
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 276

Therefore, Klockdal has been in the rain for a long time.

"When was the last time it rained?" Klockdal's thoughts diverged into the distance.

The pictures in the past, which flashed quickly through his mind, were all like watching a horse watching the flowers, unable to attract Krokdal's attention.

Until, a young face freezes in his mind.

That face was so young, even to Krokdal, who had been walking along the great route for many years, it was just a little baby.

I don't know how many kills I have killed.

But this time, he was planted on such a nasty little baby.

And the planting was very thorough, and it was a direct loss of life.

In a daze, Klockdal seemed to hear the pesky baby's voice again—no, that was the voice of Lan Ye.

Krokdal's divergent thinking returned instantly, but Lan Ye's face remained in sight.

Lan Ye stood in front of him with his bare hands and looked down at Klockdal, as if the king was examining his hunting.

"Ha~ha~ ahem...ahem...puffpuffpuff——"

Klockdal wanted to face death with a smile, but didn't want this smile to affect the chest injury. The blood poured into the trachea with the rain, choking him to cough, and finally coughed up bright red blood.

I don't know if it's the more rain in Alabastan or the more blood in his Krokdal.

With this look, even if Lan Ye didn't do anything, Klockdal would die from suffocation.

Seeing that Krokdal was dying, Lan Ye, who had been watching quietly, finally spoke-this made Krokdal's eyes widened in disbelief.

He wasn't sure if he had heard it wrong. The sound of heavy rain hitting the sand made it harder for bloody ears to work properly.

"Krokdal, you are wrong, those with natural fruit ability, to me, death is more useful than life!"


With the'repulsion bullet' hand-wounded by the letter, Lan Ye ended Klockdal's pain.

Krokdahl still kept his eyes wide open, staring at Lan Ye, as if staring at him.

In addition to the murderous intent to Lan Ye Shen, what remained in his eyes was more unwilling.

After three years of layout, he would never have thought that he would end up like this.

But no matter how unwilling, a little bit of blue brilliance, still pouring from his body, condensed into a blue card in front of him.

Lan Ye glanced at it.

It is Krokdal's rustling fruit.

This is what Lan Ye said, a person with natural fruit ability, for him, death is more useful than life-provided that this person cannot be controlled by him.

Although the'Shasha Fruit' had taken shape, Lan Ye didn't plan to take it off.

Natural fruits with such serious shortcomings are even scared of fresh water. What's the point?

Natural fruit, he still prefers the "Sounding Thunder Fruit".

"Well, according to the urinary nature of the duel plate, this'Sand Fruit' card should also absorb the cards generated by the citizens of Alabastan, and then advance? Tsk, Alabastan is a big country. There are millions of rebels and kings alone, and promotion to the purple is ironclad, I don't know if the silver...is it possible?"

When Lan Ye was thinking about the possibility of the'Silver Card', Smogg, who was looking furious, finally killed him. His right leg was directly separated from his body and kicked towards Lan Ye. At the same time, he shouted loudly:

"I asked you to stop and didn't hear it? He was the target I was looking for. It proved that'Seven Wuhai under the King' was the key witness of mistakes and jokes. Who allowed you to kill him!"

Facing the'smoke leg' that Smogg flew kicking, Lan Ye took out a weapon at random from the dimension space, and drew it honestly and unceremoniously.

Smogg was also unlucky, Lan Ye's casual draw, which happened to be the Hailou Stone Javelin.

Smogg, who was furious, would have thought that the weapon in Lan Ye's hand would be made by Hailou Shi, let alone that Lan Ye, as a Devil Fruit Ability, could directly hold the Hailou Shi weapon.

Therefore, he suffers.

After being shot back by Lan Ye, even the aerosolized soles were taken off, and the five big toes were exposed to the air, which was quite embarrassing.

Smogg was so angry that his body trembled, his eyes venomously staring at Lan Ye, like a lion about to hunt, it will violently hurt people at any time.

Lan Ye blinked.


There were dozens of air weapons in his own dimension, and only this one was left with the Hailou Javelin. Small luck was so bad that Lan Ye was directly struck by the Hailou Javelin.

199,It's really exciting.

Click! Click! Click!

The flash lights up.

Smogg glared at the speechless Lan Ye, with Krokdal nailed to the ground lying in the middle.

The picture was so beautiful that Sanji subconsciously took out his phone and took a few photos.

Smogg thought it was a special gun, and he wanted to avoid the unnecessarily bullet when he was shaking. What if the bullet came from the sea floor stone?

As a result, apart from the white light, no bullets or attacks came.

Smaller's anger grew stronger.

He felt that he was being teased.

"Well, I said Smogg, we have worked so hard to get rid of Krokdal. It is the time when we are most tired, do you want to kill us all at once?" Lan Ye suddenly suggested.

Both Sauron and Sanji's expressions tightened, and they quietly approached Klockdal's body and the open space on the other side-Sauron shot two sea tower javelins, one inserted in the sand and the other stuck in the Rockdale's chest.

If Smogg really wanted to take advantage of people's dangers to go to war, they would not be in the least ashamed of them holding the sea tower weapon.

The other person, Krokdal, can set off a dust storm that is huge enough to swallow Albana. What can your Smogg's "Smog Fruit" do?

Haze caused Alba to lose sight of the sky? !

(Sauron: Hey? What is the smog? It seems to have been told by Lan Ye... Forget it, I can't remember, I don't want to.)

Ran goose.

Unexpectedly, before Sauron and Sanji could get the Hailou Stone Javelin, Smogg gave Lan Ye a stern look, turned his head and left.

"Seven days, the navy won't enter Albana within seven days. If we bump into it afterwards, I will arrest you with all my strength!"