
One Piece Spin Off: Journey of Captain Jagger

If you like action, adventure and One Piece, read this!!

JoshTheWritor · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Monsters Of The Sea

I woke up one morning a few days later, my mind still groggy with sleep, I felt the ship shake with fury. Racing over to the edge of the ship I saw something unthinkable, it was Scylla! I was frozen in place for a moment as I looked at the ugly beast, the stories were true about her, she had the midsection of a woman and the bottom of a monster.

" I didn't realize we were so close to the water, David must have lowered us down on autopilot last night." I thought.

I knew i had to alert the others if they weren't already coming up here,

"Battle Stations! It's the sea monster Scylla!! Battle stations!" I screamed.

I drew my blade and began my attack,

"Dark Style: Black Lightning Thrust!"

As i thrusted my blade forward a bolt of black lightning came forth and struck the monster, but it had little effect, it only seemed to aggravate her. Soon after everyone came up and began launching attacks, they had little to no effect on her.

I stopped attacking and spoke,

"David, get the ship out of her reach and keep it moving, then come back here. We're attacking her close up." I said.

"Yes sir." He said racing away.

"The rest of you, keep your eye out for Charybdis, they always come in pairs of those two. While David and I deal with her, if we run into them I need you all to defend the ship." I said.

"Roger that." They all replied.

I just stood there watching the monster, its beady black eyes trained on my every movement. I figured if she follows my movements alone, if I let David follow me, I'd be putting him in danger. Once he came back i gave him new orders,

"Stay on board, she's here for me. I don't want to put you in danger." I said.

"Captain, let me help you!" He barked.

"No, she's after me." I said, grabbing the edge of the ship and jumping off it.

I channeled my darkness into my feet, then spread it. That caused my darkness to create a tiny platform when I landed, stunting the blow on my feet. Now we were face to face, the monster's beady black eyes still trained on every move I made. I didn't dare move, my mind plotting out every course of action I could take.

"Dark Style: Tempest of Blades" I thought.

My darkness began to swirl around me, forming a random assortment of swords and bladed weapons. It rapidly began firing at the monster, distracting it, which gave me a chance to look for its weak point. I stood there watching as the monster deflected every blade with relative ease, but I also noticed it was protecting its neck. If I could separate its head from its body I could destroy the beast, but my only problem was how to do that. Then I had a plan, if i combined Dark Zone with my Achlys strike i could end this in one blow. The real question is whether or not I had the stamina and concentration to pull off such moves in close succession.

"Tsk… Only one way to find out.."I said aloud.

I then began to emit a small amount of my darkness, then I lathered my blade in as much darkness as I could spare and charged her. She tried to stop me, stabbing and slashing at me with all her could muster but my Dark zone alerted me which gave me just enough time to dodge. I rapidly advanced, my mind focused solely on my sword's destination. Could feel my darkness getting weaker so I knew I had to finish this quickly. I sprang up, raced along her sea green arm and sliced her head clean off.

"Dark Style: Secret Technique: Achlys Strike"

In a flash of black mist her head was sliced off, and her monstrous face was contorted nto a face of absolute regret and terror, her beady black eyes thick with fear. I had killed her, I knew that when I saw her body begin to turn to ash and flew away into the open sea. I looked around and saw the ship, it was floating a ways away. I was about to launch myself back up towards the ship when I felt something sucking me into the ocean. I knew what was happening, it was Charybdis, he was sucking me in like I was some kind of ship. I couldn't launch myself up, or move at all. My feet were planted to my darkness platform that I made, but if I got rid of it I'd fall into Charybdis's mouth, which was right under my feet.

If I fell into the beast's mouth I'd have a tough time getting out, but the suction power only got stronger so I knew I had no other choice but to go into the beast gut. I dismantled my darkness and fell into the monster's gaping mouth, I fell and fell until my feet thudded against something soft and squishy. I knew I was deep in the beast's stomach, I could plainly see around me all of the ships and skeletons that lay inside this beast. I slowly walked around, looking for a soft point in the beast's flesh, but all I saw was thick cartilage and hard bone. I couldn't pierce it, it was too thick or too hard for my sword. I kept walking and walking, it seemed like this beast's organs would go on forever. I saw something bronze in the distance so I raced over and saw that it was a ring, it was a silver studded ring with what looked like an eye in the center. I could feel a strange energy coming from it, I picked it up and slipped it on my left hand middle finger. I then felt a shock of stabbing pain in my left hand, the mark my father had given me slowly showing back up.

