
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 275

"Guo Shu Hua" rewarded 16,000 starting coins.

Yesterday's rewards totaled 29,100 starting points, plus one more chapter.

Chapter 198: Dead is more useful than living

"Let me go, I am willing to join your pirate group, a natural fruit capable person, definitely more benefits than killing!"

Klockdal begged for mercy.

Even Lan Ye was stunned for a moment, and then reacted-surrendered!

Krokdal surrendered?


Klockdal can surrender willingly, and Luffy can even understand what it means to "move and move".

This is just a postponement.

Under Lan Ye's careful calculations, he did take advantage of the time, location, and harmony of people.

But time is fleeting.

The torrential rain caused by the dancing fans could not last for long.

Now Krokdal seemed to have surrendered, but after the rainstorm passed, Krokdal turned his head and ran away.

As those with natural fruit abilities, the Lan Ye trio couldn't control him at all.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if Krokdahl really fell under the halo of Lan Ye's "Wise God Wu Jue Jue Wu Shuang, Handsome and Handsome Hero", he could--

Such a hero, can Lan Ye dare to use it?

You know, if it wasn't for the massive dancing fans that Krokdal used to frame Cobra, under 1V1, Blue Night Cliff was the one who would lose.

Therefore, after hearing Krokdal's surrender, Lan Ye simply took out a pair of handcuffs and threw it towards the opponent.

"You can live with Shanghai Lou Shi handcuffs."

-"Fart!" Lan Ye added silently in his heart.

As long as Klockdal dared to put on handcuffs, Lan Ye would use the Hailou Stone Javelin to pierce the opponent's heart in the next moment.

Klockdal, Lan Ye didn't have the confidence to control the other party, so he killed it altogether to avoid future troubles.

Lan Ye calculated Krokdal, and Krokdal was not really stupid.

If he were to wear this pair of sea tower stone handcuffs, he would have no way to survive, and Sanji and Sauron, who were staring at him, could chop him off.

Therefore, seeing the failure of the surrender plan, Krokdal gritted his teeth and took advantage of the slowdown of Sauron and Sanji's attacking rhythm.

It is basically impossible to live in Lan Ye's hands, and falling into Smogg's hands is the most serious thing being imprisoned in the deep sea prison.

Freedom and life, which is less important than Krokdal, can still be weighed.

Seeing this, the two Sauron immediately wanted to pursue them.

However, the long-term battle has brought the two human bodies close to the limit, especially Sauron, in order to comprehend the promotion of the swordsman of "Slashing Iron", but he was almost broken by Bowness.

Seeing that the distance from Krokdal was gradually widening, Sanji gritted his teeth and uttered a low "forgiveness" that attracted Sauron's attention, and then it was a kick that flew towards Sauron.

Look at that speed and momentum, it really is a full kick with no mercy.

As a good friend, Sauron instantly comprehended Sanji's intentions and jumped up into the air to form a ball, and then his stowed thighs suddenly popped out, just hitting the soles of Sanji's kicking feet, with the help of With Sanji's power and the eruption of his legs, Sauron was shot like a cannonball.


Krokdal, who was always paying attention to the movement behind him, couldn't help but gently provoke the corner of his mouth.

A mistake, Sauron and Sanji's cooperation made a mistake!

According to the trajectory of Sauron's flying out at this time, he was only jumping a little high at best, and he couldn't stop the'begging for arrest' Krokdal first.

"Great! Without them being aggressive behind my back, I can entangle with the little demon Smogg for a while, maybe I can delay it until the end of the dancing fan, whether I will go or stay at that time, or I will decide on my own?"

Krokdal was ecstatic in his heart, and he drove to Smogg a little faster.

He saw the hope of freedom.

Suddenly, Krokdal felt cold in his heart-it was the dangerous intuition cultivated by years of war to warn him that a fatal crisis was approaching!

A fatal crisis enough to kill him!

Without the slightest hesitation, Krokodall's fast-moving figure suddenly stood still. A sea tower stone javelin almost wiped his forehead, plunged into the yellow sand in front of him, and a few strands of hair drifted in the air with the wind. .

That was the sea tower javelin thrown by Sauron.

They didn't even think about chasing Krokdal, but chasing and killing!

Fortunately, that creepy premonition of death was coming again. Krokdal rolled a donkey in an imageless place, and the stone javelin shot by Sanji blasted past the back of his original location.

But that's it.

Krokdal, what he was about to face was the second sea tower javelin shot from by Sauron.

It was just when the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born, that the donkey rolled and put him in a torrential rain, and the elemental ability temporarily failed.

He really can't hide!

Obviously Smolg was already in front of him.

Krokdal could even hear Smogg's angry yelling in the rainstorm.

However, nothing to hide is nothing to hide.

The only thing Klockdal could do was to move his body as best as he could, so that the Hailou Stone Javelin rubbed his heart and nailed himself to the desert, and he could no longer move.

He is not Lan Ye, Hai Lou Shi has made him weak, let alone an elemental body, that is, he doesn't even have the ability to manipulate sand to block raindrops.

I can only let the big raindrops of soybeans slap on my cheeks, chest, and clothes quickly, and then be absorbed as much as possible.

As the rain was absorbed, Krokdal's body was covered with vertical and horizontal spider cracks, and the last piece of flesh and blood fell off Krokdal's body, revealing the smaller Krokdal, the blood-red color on the chest. , Even the heavy rain cannot wash away cleanly.

This is yet another layer of armor of sand.

Krokdal was in a trance.

Because of the devil fruit, the capable people are afraid of sea water, and they are also a bit repulsive of fresh water, not to mention that fresh water is also his shortcoming, which will make his elementalization ineffective.