
Pacific Rim: Anubis

Ink_Verse · Movies
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3 Chs

Coyate Tango

Cloning or certain genetic experiments were illegal, but since I am in a location that nobody knows exactly, I can do as I please.

The person lying on the bed was me... well, a clone of me, and the first prototype of my mission was about to be created.

"Yes, you can begin," I answered as multiple screens appeared before me showing all the information I needed to know about the clone.

Several holographic screens showed his vitals, brain activity, etc. This procedure had to work, so I focused entirely on the screens as Atlas began the transplant.

The robotic arms got to work as the clone was placed under anesthesia, and soon they began to cut open its back.

An entire hour passed before the main transplant began, and I was still watching the clone's vitals. After all, this was the main part.

A robotic arm picked up a small backpack-sized device and inserted it into the hole in the clone's back.

With that, several smaller robotic arms rose from the bed and began helping to attach the device into the clone's back.

With absolute precision, nerve after nerve was connected, and after several hours, the device was attached perfectly into the clone's back.

"All vitals are stable. Brain activity remains normal... connection is stable!" I said nervously while patiently watching the monitors before me.

This was one of the most important parts of the entire procedure. If there was even a slight mishap, then I would have to restart the entire experiment again.

That would also mean that millions of dollars would have gone to waste.

"It's waking up."

I noticed a reduction in brain activity, meaning that its dreams had come to an end. True to my words, I could see the clone begin to move from behind the glass that almost instantaneously turned black, blocking my view of the clone.

The purpose of this was simply because a clone might not take it too well to learning that it is a clone, and the circumstances here made it very obvious who was the clone.

The clone was implanted with made-up memories to make it think it was a normal human, and Atlas would serve him as though he were me until our testing period is over.

As I initially said, what I was doing here was highly unethical. With the fake memories implanted into the clone, it was basically human and had all its basic human rights, which I am pretty sure I was breaking every single one.

The clone will be closely monitored under the pretense that it was under house arrest for some crime.

It will interact with characters in a foolproof story that many authors had helped me create and refine online. Atlas had also reviewed said story and helped to straighten it out even better.

In simple terms, the clone will live in a completely simulated environment and interact with characters that Atlas will portray, each with their own history and relationship with the clone.

All this effort was taken so that nothing would go wrong. The procedure seemed to have worked as it was intended to work, and though the long-term effects hadn't been determined yet, the clone still had abilities way beyond what any human could muster.

As soon as the glass turned black, the show had begun. For the next few months, I would be the mystery and evil observer.

Since the show had begun, I left the area and returned to the main lab to continue watching him and preparing other things for the future.


The Shatterdome - The Pan Pacific Defense Corps

Several Jaegers could be seen inside the massive workshop that was called a headquarters. Engineers and other personnel could be seen all around the facility, either repairing the machines that were damaged by Kaiju attacks or scrapping the ones that were beyond repair.

The entire facility was alive as Jaeger and Kaiju parts alike were moved around the facility. The facility worked hard to repair as many Jaegers for future battles and to even get some ready for battle.

At the moment, two pilots could be seen getting suited up as they prepared to board their Jaeger. The two wore a weird armor that hugged their bodies tightly, with various engineers helping them.

"So, what are we up against this time?" one of them asked.

"A Category II. You think Coyote Tango can handle that?" the engineer replied.

"Pfft, easy. You ready for this, buddy?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," the other pilot answered as they collected their helmets from the engineers that were helping them suit up.

"Then let's do this," the pilot said as he and his partner began walking towards their Jaeger.

Soon they were in the cockpit and already mounted to the harnesses required. With that done, the Jaeger head was reattached to its body as the two pilots prepared for the neural handshake.

"All systems are stable; pilots, please prepare for neural handshake," a voice said through the comms.

"Ahh, Ivan, you're still here? I thought you would be on your honeymoon by now," one of the pilots said.

"I would be, but the Kaiju is over there. Neural handshake in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1," Ivan said as the two pilots felt something draw them towards each other.

Memories flashed through their minds, each viewing the other's memories, and soon all that remained was silence and the Jaeger.

The two pilots felt as though they were one, each one manipulating one side of the Jaeger, and in a way, they could be classified as one.

"Handshake is strong and stable as always... now go clear my honeymoon spot!" Ivan shouted in excitement through the comms.

"How about you tell us the exact location so we can leave you a present?"

"Ah, nice try. Coyote Tango, please proceed to the hangar for transportation."

"Will do," the two responded as they began piloting the massive machine towards the hangar.

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