
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

The Truth Of The World III

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[37 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 164: The Truth Of The World III


Just the word loved by all sounded like a red flag to Yovan for it was really true, his crows told him as much... It's an impossibility, 'So the question is what's his Devil Fruit? And what's his goal?'

He didn't only read through books related to Ohara Incident. No, he was planning on reading through them all, every book in the library.

Although he wasn't gonna read through them personally nor doe his crows require his presence in the library to function, so he vanished yet again, appearing from one of the feathers he left with Kalifa.

Appearing by her side, he found himself in a colosseum, a gigantic colosseum. Kalifa, by his side, was facepalming as she watched the civil war happening before her.

"Laffitte?" Yovan asked.

"Laffitte," Kalifa nodded, confirming his suspicion. Who else would make so much chaos on the very first day?

"Who won?" Yovan asked another question with interest.

"Bege," Kalifa responded with a laugh, side-glancing at Kaku who was mourning alone far in the corner.

"How?" Yovan also glanced at Kaku, having a guess in his heart.

"I just convinced everyone else to give up," Bege shrugged with a smug smile.

"Aghh, you mean blackmail! Not fair at all!" Pudding complained but still hid behind Viola, seemingly scared of him.

"Yhahahaha," Yovan couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, "All is well and fair as long as you win."

"What he said," Bege nodded, fully in agreement.

The numerous giant stadium seats were mostly empty for almost all giants joined the fun, jumping to the ring, and among them was Laffitte who stood on the shoulders of one of the giants.

He seemed to be whispering something to the giant, causing him to grow madder by the second, only to vent his madness upon other giants.

And the troublemaker jumped from giant to giant, making things so much worse. Perhaps he would've continued if he didn't hear Yovan's voice in his ears, telling him to escape which he did, and so did the rest of the Strangers.

The King of Giants has been in isolation for a long time, not too weird of a thing considering the giants' long life spans, thus why didn't know anything about Yovan.

He only sensed the strength held in Yovan's toned body, but he realized that he might be a danger which is why he allowed him in the library to act as a distraction.

It's unfortunate that he only saw through Yovan's physical strength, not the fact that he can create crows that can read in his stead.

The Strangers scattered, and seconds later, someone appeared in the midst of giants, "Stop please..." The speaker was none other than Prince Loki.

Most giants stopped fighting at once, directly kneeling before the majesty of Loki, but some seem to be too out of their minds to listen to his request.

"Stop!" His voice now was a bit louder, but something strange happened. Those who were still fighting suddenly choked themselves, punched themselves, and did similar things.

The end result was simple, all of them on the ground, either unconscious or breathing heavily.

The giants who saw what happened didn't seem surprised. In fact, admiration was apparent on their faces, especially as Loki said, "Sense the unconscious back. Treat the injured, and I don't want to see anything like this happening ever again, understand?"

His orders seemed to be the orders of God in their hearts as they nodded solemnly, only letting out a sigh when he left, "Prince Loki is as amazing as always."

"No, he got stronger!" Another giant pointed out as he picked up one of his unconscious fellows, "We're really faring behind. We have to work harder to make Prince Loki proud!"

"Can we even hope to be as much of a warrior as Prince Loki?" Such a question was thrown around a lot, and it didn't quite fit with the way things happened.

The way of warriors shouldn't have to do anything with what Prince Loki just did for he seemed to have used some kind of Devil Fruit powers to subdue them.

However, the giants seemed to have seen something different? Either way, Prince Loki made his way back to the palace, seeking an audience with the king.

He saw himself in as there were no guards in the King's palace. Only Ymir lived there while Prince Loki lived in another palace.

"Father, give me permission to eliminate them." Prince Loki bowed lightly before making his request.

"Are you certain that you can eliminate them?" Ymir asked, his eyes still closed.

"I'm certain." Prince Loki nodded without hesitation.

"..." Ymir remained silent a while longer, "I will not give you permission."

"Why?" Loki frowned as he asked.

"You are lying." Ymir pointed out, "Do you think I'm blind to what happens outside? I see it all... Do you want the throne?"

"Yes." Loki nodded, seemingly without deceit.

"Which one?" Ymir asked as he opened his frosty eye, bringing pressure upon his own son.

Prince Loki's expression changed not as he remained silent, the majesty of his father seemingly not affecting him.

The silence was enough of an answer to Ymir, "You'll have this Throne when I deem you worthy."

"Understood." Loki bowed one last time before walking out, heading back to his palace, and finding someone to be waiting for him, the Head Guard of the Royal Giants.

"Orin, start the preparation," Ordered calmly, "The Strangers tried to set up flames of chaos and they are to be eliminated as per the King's orders."

Orin instantly got to work, leaving Loki alone, "But father, I'm certain... I'm certain you can not see it all, just like the Stranger couldn't." He walked up to his own thrown and took a seat, closing his eyes like his father.

He was waiting, waiting for the Strangers to come back as the group of troublemakers escape into the Treasure Tree Adam, or specifically, they were at moment flying to its top.



"Let me go you son of a bitch! I can fly by myself!" Bege's screams were different than everyone else's as Laffitte was holding him by the collar, flying to the top.

"We're s high up! See, sister Riju!" Pudding yelled happily as she looked down from the carpet of feathers on which she stood.

"I don't want to see," Reiju had her eyes close as she said as calmly as possible, sitting in the center of the flying carpet, her legs trembling.

"Hehe, mom! Reiju fears heights!" A dangerous glint left Pudding's eyes as she looked at Yovan, quickly whispering something in his ears, drawing an amused smile out of him.

"Huh?" Suddenly Reiju felt something different. She felt weightless and opening her eyes almost drove her unconscious as she found herself in the middle of the air, all alone, "AHHHHHHHhhhhh!"

"Hahahahhaha," Pudding couldn't hold back her laugh as she looked down at the falling Reiju, only to also feel weightless as Yovan let her fall.

In contrast to Reiju, however, Pudding only giggled excitedly as she acted like she was flying in the air, seemingly having absolute trust in Yovan to never ever harm her in any way.

"Loki is strange," Viola let out a gentle smile at their antics before saying to Yovan.

"How so?" Yovan asked absent-mindedly, his eyes closed, and his focus elsewhere.

"We heard a lot about him while touring around the city, and he sounds so perfect," Viola explained with a frown, "I don't believe such a perfect person exists, so be wary of him please."

Yovan opened his eyes and looked at her strangely before pulling her closer into a gentle hug, "Don't worry... I know that nothing is perfect. There is always a flaw."

Viola was stunned y his intimate gesture, but she still allowed herself to relax in his embrace, "That sounded personal?"

"It is," Yovan nodded, his eyes out of focus, "My rationality... I'm losing. I can barely keep calm. My sheer willpower is barely keeping me in control... That and you guys."

His words seemed to be a rare instance of Yovan opening up, but they still confused Viola quite a lot.

After all, she doesn't know about his greatest secret, so she just hugged him tighter, the only comfort and assurance she could provide.

[Irrational Survivor: 33%]

Unfortunately, his plans had a flaw even he didn't expect. The word irrational not only applied to surviving anything despite that act being irrational, surviving even the deadliest of scenarios, it also applied to himself, making his mind a bit of a mess.

He could feel irrationality overwhelming his mind. but still persisted for that's the only, but that's also why he might have to no longer accompany the Strangers after the Final Countdown.

Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/VQuintessence

[37 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]

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