
Omniverse task completer

Main character is character who discovered the contract of primordial chaos, and signed it, leading to journey across the world.

Genesis_writer · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 ( Complex future, Elemental affinities )

After getting the rid of all the notifications, and related thoughts.

Genesis Uchiha, the twin brother of Sasuke Uchiha, found himself reflecting on his current life. As they sat together, basking in the warm rays of the sun, Sasuke turned to Genesis and asked, "How do you feel about our life, Genesis?"

Genesis took a moment to ponder before responding, a soft smile gracing his face. "You know, Sasuke, our life isn't bad. We have a loving family, strong bonds, and the opportunity to grow as shinobi within the esteemed Uchiha Clan. I find satisfaction in our current circumstances."

Sasuke's brow furrowed slightly, his voice tinged with a hint of longing as he replied, "True, but sometimes I wish Itachi spent more time with us. He was always so busy with his duties as a prodigious shinobi. And even you, Genesis, you seem to focus on Father more than me."

Genesis sighed, his gaze filled with sincerity as he turned to his twin brother. "Sasuke, I understand your feelings, but trust me, there is more to our lives than what we see now. Itachi's responsibilities may have kept him away, but his love for us is unwavering. And as for my connection with Father, it's not that I prioritize him over you. I simply have a unique bond with him that brings me comfort."

He paused for a moment, his eyes filled with wisdom beyond his years. "Sasuke, life is a journey, and it has a way of surprising us. As we grow older, we will encounter both joy and pain, triumphs and struggles. It is in those moments that we truly appreciate the blessings we have, even the ones we may have taken for granted."

Sasuke, though still contemplating Genesis's words, couldn't help but be intrigued. "What do you mean, Genesis? How will I realize the goodness of my life in the future?"

Genesis leaned closer to his brother, his voice steady and reassuring. "In time, Sasuke, you will face challenges that will test your strength and resolve. You will experience loss and pain that will make you appreciate the love and connections you have now. It's not that our current life isn't good, but rather, sometimes we need contrast to truly understand its value. Brother sasuke, when in future i said that you would understand the true meaning of these words now then make yourself ready for truth at that time."

Sasuke nodded slowly, absorbing Genesis's words. The notion of appreciating what he had now, even amidst his longing for more, began to resonate within him. He realized that his twin brother spoke from a place of insight and understanding, their bond strengthening in that very moment.

As the sun continued its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the Uchiha compound, Sasuke and Genesis sat side by side, contemplating the depths of their connection and the twists and turns that lay ahead. In that serene moment, they shared a silent understanding that their lives, though not without their own challenges, were filled with immeasurable blessings waiting to be fully appreciated.

And so, they vowed to cherish their present, embrace the bonds they held dear, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, as twin brothers and members of the Uchiha Clan, they would navigate the intricate tapestry of their lives, discovering the true extent of their strength and finding solace in the love and support they had, both from each other and their family.

Genesis thought to himself this will serves as a reminder that the appreciation of life's blessings often comes from experiencing its complexities, and that even in the moments of longing and yearning, there is the potential for growth, understanding, and a deep sense of gratitude for sasuke.

As the sun was about to sunset.

Their father came to them and told them to come with him to check their elemental affinities.

Fugaku's POV

In the serene confines of the Uchiha compound, Fugaku Uchiha, the proud father of Sasuke and Genesis, felt a deep desire to unlock the secrets of his sons' potential. He knew that the twins possessed an innate power, a unique strength that set them apart from others. And so, on a quiet afternoon, Fugaku decided it was time to delve into the mystery of their elemental affinities.

With a heart filled with anticipation, Fugaku gathered Sasuke and Genesis, ensuring that they were the only witnesses to this pivotal moment. In the privacy of their family's training grounds, he sought to uncover the elemental paths that lay before his sons.

Taking a deep breath, Fugaku produced a set of chakra-infused papers, specially crafted to reveal one's elemental affinity. He carefully handed a sheet to each of his sons, his eyes filled with unwavering pride and curiosity.

Sasuke and Genesis held the chakra papers in their small hands, their gazes fixed upon them. The papers quivered slightly, sensing the latent power within the young Uchiha twins. Fugaku watched intently, his heart beating with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. In the inner mind, genesis was thinking to himself that how would his brother and father would react to his elemental affinities that have been never seen before and same with sasauke's golden lightening affinity.

As the chakra paper reacted to their touch, a fierce glow began to emanate from each sheet. Sasuke's paper, tinted with shades of dark red, burning with the with a ferociousness, reflecting his potential for the fire element on one side of paper, while other side of chakra test paper started to crumble with the golden colour, which was in actual is the golden lightening.

when i (fugaku) saw this i was gobsmacked because lightening elemental affinity is represented with the blue colour but in case of sasuke it was golden. what does this represent. yes it means his lightening element is special.

In genesis's view, his father took the golden lightening elemental affinity of sasuke was very good. he might take my (Genesis) elements for good as well.

Genesis's paper, on the other hand, bathed in a blinding light, hinting at his affinity for the light element. this light was blinding to the extent which even made fugaku avert his eyes for a second , and sasuke covered his eyes with his tiny hands.

Just as they were doing this , other side of chakra paper of genesis started to react, this was dark, hinting at the darkness element.

Seeing this view of darkness element in front of him, fugaku focused his vision to see this, but when he was focusing on this, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart like he was being targeted and stared back by the ferocious.

fugaku looked at the genesis and asked him straightforwardly, " tell me what is happening with your elemental affinity checking."

I genesis being asked by the father like this made me a little nervous, but i replied, "father, these are light and darkness elemental affinities. I don't know father how did it happen."

Fugaku smiled and said, " Sons, this is alright, that you are different from others, but since you know your elemental affinities are special, you have remenber that you wouldn't have any ninjutsu to practice, and havee to create for yourself, especially you genesis."

A wave of emotions washed over Fugaku as he witnessed his sons' elemental affinities. He saw the possibilities that lay ahead, the paths they could tread as they honed their skills. With their powers already emerging at such a tender age, he knew that they were destined for greatness.

But in that moment, Fugaku's joy was tempered with a sense of responsibility. He recognized that with power came the need for guidance and control. He vowed to support his sons, nurturing their talents and teaching them the true essence of strength.

As the chakra papers settled, Fugaku's gaze shifted from one twin to the other, a proud smile gracing his face. He knew that Sasuke and Genesis were exceptional, not only in their elemental affinities but in the depth of their spirits and the strength of their hearts.

With a sense of gratitude and purpose, Fugaku embraced his role as their father and mentor. He would be there every step of the way, guiding them on their journey, and ensuring they grew into honorable Uchiha warriors who could shape the world for the better.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Genesis_writercreators' thoughts