
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Transmigration ?

The Great Forest of Gia, despite its many dangers, was a safe haven for many animals and magical beasts alike. Birds and birdlike creatures were soaring high in the sky over the forest. Although most fly in flocks, there are those that fly alone yet exert some sense of caution to not fall prey to the larger winged creatures. This forest was massive - so much so that no one has ever unraveled all its mysteries, secrets, and treasures. Many wide open fields can be seen, Flowers and herbs are numerous in both numbers and varieties. It truly is a sight to marvel at, gawk at, and appreciate.

Among the many fields - there was one that stood out. From a bird's eye view, a poorly made survival shelter was plainly visible. The shelter was made out of short and long sticks and was covered with a shape and size similar to banana leaves. At the top portion of the shelter, a small opening can be seen. The sunlight peered through that opening, giving off the impression that the shelter was made in such haste and with minimal effort. Toward the foundation of the shelter, there were bundles of regular leaves surrounding it. Through the entrance of the shelter was a small bed made out of leaves and occupying it was an enervated youth sleeping soundly.

"Uaah!" the youth yawned upon waking up

"what's with this bright light " quickly obscuring the light with his right hand.

"What's this ? ... this isn't my hand or skin tone ... and my memories ... everything is a little foggy," said the youth as he inspected his arm held towards the sunlight.

"Oh wait - I'm remembering something ... hmmm ... let see - I got stabbed several times and then went to the white room and met this weird guy that gave me a mission but what ? ... Omni-Being system .. there was also something about hosting or reincarnation ?... dammit I'm not entirely sure, " Zyle thought

As he continued to attempt to jog his own memories, his mind was still a bit in shambles and he knew only time would remove the fog that clouds his mind. One thing is for sure, at the moment he no doubt came to the realization.

"I've been transmigrated !!" Zyle exclaimed

"Okay... now what"

As he looked around the leaf bed, he was now sitting on, he first noticed he was wearing nothing but bottoms made out of vines and leaves, he could also see a few items strewn about. One was a stone knife, the second was a poorly made spear made out of a pointy stone at the edge wrapped with vines to keep it attached to a 5 feet long stick. There were also a few herbs laying about.

Zyle decided to get up and walk out of the tent, he was suddenly taken aback by the scenery - the grassy plains, the surrounding trees miles out, and the beautiful flowers. The greenery was simply stunning.

" Woah, I've never seen such grassland and trees in my life, it's amazing !" he thought

"Ahhh!!! my head !!" Zyle screamed soon after

Before taking another step, he felt unbearable pain, he fell to his knees holding his head. His head felt like it was about to explode and his vision was starting to become hazy. He felt like he was about to pass out again but suddenly...

*** BEEP BEEP ***


Robotic-like sounds were heard, and all of the sudden the pain abruptly stopped. Raising his head, Zyle could see a sphere-shaped robot hovering in front of him. At its center was one big eye that looked like a camera shutter as though it was viewing through a camera lens. It had six tiny robotic arms, which it retracted into its sphere-like body as it began to scan Zyle with an orange flashing from its eyes.

"The Hell !? did you just come out of my head ??" Zyle ask

Completely ignoring Zyle's comment, the sphere bot stated in a robotic almost childlike voice :

" User id required, Please state your username "

" Z-Z- Zyle Noxxy," said Zyle, awkwardly complying

>>>Updating <<< >>>Updating <<< >>>Updating <<<

(((( now analyzing )))

The sphere bot gives Zyle another once-over, scanning him from head to toe, and begins to speak :

[ User: Zyle Noxxy ]

[ Age: 8 ]

[HP: 50/50]

[Height: 5 feet ]

[Race: Human ]

[Social Class: Royalty]

[Level: 1]

[Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Defense: 1]

[MP & Stamina: 1 ]

[MP&S Gauge: 50/50]

[Attribute Points : 0]



