
The confession

Ava stared at Oliver for a while then she thought Oliver must have a high fever so he was confused and behaving so wired because it's not like him at all. Ava quickly checked his forehead worriedly, but it was cold, no fever!

Oliver smiled and looked at her warmly. He took Ava's hand off his forehead and squeezed it tightly in his palm. The two were sitting beside the window holding each other's hand tightly and enjoying the view outside, the scene was really romantic.

"Av's, I have to tell you something. We have been living together for nearly a month now. When we first met things were different between us and we made an agreement. I was ready to let you go when the time comes but now, I don't think I could bear to see you go. I am sure you are also aware that things between us have changed. I don't know when but I started to develop feelings for you. I know I treated you very badly all this time but could we please put all that behind and start over? Forgive me for what I did to you and be my girlfriend please?" Oliver's eyes were full of sincerity and he said every word very seriously.

This was his plan, he had only 3 days left if he didn't ask her out today he wouldn't be able to stop her from leaving. Besides what he said was all true so he didn't mind confessing it to her first. If his confession would keep her by his side then so be it.

Ava stared at him dumbly, she couldn't believe her ears, did he really say that he liked her and wanted her to be his girlfriend? Ava felt this was all a dream, not even in her dream she dared to think that Oliver could fall in love with her. She had no idea how to react.

Yes, it's probably normal to develop feelings for each other if you live under the same roof every day. Ava's thoughts were very simple she wanted to spend her whole life with the person she loved. She was also aware that Oliver brought many unknown feelings to her that she never had with Jacob however she was still reluctant.

Just as Ava was thinking all this, the waiter came in pushing a cart. There was a big bouquet of red roses on the cart. Ava had never seen such big red roses in her life. She stared at the roses in shock, it seems there were 999 roses in the bouquet. Oliver's confession came so unexpectedly that it was really difficult for Ava to accept all this. It's really very surprising.

Oliver let go of Ava's hand and stood up straight from his seat, he picked up the roses and walked toward Ava steadily with a charming smile on his lips. Ava stood up and took a step toward Oliver. They stood in front of each other and looked into each other's eyes.

Oliver took Ava's hand in one hand and the flower in other and said softly "I know you are very surprised at my sudden confession and it's a lot to take in but Ava I could feel that you like me too and that's why I didn't want to wait any longer."

"Oliver..." Ava was biting her lips, she felt her mind was blank. She couldn't think of anything at that moment.

"Fool, listen to me, let's forget the past, OK! From now on, we will only belong to each other wholeheartedly. I only need you as my woman for the rest of my life. Of course, I won't mind if you can give me a lovely daughter in the near future." Oliver's deep eyes were bright as stars and his handsome face was full of smiles. He seems to have seen a beautiful future with her.

Hearing him Ava felt like crying, the picture Oliver painted in front of her was her dream all along. She said in a choked voice, "Oliver, I... I'm a bit overwhelmed by all this."

"Silly, I understand. Don't worry about anything, just trust me, I'll always be by your side." Saying that he handed the roses to Ava.

Ava took it slowly, believing what was happening was not a dream, it was all true. Oliver loves her, she didn't know what to do, She was happy and also very nervous.

"Little fool, turn around." Oliver stroked her blushing cheek and said in a gentle voice.

Ava turned to look outside the window and was stunned to see at the opposite side on the top of the KNIGHT International office building a LED screen was flashing 3 words: Be my girlfriend!

It was so eye-catching that the whole city has seen Oliver's confession, although no one knew who was confessing to whom but many envied the person for whom someone could go to this extent and confess in such high profile way. It was really a romantic attempt.

Ava still hadn't recovered from the surprises that Oliver had brought to her, she suddenly felt something on her neck. She looked down and saw a silver angel-shaped white diamond pendant around her neck, which was extremely bright and dazzling. Oliver put his arms around her from behind and held her tightly and put his chin on her shoulder. Ava was at a loss and she giggled.

Ava reached out and touched the pendant around her neck. Happiness came so suddenly that she couldn't fight it anymore.

"Do you like it?" Oliver asked in a low voice with a smile.

Ava nodded her head and said with a sweet smile: "Yes, it's beautiful."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


"Av's!" Oliver's heart was filled with joy and he gave her a passionate kiss.

Outside the crystal glass on the top floor of the restaurant, the stars were shining brightly, and inside the two people's hearts were sparkling with so much happiness. On that night, some people were happy and some were sad.

Anderson's House.

The confession had gone viral and it was the hot topic on the microblog. When Kiara saw it she was so angry that she smashed everything she could find in her bedroom. If she was right then Oliver must have confessed to Ava tonight. Besides Oliver, who would dare to do such a thing using KNIGHT International's exclusive LED screen? The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. She must not let the situation get out of her control, she had to think of something that will throw that woman out of Oliver's life!