
ONE PIECE : King of Heroes

After reading of the One Piece comic, a man with rich imaginations about the adventurous world of Luffy and his pirate crew, begins his imaginary journey with these characters. However, fate plays a game of its own when his life suddenly takes a drastic turn. The man, who had previously been sleeping in his room, was not aware of a dangerous gas leak. The electric spark that accidentally touched the gas resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the room. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a completely different state. Unknowingly, the man has been reborn as Coby, a character in the world of One Piece, and is trapped in a prison cell on a pirate ship. The explosion's destruction has brought Coby to his imaginary world that once only existed in the pages of comics. Isolated in a cold and dark cell, Coby must struggle to understand what has happened to him. I'm just a beginner writer and this is my first work, so I hope you don't criticize me too harshly, and English is not my first language,I found a picture from pinterest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would be very grateful if you could support me by donating at this link : https://sociabuzz.com/eggsy

eggsy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 4 - Kenbunshoku Haki

With my eyes closed, I felt an unexpected energy flowing through my body. I could sense the vibrations of the ship, the footsteps of the guards, and even their thoughts. It was as if I had the ability to connect with the world around me without relying on my sense of sight. There was no doubt about it, as a One Piece fan, I was well acquainted with this extraordinary power - Kenbunshoku Haki. This power allowed me to perceive the state of my surroundings through observation that didn't require vision.

I let out a weak laugh, lacking the strength to laugh any louder. I remembered that Coby gained this power after the great war at Marineford. Back then, he experienced a tremendous shock witnessing the brutality of the battle between the Marines and Whitebeard pirates. Kenbunshoku Haki not only granted Coby the ability to observe his environment but also allowed him to sense someone's emotions. I wasn't sure if this was a special effect unique to Coby or a common effect for all users of this power. My mind was filled with various hypotheses about the reasons behind the awakening of this power within me. Perhaps, due to experiencing the same shock when captured by these pirates, Coby's power was unintentionally awakened within me. Or it could be because of the combination of both souls within me, accelerating the awakening of this power within my small and frail body.

Whatever the reason behind the presence of this power, I felt glad to possess it rather than having no power at all. With the newly acquired Kenbunshoku Haki, I focused and closed my eyes to sense the environment around me. After a few moments, images started appearing in my mind about the surroundings. This perception continued to expand from within the cabin of the ship, delving into the depths of the vessel, and ultimately encompassing the entire surface of the ship. In my mind, I could see every part of the ship using this power. But it didn't stop there. My Kenbunshoku Haki continued to extend, covering the surface of the sea, allowing me to estimate a vast area, reaching a radius of 500 meters from the center of my body.

This power provided me with an incredible advantage in exploring the ship. I could plan my actions better, avoid danger, and utilize situations more effectively. Kenbunshoku Haki became my loyal companion on the journey towards freedom.

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