
One Piece: Crossed Flames

Update schedule: 2 chapters/day (Mon-Sat) This is the story of Lucas, a young man who wakes up to find himself inhabiting the body of Sakazuki, a Marine in the world of One Piece. Initially disoriented by his sudden transformation, Lucas quickly realises that he has been transported into a universe he once thought was confined to manga pages and animated screens. As he grapples with the shock of his new reality, Lucas must navigate the intricate politics and treacherous waters of the One Piece world. Despite retaining memories of his previous life, he finds himself thrust into a position of power and authority as Sakazuki—a man known as Akainu, the future Marine Fleet Admiral Red Dog, renowned for his uncompromising pursuit of justice. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. This is translated from a mtl novel but I will be making some changes to the plot as the story progresses. For your reference, Mtl novel: One piece of Admiral Akainu Cover picture by Fadil089665 For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me with donations on my Patreon page patreon.com/GhostofTaurus

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Chapter 63: Recruits

Zephyr nodded in response to Sakazuki's unexpected acceptance, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. "So, the wager stands as I outlined. We have sixty recruits, and each of us will select thirty to train separately. Alternatively, you can enlist an assistant for your training regimen. After three years, the recruits we choose will face off to determine the outcome. What do you say?"

Though three years seemed like a lengthy commitment, Sakazuki found solace in the fact that he had little else to occupy his time during his temporary demotion.

"These sixty recruits have recently joined the Marines, all within the past six months," Zephyr explained. "You may not be familiar with them, but you'll have to choose your thirty."

Sakazuki pondered briefly, admitting to himself that he wasn't adept at discerning talent. Opting for a fair approach, he chose blindly, believing that the instructor's ability would be the deciding factor.

Surprised by Sakazuki's nonchalant selection method, Zephyr couldn't help but wonder if pride clouded Sakazuki's judgment.

With their recruits selected, Zephyr distributed thirty to Sakazuki, leaving the remaining recruits in his care. "These thirty recruits are now under your supervision," he announced. "You're prohibited from leaving Marineford, but I'll keep you informed of any developments."

Despite his demotion, Zephyr harbored no ill will towards Sakazuki. Departing with his recruits, he left a commander behind to assist Sakazuki with the remaining thirty.

Reviewing the list of recruits, Sakazuki recognized a few names, including some notable figures like Yukimura and T Bone, who had already made their mark in the Marines.

Impressed by the caliber of recruits, Sakazuki marveled at Zephyr's discerning eye. He couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for agreeing so readily to the wager, suspecting that Zephyr had outmaneuvered him.

Despite his misgivings, Sakazuki remained resolute in his decision, focusing his attention on the task at hand. Addressing the recruits, he introduced himself as their new instructor, setting the tone for the rigorous training ahead.

"Starting today, you'll be under my command," Sakazuki declared sternly. "You may call me 'Instructor' or by my name, Sakazuki. Disobedience will not be tolerated."

As the recruits fumbled through their responses, Sakazuki's dissatisfaction grew evident. Swiftly issuing orders, he demanded discipline and obedience, instilling a sense of authority.

Surprised by Sakazuki's swift action, the recruits hurried to comply, earning Sakazuki's approval and admiration for their fear scores.

'Maybe, fear will bridge the talent gap'

In that moment, Sakazuki realized the untapped potential of fear as a motivational tool, vowing to leverage it to his advantage in the days to come.

Initially, Sakazuki resisted the idea of being transferred to Zephyr's jurisdiction by Kong. However, his recent exchange with Zephyr unveiled a different side of the man, leaving him somewhat at ease. As for the wager coupled with punishment, it added an element of excitement to an otherwise monotonous existence.

But in this moment, Sakazuki couldn't contain his elation. Becoming an Instructor for the first time, he had already garnered hundreds of fear points from his recruits. With the establishment of his authority, he anticipated a steady rise in fear points, sparking his interest in the upcoming three-year training.

