
One Piece: Crossed Flames

Update schedule: 2 chapters/day (Mon-Sat) This is the story of Lucas, a young man who wakes up to find himself inhabiting the body of Sakazuki, a Marine in the world of One Piece. Initially disoriented by his sudden transformation, Lucas quickly realises that he has been transported into a universe he once thought was confined to manga pages and animated screens. As he grapples with the shock of his new reality, Lucas must navigate the intricate politics and treacherous waters of the One Piece world. Despite retaining memories of his previous life, he finds himself thrust into a position of power and authority as Sakazuki—a man known as Akainu, the future Marine Fleet Admiral Red Dog, renowned for his uncompromising pursuit of justice. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. This is translated from a mtl novel but I will be making some changes to the plot as the story progresses. For your reference, Mtl novel: One piece of Admiral Akainu Cover picture by Fadil089665 For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me with donations on my Patreon page patreon.com/GhostofTaurus

GhostofTaurus · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 65: Buster Call (II)

"Remember, this incident is of utmost importance. Errors are not an option," Kong reiterated, his tone grave with authority.

Once Sakazuki had departed, Kong and Sengoku reconvened, their discussion veering towards the weight of the task assigned to the former.

"Sakazuki hasn't been on assignment for over a year. Are we confident in entrusting him with this?" Sengoku queried, his concern evident.

Kong reassured, "This mission aligns perfectly with Sakazuki's capabilities and temperament. Rest assured, there's no cause for doubt. His track record speaks for itself."

Sengoku sighed, lamenting the inevitable collateral damage that often accompanied such high-stakes operations.

With a steely resolve, Kong emphasized, "Sengoku, empathy has no place in matters of duty. As my successor, you must demonstrate unwavering resolve, especially when sanctioned by the Five Elders themselves."

The impending transition of power between Kong and Sengoku had been meticulously planned, with Kong destined to ascend to a position of even greater authority within the Holy Land of Mariejois.

Back at the training grounds, Sakazuki wasted no time in assembling his trusted comrades, Onigumo and Lucas.

"What did the Fleet Admiral want?" Onigumo inquired, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"Buster Call," Sakazuki responded succinctly, his tone betraying none of the weight of the task ahead.

"Buster Call?" Onigumo echoed, his expression morphing into one of concern. "Is there a crisis brewing?"

Sakazuki proceeded to relay the details of the Ohara incident, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

"This presents a unique opportunity," Onigumo interjected eagerly. "Success in this mission could pave the way for our rehabilitation, especially with Kong's impending retirement."

Sakazuki tempered Onigumo's enthusiasm. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Our focus should be solely on the mission at hand."

Having addressed his recruits, Sakazuki granted them a month's respite before reconvening for a rigorous assessment.

The prospect of rest brought relief to the recruits, albeit tinged with apprehension at the looming test ahead.

As Sakazuki departed, the recruits were left to grapple with their mixed emotions, their minds consumed by thoughts of the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

The following day, preparations for the Buster Call were set into motion with military precision.

Sakazuki and his fellow Vice Admirals, including familiar faces like Doberman, Kuzan, and others, convened at the port, their private soldiers in tow.

Doberman, in particular, welcomed the opportunity to reunite with Sakazuki, their camaraderie undiminished by the passage of time.

Sakazuki extended the invitation for a post-mission celebration, a gesture met with enthusiastic approval from Doberman.

Addressing his fellow Vice Admirals, Sakazuki assumed a position of leadership, asserting his authority with confidence.

Despite the tension between Sakazuki and Kuzan, the mission took precedence, their personal differences set aside for the greater good.

With the specter of the Buster Call looming large, Sakazuki emphasized the gravity of the task at hand, underscoring the need for precision and resolve.

Buster Call, a rarely deployed tactic, symbolized the full might of Marine Headquarters—a force to be reckoned with, its power unmatched.

As the fleet set sail, Sakazuki's mind was consumed by thoughts of the mission ahead, his determination unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

Ten formidable warships, bearing tens of thousands of Marine soldiers, embarked from the Marine Headquarters, traversing the first leg of their journey from the Grand Line to the West Blue.

