
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Final battle(2)

Guard: Sir, we are getting closer to depleting all our mana!!

Kirg: HOLD ON!! Just a bit more, the captain will be done.

The fight for control was still ongoing, and the beast was not doing too well. It was now clear who the winner was.

Or is it? [Enter Vsauce theme here]

Everything started when one of the lower-level guards could not hold on anymore. The change of the mana output to the spell made the speed of the tentacles change. This may not sound like something significant but that little change in speed disrupted the flow of battle, and in that little time the beast took the opportunity to make an attack.

The nightwalker quickly created a drill and then shot towards the guards. But the nightwalker was in a very bad

position, firstly it was at the end of the pit so the room where he had to shoot the drill was very small but also it was restricted by the tentacles so it had to exhaust itself to get into the right position to shoot the drill.

So the drill was let go and was headed for one of the guards, It hit him but unfortunately for the beast, it did not kill him, however, it did chop off his leg though, and this was enough to give it a considerable time to move.

Guard: AGHH!!!

Kirg: SHIT!

With another person out of the team, the bast was slowly gaining control over the field. With little control over the environment, it made a few spikes out of earth at the entrance to the pit. Since the spikes were created outside of his view they weren't pointed at anyone in particular but someone was bound to get hit since they were close to the guards. Most of the spikes that were launched missed while others defended them, but there was one that succeded, this spike, in particular, was aimed at one of the mages in charge of fueling the spell. The spike hit him head-on, and since the guard was preoccupied with fueling the mana it didn't have enough time to react to the attack and therefore took full damage. The spike hit him in the chest and knocked him out, however, he was lucky enough to survive.

With another man down the speed and power of the tentacles fell once more. And with this other opportunity before him, the beast quickly reacted. It immediately tried to climb out of the pit, but that's just how it looked, the nightwalker in fact just wanted to gain enough height to take a clear shot with the drill, and because of the recent events it got the opportunity to do so.

From the mouth of the beast a drill was shot once again, the difference this time was that it hit its target perfectly. It seems that the guard this time was not as lucky as the others. The drill hit him directly on his stomach and went right through it, ultimately killing the guard.

Kirg: Oh, no. RUN!!!

When the guards heard this they immediately ran away. The only ones who didn't move were the injured guard and the unconscious one. But even they were saved as the other guards came to their rescue. They used some air spells to get them out of there within a short time.

Now that everyone had abandoned their position the beast was free to do whatever it wanted. In its ears, the bells of freedom and victory were already ringing, together with another thing.


Raising its head towards the sky the nightwalker saw something weird. In the blue sky another shiny ball like the one that always comes and goes was hanging there. But it was not exactly the same, this one was smaller and less shiny but the thing that differenced it the most from the other one was that this one was falling towards it.


A huge explosion that enveloped an area of at least 20 meters happened. The explosion was so strong that it could be seen and heard from kilometers away.

Everyone near the explosion was flung back away at high speeds even causing a few serious injuries to some.

The mess that was created was astronomical, there was dust everywhere and it took the guards at least 15 minutes to clear the area even with air control spells. However, that was unimportant what everyone was anxious about was the beast. Had it died, or would they have to say their last prayers before leaving this realm?

Guard: Is it dead?

The question was like an alarm for everyone, waking them up from their trance.

Bruno was also curious, but not so much anxious, it seems he had a lot of confidence in himself. He approached the crater he created and looked inside it. From there only the skeleton of the beast could be seen and nothing else.

Bruno: Hmm. You weren't as tough after all, now were you?

[Preaty tough words from someone who almost died to the beast.]

Kirg: Sir!?

"It's dead," said Bruno with the calmest and most unimpressed voice one has ever heard.


Kirg: Alright you heard the captain, hurry up.

Evans: So.. We get to live another day, that's nice.

Bruno: Young master!! I gave my word that I would protect you with my life. The beast was going to die, one way or another EVEN IF IT MENT THAT I HAD TO SACIRIFICE MY SELF.

Evans: Alright, alright! Don't go crazy on me now!

Bruno: Ha, Ha, Ha.

Guard: SIR! The detection device has picked up another beast headed for us.

Bruno: EVERYONE IN POSITION!! Young master, the carriage NOW! Everyone PREPARE FOR IMPACT!!

After hearing his voice all the guards let go of what they were doing and got in position. Many had a face full of despair knowing that their death was approaching but they couldn't do anything to stop it does that to you. After all, they had just faced a beast of that level and bearly got alive, not to mention that some of their lifelong friends had died today because of the beast. If they barely beat it when they were at full power, what chances did they have now where their strength is at their lowest?

Everyone was in a position to accept one, that being Eliot.

Bruno: LIOT what are you doing, get in position!!

Eliot: Ahh...Sir.....


Eliot: But.. But Sir, the spell says that the beast heading our way is most likely a level 10 beast!!!


Slowly step by step Buno approached Eliot, he stood in front of him without saying anything, then put his hand on his shoulder.

Bruno: Good job, Eliot. Good job.

[Eliot was beaten up that day. Abbachio style]

Bruno: False alarm everyone. Get back to your work. Also, kill the beast that is heading for us.

Evans: NO!

Bruno: Sir..?

Evans: This is a great opportunity. Now that Hana has seen how terrifying the beast is she won't feel any remorse

towards them. And with this beast heading towards us she can finally fight one and have the will to kill it.

Bruno: But sir Lv 10? Isn't that a bit too high for the young miss?!

Evans: Nonsense. Hana, dear come here for a bit.

Hana: Coming. Why did you call me?

Evans: You know, I've been thinking. I and Jakson hunted our first beast when we were just 9 years old, so I think that it's time for you to also hunt your first beast, and since we are already here why not do it today? Fortunately, there is a beast headed this way as we speak.

Hana: WHAT!!! But.. But.. I Cant

Evans: It's okay. I'm here and we will deal with it together, okay. What do you say? Just imagine how happy mom and dad will be when you tell them. Come on. For mom and dad?

Hana: Alright(Snif). For mom and dad.

Evans: Great, let's plan about what to do. Eliot notify us when the beast gets here.

Eliot: Yes, sir.

[15 minutes later]

Eliot: Sir the beast has arrived. Only 20 meters away.

Evans: Alright, thank you, Eliot. Hana, are you ready? Remember the plan and everything will be alright.

Hana: I guess!?

Eliot: 15 meters, 10 meters. Sir the beast is here.

Evans: I got it, Eliot. Thank you. Alright like we practiced, firstly...Wait. ELIOT there is nothing here.

Eliot: Huh? The device says it's definitely here. The beast is standing right in front of y...?

Huh, I don't understand, it should be there!!

Bruno: Don't bother, it's most likely a chameleon.

Hana: A CHAMELEON!!!!??