
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 - Present and Departures

Kalifa inquired about what her father had said to him and Spandam could tell that she seemed very curious about it.

She seemed to want to know what she was like in her father's eyes. 'Come to think of it, her worries are quite normal. I don't know the details, but it seems that she only has Laskey-san as her only family, and the first time she met her father was when Laskey-san drove her to this island, old Lee said that a few years ago... meaning this is their second meeting.'

'She's also very young, only eight years old, so it's normal that she expects her father's attention… Oh, that's right, Laskey-san said she will have her ninth birthday in two months.'

Spandam then poses like he is thinking and says "Hmm... we didn't talk much... ah but it looks like Laskey-san wants to give you something? I don't know what it is."

"What? What is it?" Kalifa, who was curious, urged Spandam to explain further.

"I don't know..." Spandam smiled while shrugging his shoulders as if to say he really didn't know. 'I remember when on the island earlier he went to buy something after saying his daughter's birthday was near... it should have been a birthday present for Kalifa.'

With a cute *hmph* voice, Kalifa gave up trying to force her to speak.

Just as Kalifa turned her head in annoyance, Old Lee's voice came from the kitchen.

"You guys! Dinner is ready, line up and take it here!" (Old Lee)

"Oh, it's ready...let's eat, Kalifa-chan." Spandam said who immediately stood up to line up in front of the kitchen. Followed by Kalifa who nodded.

As Spandam lined up with the others, the door opened and in entered a boy in a black hat with a white dove on his hat. "Looks like that kid didn't sink into training and forgot about dinner huh..."

Hearing what Spandam said, Kalifa looked at him with reproachful eyes and said "Eating and resting are also training, you won't be able to train if you don't have the energy or rest your muscles... that's basic knowledge."

"O-oh... that's right." Spandam immediately scratched his head in embarrassment. 'I got lectured by the little girl again.'

That way Spandam had dinner with everyone and it felt like a little party to him.

After dinner, everyone went back to their own business. Some returned to their rooms, some returned to practice, some returned to the ship, or gathered and talked.

Spandam went to the room that old Lee had prepared for him, while Tesoro was helping to clean downstairs, Laskey chatted with old Lee, and Roy returned to the ship with the other CP5 members.

When he reached the top floor room, Spandam took a chair and brought it close to the window. There he sat while looking at what was outside the window.

Looking down, right at the field lit only by moonlight, Spandam could see two people still training. It was Rob Lucci along with Jabra who seemed angry at being ignored. 'Looks like Jabra doesn't want to lose to Lucci, he's quite competitive huh..'

Spandam sighed softly as he stroked the book in his lap. He looked up at the moon high in the night sky while thinking about the future.

This is what Spandam always does when he's having trouble sleeping, apart from doing his job of course.

He could spend hours just thinking about a future that may not necessarily happen. What to do or what the future will be like will change because of him. Has he been doing it the right way? did he make a mistake? what should he do if something doesn't go his way?

Spandam always asked such things in his mind. He was like a captain who had lost his way in the middle of a vast ocean without him realizing it. Maybe this is one of the reasons why he has trouble sleeping.

With that, Spandam spent another sleepless night.


The next morning, after washing his face, Spandam went straight to the dining room on the first floor and saw that the room was already full of people.

Although there weren't many people here, only the children of the future agents, Laskey, old Lee, Tesoro, and a few CP5 agents. It seems that some of the agents under Spandam chose to be on the ship, presumably to prepare for their departure.

Under the greetings of the people, Spandam queued up to take breakfast this morning. He rarely did this because normally his meals would always be served personally by chefs working for the world government, so Spandam had a fresh feeling about this. 'Sometimes doing this isn't bad either.'

When his turn was about to come, Spandam raised his eyebrows in surprise at the person serving in front.

"The breakfast menu this morning is Sichuan Pickled Sea King and Sea King Kung Pao. What do you want, sir?" (Tesoro)

"I'll take kung pao." (CP5 agent)

"..." (Spandam)

"Ah, we also have Ankimo sea king and for a drink, it's only tea, coffee, and water." (Tesoro)

"Tea is fine." (CP5 agent)

"Okay, here it is." (Tesoro)

"Thank you." (CP5 agent)

"Yes, Next... Ah! Master." (Tesoro)

"I see you've blended in well huh..." Spandam didn't expect this delinquent to blend in so quickly here.

"A-Hahaha... it just happened." Tesoro just laughed while scratching his head.

"No, that's actually a good thing. But, whatever… get me a small portion of Ankimo Sea King and a cup of coffee." Spandam didn't discuss it any further and chose to take breakfast so as not to get in the way of the others.

"All right." (Tesoro)

After taking his breakfast, Spandam left while leaving words of encouragement for Tesoro. Because he will leave immediately after breakfast. "You'd better not be lazy, Tesoro."


After finishing breakfast, Spandam heard old Lee's scream calling for Tesoro.

"Quickly get out Tesoro! Your training starts today, hurry to the field!"

"Yes! Sensei!" (Tesoro)

Besides Tesoro, the other kids also walked out to start their daily training. With Tesoro joining, their number increased to seven and this made Tesoro the oldest student but also the newest student.

With everyone going back to their own business, this left Spandam alone in the cafeteria room. Seeing the large room that had become deserted, Spandam returned with his thoughts increasingly disheveled. I don't know what he was thinking at the time.

But Spandam's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and someone entered the room. "Spandam-san..." It was Roy.

"Hmm?" Spandam raised his eyebrows waiting for him to speak.

"The ship is ready for sailing." (Roy)

"I see..." (Spandam)

Spandam nods and stands holding his favorite leather-bound book in his hand. "Where's Laskey-san?"

