
One Piece: Crossed Flames

Update schedule: 2 chapters/day (Mon-Sat) This is the story of Lucas, a young man who wakes up to find himself inhabiting the body of Sakazuki, a Marine in the world of One Piece. Initially disoriented by his sudden transformation, Lucas quickly realises that he has been transported into a universe he once thought was confined to manga pages and animated screens. As he grapples with the shock of his new reality, Lucas must navigate the intricate politics and treacherous waters of the One Piece world. Despite retaining memories of his previous life, he finds himself thrust into a position of power and authority as Sakazuki—a man known as Akainu, the future Marine Fleet Admiral Red Dog, renowned for his uncompromising pursuit of justice. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. This is translated from a mtl novel but I will be making some changes to the plot as the story progresses. For your reference, Mtl novel: One piece of Admiral Akainu Cover picture by Fadil089665 For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me with donations on my Patreon page patreon.com/GhostofTaurus

GhostofTaurus · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 64: Buster Call

Sakazuki's voice reverberated across the training ground, tinged with dissatisfaction. "Your performance today is an improvement from three days ago, but it's still too sluggish for my liking."

With a stern expression, he continued, "Running laps at such a pace won't cut it. What good are you if you can't keep up? Over the next three years, I'll employ the harshest methods to train you. Prepare yourselves, as my training regimen may be nothing short of grueling—and possibly deadly!"

At the mention of "deadly," a wave of fear washed over the recruits, much to Sakazuki's satisfaction. "Listen up," he commanded, his tone unwavering. "Follow my instructions precisely. There will be monthly assessments, and failing to meet my standards will have dire consequences."

After issuing his warning, Sakazuki delegated the training duties to Onigumo and Lucas. With their expertise, they were well-equipped to handle the task, instilling discipline and rigor into the recruits.

Observing the training session from a distance, Sakazuki's demeanor remained stoic, instilling a sense of apprehension in the recruits as they diligently followed the Onigumo's instructions.

Despite the recruits' fears, Sakazuki found solace in the steadily increasing fear points in the system.

As days turned into months, Sakazuki dedicated himself to relentless training, striving to bolster his strength. His focus on improvement was unwavering, particularly in honing his Armament Haki abilities.

Over the course of more than a year, New World remained turbulent, with pirates vying for dominance. Whitebeard emerged as the foremost emperor, while other formidable pirate groups, such as the Beasts Pirates and BIG MOM Pirates, vied for supremacy.

Meanwhile, Sakazuki's recruits underwent a profound transformation under his tutelage, evolving from raw recruits to skilled Marines. Their progression was a source of pride for Sakazuki, as was the accumulation of fear points.

However, Sakazuki's routine was interrupted when a soldier summoned him to meet with the Fleet Admiral. This unexpected summons hinted at a new chapter awaiting Sakazuki—one that promised action and purpose.

With a sense of anticipation, Sakazuki prepared to meet with the Fleet Admiral, signaling a shift from his year-long hiatus of training recruits to potentially more significant duties within the Marine hierarchy.

Sakazuki's expectations were high as he ventured to meet the Fleet Admiral. He pondered the potential opportunities that awaited him beyond the confines of Marineford, where he had been stationed for over a year.

Upon arriving at the Fleet Admiral's office, Sakazuki was greeted by an air of authority that permeated the room. Kong, the outgoing Fleet Admiral, sat behind a grand desk, his expression a mix of seriousness and contemplation.

"Sakazuki," Kong began, his voice commanding attention. "You've been summoned because it's time to reassess your role within the Marine."

Sakazuki listened intently, his anticipation growing with each word spoken by the Fleet Admiral.

"As you know, New World has been in turmoil, with the emergence of powerful pirate factions and the ever-present threat of the Four Emperors," Kong continued. "We need capable individuals like you to help maintain order and uphold the ideals of justice."

Sakazuki nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He had long prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead, eager to prove his worth beyond the confines of Marineford.

"Therefore, I've decided to entrust you with a special assignment," Kong announced, his tone grave yet resolute. "You will be dispatched to New World as part of a task force aimed at quelling the rising tide of piracy and restoring stability to the region."

