
One piece: Old generation

Mc is born as the Son of Rocks D. Xebec. He is the same generation pirates as Shanks, Mihwak. He was transmigrated to the world on weird circumstances, so the path he takes was destined to be different from others. It was the path he chose for himself.

Zero_Asthee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

War #1

"Captain! We have arrived at the God valley."

Rocks pirates just entered God valley without Hurdle, but none was aware of what was about to come.

The ship stopped on the shore but as they stopped, flaming arrows flowed like rainwater in their direction. The retaliation had begun, with Rocks pirates and the task of killing Rocks D. Xebec.

"We have got some welcome...Shihahaha!" Shiki seemed to be enjoying looking at the flaming arrows pouring at them.

"Charge...Show them what Rocks pirates are made of."


Suddenly an army of marines in formation appeared, surrounding the shores, accompanied by Admirals.

The arrows dropped down on the pirates, killing hundreds whilst the Commanders didn't even flinch as their Gaze landed on the Head-Admiral Kong.

"The marines want to lose their Admiral so bad, I shall fulfill their wish." Shiki jumped out of their ship and charged a burst of conqueror's Haki.

*Buzzz...Brrr...Woosh...* Burst of conqueror's Haki moved towards the Marines and started to drop down those with lower wills.

Rocks, Whitebeard, and Big mom stood side by side, looking down on the Marines present before them.

Another burst of Conqueror's Haki was released from another side, as It clashed with Shiki's. Two massive will clashed against each other as it left the sea to surge and the ground to tremble.

"It seems I misjudged, This will be fun since the war has shifted a couple of years before than anticipated, Shihahaha...Shihahaha!" Shiki exclaimed while his observation picked up the city filled with Marines and many powerful others with Superior Haki.

Head admiral Kong was forced to assemble their best and the odds still seemed out of it. Then, he considered something he never would have ever thought would cross his mind.

At long last, He formed an alliance with Roger pirates who were filled with powerful pirates, and combined with them, they had a chance against the Rocks pirates.

The Citizens had yet to evacuate, the evacuation process was still on. Although Kong wanted to move the devil fruits, Rocks pirates had attacked the valley from all directions so letting the devil fruit fall on them was suicide.

"Rocks, Surrender yourself and we can avoid bloodshed," King spoke with a microphone but all in vain.

"Kekeke...Kekeke...Let the War Commence, It's either me on top of the world today or five feet under the soil."

Rocks swung his sword as he released a massive conqueror's Haki-coated slash against Kong.

A golden Buddha appeared Infront of King and clashed against the attack, It's attack released a shock wave as it redirected it towards the sky.

"Mamama...This is interesting, Let's see what you've got." Big mom grabbed her living sword and jumped high in the sky, making her way to the Marines.

There were other Admirals here, who had to bite to dust before anything else.

"Roger, I think she is making her way here," Rayleigh whispered to Roger.

"Rayleigh and Gabbana, Handle Linlin while I make my way towards Rocks."

Currently, Big mom was one of the most powerful pirates in the New World and Rayleigh hadn't grown to the point of matching her. It would need the combined power of both to stop her.

Her attack coated in conqueror's Haki went after Roger but Rayleigh appeared and backed it with his own.

The ground started to crack and the marines around were getting knocked out from the sheer pressure.



Pirates and marines in folk started to dash towards each other. Each side is hungry for the other's blood.

"That's just great, This is messed up but How do I get myself to the devil fruits collection," Asther murmured in low voice.

Asther was not stupid enough to go into the war, he knew he wouldn't last for the burst of conqueror's Haki at this age.

"Mamama...Life or Die."

Big mom sucked out the life span of nearby Marines and slammed the life span on the ground.

The ground turned into living and started to shift in a way to give advantage to big mom.

Rayleigh wasn't affected by the consecutive change in landform as he went after Big mom. He swung his sword swiftly and aimed at her and she did the same.


"Who are you two? Never seen ya over here." Shiki commented as he looked at two Marines.

"Sengoku and Garp, and we will make sure you never forget those."


