
One Piece: Navy’s Tyrant

Volumes I to Fifth, through the Pirate World, step by step become the Marshal of the Navy, leading the Navy away from the world government, the establishment of a new world government, ······ Volume VI ~, Reincarnation of Time and Space

Rak_MTL · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 32

"This Marine brat is not easy. Let's go together." See Jiang Feng casual's companion, flew out, and the remaining three cadres complexion greatly changed.

Two men, one swordsman and one boxer, left and right, surrounded Jiang Feng in the middle, intending to pinch against Jiang Feng. The remaining woman stood behind Jiang Feng, holding a whip in her hand and waiting to move.

Jiang Feng played with a taste: "Why are you guys doing this? If you leave now, I won't stop you."

"Hmph! Do you think we are greedy for life and death? Since the day we were Pirate, we have put aside life and death."

After hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded, "I have bones, then you can get a box lunch."


In a flash, Jiang Feng appeared in front of the boxer, punched fiercely, straight into the boxer's lower abdomen, the boxer was directly hit by Jiang Feng, and then Jiang Feng slightly tapped his left foot, his body slightly jumped, and his right leg swept away. , Kick the boxer directly out of the window.

With all this done, Jiang Feng turned around and said easily, "Next, who will come."

"Look at me, slash." Swordsman suddenly pulled up the knife, his feet suddenly slammed and jumped high, both hands held the long knife tightly, raised the knife above his head, and beheaded at Jiang Feng.

Seeing swordsman suddenly appear in front of himself, Jiang Feng calmly, "child's play, Busoshoku"

I saw that Jiang Feng's right hand was instantly covered by Level 1's mysterious black. Jiang Feng stretched out two fingers and sandwiched the oncoming long knife between the two fingers.

Swordsman saw complexion greatly changed, struggling to pull out the long sword, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out the slightest.

"Now you know the gap between Strength, let's die obediently." Jiang Feng slammed his fingers and turned two fingers to fold the swordsman's knife in half.

When Yell! The broken long knife fell to the ground.

the next moment "Shigan"

I saw Jiang Feng's fingers covered by Busoshoku Haki, and clicked directly into swordsman's neck.

Swordsman has an incredible face, and the gap between Strength is so big. Why is Marine so strong wearing new recruit costumes.

"How could Marine have such a strong new recruit ..." swordsman covered his throat with one hand and Jiang Feng with one finger.

Within a few minutes of seeing the female cadres, their companions were all killed, complexion changed greatly, and they fled out the window.

For the escaped female Pirate, Jiang Feng was too lazy to chase it.

The cadres of these poisonous spider Pirates just broke through the first layer limit that's all, and now even Haki will not, Jiang Feng dare to say that these goods, he can hit 100.

"What about Gulid and Luo Cass?" Jiang Feng looked around all around, but did not find them both, as if there was no movement since they started playing shortly.

"Why the hell have you noticed now, Gullit, it won't be a problem!"

Suddenly there was a violent vibration, and Jiang Feng looked surprised, "They won't be below."

Jiang Feng followed the direction of the sound and saw the cave in the room of Luo Cass in the distance. "That's right."


Jiang Feng rushed to the collapsed place and took a look at the probe. "Fuck, these two goods can really be tossing, even from the top floor to the lowest level."

Jiang Feng without the slightest hesitation jumped down, and when he landed, "Shunpo".

It is convenient to have Shunpo, and the baby will never be afraid of falling from a very high place in the future.

Jiang Feng, who descended to the lowest level, faintly heard wu wu wu's voice.

Walking along the sound, he suddenly saw a big spider web, "How can there be a spider web here, wait, what's that?"

Jiang Feng saw that there was a big guy on the spider web, wrapped in spider silk. Like a silkworm, the voice of wu wu came from here.


Jumping on the spider web, Jiang Feng slowly peeled it off with his hands, wrapping the spider silk on the head of the big guy, "Gulid, how are you, Los Cass. "

"Maple, save me, the more this spider silk struggles and the tighter it becomes, I can't break it."

At this time, Gulide's face was flushed. If Jiang Feng did not come in time, I'm afraid Gulide would eventually suffocate and die.

Jiang Feng tried to tear the spider silk, but the toughness of these spider silks was extremely strong. According to Jiang Feng's Strength, only a few of them could be broken at a time, and there were no less than 10000 spider silks wrapped around Gulide.

"Yes, I have."

"Blade of Space"

Jiang Feng made a small black space blade of about ten centimeters, controlling the blade of Space, and constantly cutting the spider silk wrapped around Gulide's body.

After a while!

"I was finally free, Feng, I thought I would never see you again." Gulid, who had regained his freedom, hugged Jiang Feng excitedly said.

"Go, stay away from brother, brother is serious man." Jiang Feng pushed Gulide away.

"Tell me how you made this ghost look."

Gulied heard Jiang Feng's inquiries, and his face repented first, then turned into anger. "Luo Cass, this guy is the Zoan Spider Fruit Ability User, and can be transformed into a spider form."

"He hasn't been beastized yet. He is not a puppet opponent at all. Don't look at him as the breakthrough second layer limit, but his Strength is not as good as puppets."

"After playing for a while, Luo Cass, but when he saw that he couldn't beat him, he became a beast. After the beast, his Strength did not increase much, mainly because Ability was too difficult to get involved."

"I just hit his way, who knows that not only will he spit out spider silk, but also some small spiders will come out of his body."

"These little spiders have redness all over their bodies. It is only when they are bitten by these little spiders that they lose their strength and are tied up by him."

"He tangled the cricket with spider silk and told him that the more he struggled with the spider silk, the tighter it became."

"He wants to crush the slug alive."

spoke until here Gulide looked angry, "Feng, let's find him to take revenge."

Jiang Feng looked at said ill-humoredly: "Find revenge, Luo Cass now, do you know?"

Luo Cass is not in the hotel. With the character of Luo Cass, he will not run away, so where will he go?

"Feng, you say, Luo Cass, will you go to Bazat?"

Hearing Gulide's words, Jiang Feng's eyes lighted up. Luo Cass thought he and Gulide were dead, so he would naturally find other Elite.

"Let's go to Lo Cass."

Out of the tavern, Jiang Feng saw countless houses lit by Big Fire, and the monstrous Big Fire swept all directions. These ignited houses were caused by the use of artillery shells by Pirate. In order to kill Marine, Pirate did everything to prevent the lives of civilians.

"Hateful" saw the misery of civilians, Jiang Feng shouted.

In the town Marine and Pirate battled, the greatest damage was always these civilians.

On the streets, Pirate's body can be seen everywhere. Occasionally, the body of ordinary civilians is seen. "Why is this, is Pirate's fault? Or Marine's fault? Or World's fault?"