

Everyone: Sir yes sir

Bruno: Kirg, you're in charge now I will go prepare my spell. Make sure that the beast won't leave the pit.

Kirg: Sir... I understand .. but I fear that 10 minutes will be too long for the men.

Bruno, it won't take 10 minutes.

Kirg: Huh

Bruno opened his jacket and reached inside it. From a tight but deep sleeve, he pulled something that resembled a stick with a white gem at the end of it. The gem wasn't perfect as it had an asymmetrical shape however an odd beautiful shine radiated from it.

Kirg: Is that...

Bruno: A wand. I got it a long time ago. It can be used three times altogether, and this will be my second time using it. With this, the time to cast the spell will be cut in half.

Kirg: I'm.. I'm sorry to have made you use such a precious item on us because of our mistakes.

Bruno: Don't blame yourself, it isn't your fault. Bedside this is why I got this thing in the first place.

Guard: 50 METERS till contact.

Bruno: Go, we will be relying on you from now on.

Kirg: Yes sir, understood sir.

As the beast approached everyone's anxiety skyrocketed. After all the beast had already killed 6 of them and one of them was level 23. If he died what chances did they have to survive?

Guard: ITS HERE!!!

Kirg: The first squad, prepare, we will make contact with the beast shortly. The moment the barrier breaks, immediately start supplying the trapping spell with mana. If any of you slack, you will face heavy punishments. Second squad the moment the beast enters the pit, it's your job to prevent it from escaping. There is also a piece of good news, the time we have to endure has been cut down to 5 minutes. That is all. May the goods be on our side.

[5 minutes]

Just like the guard notified very soon the beast could be seen and everyone's attention was on it, even Evans and Hana were looking. One thing that everyone noticed about the beast was that the previous scales that had been destroyed had fully regrown.

Evans(In his mind): What powerful regeneration!!!

The staredown lasted a while until the beast finally decided to attack. By using his strong legs the nightwalker went straight for the first person it saw, but as he came around 15 meters close to the guard he crashed into something. The thing was invisible and that's why he hadn't seen it when it charged but now that it was maintaining contact with it in the air could be seen ripples that revealed a dome-shaped barrier. However now that it looked closer, from the crash that happened a few cracks had appeared in the dome. After seeing this the nightwalker immediately knew that the barrier was not going to last long.

So it started to attack the barrier again.

Kirg: GET READY, when the barrier gets destroyed, immediately fuel the spell.

The second hit created even more cracks in the barrier, the third made the barrier tremble and the fourth hit completely destroyed it.

Kirg: NOW!!!!