
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 278

The two of Sanji who were already about to lose their strength suddenly turned dark, gritting their teeth and speeding up to chase Lan Ye.

Of course, and eggs.

Even in its heyday, it might not be possible to catch up to the blue night, and now it is even more impossible.

The distance was moderate and was controlled by Lan Ye within ten meters, which was no small difference, but Lan Ye kept using his mobile phone to seduce the two of them, which was really maddening.

When chasing the huge square of the'Million Lying Corpse Actors', the two finally collapsed and stopped chasing them.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~why is there so much stamina?" Sanji gasped.

"Ha~ha~ From start to finish, has he been fighting for more than ten minutes? Isn't he always counting people!" Sauron said with disdain.

"Things that can be solved with brains, why are you so rude to do it?" Lan Ye's leisurely voice came from afar.

This was obviously disgusting with their thoughtless words, and the two of Sauron who provokeed him glared at him, but it was only that.

Whoever chases is a fool!

Seeing that the two refused to chase anymore, Lan Ye smashed his mouth in a pity, and then flew towards the palace.

Only after turning around, he looked at the ground with a strange look in his eyes.

These people, all of them with eyes wide open, but lying on the ground quietly and continuing to pretend to be corpses, there is no one left.

As for why this is so?

Thinking of the only possibility, Lan Ye couldn't help but draw a curve.

It's really a lovely country.

Watching Lan Ye leave, Sauron and Sanji's angry expressions closed, lying straight on the ground, their eyes too tired to open.

Seeing this, the'lying dead' personnel lying around the two men spontaneously moved to the side, seeming to be afraid of squeezing them.

The whole process was quiet, there was no sound, it was really weird.

"I said~ Sauron, do you really let him go like this? Luffy will definitely scold us when he wakes up." Sanji's helpless voice.

"What can you do, you still have the strength to catch up!" Sauron's tone was also helpless.

a long time.


A soft sigh, no more words.

It seems that both of them are already aware of Lan Ye's certain choice.

Since it was impossible to stop them, the two of them simply didn't want to. The two physically and mentally exhausted soon fell asleep, their chests steadily undulating.

Sleeping is sweet.

The two of them fell asleep, and the people next to them felt miserable!

They are obviously awake, why continue to lie down?

Probably because they already know the cause and effect.

The Devil Fruit ability that can make them fall asleep, in addition to sleeping, can also inject some information into the smoke in advance, so that the sleeping person can remember the information as a third party easily.

It's like watching a movie.

The only drawback is that this smoke is only effective for ordinary people, and the devil fruit ability and the domineering awakened person will be ineffective.

And they continued to pretend to be in a coma in order to create an'absence evidence'. In the future, if the navy asked them if there were any traces of the Straw Hat Crew and the Black Devil Blue Night, they would have an excuse to push them three times.

The shelter of Chi Guo Guo.

However, they are willing to shelter this group of people who have saved their country.

But now Sauron and Sanji are sleeping between them, what...what should I do?

When you stand up, you will lose all your work, and you will continue to pretend to sleep without knowing when you are a head.

This is a bit embarrassing.


The nearby king's army and the rebel army looked at each other. I didn't know where they found a few face towels to cover their faces. They sneaked up to the two Sauron, gently lifted the sleeping two to the palace. Go to the palace.

Luffy and his party are all resting in the palace palace-that is the only place in the country where the navy search can be avoided.

After watching the two of Sauron disappear at the end of the steps, the millions of actors lying dead in the huge square stood up one by one, talking, and their faces were filled with long-lost smiles.

The weapons that were inseparable before were all abandoned on the ground, and no one picked them up again.

Now that the rebel army knew that this was a huge conspiracy, naturally they would not be foolish as a gunman.

The king's army has no objects to suppress, and naturally there is no need for weapons.

As for the members of the Baroque Job Club...Who dares to take the initiative at this time?

Isn't that looking for smokers!

People are celebrating the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, and when they are happy they forgot about you. If you don't hurry up, don't you feel happy to go up and find it by yourself? !


However, Lan Ye used mind control to drag Krokdal's corpse to the front of the palace palace.

King Cobra and Queen Weiwei of Alabastan were waiting at the gate of the palace.

Lan Ye just landed, and yet to stand still, Weiwei had already plunged into Lan Ye's arms without an image. She cried as she pumped it.

Lan Ye was rather embarrassed.


The first time a girl was crying in her arms, how should we deal with this?

Wait online, hurry!

the most important is.

This young master has his own heart, Weiwei, although you have a big chest and butt, but my goddess is'EEE'!

Just when Lan Ye was quite at a loss, Cobra coughed in a low voice and said: