
One Piece Spin Off: Journey of Captain Jagger

If you like action, adventure and One Piece, read this!!

JoshTheWritor · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Two Days Later

Everything was ready. We had finished the ship and gathered all of the supplies we needed, our crew was ready, our route was ready and all we had left to do was leave. It was early that morning, the camp was still asleep, but my team and I were waiting at the front entrance. Our ship floated a few hundred feet away, all the supplies and weapons we needed were already stored onboard. Now all we had to do was leave, but that seemed hard for all of us. I knew I had to do something as captain, so I just began to walk. I took one step, then another. My head low and eyes sharp, I could feel myself getting scared. But I kept walking, my mind clear and focused. I kept walking until I came to the ladder, I grabbed hold and began to climb. I climbed all the way to the top, and hopped on the main deck.

"Well? Don't you want to save the world?" I asked, looking down on my team from above.

That snapped everyone back to reality, their eyes looking focused.

"Yes sir!" They snapped.

They climbed on board without a word, their minds and bodies ready for the battles ahead of us.

"Set sail!" I barked.

Everyone had been taking courses on how to sail a ship, we all could fly it if we wanted to but David was particularly skilled at being a helmsman.

"Yes Captain!" He barked, racing into the control room.

Soon the ship's anchor was drawn in and the air jets were blasting hot air, and we slowly began to rise from the ground. Pretty soon we were above the treeline, our sails began to pick up a wind current and we were propelled forward towards the direction of the ocean. As we raced along the current, I watched as we blew by everything that I had spent my life around disappearing. If i wanted to come back i'd have to make it through this ordeal, and i was ready, a cruel smile appeared on my face.

"Captain, we'll be at the shoreline soon if we keep this pace!" Marcus called from his post in the crows nest.

"Good! Keep pace everyone!" I barked out.

"Yes sir!" I heard everyone reply, I didn't even need to turn around, I just knew they were smiling just like me.

We flew in silence, after a few minutes we were at the shore line. I could smell the ocean air, but before I could even stop to take it in I could feel something wrong. I could feel an overwhelming thrust for blood, I knew something was coming at us. I raced to the front of the ship, and saw an army flying at us head on. It was an army of griffins, harpies and stymphalian birds, and by my rapid count I could see at least one hundred of each species.

"Damn it all, he's after us already." I snapped to myself.

"Battle Stations! Marcus and David! Come to me! Emma takes the helm, Brandon takes the crow's nest and keeps me informed on reinforcements!" I screamed, my voice echoing over the speed of the ship.

"Yes sir!" My crew barked.

They moved like a well oiled machine, Brandon and Marcus switching places, as well as Emma and David. The two of them raced over to me and analyzed the army,

"That is a lot of fliers." Marcus said, his voice full of worry.

"Yeah, how do you wanna handle this captain?" David asked.

"I've got a plan but it'll require all three of us at maximum power for this." I said.

After a moment of hesitation i began to explain my plan,

"Ok so with your wind powers david, i want you to make a wind tunnel that funnels every single creature inside it. And then me and Marcus will use our combined fire power to obliterate all of them when they are at the end point in the tunnel." I said.

"All in one shot.. I like it." Marcus replied.

"Consider it done cap'" David said.

"Alright you two lets get to work!" I said.

"Yes sir!" They barked.

As David began to form the wind tunnel, sucking all the enemies inside, Marcus and I began to channel our elemental power into our hands, ready to blast it.

I watched as all the creatures were sucked into the tornado, I watched as they flew around and around, slowly getting closer to the end point.




"NOW!!" I screamed.

Marcus and I both blasted all of our flames at the tornado, incinerating everything within it.

"Combo Spell: Fiery Grave!" The three of us screamed in unison.

Once the flames died down and the smoke cleared, we could clearly see that the whole army had been destroyed.

"That could have been bad.." Marcus said, relief in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm happy we got that solved." David said, relief in his voice as well.

I stood there in silence as the ashes of our fallen enemies fell to the ground, I could feel a huge smile on my face.

"Well done! All of you, resume normal stations!" I barked.

They didn't respond but they moved back to their normal places, I walked into the control room and began to talk to David.

"You've fully grasped all the controls?" I asked.

"Yeah, the autopilot and GPS are the best of help, I only have to put a little bit of power into the machines and it'll amplify it and power this whole system." He replied, a smile on his face.

I knew he enjoyed this kind of thing, he did help the hephaestus cabin build this ship.

"Good, I'm trusting you with this." I said.

"You can count on me." He said, a smile on his face.

I turned and left, my mind on how much longer we had to go until we arrived at our destination. I knew exactly where we were going, the Athena Parthenon, that's where the enemies had made their camp. That temple was the most ancient temple in greece, i don't know why their camp was there but it wouldn't be good. I walked out onto the main deck, looking out over the clouds as we soared by. I couldn't see the end of the clouds but I could feel them, I could feel where they all swelled up and formed a storm. My bloodlust began to swell up at the thought of the incoming battle, but I managed to keep it under control.