
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 277

With a ruthless word, Smogg dashingly left a back and walked into the distance.

"Hey, Small, you..." Lan Ye started to say something.

"Don't bargain, it will never change in seven days!" Smogg seemed to expect the Blue Night to'bargain' and interrupted him directly.

"Hey, no, yes..." Lan Ye said again.

"Seven days are seven days, no discussion!" Smogg interrupted again.

"It's not that you listen to me, Smogg, you little..."

"Shut up! Don't you understand me..."

Smogg said that Lan Ye and the others saved the Kingdom of Alabastan in his own way, and the other people were tired, so he didn't bother to take advantage of the danger and gave the seven-day deadline.

Seven days were given because it took seven days for the naval base closest to Alabastan to arrive at full speed.

By then, the dispatched admiral will be at least at the school level, and may even be a major general, and Smaller has no right to stop him.

He will not stop either.

He made up his mind to seal off the waters near Alabastan for the past seven days, and all ships could not get in or out. After the Straw Hats and Lan Ye recharged, it would be a fair fight.

At that time, it was his Smogg's ability to capture the opponent.

But Lan Ye actually got into an inch, interrupted several times, and still wanted to talk about a deadline, and the anger in his heart could not stop spewing out suddenly.

It was just that when he said this angrily, Smogg felt that the yellow sand on his right foot seemed to be a bit hard, and then a feeling of powerlessness struck him, making him unable to stand up, and fell directly on the ground. The ground, his mouth widened because of angrily scolding, gnawed a mouthful of yellow sand.

With Smogg's embarrassing appearance, the blue night trio looked as usual, even with a hint of schadenfreude, except that they were not surprised.

It seems to have been expected.

Lan Ye was also quite amused, forced to endure a smile, stretched out her hand and used gravity to attract a'black long and straight' stick-like object from Smogg's feet.

It was the sea tower javelin that was kicked at Krokdal by Sanji before.

Smogg's barefoot stepped on this thing, and he was weak. In addition, he was about to turn around. He couldn't stabilize his body with one leg supporting his body. He fell a dog to eat... Oh, it's S. Mouthful Sha·Mo·Baby feel bitter in his heart.

Lan Ye wanted to remind Smaller to be careful, but he was repeatedly interrupted by Smaller who thought he was, and then Smaller was tragic...

"Hey, I had my heart turned to the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!" Lan Ye shook his head and said.

Smogg's body trembled.

Get angry!

Although he didn't know what Lan Ye's phrase "I would have turned my heart to the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch", he could guess that this cliff was used to ridicule himself!

Smogg, who was burning with anger, gritted his teeth fiercely, turned into a form of smoke, and flew to the distance!

He was afraid that if he stayed, he couldn't help but slaughter the three of Lan Ye.

But when it was about to come, Smogg turned his head and stared at the blue night fiercely, and the anger contained in it was almost condensed into substance.

Lan Ye couldn't help but touch the back of his head.

Hey, I obviously wanted to remind him, how come I was hated?

With Smogg's departure, Yuruo pulled the curtain to a close.

The torrential rain stopped suddenly, the dark clouds that covered the sky dissipated, and the scorching sun once again hung over Albana, baking the earth that had been moisturized by the rain.

Lan Ye grasped Krokdal's body with mind control, and walked slowly to the Kingdom Palace with the wounded Sauron and Sanji.

Because the mirror clone over there has not been lifted, so Robin and others already know the situation of the battle, the three of them are not in a hurry to rush back, this section of the road can be described as slow and slow.

Lan Ye's image is exceptionally clean, without injury, even the clothes are neat and tidy.

This guy has never fought desperately from start to finish, the repulsion protection circle is always on, and he hasn't even stuck a single grain of yellow sand.

Both Sauron and Sanji were miserable.

Sanji is okay. Mr. 2 originally left a lot of footprints and blood stains on his body. After being washed by a torrential rain, except for the worn clothes and a slight bruise on his body, there were no big wounds.

Krokdal never made small wounds, the'Desert Knife' hit the front and knelt directly.

Sauron was much miserable.

In the first battle with Bowness, he had already lost one of ten combat power. Even if he swallowed ten'Arpeggio Pills' to restore 10% of combat power, his injury would be healed by the way. He is also on the front line.

There are not many wounds, but the clothes... only a pair of knee-length pants are left, and the belt seems to be broken at sight.

Sauron had to hold three treasure knives by himself, for fear that the belt would really break, so he could only walk back with the waistband.

I lost my life!

Lan Ye watched silently, and did not tell the other party that she still had spare clothes in her dimensional space, and she was even a few steps behind quietly. She secretly took out her mobile phone and took a triple shot.

In this regard, Sauron and Sanji also have a coup.

After entering the South City Gate, it is the commercial area of ​​Albana. It is easy to find two sets of costumes.

But their'handle' was already captured by Lan Ye.

The angry Sauron and Sanji gnashed their teeth, and when they catch up, they will grab Lan Ye's phone and ask them to delete the photos.

How can Blue Night follow.

Sa Yazi ran away.

It's really exciting to run after a sneak shot!



"Mmei Wind" rewards 1,000 starting coins.

200. The Nemesis of the Mirror Clone

"Soul Dan! Stop! Hand over the phone!"

"Hurry up and delete the photo, or I'll cut you off!"

Sauron and Sanji were chasing closely behind Lan Ye, but they suffered from lack of physical strength and couldn't catch up. They had no other choice but to shout.

Lan Ye flew upside down in the air, pulling Krokdal's body behind him, and shook the cell phone in his hand triumphantly at the two of them, looking awkward.