
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 279

"Weiwei, Lan Ye should be tired after a big battle. Let him take a rest first."

When Weiwei heard this, she let go of her hand reluctantly, and looked at Lan Ye with shining eyes. At the end, a thousand words could only be the word'Thank you'.

Lan Ye just smiled, stretched out her hand and rubbed Weiwei's blue hair, then turned to Cobra and said:

"There is no need to rest. I will leave Alabastan later, otherwise it will be a little troublesome to go to sea later."

The implication is: hurry up and find a place, let's talk about remuneration.

Ran goose.

Without waiting for Cobra to reply, Weiwei here did not agree and could not talk:

"Why, Lan Ye! Do you have to leave alone? Everyone knows that Nami's matter is not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself!"

Faced with Vivi's shock, Lan Ye didn't pay any attention, and she didn't even turn her eyes. She fixedly looked at Cobra. The left hand that was rubbing Vivi's hair was firmly pressed on her forehead and fixed it. In the same place, unable to pounce on the blue night.

The scene was deadlocked for a while.

At this time, the people carrying Sauron and Sanji arrived.

Cobra spoke to break the deadlock:

"Weiwei, you take the hero of Alabastan to the room and set it up. Lan Ye and I have something to talk about."

Weiwei bit her lip, fixedly looking at the blue night without looking at her. In the end, she turned her head and left, and took the sleeping Sauron and Sanji to the room where Luffy and others were.

Cobra led the way for Lan Ye and went to the other side.

When he was about to enter the palace, suddenly, a drop of rain fell on the blue night's repulsion protection ring, splashing a little water.

Stop, look up.

I don't know when, originally because of the large amount of dancing powder, the sky in Alabastan was clear and the weather was sparsely scattered with a few white clouds.

But just such a density should not be enough to achieve rain conditions.

But the drizzle was still falling.

Small but long.

Cobra also noticed this, staring at Lan Ye with uncertainty, and stopped talking.

Lan Ye understood what he meant.

This is in doubt whether he has used dancing powder again.

Alabastan now really can't stand any turmoil anymore.

The massive amount of dancing powder used by Blue Nights before, but covered a full area of ​​three Albana, so overdraft the amount of rain in Alabastan, I am afraid that it will not be restored at all in less than three years.

In other words, in three years, Alabastan, except Albana, will be dripping water.

Fortunately, without the confidant of Krokdal, everything will be fine.

But now that the matter is over, if Lan Ye still uses dancing powder, then...

At first, Lan Ye thought it was a problem she had-or whether it was caused by the mirror clone.

Thinking of linking the mirror clone, after discovering that it was not the other party, Lan Ye's mind flashed, remembering a small detail, and asked the mirror clone to take a look at the port in Albana.

At the same time, Lan Ye did not forget to explain to Cobra:

"It's not a problem with dancing fans, it should have been done by Smogg. I sent a avatar to watch it. If possible, I don't think Alabastan needs three years to recover."

Cobra's eyes lit up, but he didn't rush to question. Instead, after a sin, he led the way and led Lan Ye to the depths of the palace.

He trusted Lan Ye.

Before that, when I was concerned and confused, I wondered if Lan Ye had used dancing powder again.

Lan Ye smiled generously, following Cobra, hiding in the depths of the palace.



At the port.

The mirror avatar flew over and saw the goal of his trip at a glance.

There are two warships docked here, as well as a very strange ship.

It has a hollow main pole like a copper hot pot, and a large amount of white smoke rises from it, poured into the white clouds in the sky, and floated towards Alabastan.

"Oh, it seems that this is the reason why Smogg has eaten it." The mirror clone flew around the strange ship, saying with great interest.

Not long after, Smogg didn't wait, but there was a beautiful woman with pink hair, and Lin Kong stepped boldly into the mirror avatar.

Navy six-style · moon step!

"Hey? Where did the beautiful girl come from!" The mirror clone looked like a pig brother.

The beautiful woman snorted when she heard the words, and poked a finger at the mirror image to separate her body and mind. The lush and blue fingers actually gave people an unstoppable momentum.

Navy Type Six Finger Gun!

The mirror avatar blinked, not dodge or dodge, as if stupidly, letting the beautiful woman poke her heart inwardly.

The beautiful woman was taken aback, but it was too late to stop, she could only change the offensive, change her finger guns to clap her hands, and slap the mirror avatar's chest with a slap, but her arms passed through the mirror avatar's body weirdly. Like a fence, lock the mirror clone in it.

While locking the mirror avatar, it also made the beautiful woman nowhere to focus on kicking out the'moon step', she could only show her legs on Lan Ye's waist and clamp it hard!

"Wow! Beautiful Tina, she was so enthusiastic and direct when she met, isn't it?" Mirror clone molested.

"Hey? How did you know Tina's name is Tina? Tina was surprised..." The pretty beauty, that is Tina, was taken aback, and asked subconsciously, then her face became cold: "What did you just say, say it again!"


A power gun hit the left eye of the mirror avatar, still using the kind of armed color domineering.

Turn into a national treasure in seconds.

"Wow! Beautiful Tina, I have nothing to do, so just give me an electric cannon. Isn't it too cruel? I want to protest..."

