
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

New friends (3)

And so our duo of friends leaped into action trying to claim the head of the beast and the victory of the battle. Through the win of the battle, they would rise to greater heights, becoming a disciple of the great magician Rhusad Verund and gaining the position of captain. Fame, money, women something that every man dreams about all of this is no longer out of reach to them.

Or that's how it was supposed to go

You see, both Stephan and Jason had forgotten something, or better say they had not noticed something. Throughout the whole fight, the beast had not used even one ability.

Why was that?

Did it not have any?

No, no, no. NO. It's simply because of pride. A powerful beast like it using its abilities on mere weaklings, that would be humiliating. To it, this was not a fight. This was just him playing with his prey.

BUT, if the weakling standing before it thought that they had even a single speck of dust chance of taking him down. Then he would show them true despair.

HOW DARE THEY, these weaklings look down on him.

It was time for the MASSACRE to begin.


With a quick leap, the nightwalker got away from the two attackers and took cover behind the trees. They did not provide much help in defending him. The trees acted more like a deterrent for the weak trapping spells that were coming toward him.

The nightwalker opened his mouth. Clearly, a sign he was about to use an ability.

Both Jason and Stephan saw this, but instead of taking cover, they took it as an opportunity to attack the beast. After all, when the beast attacked they would just dodge it as they had done till now.

Another mistake on their end, and this was probably the last one.

After the nightwalker opened his mouth a lump of earth was created in front of him and then it took the shape of a cone, a very large cone. But that was not all, a fire enveloped the cone, and under the heat of the fire the earth from the large size it was grow smaller and smaller. However, what was even weirder was that now it didn't even look like earth anymore. It had somehow gained a metallic shine, but even this was not the end of it.

From the point of the cone, threads started to form all over its body, by now it didn't even look like a cone anymore it resembled more closely to a drill than anything else.

This may have been a long process and it's natural to think that it took a long time to activate but that wasn't the case at all. From the beginning till the end, the activation of the ability didn't take more than a second to be completed.

After the drill was completed an explosion happened at the end of it which propelled the drill forward at a mind-breaking speed. As for where the murder weapon was headed, it was of course going toward its enemies.

The enemies, Jason and Stephan were currently preparing an attack, as they didn't see the need to defend themselves. Their belief was that they could deal with whatever the beast threw at them. That, however, wasn't the case, especially when your enemy is a 'Horned Nightwalker'

Stephan(In his mind): If we can get the beast's eyes this fight will get a whole lot easier. But Jason's attacks are for wide areas, not suitable for something like this. So in the end it is left up to me. Typical.


Stephan(In his mind): Ha, Ha, Ha look at it. It's actually seeking cover behind some trees, pathetic. When I kill it everyone will see that it was I who should have become a disciple and not that fool Vogon.

Stephan(in his mind): So it's preparing an attack huh, not bad for a coward. And it's actually aiming for me too. Well, let's see what you got, HUH what the hell is that??!!


Stephan: SHIT!!!!!!

The drill was shot and Stephan was its target. With its extreme speed, Stephan had no chance to evade it, with its defense also down there was nothing that could get in the way of the drill to protect him.

Time seemed to slow down for a moment. The drill made contact with his chest, right below his throat. It had absolutely no difficulty going through it, piercing the skin, the meat, and the bones that were in its way.

What was left in the end was a huge hole in its chest where you could see through.

The legs couldn't support the body anymore, so it fell down on the ground. The eyes that were full of life had now lost their shine, and in his face were imprinted the emotions of shock and fear of death.

Jason: STEPHAN!!!! No, No, No, this can't be happening.

Oh, but it was, and it was only the beginning. The mad beast was now looking at the dead body with a disgusting grin, plastered on its face as if it was saying: "That's what you get, ant". Now that he had killed one it was time for the other one. However this time it didn't use its ability, it seemed to think that the opponent wasn't worthy of its ability.

Humiliating, but true. Jason couldn't possibly defend against that ability.

With another quick leap, the nightwalker managed to close the distance between him and Jason

Jason(In his mind): No it... It can't end like this.

Because Jason was distracted by the death of his friend he was not able to react in time to the attack and now his death was assured...


A huge fireball flew past Jason and hit the side of the beast, which threw it several meters back. The owner of the spell? KIRG

Kirg: RUN you idiot

Kirg had just saved Jason from certain death, but it wasn't over. It was now he who was the primary target of the beast.

The nightwalker leaped into the air and with his claws tried to kill Kirg, but this time it did not go as planned. Just as he stepped foot near Kirg the earth under his feet started to shine and then another explosion happened, which threw the beast once again several meters back.

Kirg: JASON, Wake up the captain, the mines won't buy us much time.

Jason: OK.

Bruno was in a deep state of concentration, the spell he was preparing took a very long time to activate however its power made up for this huge flaw. The spell required the caster to clear the mind from every distraction possible otherwise it would break midway, but this left the caster of the spell very vulnerable to outside elements, in the middle of a battle this is the .middle this is the best way to get yourself killed. Bruno trusted his team, they had never failed him before and he didn't believe they would fail him this time either.

His trust this time however had unfortunately been misplaced. In the middle of the spell, he felt something disturbing him, it was a hand, no two hands. He tried to block the interface but it was useless, the spell was already beginning to break apart.

Bruno: WHO THE HEEE...

Jason: Sir, please save us!!!

When these words reached his ears he finally saw what was going on around, and the first thing he saw was Kirg barely evading the attacks of the nightwalker. This immediately caused a shift in his mood, from angry to irrationally calm.

Bruno: Firebird

From his hand, a circle was rotating and immediately after that a huge bird, about 2 meters, came into existence. It was fully made from flames so hot it burned the grass beneath it without even touching it. With incredible speed, it shot through the air and hit the beast's head creating a huge explosion upon impact. From the explosion, both the beast and Kirg were thrown back, but Kirg wasn't nearly as damaged as the beast. After the explosion most of the scales on his head had fallen off and the meat inside could be seen, it must have been quite the painful feeling, but the nightwalker seemed reluctant to leave, his pride didn't allow him to do that and so he tried once more.

This time however he used his ability.