*Boom...clash...Boom...* Shiki jumped on them with his both swords.

He was multi-tasking, handling both of them at once. His one sword clashed against Buddha while the other after the iron fist of Gap.

The burst of their attack left the ground in crumbles and shambles.

Other commanders of pirates clashed against Vice Admirals while some went beside Shiki.

"Boss Shiki...leave those two to us."


"We must gain the devil fruit."

The two dashed on Garp and Sengoku as they clashed against them.

"Whatever...I am not interested in those two anyways." Shiki started to make his way towards to city square.

"Goa ftw rocks, Garp...I will deal with them."


The battle was over after the rocks fell so they need to make sure about that.

Garp made a long jump towards Rocks. His fist covered in conqueror's Haki as he went after Rocks.

"Let me handle him," Whitebeard exclaimed.

"No need, I will do it on my own."

Rocks jumped as he coated his fist on Conqueror's Haki.

"Rocks!" Garp exclaimed.

Rocks fists clashed against Garp and the clashing of two made Garp rocket away highborn the sky.

"Garp!" Sengoku exclaimed.

Suddenly, Sengoku was blown away by the commanders with a subtle distraction.

Shiki was moving to the city square. The formation was a mess, whilst Roger was moving towards Rocks.

Whitebeard jumped out towards Roger.

Asther walked out towards Kaido, who was enjoying the scenery.

"Kaido, Aren't you planning of joining the fun? Thought you were like a savage who wanted to get their hands dirty like everyone." Asther remarked while walking beside him.

"What do you know? I will join in but at the right moment."

"It's the best moment than any other Like I sa-" A dead body dropped on Asther, shutting him up.

"For god's sake...Die somewhere else." Asther threw the dead body away.

"Kaido, I have a plan to obtain devil fruit in the battle, I don't think you would want to miss on this. I will even let you choose anyone you like." Asther proposed his alliance idea to Kaido.

Kaido glanced at Asther, Who seemed rather confident in the plan. Although kaido didn't know what, there was no problem in listening for once.

"Tell me...I will decide once I hear you out."

"Hehehe...Speak for yourself after listening to my million-dollar idea."

Asther suggested his well-formulated idea, which he gathered after researching God valley years ago. He had bought maps and even been here once with a division, gathering intelligence.

It was time to execute the plan on hand, but he was too weak to last in this war so he needed an ally. He didn't pick someone with crazy strong dice It would just attract attention, rather went with Kaido who was still a Newbie.

"I am interested in your plan, Care to let me join." Gecko moria was behind them as Asther was about to present his idea.

"Moria...You are invited, It's better with numbers."

Asther had managed to form an alliance with Kaido and Moria. It was inevitable with the plan he had in mind, the trump card he had been working on for a long time.

Asther started to present his plans to Kaidou and Moria, and even both of them couldn't help but think of giving it a shot. This plan was one of the best, although they weren't sure if they could pull it off with just two.

"Your plan is solid, and this might be our best shot at it. But are you willing to take the risk, or believe in us?" Moria remarked.

Pirates, This word was the very definition of untrustworthy and Asther knew he would be dead meat if they fought with him. Especially Kaido, He wasn't even sure if would even scratch that tough nut.

"Only a fool would trust another pirate, but the situation now doesn't let backstabbing possible, since It would be only possible to escape with the three of us or even impossible."

"Escape plan! You are going to abandon the war, Winning this would win you will be the prince of the world." Moria commented.

If Rocks became the king of the world, then it was natural that Asther would be king. For He was the only descendent of Rocks.

"Forget about it...Rocks pirates are filled with Cocky bastards, I am pretty sure each of them is wary of each other. They will surely fight to the death with each other if they won the war."

Asther made a fist and raised it towards two, Moria soon followed. Kaido waited for a few seconds before he agreed and the three of them fist bumped.

"Treasures and riches are all that matters, It's pirate's way."

[A/N: I might not be able to update regularly for a week, Might not even upload a single new chapter for a week. Although, After a week, I will be able to continue.]