
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Final battle(1)

At his command, all 10 guards in unison channeled all their mana to fill the circle.

This act confused the beast, as he was trying to kill them but they weren't even trying to retaliate. Well, whatever, this just meant that he would finish sooner with this.

Unfortunately for the beast, the humans weren't just doing nothing, in fact, they were doing something that would decide the flow of the battle and he should have attacked when he had the chance. Why?

Well, as soon the barrier broke from the earth five metallic-looking tentacles came out and all of them immediately sprung for the beast's limbs. However the nightwalker with its quick reaction moved quickly out of the way, but the tentacles still continued to chase after it. The beast tried many things like jumping, cutting them, or even straight up burning them with flames but nothing worked. No matter how much damage the tentacles suffered they always regrew and continued to chase after it. It was basically impossible to get rid of them.

[4 minutes]

The nightwalker was a smart beast and realized that if it couldn't destroy the things that were chasing it, it would just destroy the thing that made them. This however proved to be quite tricky, because if it stopped attacking the

humans the tentacles would immediately catch up to it. And if it wanted to get closer to the humans it would have to go through the tentacles which was even more difficult to do. But it had to choose something as it couldn't go on running forever and its pride did not allow it to flee once again.

And its final choice was to get closer to the humans and then kill them.

Killing them was easy but getting there...Not so much. The first thing he had to do was to locate the one controlling the spell, and that was not difficult as the controller could be differentiated quite easily. His eyes were locked onto it and in his hands were in two rotating circles, plus The movement of his hands matched the movements of the tentacles while the others had just put their hands together and were not moving at all.

For those who haven't figured it out yet the controller of the spell was of course Kirg.

Now that the beast had identified the one controlling the spell, it needed to take him out. By using zig-zag jumps the nightwalker was making it very difficult for Kirg to keep up with it, and with each jump, it was getting closer to him.

[3 minutes]

Kirg: Come on, come on. Just stay still for a second (I just need something to distract it, even for just a second). Wait... JASON!!!!

Jason: Huh, eh, YES?!

Kirg: Don't "eh" me and attack that thing.

Jason: But, the captain gave me orders to protect the young master.


Evans: Go, Jason...

Jason: OK, What do you want me to do?


Jason: Fireball, Fireball, Fireball.

The 3 fireballs were launched and were just about to hit the target but at the critical moment, a wall of earth rose from the earth, making the fireballs explode thus stopping them.

Jason: Damn

Kirg: TRY AGAIN, damn it

And so Jason started to shoot fireballs, though this time he did not continue to shoot them continuously Instead he tried to coordinate them with the tentacles but the fireballs were still missing.

Jason: Kirg I got an idea. I'm going to use a spell that's going to send the beast in the air. Since it won't be able to move you can catch it then.

Kirg: OK, but hurry up!

[2 minutes]

Jason: Steam explosion

From the left hand, a red circle emerged, and from the right one a blue one both circles were growing larger and larger but the red one outpaced the blue one, showing JJason'smastery over fire spells. Once the circles stopped they started to fuse with each other and created a gray circle in the process, than in front of it, a small ball of a diameter of 50 cm came out.

The ball was shot toward the beast, but because of its slow speed, it wasn't a real threat to him and so with a quick jump up it evaded it.

Jason: Got'chu bitch!!! EXPLOSION

At that moment, the small ball under the nightwalker exploded. The strong push from the compressed air flung the beast into the air, successfully detaching it from the earth.

Jason: KIRG!!!

The shut was supposed to notify Kirg to move, but he ... he didn't need to be told that. He acted as soon as the ball was under the beast and at the moment when the beast was launched in the air the tentacles were already on their way to trap it.

One by one the tentacles wrapped around the nightwalker's legs and neck. The strength of their grip was immense and no matter how hard the beast struggled t to get out the tighter the grip got.

Well if a spell took an hour to be set, it better be a good one.

Slowly, bit by bit the beast was being dragged towards the the pit. But this was definitely not easy, as the nightwalker used every ability it had to break free. It made walls of earth so it hung to something, the drills to cut the tentacles and even breathed fire onto them to hopefully melt them. But nothing happened, the tentacles that got damaged just regrew. And since attacking the tentacles didn't didn't do anything it started to attack the guards. Thus forcing Kirg to waste energy to move the beast's head so the drill wouldn't kill anyone. This also slowed the process by a lot, but in the end he succeeded in dragging the beast in the pit.

Kirg: Firing squad, get ready when I drag it down take control of the earth. I repeat DO NOT LET THE BEAST TAKE CONTROL OF THE EARTH.

Everyone: Yes sir.

See, mana acts as a controller of the environment. In a fight controlling the environment is a huge boost, as it is easier to control the already existing matter than create your own matter through mana. In a large area this is no problem as there is enough matter for both fighters, but for a small place like the pit.. things are different. The one

Controlling the environment had the advantage because it wastes less mana,

So right now the nightwalker has two choices, try to fight for control of the environment or use abilities that are dependent on the environment. However, one choice is clearly better than the other understanding the position the beast had found itself in. That is, of course, taking control over the environment, and with its better understanding of earth mana, it was sure to win the battle for control.

But not really.

Although the nightwalker had the advantage of better control, the guards had bigger mana reserves, which means that both sides were relatively equal. So right now the one who got control of the environment was most likely to win the fight. Why?

Well, the one who controls the environment uses less mana than the one creating their own matter to use. Secondly controlling the environment gives much better control over the fight itself.

However, although the power between the fighters was the same, the nightwalker still found himself on the losing end because the guards were the ones who reacted faster. They took control of the environment as soon as the

nightwalker approached them, and this gave them the edge. Meaning that the fight just got a whole lot harder for the nightwalker.

The fight went on for a while as the beast and the guards traded blows with each other. The attacks were not very powerful from either side. Because the beast's head was restricted by Kirg it used wide-area attacks like fire breathing, but since it was too far from the guards it didn't really do much. On the other hand, the guard's attacks weren't powerful enough to harm it. The fighters had found themselves in a stalemate once again.

[1 minute]