
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14 - Father and Daughter

Feeling all gazes directed at him, Tesoro scratched his head in embarrassment. Pointing to himself, he said with a stupid smile "Old Lee, can I finish it in a year and a half or something?"

"One year? You must have ambition huh. Of course not. You should at least train for five years on this island. I'll teach you everything I can." Old Lee immediately denied it.

"F-Five years?!" Tesoro was surprised to hear that and turned around to look at Spandam as if he had been betrayed. "Couldn't it be faster?"

Sensing Tesoro's pitiful gaze, Spandam sighed "Well, Old Lee. Due to some things I have to take him in two years. So... you know, can you train him in these two years."

"Hmm…" Old Lee looked troubled as he thought as he stroked his white beard. "Two years huh...? That would be difficult, young master."

"It doesn't matter, you can increase the difficulty ten times or something. You just need to teach him so he can practice on his own in the future." Spandam said with an innocent smile while patting Tesoro's shoulder. "You can even train him to the brink of death, and he has no problem with that."

"Isn't that right, Tesoro?" Even though Spandam said it with an innocent smile, his sharp gaze seemed to pierce Tesoro.

"T-That..." (Tesoro)

"Isn't that right... Tesoro...?" Spandam started it.

"Yes! That's right! I'm ready to do ten times more strenuous training!" Tesoro said excitedly even though he was crying in his heart. 'So it really did take that long huh... Stella, I already miss you now.'

"Ohoho~ you have a good spirit! If that's the case it might be manageable." Old Lee said in a cheerful tone but his sharp gaze couldn't be hidden. It seemed he had thought of the method he would use to train Tesoro. "Don't worry, young master. In two years, even if he won't master Rokushiki, I will make sure he learns all the basics of all six forms of Rokushiki."

"Then I will trouble you, Old Lee." (Spandam)

"Don't worry about it. This is also interesting to me. How about we go in first, it looks like it's getting dark, you can rest here tonight..." Old Lee offered Spandam to rest on this island for the night.

"Hmm..." Spandam thought it wouldn't hurt to stay for a night here. It would also be good to give Laskey time with his daughter. "Then I will appreciate your good intentions, old Lee."

"Roy told the others that we're going to rest here for the night." (Spandam)

"Alright, Spandam-san." Roy nodded and took out a den-den mushi to contact the CP5 members on board.

"Then let's go in first." Said old Lee and then he shouted at the kids who were practicing. "It's a little early, but let's have dinner now. Kalifa! Come here!"

The children who were practicing then stopped their practice and walked over to the Spandam group. Except for one kid who was still training regardless of his surroundings, that was Rob Lucci.

Spandam with Laskey, Tesoro, and several CP5 members followed old Lee to one of the towers on the island. It is a tower with four floors and the roof is covered with green trees.

When Spandam entered the tower, what was on the bottom floor was 'A Chinese restaurant?' The room was filled with chairs and tables that seemed to be used as a place to eat for the would-be agents who trained here. On the other side of the room, there is an open kitchen, so food can be cooked and served directly from there.

This room is decorated with some eastern-style ornaments. As the name suggests, this island has an eastern theme.

"Sit wherever you want." Old Lee said as he took a chair nearby.

Spandam, Laskey, Tesoro, and Roy also took the same seat as old Lee. Meanwhile, another CP5 agent took a different table. Other children who entered the tower also began to take their seats. As for Kalifa, she walked over to Spandam's group, or rather her father, Laskey.

When Kalifa approached, old Lee spoke "Laskey-kun, it's been a long time isn't it, how about you talk to Kalifa alone?" Old Lee seemed to want to give the father and daughter some time.

"That's right, you can take your time Laskey-san." Spandam also supported that and said with a small smile. After all, the reason he followed Spandam to this island was also because of his daughter.

Hearing that, Laskey didn't answer and just nodded, but he immediately stood up while looking at Kalifa, and then walked towards another table. As if understanding it, Kalifa followed him and sat across from her father.

