
The Flower on the coffee

Oliver was very reluctant to leave Ava at home so he decided to take her with him to KNIGHT International. He recently found that whenever he had a little free time his mind would wander around Ava and he would miss her miserably. So he thought instead of missing her so much, why not let her accompany him. He could see her, hug her and kiss her whenever he wanted.

When they entered KNIGHT International, The employees started to greet them both and Ava unconsciously tried to distance herself a little from the CEO. She was worried the employees would talk about them and she was not really comfortable with people gossiping about her. However Oliver wouldn't let that happen, he held Ava's waist tightly unwilling to let her create any distance between them.

Everyone just watched in silence. No one dared to say a word about their boss or Ava behind their back. Everyone knew Oliver hated people who gossiped about him therefore, the employees of KNIGHT International would never gossip inside or outside the premises.

"Oliver let go, there are so many people in your company, they are watching us," Ava said in a low voice. She was very embarrassed.

"Don't worry, no one will talk about you." Oliver pressed the elevator and said with a smile. He was well aware of what was going on in her mind.

"How do you know that?" Ava asked confused. she was wondering why he was so confident that they won't talk about them.

"Well, my employees have signed an agreement with the company. They are not allowed to disclose any information related to the company or me." Oliver chuckled and lowered his head to kiss her.

Ava was lost in his soft sweet kiss. When the elevator door opened, Oliver let go of her with a satisfied smile. They walked inside Oliver's office hand in hand.

In the office Oliver immediately got to his work and Ava kept sitting on the sofa for a while flipping through magazines, she was bored, why did he insist on her to accompany him to the office? He had work to do here, what would she do?

"Oliver, it's really boring to just sit here and do nothing," Ava complained.

"Do nothing? Why don't you make me a cup of coffee." Oliver raised his head from the file and said with a smile.

"Well, OK," Ava said happily.

She walked inside Oliver's personal refreshment room and was amazed to see there all kinds of drinks, desserts, and cookies were available in the room. There was also a double-door refrigerator and a small stove available. It looked like a mini kitchen rather than a refreshment room.

Oliver didn't like to drink instant coffee, so there were only coffee beans available. Fortunately, Ava took a barista training when she was in England and knew how to make coffee using the machine. She took her time and made a latte for Oliver, however, she felt something was missing in the coffee. So she made a flower on top of the coffee. Ava carefully took the coffee and put it in front of Oliver, whose eyes were glued to the computer screen.

Oliver saw Ava from the corner of his eyes and as soon as she put the coffee on the table he moved his eyes from the screen and looked at Ava's beautiful smiling face. When he looked at the coffee in front of him, he was surprised to see the flower. He had no idea Ava had such skills, a charming smile automatically showed up on his handsome face.

"Come here," Oliver said as he opened his arm.

Ava walked to Oliver and he pulled her and made her sit on his lap, then he rested his head on her chest holding her waist tightly. He quietly enjoyed her heartbeat and the feeling of completeness overwhelmed him. Now he was even more determined to not let her leave his side. Until this moment he didn't realize how much he missed such warmth.

Ava also put her hand around him and enjoyed the feeling quietly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Uncle Joe walked inside, seeing the scene he paused for a second and thought why was Ms. Green here? It's interesting that Oliver took the initiative to bring a woman to his office. Normally women would come to find him here.

Ava got a little embarrassed to see Uncle Joe, she quickly jumped off Oliver's lap and greeted him with a polite smile, "Good Morning Uncle Joe."

"Morning Miss Green." Uncle Joe also politely replied.

"Uncle Joe, you want some coffee? I am making one for me." Ava thought he must be here to discuss something confidential and as an outsider, it's not right for her to listen to their business conversations, so she made an excuse and decided to leave the two men alone to do their job.

Both Oliver and Uncle Joe were impressed with her thoughtfulness. So Uncle Joe said with a meaningful smile, "Sure, thank you, Miss Green."

After Ava left Uncle Joe put a paper bag on Oliver's desk and said, "Mr. Knight, the couple's mobile phone you asked me to order just arrived. The functions are all set up as per your requirement. Even if the phone was turned off, it will still show the correct location of the person carrying it."

Oliver took out the phones from the bag, one was black and the other was white. On the black phone, Ava's initials were engraved in white font, while Oliver's initials were engraved on the white phone in black font. Oliver picked up the white mobile phone and locked the special location app with a password so Ava wouldn't be able to open it and turn it off.

Ava came out from the refreshment room with two cups of coffee in her hand and placed one in front of Uncle Joe.

Uncle Joe looked at the coffee a little disappointed and asked sadly, "Why there is no flower on my coffee?"

Ava smiled and said, "I don't have any flower on my coffee either."

"Then why did you make a flower for CEO Knight?"

"Because I'm her husband, of course, I'll get the special treatment," Oliver said proudly before Ava could say anything.

Listening to Oliver, Uncle Joe's said with disdain, "Hey, this is not cool bullying a single dog like this."

Ava looked at the interaction between the two and helplessly shook her head, Men's are really childish sometimes. But her heart felt sweet at Oliver's words.

"Drink it quickly, and go back to work," Oliver said coldly.

Uncle Joe shook his head and finished his coffee before he left. Of course, he didn't mind Oliver's indifferent attitude. He was used to it.