"Hi, hello, I am an AI Bot created by your Omni-Being System to serve as your guide throughout your adventures. You can call me Obby, in this form I can perform tasks like surveillance, scouting, analyzing unfamiliar items to the user, picking up small items, and many more." explained the sphere bot excitedly

"Oh ! and to answer your previous question, although it appears as if I came out of your head, that's not necessarily the whole truth. Like I previously mentioned I am part of your Omni-Being system and through your mind, I can be fabricated into this world in this current form when needed or when it is willed rather, I am summoned by my master and yes you are now my master." Obby continued

" oh, so I have a guide? Nice! But what did you mean when you said this form, do you have another form you can take? " Zyle asked

" yes but technically I wouldn't call it a form but… you know what, I think it's best I show you. I'd like you to say the word Return, master " Obby instructed

"Okay... Obby return" Zyle complied

All of a sudden Obby vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of its whereabouts.

" Can you still hear me, master?" said Obby

"your voice, is it coming from my own mind? " Zyle communicated using his thoughts

"Yes master, you can freely command me to exit or return to this state. " Obby responded

" Now if you close your eyelids you can see a brief summary of yourself and your immediate quest at any time," said Obby.

Upon hearing this, Zyle quickly closed his eyelids and instead of seeing black, a screen came into view

[ HP: 50/50]

[ Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1 ]

[ Defense: 1 ]

[MP & Stamina: 1]

[Attribute point : 0 ]

[0/50 Exp]

[ Quest: in progress]

"Master, if you require more information, please say the word- Status " Obby interjected once more

"Status," Zyle said Curiously

A more advanced screen was quickly displayed and on the top of the screen, 5 tabs were shown but only one didn't have an icon of a lock on it. This was the first tab and the only tab open. Using his mind Zyle attempted to click on the other 4 tabs but nothing happened.

"You do not yet have access to those other tabs master, you must first complete certain objectives to unlock them," said Obby

Zyle realized he was left with no choice but to revise the only tab he can access. While scrolling down, the first thing he came across was the anatomy of a male child, which was his current self. Beside it were the words [ nutrition required] in a glowing red text. Scrolling further below, his status was displayed in more detail than before :

Name: Zyle Noxxy

[Age: 8]

[Height: 5 FT]

[ HP:50/50 ]

[Race: Human]

[Social Status: Royalty]

[Level 1]

[Defense: 1 out of 10]

[Speed: 1 out of 10]

[MP & Stamina 1 out of 10]

[MP&S Gauge 50/50]

"the capacity of your stamina and MP will increase the more you level and you recover MP&S when you rest automatically " Obby interjected

"Understood," said Zyle continuing down the list

[Attribute Points : 0]

Besides it was two short descriptions stating : [+ 10 AP per level up until Rank up ]

[ + 20 AP per quest completion]

[Next Level: 0/50 Exp until LVL 2 ]

[Quest: defeat a magical beast - 0/1 ]

Zyle then opened his eyes and call out to Obby

"Obby Exit' Zyle spoke out loud

"Yes Master," said Obby while appearing and materializing in front of him once again

Looking towards the shelter the old Zyle built

"Looks like I'll need to make a better shelter to sleep in Obby since it seems like I'll be here for a little while until I get my bearings," Zyle said

"But first I'll need to find something to eat cause I'm starving," said Zyle now holding his stomach

Memories of the old Zyle begin flooding into his mind from the past 8 years he's been alive.

"Hey Obby go up and scan that area and tell me if there are any dangers ahead," said Zyle pointing west towards the forest

"Roger," said Obby flying upward and then scanning the area

from the old memories he had, he remembered the old Zyle used to go to a river on the west side of the forest a few miles away from where he was at.

"Path is clear all the way to the river bank" Obby informed

"Then let's go," said Zyle

Zyle then grabbed the spear and stone knife and proceeded to walk in that direction...

I hope you are still enjoying it so far. More chapter will be available as time permits. Although I am also working on some other projects, with your support , i will dedicate my time to completing and adding more and more exciting things to this

body of work right here. So stay tune and support :)

Destined_Mangacreators' thoughts