A surge of excitement coursed through Sakazuki as he absorbed the implications of Kong's words. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for—a chance to make a real difference and showcase his abilities on a grand stage.

"I accept this assignment wholeheartedly, Fleet Admiral," Sakazuki replied, his voice brimming with determination. "I will do everything in my power to fulfill my duty and bring justice to those who seek to disrupt the peace."

With a firm salute, Sakazuki bid farewell to Kong, his mind buzzing with plans and strategies for the mission ahead. As he stepped out of the Fleet Admiral's office, a renewed sense of purpose filled his heart, propelling him towards the challenges that awaited him in New World.


Back at the training ground, the recruits awaited Sakazuki's return, unaware of the momentous developments taking place behind the scenes. Little did they know that their formidable Instructor was about to embark on a new chapter—one that would shape the course of history in the tumultuous seas of New World.

As the sun set over Marineford, casting a golden glow across the horizon, Sakazuki set off on planing his future course with Onigumo, his resolve unwavering and his spirit aflame with the promise of adventure and justice. The future of New World hung in the balance, and it was up to Sakazuki and his comrades to chart a course towards a brighter tomorrow.

Sakazuki stepped into the Fleet Admiral's office, greeted by the familiar presence of Sengoku, an Admiral of great renown.

"Good to see you, Sakazuki," Kong, the Fleet Admiral, acknowledged with a nod. "Take a seat beside Sengoku."

Sitting down, Sakazuki braced himself for what lay ahead, his curiosity piqued by the summoning after more than a year of relative calm at Marineford.

"Sakazuki, it's been a quiet year for you, hasn't it?" Kong remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Sakazuki replied, "Indeed, it's been unusually peaceful."

Kong, curious about Sakazuki's demeanor, inquired, "Do you enjoy this tranquility?"

Sakazuki's response was swift. "Impossible. How can one rest easy in a world fraught with uncertainty? A brief respite is acceptable, but prolonged peace breeds complacency."

Kong chuckled at Sakazuki's candidness, then turned serious. "Let's get down to business, Sakazuki. There's a task I need to entrust to you."

Sakazuki's attention was fully captured. "Yes, Fleet Admiral. Please, go on."

Kong gestured to Sengoku, signaling for him to explain the details of the mission.

As Sengoku began to elucidate the situation, Sakazuki's demeanor shifted to one of focused intensity. The gravity of the task ahead weighed heavily upon him as Sengoku delved into the particulars.

"A historical text of immense significance has resurfaced, its contents deemed too volatile for public consumption," Sengoku elucidated. "An expedition squad from Ohara uncovered these texts, prompting a swift and decisive response from our forces."

Sakazuki absorbed this information with keen interest, his mind already racing ahead to the implications of such a discovery.

Sengoku continued, recounting the events that led to the expedition's encounter with Vice Admiral Jaguar D•Saul and the subsequent defection that ensued.

Sakazuki interjected, "So, you're tasking me with ensuring the information doesn't reach the wrong hands?"

Sengoku nodded solemnly. "Precisely. And to that end, a Buster Call has been authorized, targeting Ohara Island."

The mention of a Buster Call sent a shiver down Sakazuki's spine. He understood the magnitude of such an operation—the lives at stake, the irreversible consequences.

Sengoku affirmed Sakazuki's apprehension. "Yes, the sacrifice is regrettable, but necessary for the greater good."

Sakazuki's resolve hardened. "I understand the mission's gravity. I'll see it through."

Kong chimed in, expressing his confidence in Sakazuki's abilities. "Your success in this mission could pave the way for greater opportunities."

With a determined nod, Sakazuki affirmed his commitment. "I won't disappoint you, sir."

Sengoku outlined the details of the operation, including Sakazuki's role and the involvement of other Vice Admirals and CP9 agents.

Sakazuki's expression darkened at the mention of CP9's participation. His history with the Cipher Pol organization was fraught with tension, but he understood the necessity of cooperation for the mission's success.

As preparations were made for the imminent operation, Sakazuki steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. The fate of Ohara Island and Nico Robin—and perhaps the stability of the world itself—hung in the balance, and he was determined to see it through to the end.


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