
One Piece: Navy’s Tyrant

Volumes I to Fifth, through the Pirate World, step by step become the Marshal of the Navy, leading the Navy away from the world government, the establishment of a new world government, ······ Volume VI ~, Reincarnation of Time and Space

Rak_MTL · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 33

Crossing several streets, Jiang Feng and Gulid saw a huge spider web with a diameter of about five meters.

It can be clearly seen on the spider web that there are dozens of cocoons that are tightly wrapped in spider silk.

"Gulid, go and save them, I'll go to Los Cass."

"Okay, Feng, you have to be careful," Gulede worried.

"He saved them and will help you."

"Well," Jiang Feng replied.

"Shunpo" Jiang Feng rushed in the direction of the battle ahead.

Rushing to the battlefield, Jiang Feng saw that each and everyone Elite battered and exhausted, standing there and breathing heavily, his clothes were damaged, and his whole body was dyed red by blood.

Each and everyone Elite is angry, unwilling, staring at Los Cass.

In contrast, Luo Cass was disdainful, and everyone looked in front of him, "Isn't it just arrogant just now, that killed many of my masters"

"I will torture you one by one slowly."

At this time, the appearance of Luo Cass, as seen by Jiang Feng before, can be said to be the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The whole body is covered by a chitin shell of Level 1 black, and two short tentacles have grown on the head. The main thing is that there are 2 black appendages about 4 meters long that grow from the armpit.

From a distance, Luo Cass is now a big spider. "Is this what Luo Cass looked like?"

"It is indeed a big boss, and it really is not easy."

Luo Cass noticed Jiang Feng, "You are not dead, what about my subordinates?"

Jiang Feng shrugged, looking at Idiot's expression, "I'm standing in front of you well, of course, your men are dead."

Luo Cass was furious and rushed to Jiang Feng.

"Blade of Space"

Jiang Feng looked at Luo Cass rushed to himself, intending to be preemptive, grabbing the opportunity, lifting in right hand casual in the air.

One black blade of several meters wide, flashed a few shadows in the air, and walked towards the Luo Cass strikes up ahead, at the same time In the black blade, there was a strong tearing force.

Seeing this scene, Luo Cass complexion changed, without the slightest hesitation, his feet jumped suddenly, avoiding the oncoming black blade dangerously.

The black blade swept the entire, directly cutting Luo Cass behind the house into two sections vertically, and the house fell over.

Although Luo Cass avoided the black blade, the dumped house was buried in the rubble.


Luo Cass broke through the rubble crushed on himself, "Smelly brat, you're offended me, ready to die!"

Luo Cass's face became difficult to look instantly, and there was a flash of ice-cold killing intent in his eyes, and his tone was full of killing intent.

At the next moment, Luo Cass jumped up suddenly, both hands made a fist, 4 appendages were on the back, ready to go, and rushed directly to Jiang Feng.

Facing Luo Cass who rushed over, Jiang Feng waved, and one space blade shot out, and Luo Cass in midair, a flip to avoid Jiang Feng's blow.

"Didn't expect, body is quite flexible."

"Spider Spits Gold"

I do not know when Luo Cass rushed to Jiang Feng, his mouth moved as if chewing, and then spit out a small ball of Golden Spider silk, Golden Spider silk flew to Jiang Feng at an incredible speed.


Jiang Feng used Shunpo to dodge, but unfortunately it was a bit slow, and his right hand was scratched by blood on the arm of the spider.

The spider silk was rubbed past Jiang Feng and hit the wall behind Jiang Feng behind, penetrating the wall directly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but marvel: "very powerful penetration."

Luo Cass arrogantly said: "Marine brat, the ordinary spider silk spit by Lao Tzu can penetrate 5 cm thick steel plate, even more how I also attached Busoshoku Haki to the spider silk."

"You just wait, I'll sieve your body.


Jiang Feng's face was dignified, using Shunpo, he could barely escape the spider silk of Luo Cass, but ... "Always hide, you can't win, you must take the initiative to attack."


Jiang Feng suddenly appeared in front of Luo Cass, punched suddenly, and blasted Luo Cass out.

With a single blow, Jiang Feng didn't relax at all. In the previous blow, although he hit Luo Cass in a real way, Jiang Feng knew that his blow did not all hurt Luo Cass.

Luo Cass has a Level 1 hard chitin shell on his body. Jiang Feng's current strength cannot break this shell.

Lo Cass stood up, disdainful, "Marine brat, is this Strength? It can only tickle me."

Having said that, Luo Cass rushed forward with two fists and four appendages, and launched a fierce offensive against Jiang Feng.

"Good Opportunity" "Spider Sticky"

Jiang Feng accidentally, Luo Cass suddenly spit out a large ball of Golden Spider silk, the spider silk in the air opened into a larger spider web, and directly wrapped Jiang Feng inside.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly struck my mind, Jiang Feng complexion greatly changed, "Not good"

Luo Cass didn't give Jiang Feng the slightest chance to respond, and he spit out several Golden Spider Silks, wrapping Jiang Feng around. "Marine brat, I think you should be the strongest of them, so I give you special treatment."

"You know, it's extremely difficult for me to make this Golden Spider wire. I don't have much left in the body now, and most of it is now used on you."

"The toughness of the Golden Spider silk, is twice as strong as the white spider silk, so enjoy it slowly!"


After saying that Luo Cass was happy, he just liked to wrap people in spider silk, and then looked at the wrapped people, and the little by little was pressed into flesh. This strange pleasure always excites him.

"Abnormal, let Lao Tzu go out." The sudden crisis has made Jiang Feng lose his mind, and he is struggling more and more, regardless of spider silk.

The surrounding Elite saw Jiang Feng trapped, the complexion changed greatly, and picked up the weakon and rushed to Luo Cass.

The more the spider silk was struggling, the tighter Jiang Feng gradually regained his senses, muttering in his mouth, "Calm, Calm"

Jiang Feng is wrapped in spider silk. In this small space, Jiang Feng feels he is about to suffocate.

Before his eyes were dark, Jiang Feng couldn't help but think that a criminal law of previous life put people in a black box about the same size as him.

In a box, it is difficult to breathe, and it is easy to get nervous. In addition, there is darkness in front of you, and the tension is infinitely enlarged.

At this time, Jiang Feng was like this. He wanted to stay calm, but there was always a sense of crisis that struck his mind, disturbed his mind, and made him unable to concentrate.

The spider silk was getting tighter and Jiang Feng had to tighten his body. The pressure on the body and the pressure on the Spirit, the dual pressures torture Jiang Feng together.


Jiang Feng felt as if he had broken through some kind of trance, the Spiritual Force had more than doubled, and his brain was now sober. The sense of tension and crisis before was swept away. And there is a continuous stream of formidable Strength.

"Am I breaking through the second layer?"

Jiang Feng was excited, didn't expect blessing from misfortune.