"Is that the silver den-den mushi signaling the commencement of the Buster Call?" Sakazuki pondered aloud as he scrutinized the device in his grasp. This silver counterpart, devoid of any calling functionality, merely awaited the signal from its golden counterpart to initiate the operation.

An uneasy feeling gnawed at Sakazuki as he contemplated the involvement of CP9's Spandine—a perplexing aspect of the Buster Call protocol. The interplay between Marine authority and the shadowy agents of the World Government added complexity to their mission's dynamics.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, we've reached West Blue. Headquarters has relayed intel suggesting that Vice Admiral Jaguar D. Saul, now a defector, may be located on Ohara. We're tasked with his apprehension," Lucas briefed upon their arrival, urgency palpable in his tone.

Jaguar D. Saul, a figure known to Sakazuki, bore a connection to Kuzan—a complex dynamic that added layers of intrigue to the mission. The specter of betrayal loomed large, casting a shadow over the impending confrontation.

"No time to waste. Full steam ahead to Ohara," Sakazuki commanded decisively, his gaze fixed ahead. With the weight of duty pressing upon him, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, resolute in his determination to uphold Marine justice.

At dawn the following day, the armada of ten warships descended upon Ohara Island, encircling it with a formidable presence as they awaited further instructions. The air crackled with tension as anticipation mingled with apprehension, casting a pall over the tranquil landscape.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, Ohara Island is within sight," Lucas announced, prompting Sakazuki's contemplation of the island's fate. Ohara, renowned for its scholarly pursuits, boasted the iconic Tree of Knowledge—an emblem of its rich intellectual heritage.

Despite its serene facade, Sakazuki harbored no illusions about the island's imminent fate under the specter of the Buster Call. The weight of responsibility hung heavy upon him as he grappled with the moral implications of their mission.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Doberman have arrived," Onigumo reported, signaling the gathering of the Buster Call task force. As the Vice Admirals convened, the pressing question loomed: when would action commence?

"Admiral Sengoku entrusted the Golden Den-Den mushi to Spandine of CP9. However, his whereabouts remain unknown. Until we receive the signal, we must remain vigilant," Sakazuki informed his comrades, acknowledging the unsettling alliance with CP9.

With the arrival of CP9, Sakazuki anticipated the inevitable escalation of events, signaling the onset of the operation. As CP9 operatives descended upon Ohara, chaos ensued, with scholars rounded up and the island plunged into disarray.

Standing vigil on the deck, Sakazuki's attention was suddenly seized by the unmistakable call of the silver phone worm—a harbinger of impending action. With a terse nod to his companions, he steeled himself for the task ahead, his resolve unshakable in the face of adversity.

The tension aboard the warships was palpable as they awaited the command to initiate the Buster Call. Each moment stretched taut with anticipation, the air heavy with the weight of their collective responsibility.

As the minutes ticked by, Sakazuki's mind raced with the gravity of their mission. The fate of Ohara hung in the balance, a testament to the ruthless calculus of power and politics.

Finally, the signal came—an urgent summons to unleash the full force of Marine firepower upon Ohara Island. With a resolute gesture, Sakazuki signaled for the operation to commence, his voice cutting through the silence like a clarion call to action.

The warships sprang into motion, unleashing a devastating barrage upon Ohara Island. The thunderous roar of cannon fire echoed across the sea as the island's defenses crumbled beneath the onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Sakazuki remained steadfast, his gaze fixed upon the unfolding carnage with a mixture of determination and regret. Though duty compelled him to act, the toll of destruction weighed heavily upon his conscience.

As the smoke cleared and the echoes of battle faded, Sakazuki surveyed the aftermath with a heavy heart. Ohara lay in ruins, its once-proud civilization reduced to ash and rubble—a stark reminder of the cost of power unchecked.

In the aftermath of the Buster Call, Sakazuki grappled with the ramifications of their actions. Though victory had been achieved, it came at a profound cost—one that would haunt him long after the guns fell silent.


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