
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Omni-Being System ?


Zyle exclaimed with his arms flailing dramatically. At a slanted angle, he opened his eyes, and to his amazement, he found himself in what appeared to be a white room. Besides the bright white ceiling and looking down- was the bright white flooring, there were no walls in sight. Upon further inspection, He found himself sitting on a brown chair that he slanted on during his earlier panic. In front of him was a large oval table with a glowing orb at the center on the table. The orb was the size of an exercise ball used in yoga classes, 75 cm in size--it exhibited a multicolor glow as if a rainbow was sucked into it.

"Oh! you're awake" said a mysterious voice

WOAH, what the heck are you?... I mean, just .. just who are you? Zyle stutters fearfully upon laying his eyes on a humanoid android with its entire body emitting a blueish neon glow sitting at one end of the oval table.

"Don't be alarmed, I am an AI program known as Arcanium Nox but you can call me Nox. My programming correlates with the Omni Being System. " Nox explained

Omni-being system? Zyle asked confused

"Yes, this infinite space that you are currently in. This is your first stop before you are transmigrated."

"Wait, did he just say transmigrated? as in transmigration? Dammit, I really did die " Zyle thought to himself

Nox continued " The main objective given to me by my creator is ultimately to revive the Omni-Being known as Prime Noxxy.

Prime what? Zyle remarked

"Prime Noxxy, look across the other end of the table, " Nox said while pointing forward

Zyle looked towards the opposite end of the long oval table from where Nox sat. A transparent figure almost glass-like can be seen on a chair adjacent or rather opposite with a red pulsating light on his chest as if it had a heartbeat.

There were a total of fourteen seats on the oval table, and only twelve of the seats had a number displayed on them starting from the number 1 to 12. A row of six chairs on one side and on the other side, there were six more chairs parallel to them, with Zyle seated at number 1. Each one of the remaining eleven seats had a human-shaped shadow occupying them, this surprised Zyle as it would anyone else.


"Who are they?" Zyle asked

"Oh them? they are also you " said Nox

"Say WHAT?" Zyle shouted more confused than ever

"To be precise, they are all alternate versions of you that exist in alternate timelines and alternate realities. You see, there are multiple universes and parallel realities that exist at any given time. Time itself is infinite, therefore there is only the state of being. The past, present, or future are all reflections of things that are and things are destined to be and likely exist elsewhere. These Multiple universes also known as the Multiverse have their own realities and alternates. Think of it like a big ball of yarn with multiple strings branching out from every direction, let's call them the dreads of reality, and from each reality dread contains countless numbers of smaller reality threads that dictate every and all individual's destiny and path of life. This also means for every action taken or not taken reflects the many different possibilities, leading to more reality dreads deriving from them, creating a network of strings or a spiderweb if you will. So in short - you, Zyle Noxxy exist in countless realities but only 12 of you were chosen. You were the first to awaken; Congratulations that makes you the lead and before you ask what the lead is, I'll tell you, it means that you will lead the following 11 versions of yourself. Your conscience is primary and once all of you have awakened and reached your peaks by completing tasks set before you, every one of you will merge into one becoming and awakening the Prime Noxxy. "Nox explained ineptly

"hahaha you didn't think he was called Prime Noxxy by coincidence, did you? '' Nox asked amused

Zyle just stared in silence with a blank and expressionless face

" I see, so that's how things are, " Zyle thought

"anyways" Nox continued

"As I mentioned previously you will each be given Tasks/Quests to complete. Starting with you, I had pre-selected a universe for you to be transmigrated in" said Nox while simultaneously bringing up a digital keyboard and monitor which only he can interact with.

Then with a wave of his hand, a large hologram was displayed hovering above the big rainbow-colored orb in the center of the oval table.

"Woah" Zyle exclaimed

"Usually a universe doesn't have a name due to the general fact that there are countless numbers of them. I have taken the opportunity to name this one after you and your chair number. Taking the abbreviation from your first name and your chair number, this is now known as the Z1 universe. you will be sent to the planet of Teragregion, where you will take a host of {...} let's just say a human catalyst with royal blood. He or rather you was abandoned as an infant in a forest called The Great Forest of Gaia. Although he is not technically a homunculus, he has been living on autopilot and survives by doing the bare minimum and doesn't possess a will of his own. Zyle Noxxy, that is where you will be filling in all those gaps, coincidently his birth name is in fact Zyle Noxxy as well. " Nox further explained

Zyle sat unmovingly and continued to listen intently to every word Nox had to say.

" Wow, this is unreal," he thought to himself and resumed listening

"Now then, the main task that I will be giving you is to defeat the true demon lords and the Demon King. " Nox remarked

"O...kay.." said Zyle unsure if such a feat is even possible

Since Zyle never had any friends besides working often, he played video games in the little free time he had. Zyle enjoys playing RPG games and those usually have demon lords, not to mention demon kings, who are the strongest adversaries the hero will have to face and the hero never comes out unscathed. Most times the hero loses and only wins due to the infinite life the game grants but this was not a game, you get one life and you die.

" You will have to defeat all Demon Lords and the Demon King to be able to reach your peak upon completing this mission but ..... I can see you are worried " said Nox, upon seeing the look on Zyle's face.

"here" Nox waves his hand over Zyle's wrist

With that simple gesture, a bracelet can be seen forming on Zyle's Wrist. Upon completion, Zyle took to examining it closely. There are 12 beads on the bracelet linked by gold, Each bead had the letter Z and a number displayed inside them.

" It must be my initial and the number of seats for the other Zyles," Zyle thought

" Yes ! exactly what you thought "

" Wait, can he read my mind? " Zyle thought loudly using his inner voice

"As I was saying, you are capable of defeating them all, and now even more so with this bracelet on your wrist. Do keep in mind that the bracelet won't come off and it will link you to the others. you will eventually be able to borrow the powers from your other selves. How do you do it? Well, that's a story for another time because I will see you again " Nox said once again doing something on his computer.

" Now you will be going now and do keep in mind that there will be some side effects with this process like nausea, headache, and some possible memory loss.... in 3 2 1 good luck out there !"

"WAIT! " shouted Zyle, wanting to ask a few more questions

Before Zyle could even start, he found himself being sucked into something that looked like a vortex. Moving at light speed, streaks of light could be seen flashing before his eyes, and before he knew it … darkness.

Oh ? are you still reading ? i knew you guys were awesome. :D

thank you for enjoying stories so far. With more support from you guys i will be able to release more chapters sooner. Stones, Gifts, Vote , thumbs up are all great motivations to get my Creative juices flowing. Stay tune and see you in the next chapter.

Destined_Mangacreators' thoughts