
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The Irresistible Offer

As the commotion continued, the pirates discussed the unexpected emergence of another mythical zoan. They marveled at the prospect of becoming stronger and envisioned Captain Kaido ascending to the throne of the Pirate King.

A seasoned pirate who frequented trained all year round, despite likely having a power level of less than 2,000, was elated at the thought of being promoted from a trainee to an official crew member after this test.

"Mythical Zoans are incredibly rare. The fact that one has appeared within our Hundred Beasts Pirates is a sign that our strength will only grow. Captain Kaido is bound to become the Pirate King," one pirate exclaimed.

"That Mythical Zoan was so formidable that it caused such a stir just by activating its Devil Fruit ability. I'm still in awe," another chimed in.

"If 50% strength equals 50,000 Dao power, imagine having 100% power. It could be 100,000 Dao power or more. Mythical Zoan are incredibly potent, effectively boosting our strength tenfold!" The pirates were full of excitement and optimism for the future.

Sebastian, standing on the stage, canceled his transformation and realized that he could now use Cero and Bala without transforming into the Black Winged Demon. These abilities were at his complete command, ready to be unleashed at will.

As the test concluded, the pirates dispersed one by one. Sebastian approached Page and whispered in his ear, his voice barely audible.

"Don't forget your promise. I'll give you two days, preferably tonight."

Page's expression twitched, clearly conflicted.

"Your really has ulterior motives for my sister!" he thought, feeling uneasy about the prospect of a rendezvous tonight.

"Tonight?" Page pondered, determined to set the meeting during the day.

Sebastian suddenly asked, "Do you want to become stronger?"

Page responded eagerly, "Of course I want to become stronger! Who wouldn't want to become stronger?"

In the world of pirates, strength was the key to achieving one's desires, from common folks to sea emperors. Page respected power, and he believed that with strength, he could shape his destiny.

Sebastian smiled mysteriously and hinted, "I can give you a chance once you fulfill your promise."

Page couldn't help but feel a sense of conspiracy at play. "Why do I feel like you have a hidden agenda?"

"How could that be?" Sebastian replied, his tone seemingly innocent.


As night descended, darkness blanketed the land. Page and Ulti were having dinner together, and he offered her a glass of water with a smile. "Sister, have some water."

Ulti, trusting her brother, took the glass without hesitation and drank it all.

She teased him, "Ah, little Page is growing up. I know you love your sister."

As Ulti enjoyed the water, Page swallowed nervously and thought, "Sister, I didn't do this on purpose. While Sebastian may seem a bit devious, he should have a decent character and wouldn't harm you."

Unbeknownst to Ulti, Page had secretly added a drug to the water, capable of bringing down even the mightiest of creatures. It wasn't toxic, but rather it had a hypnotic effect, causing drowsiness.

In truth, Page had no intention of deceiving his sister. The two had grown up depending on each other, and he would rather endure pain than let Ulti suffer. However, Sebastian had presented him with an offer he couldn't refuse.

"With the talents that you and your siblings possess, becoming a top powerhouse is a daunting endeavor. You should be well aware of it. Those who stand at the pinnacle of the sea are all extraordinary. They exhibited immense talent from a young age, enabling them to rule the sea, become the Pirate Emperor, or rise to the rank of Marine Admiral."

"But sadly your potential is limited," Sebastian stated with a grave expression. "Ulti's potential is slightly higher than yours, but it's still very limited. I can change all of this for you, as long as you keep your promise."

Sebastian's words held a sense of sincerity that was hard to dismiss. Page, despite his initial doubt, found himself believing in Sebastian's proposition. His newfound resolve was driven by a desire to grow stronger, not just for himself but to protect Ulti and help her become stronger too. What mattered most to him was that he didn't perceive any malevolence in Sebastian's eyes.

"I may not understand your true intentions, but as long as they don't harm my sister, I won't stand in your way," Page silently pledged to himself.

Half an hour later, the medicine began to take effect, and Ulti yawned, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

"Page, I'm going to bed now," she mumbled.

"Sure, get some rest," Page replied, his thoughts tinged with uncertainty. Once Ulti had returned to their home and dozed off, he made his way to Sebastian's residence to inform him.

Sebastian, who hadn't rested yet, immediately took notice of Page's arrival, and a subtle grin played on his lips. "The first experimental subject has arrived. Let's see how your luck holds up, Page."

As per the system's workings, the transformation of a Devil Fruit into a mythical zoan was largely dictated by luck. It took the existing Devil Fruit ability and extended it to match a similar Mythical zoan species. For instance, if Sebastian aimed to modify Enel's Thunder Fruit, the resulting zoan species would likely possess thunder-based abilities. The mythical zoans also had their own strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, the system wouldn't transform Devil Fruits into excessively weak mythical zoans, ensuring that each remained formidable in its own right.

Page knocked on Sebastian's door.

"Come in!" Sebastian beckoned.

The door creaked open, and Page entered, his face concealed beneath a hood.

"I'm here to fulfill my promise, and I hope you weren't deceiving me," Page declared with determination.

"No need to worry. After tonight, both of you will experience a transformation," Sebastian assured him with a mysterious smile.

"Let's head to your place."

Under the cover of night, the two set out on a secluded path. Page's nerves were palpable, his anxiety mingling with anticipation as he wondered about Sebastian's method for achieving strength.


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