"He's on the training ground now, looks like he's talking to his daughter." (Roy)

"I see... Then, let's go, Roy." Spandam said as he walked towards the exit of the tower.

When he got outside, he saw the children who were practicing, Tesoro included. Not far from there, there was Laskey talking to his daughter, Kalifa, although when Spandam came out, Laskey was already planning to leave Kalifa to talk to old Lee. But, Spandam could see Kalifa who was running to the training ground while holding something in her hand.

Spandam also walked over to old Lee to say goodbye and thank him for his hospitality.

"Then we will go now, old Lee." (Spandam)

With his trademark laugh, Old Lee just waved and didn't think much of it. "Take care and come visit again sometime."

With a nod from Laskey and the others, they turned and walked towards where their ship was docked.

"Ah, you guys can go first, I have something to give Tesoro." As if remembering something, Spandam stopped and told Laskey and Roy to go to the ship first.

Laskey and Roy just nodded and headed for the ship that was on the side of the island. While Spandam turned back to old Lee. "Hey old Lee, I forgot something, can I leave something for Tesoro."

"Oho, what's that?" (Old Lee)

"This." Spandam reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper containing a random number. "Could you give it to Tesoro, of course after making sure he actually trains."

"Den-den mushi number huh... okay, I'll give it to him later." (Old Lee)

"That helps me and one more thing. Can you give this to Kalifa-chan?" Spandam said as he took off the necklace he was wearing. "Although it's a little early, consider it a birthday present for her. I couldn't prepare anything because it was sudden, so I could only give her this. Tell her it doesn't matter if she uses it, throws it away, or sells it."

"Hoho~" Old Lee nodded and took the necklace from Spandam's hand. "I'm sure she'll like it."

Do you think so? I hope so. Thank you old Lee. Then see you later." Spandam then turned around after saying that.

"Yeah..." (Old Lee)


On the ship.

"Is everything ready?" Spandam who had just boarded the ship asked Roy who was taking care of things before their departure.

"Yes, Spandam-san. Everything is ready and everyone is on the ship. We can sail any time." (Roy)

"I see... then spread the sails and head to Enies Lobby." (Spandam)

""Yes, Sir!""

With that, Spandam's ship sailed back into the first half of the Grand Line after a night's rest.

'Come to think of it, it's my birthday in two weeks… mom would definitely tell me to come home. I guess I should pay a visit before going to East Blue.' (Spandam)


At night, Guanhao Tower.

Tesoro who was full of sweat, looked very tired. His body felt heavy and even walking was very difficult for him. He felt that old Lee was a very different person when he trained them. 'This is even worse than torture.' he thought.

Because of Spandam's words, the difficulty of the training that Tesoro went through had to increase compared to the others. Though he couldn't complain since it was the only option for him.

Dragging her exhausted body, she walked over to grab some dinner in the cafeteria. When it was his turn, old Lee handed him a plate with a lot of food on it.

"Ohoho~ good work has passed your first-day kid. Eat a lot, fill your energy and heal your tired muscles for tomorrow." (Old Lee)

"Geh-" Tesoro sighed tiredly thinking that tomorrow he would have to go through the same tough day.

"Hoho~ don't be like that. Don't you want to get stronger quickly?" (Old Lee)

"That's true, but- ughnnnn-" Remembering his goal, Tesoro clenched his fists and shouted excitedly "I just need to do it right. I'll do it! Damn it!"

"Hoho~ that's a good spirit and this-" Old Lee nodded and handed Tesoro a piece of paper.

"Hm? what is this? Stella...?" Tesoro took the paper and saw a random number with a familiar name written on it.

"Oh, that's the Den-den mushi number your master gave you. He said you can call it after you practice. You can use the Den-den mushi over there." Old Lee said as he pointed to the Den-den mushi in the corner of the room.

"Really?! Woho Yeah! Thank you Sensei!" Tesoro was immediately overjoyed to hear that and ran like a child towards the Den-den mushi in the corner of the room.

"Hoho~ how excited young people are." Old Lee laughed at the level of his demeanor. "Isn't that so Kalifa?"

"... what a childish." Kalifa who was previously lined up behind Tesoro replied coldly.

"Ohoho~ is that so?" Old Lee laughed and took something out of his pocket. "By the way, he also left something for you." He said while holding out the necklace in his hand.

"Here, take it." (Old Lee)

"?" Kalifa tilted her head in confusion while taking the object from Old Lee's hand. "...Necklace?"

"Yeah. 'It's a little early but happy birthday, you can use it, throw it away or sell it.' -That's what he said. Though it would be a waste if you threw it away." Old Lee said repeating what Spandam had told him this morning.

"..." Kalifa looked at the necklace in her hand, it was a small necklace shaped like a world government symbol. The necklace looks like a beautiful black pearl with a maroon pattern in it and is tied with a thin black chain.

"It's a necklace made of a very rare mineral called Painite. Even though it's very small, due to its rarity, if you sell it you will get a fantastic price. It's yours now, it's up to you what you want to do with it." (Old Lee)

"...I see." Kalifa put the necklace in her pocket and then took her dinner. "Hmph, I'll allow him to call me by that nickname." She mumbled and turned to leave.

If Spandam were here now, he would understand why Kalifa called him doing a 'sexual harassment'. It's because Spandam calls Kalifa 'chan' which she doesn't seem to like. Maybe because it sounded childish.

"OI! Lucci! If you don't eat now you won't get stronger and I will surpass you!" (Jabra)

"...You don't have to say it." (Lucci)

"Chapapa~ Jabra said that but actually he was worried about you, Lucci- Ops!" (Furkuro)

"What do you mean huh?! Are you asking for a fight?" (Jabra)

"Ohohoho~ that's youth.." (Old Lee)


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