"I remember our new Instructor is the Vice Admiral we discussed yesterday," one recruit remarked. "He used to be quite formidable."

"Indeed, he looks intimidating," another added.

"He's much stricter than any Instructor we've had before," a recruit observed. "Making us run laps without a word. It's tough."

"Quit your whining and start running. Four laps," Sakazuki commanded.

The recruits, running and conversing, soon found themselves out of breath after four kilometers.

Surveying the exhausted recruits, Sakazuki felt a sense of superiority. "You're now under my command. Expect rigorous training," he asserted.

As Sakazuki reprimanded the recruits, they couldn't help but feel intimidated by his stern demeanor.

"I know some of you may disagree, you may leave the program. I'll give you'll 5-minutes to think," Sakazuki continued, "but those who stay you lot shouldn't expect leniency. You've chosen to join the Marines, and I'll make you the best soldiers you can be."

Despite the chilling warning, none of the recruits left during the five-minute countdown.

"Very well, since you've chosen to stay, prepare yourselves for an unforgettable three years," Sakazuki declared.

Before dismissing the recruits, Sakazuki granted them three days of rest, leaving them perplexed yet apprehensive about what lay ahead.

The recruits dispersed, reflecting on their new Instructor. They soon reconvened, their faces grim.

"It's over. We're doomed," one recruit lamented.

As discussions ensued, a consensus emerged among the recruits: though daunting, training under Sakazuki was an opportunity they couldn't afford to pass up.

In the end, despite initial apprehensions, they resolved to face the challenges ahead with determination and resilience.

Cross's fear score: +167!

Sakazuki found himself accumulating a substantial amount of fear points while at home, all courtesy of the recruits. As he anticipated, even acquaintances contributed to this continuous influx of fear points. While the flow dwindled over time, it still brought him considerable satisfaction, proving a long-term strategy to boost his fear value.

Though he lacked direct experience in training recruits, Sakazuki possessed a wealth of training methods ingrained in his memory after consulting Onigumo. With Onigumo at his disposal, whipping a batch of recruits into shape shouldn't pose much difficulty. Despite the world's impressive physical prowess, Sakazuki reckoned the training methods remained relevant, augmented by his own expertise and Onigumo's training prowess.

However, Sakazuki recognized a challenge. Conventional methods might not be suffice against Zephyr's highly seasoned recruits. While Onigumo boasted considerable skill as an instructor, Zephyr's decades-long experience in the field far surpassed theirs. Many high-ranking Marine Headquarters officers had emerged from his tutelage, further underscoring his expertise.

In the Fleet Admiral's office at Fleet Admiral Headquarters, Kong inquired about Sakazuki's response.

Zephyr's reply was stoic: "No visible reaction. He's a soldier, obedient to orders."

Kong expressed surprise, expecting more resistance from Sakazuki. The upheaval in the New World posed significant challenges, with pirates running rampant, fueled by Roger's dying words. Despite the chaos, Zephyr remained optimistic about eventual calm.

However, Kong voiced concern over Whitebeard's escalating threat, exacerbated by Sakazuki's actions. Zephyr acknowledged the severity of the situation but maintained hope in the ongoing effects of the Four Emperors.

The decision to transfer Sakazuki to Zephyr stemmed from a dual motive: punishment for Sakazuki's misstep and an attempt to refine his character.

As three days flew by, recruits gathered at the training ground, eager to impress Sakazuki. Despite unsettling rumors, they approached the encounter with resolve.

Accompanied by Onigumo and Lucas, Sakazuki assumed his role as instructor. Despite his cold demeanor, the recruits stood at attention, hoping to make a favorable impression.

Sakazuki's grim smile sent shivers down their spines, prompting an influx of fear points. Seizing upon this newfound currency, Sakazuki commenced the training regimen without preamble.

Despite their misgivings, the recruits began their warm-up, steeling themselves for the challenges ahead. With Sakazuki's reputation preceding him, they knew they were in for a grueling ordeal.


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