
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 : First Kill ?

After ten miles of walking through the forest, Zyle finally arrived at the river bank. There were multiple boulders, both large and small, and stones along the path of the river. The river was crystal clear and the fishes were abundant, freely swimming up and down. As he got closer to the river - for the first time ever, he was able to see his own reflection on the surface of the water.

"huh... I don't look half bad but my hairs are a bit crazy though," said Zyle as he turned his head left and right as if he was modeling or posing for a catalog.

What he saw was an attractive young man with perfectly symmetrical features, colored eyes, and long but wild red hair that was spikier toward the ends. His Ferrari red hair was almost to his lower back.

"What did I expect? I haven't seen a barber in 8 years " said Zyle as he begin to laugh


The sound of Zyle's stomach growling brought Zyle's laughter to a sudden halt.

"Man... I need to eat and drink something fast before my stomach acid eats me from the inside out," said Zyle as he gazed at the river.

Zyle laid his spear and the stone knife he held in the other hand against one of the boulders near the water and kneeled down cupping both hands to drink. Once finished - he then got up and grabbed the spear while stepping into the water. At the edge of the river, he began to concentrate. He held the spear over his shoulder then thrust it downwards toward the fishes. After several attempts, he was able to spear a fish.

"Yes !! got you!" Zyle exclaimed excitedly

He then walked to the edge of the forest, grabbed a large leaf then placed the fish on it, and laid it near one of the larger boulders.

"Just a few more and I'm all set," said Zyle as he walked back towards the river to repeat the procedure.

After what seems like an hour, Zyle only manages to catch one more and after numerous attempts, his luck seems to have run out

"Argh...I'm about done with this, for the life of me - I just don't get it, the old Zyle made it

look so easy" said the frustrated Zyle

"No! No! I'm eating well today no matter what, so one more time !" said Zyle trying to work himself up for one final attempt.

He readied himself in the water and once again began to concentrate while preparing the spear for one more thrust.

"Hey Master," said Obby

"Shhhh! I'm trying to concentrate so don't say another word " said Zyle regaining his focus, then giving it his all, he plunged into the water spearing a fish right in the head.

"Well, looks like lunch is on me," said Zyle with a smile holding the spear over his shoulder with the fish tangling at the tip

"What the !? where are my fishes ? " said Zyle shock

"I tried to tell you but you told me to keep quiet," said Obby brazenly

"Obby just tell me who took it ?" said Zyle with his initial shock turned to anger

" I think the culprit is still here," said Obby

Suddenly a nearby bush started shaking violently, Zyle acted quickly - grabbing the stone knife he place near the boulder

then a creature emerges from it.

What is that thing? A Rabbit !! When do rabbits eat fish? Adorable or not- you got to go!

"actually master this is not just a mere rabbit, this creature is carnivorous " Obby interjected

"Okay... Obby return and analyze " said Zyle

"Yes master," said Obby instantly disappearing

A thin transparent veil appeared before Zyle's eyes and text started popping up near the creature and Obby's voice narrated

>>>>> Analyzing <<<<<

[Name: One-Horn Goth Rabbitus]

[Class: Magical Beast ]

[Grade: Lowest]

[10/10 HP]

[Attack power: 11]

[Defense : 0]

[Speed: 2]

{Description: Deriving from the lineage of Rabbits, One Goth Rabittus is one of the lowest-grade breasts due to its lack of defense. It is three times the size of a normal rabbit and it can be distinguished by the black streak that runs from its eyes to the base of its cheeks. One Horn Goth Rabbitus tends to travel alone. Unlike its counterpart Two Horn Rabbitus, who has the tendency to roam in a group of 10. All known Rabbitus are extremely attracted to shiny objects. However, One-Horn Rabbitus tends to attack those it deems weaker without provocation.}

"Oh I see, it must have spotted the bracelet on my right wrist since it's partially made out of gold." Said Zyle moving his right arm around with his fist tightly gripping the stone knife.

Feeling taunted, the One-horn Rabbitus got in an attack position, bearing its sharp teeth and claws and a faint layer of energy can be seen emitting from its body.

"Hey, Obby, what is that around its body ?" Zyle asked curiously

"That is- its Purple-Colored Battle Aura, the bigger it is the stronger your opponent's prowess and I believe that is why it approaches you so boldly. Since you currently don't have any, it thinks you are much weaker than it is," said Obby

"What? It thinks I'm wea.."

Before Zyle could finish his sentence, a large cut can be seen forming around his left cheek and blood began to pour down his cheek. The One-horn Rabbitus had launched a surprise attack!

Zyle had left his guard down while responding to Obby, taking his eyes off the Rabbitus had cost him. At that brief moment, the Rabbitus had launched forwards with a quickened pace, leaped and slash Zyle's face with sharp claws, fell beside Zyle, and then beelined back to its original spot.

<<<<<<<<<<<< System Message>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

[HP: - 10]

[HP is now 40/50]

"Why YOU! I'll show you who's the weak one " said Zyle with his anger boiling

As he said this, He wipe off the blood on his cheek, and then he removed the dead fish off the tip of the spear and dropped it to the ground. He then chucks the spear toward Rabbitus, as the spear propels in the air towards the Rabbitus. Brandishing the stone knife in hand, Zyle dashes forward to close the distance.

With its speed, the Rabbitus was able to dodge the incoming spear almost effortlessly but little did it know -it was just a distraction and Zyle was already upon it with a quick downward motion of the stone knife.


The Rabbitus was killed with a single blow cutting partially through its neck and the stone knife was still embedded. Multiple system messages were heard immediately after the kill

[>>>Magical Beast defeated 1/1 - quests complete]

[15 Exp gain]

[>>> LvL 1 Magical Beast Killed]

[ + 10 Exp gain]

[ >>> First time Kill of Magical Beast One-horn Goth Rabbitus ]

[+ 10 Exp gain ]

[ Exp is now 35/50]

[ +20 attribute points obtained ]

New quest available

Zyle walked away from the lifeless beast corpse and walked towards the end of the forest again to gather more sticks and leaves. He then sat on one of the smaller boulders and started a fire. He cooked the fish that was thrown to the ground and he ate it. However, his hunger was not satiated due to the fact that the other two fishes he caught were stolen and eaten.

"You damn Rabbit this is your fault," said Zyle slightly agitated as he glanced over at the dead beast. suddenly an idea came to him and he smiled ever so slightly. He then got up and started walking toward the dead beast.

"As I said earlier - I'm eating well today !" Zyle said as he reached the beast...