
ONE PIECE : King of Heroes

After reading of the One Piece comic, a man with rich imaginations about the adventurous world of Luffy and his pirate crew, begins his imaginary journey with these characters. However, fate plays a game of its own when his life suddenly takes a drastic turn. The man, who had previously been sleeping in his room, was not aware of a dangerous gas leak. The electric spark that accidentally touched the gas resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the room. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a completely different state. Unknowingly, the man has been reborn as Coby, a character in the world of One Piece, and is trapped in a prison cell on a pirate ship. The explosion's destruction has brought Coby to his imaginary world that once only existed in the pages of comics. Isolated in a cold and dark cell, Coby must struggle to understand what has happened to him. I'm just a beginner writer and this is my first work, so I hope you don't criticize me too harshly, and English is not my first language,I found a picture from pinterest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would be very grateful if you could support me by donating at this link : https://sociabuzz.com/eggsy

eggsy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 3

(Pov MC)

With a burning determination to survive in this ominous world, I tried to find a way out of this tormenting situation. I hoped that my modern intelligence would offer a glimmer of hope in overcoming these challenges. However, at present, I was trapped in a small cell in the middle of the sea, a prisoner aboard this pirate ship. Iron shackles cruelly bound my hands, and every movement I made caused my wrists to feel like they were being burned by the friction of the chains. But physical pain was just a fraction of the suffering I endured. Hunger gnawed at my body, mercilessly biting at my stomach, forcing me to experience the helplessness of my situation.

As I contemplated in the isolated darkness, a bitter truth gripped my heart. I realized that I had been born as Coby long before the main journey of this story began, as evident from my small and emaciated body , I believe my current body is only around 4 or 5 years old. How bitter it was to know that the exciting adventures of Luffy and his friends would only occur decades later. I felt desperate, as I realized that there would be no fortuitous rescue like the one Coby experienced when Luffy freed him from Alvida's clutches in Canon. Damn, damn, damn! What should I do? I was just an anime world addict in my previous life. Merely a loyal viewer of anime, leading a meaningless routine. How could I possibly find a solution in this crushing abyss of despair?

The disappointment within me reached its peak as I thought about the thrilling adventures. Where were the exotic islands harboring mysteries and wonders? Where were the comrades who supported each other through every hardship? Was my fate merely a torturous death or, worse yet, becoming a worthless slave, no more meaningful than a few pieces of paper money?

This repulsive world was not what I had yearned for. I longed to return to the comfortable world where I lay upon a cozy bed, free from the clutches of a suffering-filled existence. Unstoppable tears streamed from my eyes as I blamed the cruel fate. All these events felt so excessive and unjust for someone like me. Why? Why was I reborn into such a state? I had never committed any wrongdoing. In fact, I set aside a small portion of my money to help underprivileged orphans, the elderly, and destitute women. Why? Why did all of this have to happen to me? The profound shock rattled my mind until I collapsed in this dark cell.

When I finally regained consciousness, the scorching sunbeams penetrated through the filthy cracks in the window. My body felt weak, but the flames of resistance still burned in my heart. I knew I couldn't surrender to despair. Though I was born into this harsh world without extraordinary powers like Luffy, I had to find a way to change my own destiny.

In the eerie silence, I began to reflect on my previous life. I was merely an otaku who had been complacent with imaginary worlds and daily routines. However, now I realized the value of freedom and opportunities. I would no longer squander my time in futility. I had to utilize all the knowledge and skills I possessed to overcome every obstacle that lay ahead.

With newfound determination, I decided to take the first step towards freedom. I gathered the remnants of strength within my body and attempted to weaken the iron shackles that bound my hands. My wrists grew increasingly painful, but I ignored the pain, and what happened next was just the pain inflicted by the tight grip of the shackles, as if they were welded to my hands. Sigh! I closed my eyes in frustration at my futile attempts. As I closed my eyes, I noticed some changes that I hadn't realized before, perhaps because the festivities above were so loud that I overlooked them.

Yes, I could feel and see everything happening on this ship by closing my eyes.

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