"Ohoho~ those two are very similar aren't they…? Then young master, even if it's a bit early, what would you like to eat? even though the main ingredient we have is only sea kings. So I recommend a sea king dish." asked old Lee with his unique laugh.

"Haha~ then I'll just eat your recommended dish." Spandam replied with an awkward laugh while thinking 'Then why did you ask?'

"Alright, then I'll excuse myself first, hoho~" (Old Lee)

"Oh, does he cook here too?" (Tesoro)

"it looks like that." Spandam replied. He then thought while looking at Tesoro.

"What's wrong? Master?" Tesoro asked when he saw Spandam staring at him.

"What do you mean 'What's wrong?' You also go help them there... help them prepare the plates or whatever. You will stay here for two years, at least you should get acquainted with the residents, right?" After saying this, Spandam immediately pushed Tesoro away to help out in the kitchen.

"All right, all right." Tesoro couldn't help but accept that.

This left Spandam alone along with Roy. With nothing interesting, Spandam averted his eyes and looked at Laskey who was with his daughter.

In Spanda's eyes, Laskey who was in front of Kalifa just stared at his daughter in silence. Spandam didn't see any mouth open between the two, neither Laskey nor Kalifa. 'Don't they talk? or are they so skilled that they can hide their lip movements?'

One minute passed, two minutes, three minutes. However, there was no visible conversation between the two of them. 'Why aren't they talking?!' Spandam broke out in cold sweat seeing the behavior of the father and daughter.

"Why aren't they talking?" Roy who seemed to have also noticed them asked the same thing Spandam was thinking.

"I don't know either... maybe they have some sort of telepathy or something?" Spandam said half-jokingly.

"If they did have it, I wouldn't be surprised." (Roy)

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised either if that's true…" (Spandam)

In the end, Spandam didn't see a single conversation between father and daughter. After five minutes had passed, Laskey stood up and started walking towards old Lee who was cooking with Jabra. Leaving Kalifa alone behind.

'Wait a minute... Jabra can cook...?' Spandam was very surprised by this revelation. 'You really can't judge people by their cover huh...' Recalling Jabra's future appearance, character, and temperament and seeing his cooking for everyone. To be honest, in Spandam's eyes he wasn't cut out for a job like this.

Spandam decided not to think about it. As long as it's tasty and hygienic, Spandam won't really think much about who made it.

Spandam turned his gaze back to Kalifa. A little girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and wearing glasses like her father.

When Spandam turned his head, whether on purpose or not, his gaze met Kalifa's. Spandam was slightly surprised while raising his eyebrows for a moment and then he changed his surprised expression to a small smile while waving at little Kalifa. 'Must have a good impression on my future agent.' Spandam thought.

But surprisingly, Kalifa who has a cute face but is expressionless like her father, stood up from her seat and walked towards Spandam's place. Kalifa walked closer until she was about two meters away from Spandam. She then *Jiro Jiro* stared at Spandam in silence.

Spandam, who didn't understand why Kalifa was looking at him like that, became confused and started to think about the wrong things. 'What's with her?! Did I do something wrong...? Hmn~ shouldn't be. this is our first meeting after all.'

*Jii* Feeling Kalifa's gaze made Spandam feel uncomfortable and started to think about what he should say in a situation like this.

In the end, because of the awkward atmosphere and unable to stand this gaze, Spandam spoke first.

"Is there something you want to talk about...?" (Spandam)

"...so that's you" (Kalifa)

After saying things that Spandam didn't understand. Kalifa then sat down beside Spandam and looked back at him.

"Hey... what's wrong Kalifa-chan?" (Spandam)

"...that's sexual harassment you know, leader." (Kalifa)

"How could that be?!" (Spandam)

"..." (Kalifa)

"Wait, what do you mean leader?" (Spandam)



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