
Online Games The Starting Buff Increases A Hundred Times!

Story of: Online games: The starting buff increases a hundred times! Chen Mo returned from rebirth and awakened the only SSS-level talent [Infinite Halo]! As long as you get the buff, you can get a hundredfold increase! And the buff duration is automatically converted to permanent and cannot be dispelled! Ever since... get double experience buff! A direct increase of a hundred times! Get the attack power bonus buff! A direct increase of a hundred times! Get the cooldown reduction buff! The direct cooling CD reduction is 0! Get the invincible buff! Directly invincible! From then on... an invincible strongman emerged from the sky! Suppress everything! ! !

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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112 Chs

Chapter 39

Chapter Thirty-Nine [Beelzebub's Imaginary Body (Mythical Level)] !!

this amplification effect....

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched for a moment.

What the hell is it to increase the success rate by 300%, that is, not to add another effect???

shook his head ... Chen Mo turned off the BUFF status bar interface.

Although the direction of the increase is a bit off, with this BUFF, coupled with his super high defense, it is estimated that even if the divine beast body appears, it may not be able to impress itself.

At this moment, the system prompt appeared again.

[System message: In 10 seconds, the Evil Demon Priest will descend, please prepare all players to protect.] ]








The 10 seconds passed in a flash, and a huge portal appeared in the middle of the square.

Then, from the portal, a medieval pirate ship appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

Its bow ... Hull... Until the entire hull appeared in the square, the whole ship was floating in the air.

Chen Mo looked up and saw a figure standing above the bow of the boat.

[Demon Priest (Epic)

] Level: 30 Level: Epic

Health: 500000/500000 Attack: 3000-3200 Defense: 1000




Warcraft Summon] [Weakened Strength] [Demon Bondage] [Demon Curse] [Weakened Physique] [Advanced Dispersal].

Introduction: A priest who traveled from the demon world mastered the forbidden curse magic, which is very terrifying.


When Chen Mo looked at the Demon Priest, the Demon Priest was also observing him.

"Weak humans, come and taste the taste of the demon curse..." The

words landed, and he suddenly waved the scepter in his hand towards Chen Mo.

The next moment... I saw a green light flash above the scepter, and then one after another cursed light shot towards Chen Mo at an extremely fast speed.

[System message: You have been hit by the power weakening, your divine guardian has been activated, and the power weakening state has disappeared. [System

message: You have been bound by demons, your god protection has been activated, and the state of ghost bondage has disappeared. [

System message: You have been hit by the Demon Curse, your Divine Blessing Guardian has been activated, and the Demon Curse status has disappeared. [System

message: You have been weakened, your divine guardian has been activated, and the weakened state has disappeared. ]


Almost all of the skills of the demon priests are curse skills.

If an ordinary player encounters him, before he starts fighting, his attributes will be reduced, and at this time, the mentality of most players is likely to have exploded.


Due to the influence of the Divine Blessed Guardian BUFF, Chen Mo is immune to all curses or controls the BUFF.

In other words, in the process of fighting Chen Mo, most of the skills of the demon priest were directly destroyed.

At the same time....

At the moment when the curse hit Chen Mo, the demon priest was also countered by Chen Mo.

He is affected by the Blood Mist suit curse BUFF, which reduces movement speed/attack speed/casting speed by 40%.

Sensing a curse power, the demon priest said to himself with contempt in his eyes: "Xingchen also wants to compete with Haoyue, and this low-level curse also wants to affect me?"

[Advanced Dispersal]A

moment later... The light dissipated.

The Demon Priest's face showed an incredulous expression.

"Why is the curse still there, how is this possible?" "

In that case..."

After the failure of the high-level dispersal, the demon priest's face was fierce, and he seemed to have made a great determination.

He stretched out his right hand, bit his thumb fiercely, and smeared the blood on his forehead.

[Blood Curse Redemption]

Immediately afterwards, a bright red light burst out from his forehead, and the light enveloped the Demon Priest's whole body, looking very strange.

After a while... The blood dispersed.

This time, the Demon Priest's already pale face turned much paler again.

This is the price that needs to be paid for unleashing the blood curse for salvation.

And yet....

At this time, his expression seemed to be a ghost.

"What kind of curse is this, is it a sage-level curse, why can't I dispel it with blood curse redemption?"

the demon priest's expression gradually became hideous.

"But... As long as I kill you, the curse will be broken.

After saying that, he raised his staff, and after a spell.

A huge six-pointed star teleportation array appeared above the deck, and a phantom shadow appeared in the teleportation array.

The phantom gradually solidified, and a demon with two sharp horns on his head and a serrated double knife walked out from the teleportation array.

Seeing this demon, Chen Mo directly threw a probing technique over.


[Beelzebub's Fictional Body (

Mythical Level)] Level: 30

Level: Mythical Health

: 200W/200W Attack: 10W-11W Defense: 5000

Skill: [Sacrifice Demon] [Painful Calamity] [Double Cross Slash] [Demon Recovery] [Damage Absorption] [Demon Instinct].

Introduction: The virtual body of the seven sins and demons, due to the restrictions of the seven gods, under normal circumstances, the demon can not appear outside the demon world, but can only appear in the form of a virtual body, the virtual body has the ability to part of the demon body, kill the virtual body, the demon body will also be harmed.


After Beelzebub's virtual body came out, he looked around and looked unkind.

"Who summoned me out and disturbed my meal. "

The originally arrogant demon priest has become extremely humble at this time.

"Honorable Lord Beelzebub, it is your humble servant who has asked for your help, please help me to destroy the vile bedbug in front of me, and I will offer a hundred human beings for your enjoyment. He

didn't show any disrespect because it was just a virtual body.

Beelzebub was still quite satisfied with the attitude of the demon priest, and he stood on the deck looking down at Chen Mo standing in front of the fire phoenix cub, his brows furrowed.

You summoned my virtual body to deal with a level 10 human?" The

demon priest broke into a cold sweat in the face of Beelzebub's questioning.

"Respected Lord Beelzebub, he is not an ordinary level 10 human, and the curse he unleashed on me cannot even be dispelled by the blood curse.

Beelzebub was about to speak.

Chen Mo couldn't stand it below, if he didn't have a flying mount now, he would have flown up to kill these two guys.

"You two are finished pretending, and when you are finished, hurry down."

"Arrogant!" Beelzebub's gaze was cold.

Then the hull sank slightly, and Beelzebub jumped directly from the deck.

"Boom!" Where

Beelzebub treads, the slabs and bricks on the ground shattered layer by layer, stirring up countless dust.

"Weak human being, you will pay for your stupidity and arrogance..."

Before the words fell, Chen Mo slashed directly with a sword.

