
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 - Kalifa

"Wait, what do you mean 'leader'?" (Spandam)

Putting aside him who is considered to have been sexually harassed even though he wasn't. Spandam focused on something quite strange for Kalifa to say.

"Why do you call me 'leader'?" (Spandam)

"...isn't that because you're the leader?" (Kalifa)

After a moment of silence, Kalifa replied while tilting her head as if to say the obvious.

"No... Well, I am indeed the leader of CP5, but why do you call me that?" (Spandam)

Spandam just finds it strange to be called that by Kalifa who is still not an official agent and even if she is, it doesn't mean she should call him 'leader' because she is not in the same branch as Spandam.

"...Because you're the leader?" Kalifa still answered with the same answer as if she didn't understand what Spandam meant.

"Well, it's not wrong. No, it's true... but... whatever." Spandam sighed and gave up on finding out the reason. 'Maybe it's because she's a kid.'

After all, Kalifa looked to be six or seven years old at the moment. So Spandam just thought it was a childish act.

"By the way, Kalifa-chan... have you talked to your father?" (Spandam)

Spandam changed the topic and asked what he had been curious about for a long time. Because he didn't see the two of them talking to each other until the end.

"...Yes." (Kalifa)

'Eh? Is that true?! So you two have spoken? When?' Spandam fell silent when he heard that and his mind raced with confusion. "Really...? So it's like that, are you happy...?"

"...Un." This time Kalifa nodded her head cutely. Although most of the time she had no expression on her face. But, this time, a small smile appeared on her little face.

'Ohhh...?! So cute.' Spandam was mesmerized by her cuteness which made him keep staring at Kalifa without blinking.

Kalifa who felt Spandam's intense gaze returned with an expressionless face and this made Spandam show a disappointed expression without realizing it.

"That's sexual harassment, leader..." (Kalifa)

"Pfft" (Roy)

"O-Oh!" As if realizing his mistake and admitting it. Spandam scratched his head awkwardly and apologized. "Sorry for that..." Spandam also hit Roy's head who was laughing at him behind his back.

"Ah, by the way, what were you talking about with your father earlier?" Spandam said to change the topic again.

"That's... sexual harassment, leader." (Kalifa)

"Why?!" (Spandam)

"Pff- Hahaha~" (Roy)

Spandam was confused where he was wrong now and Roy who was by Spandam's side couldn't hold back his laughter anymore.

"Where did you learn that sentence anyway." (Spandam)

"...Book." Kalifa said briefly.

"So you learned it from the book . . . no, in the first place what book did you reading." Spandam nodded in understanding, but a moment later he realized what strange book Kalifa had read.

"...If an unknown man and suspicious man tries to talk to you, that means that man wants to sexually harass you. That's what the book says." This time Kalifa explained at length what she learned from the book.

"Kuhahaha...!" Roy immediately burst out laughing when he heard that. "Suspicious man...! Hahaha~"

'This bastard...' Feeling annoyed with Roy who laughed at him. Spandam then took the thick book that was always with him and hit Roy on the head with all his might.

"Guh!" Roy was surprised and immediately silent while holding his head which had just been hit by Spandam. Even though there was still a small chuckle from him.

Spandam turned back again to Kalifa and said "Well, Kalifa-chan... first of all, I'm not suspicious okay."

"That's what the suspicious person said." (Kalifa)

"Pfft-" (Roy)

Spandam's face twitched at that, but he didn't say anything and continued "and secondly, I'm not interested in little girls. So you can rest easy on that."

"...Is that so." (Kalifa)

"Yeah, you know, what the book says isn't actually wrong, but don't we know each other, so we're not strangers right…" (Spandam)

"But, Spandam-san... you haven't introduced yourself yet, so technically you're a stranger..." Roy cut off Spandam's words and explained something quite reasonable.

"Eh... that's right...?!" Spandam immediately fell silent thinking that what Roy said was true. This was their first meeting and he had not introduced himself at all. Spandam held his chin while muttering a little "I haven't introduced myself yet. I also call him friendly even though it's the first time we've met. If you look at it from another point of view I do look like a suspicious person... oh my."

"Haha- sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Spandam, I like red wine and steak, and I hate insects. Nice to meet you, Kalifa-chan." With an awkward laugh, Spandam introduced himself as he had with Tesoro and Stella. Spandam then stretched out his hand to the little girl in front of him.

Kalifa who saw this was silent for a moment and took Spandam's hand to shake. "Kalifa... Laskey's daughter."

