
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Mythical History I

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Chapter 165: Mythical History I


He could feel irrationality overwhelming his mind. but still persisted for that's the only, but that's also why he might have to no longer accompany the Strangers after the Final Countdown.

Yovan allowed Reiju and Pudding to play in the air a while more before bringing them, although the former didn't exactly consider it playing as she quickly snuggled against Yovan, clutching to him tightly in fear.

"You're a bully!" Reiju complained with grievance apparent on her face.

"Hehehehe!" Pudding laughed loudly at her, and so did Yovan causing her to pout.

The first to reach the top was none other than Kaku, his speed being the fastest of the bunch, soon followed by Laffitte who was holding Bege.

Kalifa soon followed, arriving on top of one of her bubbles. Yovan, on the other hand, took his time, arriving last with the remaining strangers who can't really fly.

"It's dying," Pudding remarked as she eyed the gigantic tree's enormous branches. Only after they breached through the thick endless clouds in the sky were they granted access to the sight of the tree's ever-reaching branches.

Its dying branches were always hidden by the clouds, almost like they were man-made, somehow.

Yet the majesty of the dying branches still stunned the group, especially Pudding as she asked, "Dad, is it reaching the end of its lifespan?"

"No," In contrast to her expectation, Yovan shook his head as he denied that possibility, "Normally, such a tree should last a few thousand years more."

"But why?" Reiju frowned as she questioned with confusion, "Why is it dying now?"

"Because it suffered a lot," Yovan explained, "It supports something it can not handle... Or as I believe, it's forced to support that which it can not, but that's a story for a little bit later."

Viola's eyes lit up, unable to keep her composure, "You'll tell us of the truth of the world?" Yovan's nod lit aflame the anticipation within her.

Yovan felt like such a tree was worthy of the title 'World Tree' for its that magnificent, even worthy of the name Yggdrasill, a name it doesn't have unfortunately.

Yggdrasill, in Norse mythology, the world tree, a giant tree supporting the universe. One of its roots extended into Niflheim, the underworld; another into Jötunheim, land of the giants; and the third into Asgard, home of the gods.

As soon as he thought of that, he narrowed his eyes, feeling like the scenario is eerily similar, 'Treasure Tree Adam, Sunlight Tree Eve, Tree Of Knowledge... Each once supported something before their destruction.'

The tree was so majestic that even the giant Antarisa who was lazily sleeping by the side opened her eyes to stare at it for a long time.

The white panther's presence was so low that even Yovan forgets about it sometimes.

He kept those thoughts in his heart as they reach the top of the tree, directly leaping on it, joining the rest of the Strangers, "A nest?" That's the first thing they noticed, an empty nest.

"It's old and unkept. I tested it, and there were traces of something on it, although the traces are more than twenty years old," Kalifa explained, holding a large bubble between her hands, within it was a large branch.

The nest was made of such branches, and the one within the bubble was slowly corroding, thus feeding information to Kalifa about it, one of her many abilities.

"More than twenty years ago?" Yovan raised a brow, having a faint idea of what happened here, but in the end, he just shrug it off, and turned around, taking a seat at the very edge of the tree top.

He let his legs hang from the edge as he looked down, seeing only clouds, then the sea as far as the eyes can see.

"Let's have a small party until night, shall we?" Without awaiting a response, a door opened by his side from which crows flew out, holding bottles of wine, sweets, fruits, and so much more.

"Yay! I can finally drink wine!!" Pudding said excitedly only for her smile to freeze as another crow went out with a bottle of orange juice, putting it before her and staring eerily at her.

"Let's go!!" Laffitte also celebrated.

And so, a party started as the Strangers chatted with each other. sound of laughter and yells resounded about.

Soon, a bonfire was made in the center, the Strangers surrounding it as it was getting pretty cold, especially at this height.

Yovan looked at this all with a smile, their existence was truly helping him keep calm. It was an unintentional benefit to having people whom he considers to be family.

He hugged Kalifa who was nestled in his arms tighter, and whispered in her ears, "Are you happy? Do you have any regrets? Have we made enough memories together?"

Kalifa almost instantly shook her head, resting her head on his chest, "No amount of memories we make together can fully satisfy me, so let's never stop making them, alright?"

"Haha," Yovan chuckled as he rested his chin on her head, whispering something that made her eyes brighten, that turned even the incredibly dark sky luminous with stars, "Maybe we can."

It also brightened Viola's expression was also resting against him, but they still didn't prey any further.

"The Void Century," As soon as those words came out, the jovial mood evaporated out of existence, a mood of unrivaled curiosity and expectations taking over.

"Or rather, let's talk about the Mythical History of the past," Yovan corrected.

"Huh? What's the difference?" Reiju asked with curiosity.

"The void century is only a relatively sizeable part of the equation, so let's start from the very beginning," Yovan gently caressed Kalifa's silky hair as he organized his thoughts.

"I thought you'll only tell us after getting the One Piece," Bege couldn't help but share his doubts.

"I have a general idea of what the One Piece actually is, but either way, it's meaningless to me," Yovan explained.

"So why are we going after it?" Laffitte curiously asked.

"Because it's meaningful to everyone else," Yovan simply explained before coughing, realizing that the subject was starting to change.

"I'm mostly certain of the history of the world, but there are a few things I'm uncertain about, so what'll say is certainly that completely accurate, and it might even sound like a work of imagination to you... Some of it is." He specified.

"Take the story as a Mythical tale to enjoy, perhaps passed around the world only to become nothing but a work of imagination of the ancients, a Mythology of sorts." His words sounded like a prediction of the future to them.

"There was the world and its inhabitants... All its inhabitants dwell in the sea for no land existed, only sea as far as the eyes can see," The first words he uttered already fascinated the group as they gave him their undivided attention.

"Since there was only see, the planet's primary inhabitants were Fish men. Indeed, the fishmen who are today oppressed with little to no power once ruled the world... And they had someone to unite them, Poseidon.

Poseidon ruled over the ocean because of their unique gift, their ability to command those who dwell in the sea, but every force has an existing opposing force, and that would be those who rule over the sky.

The forces in the sky also have a ruler, and that's Uranus, the God of the sky, who commands all that dwells in the sky... The two forces coexisted peacefully due to another existence... The Sea God.

The Sea God, if it has a name, I don't know it, but I know it to be so enormous and majestic that it can envelop the entire planet... Just like it's doing now."

"Huh? Say what?"

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