
The Unfamiliar Oliver

After Uncle Joe left Ava sat opposite Oliver.

"Give me your cell phone," Oliver said without any expression.

"Why?" Ava frowned. She thought Oliver was going to check her cell phone, if he did that he will find out that she took his pictures secretly last night.

"Because I need it, take it out." Oliver glanced at her and saw the nervous look.

Ava slowly took out her phone from her bag and hand it over to him.

"Why are you so nervous, what are you hiding?" Oliver said with a smile.

Ava said defensively, "What are you talking about? I have nothing to hide."

Oliver knew Ava wouldn't cheat on him because first she was not that kind of person and secondly she did not have time. Ava was by his side day and night when would she have time for another man.

Oliver took Ava's phone and skillfully removed her sim card. Ava was looking at his actions confusedly thinking, what was he doing? But the next second, Ava saw Oliver put her sim card into a new phone. She instantly understood he brought a phone for her.

"Here take this. From now on you will use this phone. I've customized two couple's phones for both of us." Oliver said with a smile and gave her the white phone.

Ava took the phone in her hand and looked at it with wide eyes, it was beautiful and looked very expensive. Ava wasn't used to using such an expensive phone. She said with hesitation, "Why new phone? My old phone is not broken, it works just fine."

"You don't like it?"

"No..no of course I like it, it's beautiful but it looks very expensive," Ava said embarrassingly.

Expensive? This woman had no ambition. She was Oliver Knight's woman, she should not worry about the expense. If it was some other woman they would probably jump up and down in joy to see the phone however she was worried it was expensive. Oliver sighed and felt helpless, why her mind was so simple?

"Ava, don't worry about that, it's an exclusive customize couple's phone. It comes in a pair, I have the same one in black color. Look at the back of your phone." Oliver explained patiently.

Ava quickly turned her mobile phone and saw at the bottom of the phone OCK was engraved.

"OCK? Oliver Charles Knight?"

"Wow, you know my full name" Oliver was surprised, not many people knew his middle name.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, Oliver." Ava said with a smile and her eyes showed the love she felt in her heart.

"For what silly girl? You are mine and I am happy to give the best of everything to you." Oliver's eyes were tender, he said it as if he was making a vow.

Ava lowered her eyes to hide the emotion in them, she was a bit overwhelmed by his words and this sudden care. In fact, she was scared that if he kept caring for her so much she wouldn't want to give him up.

"Well, you hurry back to work. I'll go and check out my new phone." Ava said with a smile and moved to the sofa.

"OK," Oliver said with a dotting smile and got back to his work.

Ava stayed the whole day at Oliver's office and no one except Uncle Joe came to disturb them. The sun was about to set when Oliver finally finished his work.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight. What would you like to eat?" Oliver smiled and asked Ava. He felt he would never get tired of the sight in front of him.

"Why do you want to take me out to dinner all of a sudden?" Ava looked at Oliver suspiciously, she felt Oliver's behavior was very strange today.

"No reason. I have a mood to eat outside today." Oliver shook his head and smiled helplessly, he admired Ava's intelligence.

He really had a reason to take her out to dinner tonight. He had made some plans, tonight if everything goes right then he will get what he wanted.

"Well, I want to eat steak."

"Then we'll have steak. Let's go" Oliver held her hand and got into his car happily.

Haiguang French restaurant.

A real French restaurant located in the center of a city by the riverside. The interesting feature of this restaurant was that at night, the roof of the restaurant could be indented to both sides revealing a layer of crystal top that would give people a feeling of having a meal outdoor under the sky while they were actually indoor. Couples find it very romantic to watch stars while having dinner.

The waiter greeted them warmly and said with a smile, "Mr. Knight, welcome to our restaurant, Mr. O'Neil has specifically instructed us to take care of you and Ms. Green tonight. Please come with me."

"OK, thank you," Oliver said happily.

"Oliver, do you know the owner of this place?" Ava asked thinking the owner must know Oliver for giving them such special treatment.

"Yes, It's Arvin. You met him last night. He is actually my best friend." Oliver said lightly. He didn't have the chance to introduce them last night but they will have a chance to meet again in the future, Oliver thought.

"Oh! Arvin yes I saw him yesterday, you two seemed very close. Do you know each other for a long time?"

"Yes, we have been friends since elementary school. I have a lot of friends but honestly speaking if I could call someone a true friend that would be Arvin." Oliver's eyes were bright when he talked about their friendship.

Listening to Oliver talking about his best friend so happily Ava's heart felt heavy and her mind flew back to her best friend, if she was still here their life probably would be different now. Ava looked up and saw the stars through the transparent roof of the restaurant. Looking at the starry sky, she was lost in her thoughts for a while.

"Let's go sit by the window." Oliver took Ava's hand and led her to a seat that was reserved especially for them.

From where they were sitting the whole city could be seen, it looked very beautiful and just on the opposite side was the KNIGHT International office building.

"Wow Oliver, KNIGHT International is on the other side of the river," Ava said a little surprised.

"What would you like to eat?" Oliver handed her the menu.

Ava shook her head and said smiling, "I'll let you decide tonight."

Oliver looked at her affectionately and gently pinched her nose. "OK."

Ava wanted Oliver to order tonight because she wanted to know his taste preferences. She felt she knew very little about him and she wanted to know more, she wanted to try to enter his world.

"The city looks very beautiful from up here," Ava said smiling and looking outside at the scenery through the window.

Oliver took Ava's hands in his and looked at her. He said sincerely "Yes, It's beautiful, and so are you."

Ava looked at him dumbfounded, was he complimenting her? What was going on? He hardly said anything nice to her. Why all of a sudden he was being too nice to her? Ava felt very uncomfortable in her heart. This Oliver was unknown to her so it was a bit difficult for her to adapt to his sudden change of character.