
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 274

After all, Lan Ye no longer hesitated.

I saw him take out a cigarette with its butt still lit from the dimensional space, and hit the sack phalanx below him, just landing at the position where the black oil was poured.

coax! ! !

The spark of a single spark brought a raging flame like a prairie fire, and the flame swallowed the entire sack array in an instant. Sanji could vaguely see from the partially burned sack gap, and the sack was filled with a kind of green powder.

It's just that the green powder ignited in the fire, and the already fierce fire continued to rise.

As the fire escalated, a large amount of black smoke was generated from the flame. They ignored the obstacles of the yellow sand in the sky and floated towards the sky, and then...

There's no after that.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the visibility can only be within ten meters, and there is no distinction between humans and animals 20 meters away. What can you see?

Sauron and Sanji could not be seen, but the blue night that linked the mirror avatar could clearly see.

From the southern city gate, a black cloud formed rapidly, and it was still expanding rapidly. It turned out to be the first to catch up with the speed of the giant sandstorm. It was only a fraction of the size, and it was already the entire Albana. Covered there.

Immediately after that, drops of rain fell from the dark clouds that covered the sky, and it was already connected in a short time, and finally turned into a pouring rain pouring down.

As we all know, water is very inclusive, and its mass is greater than air, and it cannot be suspended in the air.

Washed by a lot of rain, the sand controlled by Krokdal was wrapped in rain, and fell out of his control to the ground, but in the dust storm's air surging, he had to sink and float with the air load.

At first, by virtue of the huge inertia of the airflow, these dust wrapped in raindrops can still be driven to float in the air, but as the dust and raindrops become more and more, they are like a huge burden, which consumes a lot of money. The inertia of the airflow.

And Krokdal, obviously can only use the sand flow to push the airflow to generate a sandstorm, and cannot set off the airflow out of thin air. Watching the sand and dust wrapped in water droplets slow the inertia of the airflow, he can only stare at him.

The giant sandstorm does not advance but retreats, just like ebb tide.

In the end, Krokdal just persisted in this pouring rain for less than a minute, and he showed his body, and he couldn't even maintain the elementalization.

I saw Krokdal standing outside the southern city gate, controlling a stream of sand around him to block the rain, his face was like a dark cloud above his head, with a dense haze.

His eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Lan Ye, as if to firmly engrave it in his mind.

He understands that he is already gone.

Seeing that Sauron and Sanji were entangled again, Klockdal had to start thinking about retreating.

He has a hunch.

If he delays with Lan Ye any more, what kind of'surprise' this guy will give.


Unwilling! ! !

After three years of layout, just for today's battle, it was a little boy who had just entered the great seafaring, who broke the overall plan, and finally fled in embarrassment.

He is really unwilling!

But what can we do if we are unwilling?

From the appearance of Blue Night to the present, Krokdal has been restrained everywhere.

Mr. 1 Bowness who was instigated,

The instigated Miss.0 Robin,

Trapped deep under the sea and beaten,

Was surrounded and beaten in front of the Palace of the Kingdom of Albana.

Even in the face of the majesty of nature, he still has a way to overcome the crisis.

The understanding of Krokdal is even better than himself.

Not to mention, in this heavy rain, Krokdal can be said to be hand-bound. Although he can still control the water-filled sand and dust, he can still control it, but the heavy weight makes the already heavy sand flow slower. .

Not to mention being driven by arms, even Sanji and Sauron can't keep up.

And if the stream of sand on top of one's head is crushed and exposed to rain, even the elementalization will be broken. Do you still need to fight by then?

Lan Ye didn't even need to use the Hailou Stone Javelin. Both Sauron and Sanji had enough for him to drink a pot.

Don't retreat at this time, when will you wait more!

Ran goose.

Klockdal wanted to retreat, but he didn't want to see a puff of white smoke swept from afar on his way back.

It was Smogg who was overdue.

Also a person with natural fruit ability, Smogg does not have the defect of being afraid of water, he is only afraid of sea water.

Krokdal's face immediately sank to the extreme.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. How can this be played?

And at this moment, Sauron and Sanji, who had been useless, had already got rid of his heavy sand currents, and they slammed Klockdal.

It seems to have fallen into a dead end.

Does Krokdal want to die?

No, he doesn't want to die!

He still has too many things to do.

Haven't killed the white beard,

Haven't obtained Pluto,

Not yet...

Therefore, at this moment of crisis of life and death, Krokdal really could afford to let go, and immediately begged Lan Ye for mercy:

"Let me go, I am willing to join your pirate group, a natural fruit capable person, definitely more benefits than killing!"

Krokdal's begging for mercy slowed Sauron and Sanji's offensive moves, and no longer used deadly moves.

They were waiting, Lan Ye answered.