A very short introduction and it is indeed suitable for Kalifa's characteristics. But, because of that, Spandam paid attention to small details, that behind Kalifa's expressionless face, she really liked her father. 'Those two really look alike huh...'

It was similar to his father, Laskey. Even though he rarely had an expression on his face, he really did love his daughter. Laskey even talked about his daughter a few times while on the sailing. Even though it's just a small talk started by Spandam.

But, Spandam could see how much he cared for his daughter, even though he hardly ever saw her. 'Maybe Laskey-san often calls old Lee in his spare time? it's possible.'

"I see... what is your favorite thing?" (Spandam)

"...book." (Kalifa)

"Books... I quite like them too. What about things you don't like? Are there any?" (Spandam)

"...Pervert." (Kalifa)

"Is- Is that so...? You're right, you should avoid perverts." (Spandam)

Spandam replied with an awkward laugh and that brought the conversation to a halt. No one spoke anymore, either Spandam didn't know what to say or Kalifa was as quiet as her father.

When the silence took over, Roy wasn't even comfortable with the atmosphere and decided to flee to another CP5 member's place with Spandam cursing him in his mind for running away.

The silence continued for a few minutes until finally, it was Kalifa who opened her mouth first.

"Father told me that I should respect you, because you will be my leader in the future...." (Kalifa)

"Hm...really? when did your father say that?" (Spandam)

"Just now." (Kalifa)

"Is that so... so that's what you talked to your father about?" (Spandam)

"Un... but, I don't know what I should respect from you..." (Kalifa)

"Kuh?!" It was the first time that Kalifa had started a conversation and it immediately hit Spandam mentally.

"You're thin, you look weak... you're not cut out to work at Cipher Pol." (Kalifa)

"You're also rude... even though it's the first time we've met but you act like you're friendly to me." (Kalifa)

"You must have gotten that position of leader from your father... that means you don't have any real abilities..." (Kalifa)

"You're a pervert too... ever since you came to this island, you've been staring at me whether it's in the field or in here. Honestly, it's disgusting." (Kalifa)

Kalifa continued to say words that broke Spandam's mind. Although not a masochist fan, but he couldn't reply at all because what Kalifa said was not wrong.

Spandam could only scratch his head awkwardly when he was scolded by a little girl who wasn't even half his age. 'This is embarrassing...'

"Haa~" Spandam sighed calming his emotions, then he smiled a little while looking at Kalifa. "Well... you're not completely wrong."

"I'm weak, I'm even weaker than the weakest marine... haha-" Spandam said with a weak laugh at the end. Although Spandam tried to cover it with jokes and laughter. But, he couldn't hide his feeling with his feeble laugh. Even Kalifa could see it.

This is a thorn in Spandam's heart for a long time and he can't change unless using underhand means like devil fruit, changing body construction into a cyborg or something.

But, even if Spandam did it, he was sure that he would not be able to the same level as the monsters of the new world. Whether he had to sacrifice his humanity or the ability to swim in a world that was almost completely ocean, was still on Spandam's mind.

'At least my shooting ability is slightly above average and my swordsmanship is only slightly below average, though that's only compared to average marines Ha ha ha~'

Spandam looked up while imagining what if he had a cheat or something. He smiled a little and closed his eyes as he said "You're also not wrong if you say I got this position because of my identity..."

Spandam's smile slowly weakened and he looked back at Kalifa while propping his chin on his hand. 'Not that I still hope too-'

"...and for me staring at you or calling you too friendly, I'm sorry for that. You know, Laskey-san mentioned a few times about his daughter being so cute and it made me curious hehe~

Then when I saw you in person, I could only say that Laskey-san was right, you are so adorable and I couldn't take my eyes off you."

Spandam said half true half lie to Kalifa with a big smile on his face and without any hidden intentions behind it. He was just purely expressing his thoughts.

Because Laskey didn't really say that to Spandam, but he knew that Laskey-san really loved his daughter. If only Laskey was the type of man who is honest with his feelings and tells everything openly, Spandam is sure he would talk about his daughter like this. So Spandam didn't completely make it up.

Unbeknownst to him, this was the first time that Spandam smiled genuinely without worrying about anything, without thinking about the distant future and just enjoying himself, right now.

"Hmph, th- that's sexual harassment you know..." Kalifa replied even though her tone was not as strong as before.

"Haha~ sorry, sorry. I won't do it again." (Spandam)

Even though she didn't show much expression on her face, Spandam could tell that Kalifa was feeling embarrassed right now. 'She looks a bit like Eissa...'

"...What else?"


"What else did you talk to father about...?"



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