
One Piece: Navy’s Tyrant

Volumes I to Fifth, through the Pirate World, step by step become the Marshal of the Navy, leading the Navy away from the world government, the establishment of a new world government, ······ Volume VI ~, Reincarnation of Time and Space

Rak_MTL · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 31

Right now.

In the town, at the very top of a luxury hotel, Pirate didn't notice a strong man in a Marine uniform standing here.

Zephyr has been here for some time, overlooking the battle on the island of Herere.

Just now Jiang Feng used Haoshoku Haki, which happened to be seen by Zephyr.

"This brat, Haki has a good grasp. Fortunately, his character is not like the old brat of Garp. Garp is good at everything, but he likes messing up too much."

The current situation of this island is beyond Zephyr's expectations. It was thought that it was just a small-scale Pirates that's all, didn't expect poisonous spider Pirates, and it has reached such a point.

After just over a year of development, it has reached such a scale. If it were not for this large-scale siege to Pirate of New World, they would not have been found.

Zephyr facial expression grave, looked at the hordes of Pirates on the street, "Let these Pirates develop, and if time passes, they will become a serious problem. This time they must be eradicated."

In fact, Zephyr has not dealt with these things for a long time. His current status is Marine Instructor, teaching Marine new recruit.

But Zephyr is Former Marine Admiral after all, he has justice, and he won't let it go.

Zephyr doesn't do anything right now to use Pirate's hand to sharpen students.

At the end of the actual combat mission, if the student fails to destroy Pirate, he will do it himself.

looked at his companion who fainted on the ground, Pirate did not know why, as their Strength status, they could not reach Haoshoku Haki.

"What fruit Ability is, I have never heard of it."

"Is this really Marine new recruit?"

The reason is that Pirate is unresponsive and should realize that the Marine they are facing is not an ordinary Marine.

"South Blue doesn't have so many strong Marines. They must have come from the Grand Line and besieged us."

The cadres of the poisonous spider Pirates have a certain dignity in their tone. They also ran through the Grand Line. They are Pirates around Bounty 80 Million, so they won't be afraid of Marine.

As early as Marine landed on the island, they came to the tavern and began to discuss countermeasures.

After hearing the words of the cadres, Luo Cass stood up, and the cadres who looked at the scene were ice-cold. "It was only a year after I took charge here and exposed. I always avoided conflict with Marine before, just didn't want to attract their attention. "

"Now, not only was found, but Marine was also sent to surround us."

"Call over all brothers, and let these Marines know how great we are today. This matter is not handled well. Do you think Shiki will accept us?"

After they heard it, they looked tight.

Luo Cass walked to the window, eyes glanced at the street, and sneered, "Just dozens of Marine that's all, can't solve them, you don't have to be Pirate, find a piece of tofu and hit it."

They are in the Grand Line first half, and they can be regarded as the little famous Pirate, otherwise Shiki would not throw olive branches at them.

"Go, let these Marines see the power of our Pirate."

"Go, kill them."


Pirates and Elites fought in the streets, countless houses were destroyed, and the savage Pirate kept roaring.

Although Pirate's battle strength is not as good as Marine's, but they are many and outnumbered, Marine is gradually in a weak position.

At this point, Jiang Feng and Gulid pushed the entire sideways, unstoppable. After crossing several streets in a row, they finally saw the Cass Hotel, not far from Jiang Feng.

Directly across the last street, Jiang Feng and Gulid stood at the door of the Cass Hotel.

"The Pirate just said that Lo Cass is on the top floor of this hotel, right?"

"Yeah, that's what he said."

Gulied looked strangely at Jiang Feng, he didn't understand why Jiang Feng asked this.

"That's good" Jiang Feng faintly smiled.

"Come with me, Geppo"

Jiang Feng stepped on the air continuously, the body kept floating, and stepped on for a few times, he had jumped to the top of the tavern.

At the top of the building, Gullit couldn't help but start to talk, "Feng, why not take the stairs."

"walk the stair?

If the younger brother of Luo Cass finds that we are here, they will come to haunt us. When the time comes, we will certainly not see Luo Cass. "

"Don't you always want to fight with him, now it's up to you, he's in the room under your feet."

"And remember our promise, Lo Cass's bounty we each person gets half."

hearing this Gulide looked excited, "understood, look at me"


I saw Gulid's fist instantly covered by Level 1 black.

Next Gulid, fiercely hit the roof with a punch.


With a loud noise, the roof was cracked layer by layer under the strength of Gulide, and the crack became a spider web. From Gulide's fist, it spread to all around, then the roof collapsed.

"An enemy attack ..."

Jiang Feng and Gulid fell into Luo Cass's room.

Jiang Feng lifting his head, a silhouette appeared in front of him, a black curly young man, exactly the same as the portrait on Zephyr's bounty order, his identity is naturally self-evident.

looked at Luo Cass, Jiang Feng exclaimed: "Lo Cass, Great Pirate of Bounty 150 Million, Zoan Spider Fruit Ability User ..."

Facing Luo Cass with over 100000000 million bounty, Jiang Feng's face was calm, and the eyes revealed that the hunter regarded the expression of prey.

"Marine new recruit, so I investigated in detail, what do you want to do? Wouldn't you want to kill me!"

Luo Cass looked at Jiang Feng with fun.

Then his complexion became ice-cold instantly.

"Kill them and kill them, and then hang their bodies out of the window."

"It's Boss"

The cadres of the poisonous spider Pirates heard Boss' order and directly picked up the weapon and attacked 2 people.

"Gulid, don't you want to fight with Luo Cass?"

"Go ahead"

"These gangsters are Yishu!

"Feng, thank you. I'll go back and invite you to dinner."

On the way to the Cass Hotel, Gullit stated that he would play one-on-one with Los Cass. As a good brother of Jiang Feng, Gulied has started to talk, and Jiang Feng cannot agree.

There are four cadres in the poisonous spider Pirates standing in front of Jiang Feng, three males and one female.

One man looked like swordsman, the other two didn't take weapon, and couldn't see the depth. Only one by one woman used a long whip.

"I said that the four of you don't need to mess around there, are you tired?"

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry, don't have time to play with you guys?"

"Hmph! Sharp-tongued, watch me not tear you."

A cadre was furious.

"Busoshoku" "Shunpo"

I saw Jiang Feng momentarily appear in front of the cadre, a punch, fiercely banged on his face.


The force of more than 5000 pounds directly blasted the cadre out, smashed the window, and flew out of the window.