This story revolves around the person who aspire to become a writer, Raghav Merugu, and his newly blissful relationship with Prachi but, happiness is just a relative in their life. Soon, their feelings get into chaos when Raghav's first crush comes back into his life after an unbelievable encounter of his mom's and Prachi's health. In those circumstances, Raghav failed as a son, and made some serious mistakes to maintain his relationship with Prachi.
"Whatever!" She said and started packing her bag.
It was the last day in the Goa. We were in the hotel room packing the bags to get back to Mumbai. I've experienced the most beautiful girl I ever met in my life.
I was on the bed staring at her. She wore a black jacket, red t-shirt, and blue jeans. The way she was flipping her hair backwards tempted me to give her all the pleasure hidden in me.
"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.
"Do you like to have a sex with me? Like now?"
She smiled. This! This one made me more to touch her beautiful lips.
I got up and whispered, "I like the way you smile."
She threw something at me and proclaimed, "I'm already yours. Don't flirt with me."
That was her panties. I wanted to show her my harmonic imbalance. As I rubbed her panties on my face, I sniffed. That made her angry. I was feeling a little heavy on my testicles when she jumped on the bed and sat on me. To prevent me from getting up, she held my hands on the either sides of the bed.
"Your panties smell like you!" I smirked.
I wondered what she was going to do. Her hairs were all over my face.
"I can't see anything, Prachi!"
She holds her voice tightly and said,
"You're mine."
She bit me on shoulders.
"Ah! Bitch."
I screamed. Suddenly, we heard someone knocking on the door. When we looked at the front door, the door was open. We were doing romance in an open-closed room.
She got up from the bed.
I rose my voice and asked angrily, "Hey! Who the hell are you? Get the f** out of here. Don't you know there is a couple here?"
She slapped me tightly. That was for the first time. I felt fear again in her eyes. Before I ask something, she said