
The connection

Knight International

Half an hour passed and the stock market finally closed. Oliver calmly stared at the board seeing the share from the C company turn green from red. As expected, C shares soared and they won the game again! A satisfied smile showed up on Oliver's handsome face.

"Miss Luis, have you traded in the stock market before?" Oliver asked giving a light glance at Emily.

"Yes, but nothing big," Emily said modestly.

"Keep going, you are doing good," Oliver said with an indifferent face.

Emily looks like Melody, talked like her, acted like her, walked like her but when she looked at Oliver it was definitely not the way Melody used to look at him. No matter how he looks at her he always has a feeling she was imitating Melody. This gave Oliver some confidence that maybe this woman was not Melody. Besides he still couldn't solve the mystery of why Emily had no information about her past. Although Emily and Melody's birthday was also the same but that made Oliver even more suspicious. He had a feeling this was some kind of conspiracy against him.

"Thank you for your encouragement, Mr. Knight." Emily smiled softly and said in a relaxed tone.

Oliver nodded his head then turned and left the investment banking department. Oliver returned to his office and suddenly felt completely drained. He sat down on his chair and started to rub his temple with his fingers. He didn't know when he made his life so complicated, he was so happy with Ava even a few days earlier and when he heard the news of Ava's pregnancy his happiness was over the moon. He felt like things couldn't get any better in his life. Then how did he let himself distracted by a face? Even if it was Melody, he couldn't be with her. The moment he decided to move on he put Melody behind, whether she was dead or alive, she was dead for him.

Oliver closed his eyes and Ava's innocent smiley face with clear eyes and soft red lips appear in his mind. Her every expression, every frown, her mood, smile, everything about her affected his heart. That's how he knew how much Ava has occupied his heart. Oliver opened his eyes and suddenly opened the drawer where he always kept Melody's picture. He took it out slowly and looked at the picture that he has been seeing for years, but today when he looked at it, the pain and the sadness he used to feel before, he didn't feel that anymore. Oliver smiled at the picture and said in his mind, 'you are already gone, finally, I could believe it with all my heart. I wish you happiness in heaven, silly girl.'

Oliver put Melody's picture back in the drawer and looked in the distance, his intuition told him Emily Luis was not Melody. Then what could be her reason to join Knight international? Oliver suddenly remembered seeing a picture of Melody in Liam's circle of friends. To be exact that must be Emily's picture. It cannot be Melody so does that mean Liam arranged for her to enter Knight International? Was she somehow connected to Liam?

At that thought Oliver's face got hard, he quickly took out his phone and called Uncle Joe in.

Within five minutes, Uncle Joe came and stood respectfully in front of Oliver with an expressionless face.

"Uncle Joe, please check for me if Liam had anything to do with Emily Luis's interview and joining the company? And did you find any information about this woman's background?" Oliver asked with creased eyebrows. If Liam had contacts with Emily then it's definitely a conspiracy, this father and son never do anything without any reason so he needed to be more cautious.

"Didn't you ask me to hold for now? Do you want me to continue with the background check?"

"Check it. I have a feeling this woman is not very simple and she has a purpose to enter the company."

"Yes, Mr. Knight!"

Uncle Joe immediately took out his iPad and opened a highly classified app to check Emily's background. But as Oliver found before, Emily Luis didn't exist in papers before 4 years, all her details, qualification, awards were from the past four years. However, Uncle Joe found out that Emily had a canceled phone number before she entered Knight International.

"CEO Knight, it's still the same information nothing new here but looks like Emily Luis has canceled a phone number a few days ago."

"Find out if she ever used it to contact Liam," Oliver asked as he stood up and walked toward the window.

Uncle Joe's kept tapping on his tab and within a minute he said, "Yes Mr. Knight Emily Luis had contact with Liam from that number."

Oliver's eyes darkened, and his jaw ticked. So as he expected this was Liam's doing, he looked at Uncle Joe and said coldly, "Uncle Joe, find out everything you can about them. How and where they meet, how long they have known each other. I want every information that could link them together."

"Yes, Mr. Knight." Uncle Joe nodded respectfully and left the room silently.

Oliver stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a clenched fist. Liam is becoming more and more bold with his tricks. He dared to play with the only thing that Oliver forbid everyone to even mention, he will have to do something about it. This time he wouldn't let Liam go.