"Hello.. You must be the Prince of Darkness i've heard so much about.." A calm voice said, it sounded almost femine.

"Yeah.. that's me." I said, clutching the left side of my head.

I had no idea who or what this voice was, but I could feel her presence in my mind, and her presence was enormous. She was like a huge mass of pure unbridled power just sitting inside me.

"Who are you?" I asked aloud.

"I am Lyssa, the spirit of rage.. " The femine voice said.

"What are you doing here!" I screamed at her.

"My bastard son, he sealed me inside this ring and tossed me inside this monster's gut when he set them here.." She replied, her voice a soothing calm.

"Your son.. Did that?" I asked, the pain in my head slowly fading.

"Yeah, after i said i didn't support his mission to dethrone the gods, he sealed me in here and now i can never return to the mortal world like i once was." She replied.

"I'm on a mission to stop that from happening, your son is the man who killed my mother. And i'm going back to her grave with his head on a spear." I said, rage seething from me.

"I fully support you, my son needs to be slain…" She replied.

"Why? Im going to kill your son." I said.

"He is no longer my son.. I raised him to rage only on those who have rightfully deserved it, and he has gone against my teachings. He has taken up a sword and he has built an army." She replied, "He must be destroyed.." She finished.

"Do you know of anything that could help me defeat him.." I asked, i felt bad, i was asking a mother for tips on how to kill her own son.

"He is simply known as the world's greatest swordsman, but his magical abilities depend on his emotions, much like yours do. So in order for me to have any information he'd have to be fully enraged," She said.

"Tell me anyway.." i said.

"Very well.. His physical abilities increase depending on his level of rage, While his magical ones are his eyes. He can produce a look of pure rage, it is enough to make you freeze up for at least a full two seconds, which is enough time for him to deal a fatal blow." She said, her voice full of sadness.

I looked deep down the monsters gullet, then i spoke.

"What can i do to beat him?" I asked.

"You must believe in your own abilities, your capable of beating him already. But there is something i wish you would do for me.." She asked.

"That is?" I replied.

"Get me out of this monster and i will grant you a new ability, one that will put you on the same level as my bastard son." She said, her voice calm again.

"Consider it done." I said, i then began to channel my darkness.

"Dark Style: Tempest Of Blades!!"

Within moments massive amounts of pure black blades began to shoot straight up into the monster's flesh. After what seemed like hours of relentless force, water began to pour down onto me from above, that's how I knew I had broken through the beast's flesh.

I channeled my darkness into my legs and shot out of the gaping hole that llay above me, once i was out of the ocean, and the beasts gut i let out a scream of relief. I saw the ship floating a few meters away, once i began to fall back down to the ocean i felt someone grab my wrists. I looked up and saw David,

"Your one crazy SOB you know that right!" He barked at me.

I didnt respond, i just smiled and looked at him.

"Guys! Ive got him!!" David screamed.

After a few minutes of flying we were back on the ship, with everyone gathered around me a felt at peace. Once Emma walked up to me i could tell i was in trouble, she proceed to smack me across my face and walk away, her only words to me were,

"You reckless bastard!" As she stormed away.

I rubbed my cheek and said,

"Yeah nice to see your ok too."

"Oh captain, you know how she can be, she was worried for you thats all.." Ashley said, her voice shallow and quiet.

"Yeah i know.. Funny way of showing it." I said, gesturing to my cheek.

"Well that was pretty reckless, cap. " Brandon replied.

"Yeahhhh." I said.

"Alright, now that were out, would you like your ability?" She asked.

"No, i dont want help from you.. But i have another option for you.. Your power can help another member of my crew. If you wish, otherwise youll just be locked into the treasure vault." I replied.

"Yes.. that does interest me, which member are you talking about?" She asked.

"The girl who was so concerned over my wellbeing, Ashley." I replied.

"She intrigues me, so i will." She replied.

"Ashley i have a gift for you," I said, pulling of the ring.

I handed the ring to her and explained who was inside it, how i got it and why i was giving it to her.

"Wow captain thanks, i really appreciate it." She said, taking it from me and slipping it on.

"Now im going to go get some rest before dinner." I said, turning to walk away.

"Umm cap, its your day to cook dinner!' Marcus called out to me.

"Ughhh alright, but your helping me fireboy." I said, a smile on my face.

With that, we walked into the kitchen and began to cook dinner, the rest of the night was full of fun times, peace and relaxation, no one bothered us or attacked us. We were happy.