
The Rain

In the afternoon, the weather suddenly turned very gloomy, it looked like it's going to rain. Oliver was sitting in front of his computer and looking at the wedding dresses designed by some famous designers. One set of flat-shouldered wedding dress caught his eye, at a glance the dress reminded him of Ava's temperament. The lower part of the dress was a fishtail and the upper body was embroidered with lace and white diamond, it was stunningly beautiful. Without a second thought, Oliver contacted the designer and bought the dress.

Around three o'clock, Ava came home with her mother. She bought a lot of invitations cards so after getting home she started to write all the friends and relative's names on them carefully one by one. When she was writing her friend's names on the card she suddenly realized she didn't inform Sam about her wedding yet. Ava took a card and wrote Sam's name on it neatly and put it on her handbag. She took out her phone and called Sam.

Sam was sitting in the office and checking his student's homework at that moment. Since it was Friday, he had to finish them by today so his students can go home for the weekend. He heard his phone ringing, he glanced at his phone annoyed but when saw it was Ava he was very surprised and quickly picked up.

"Ava!" Sam's deep voice couldn't hide the surprise in them. After that incident this was the first time Ava took the initiative to call him, obviously, he was very excited.

"Hey Sam, are you busy?" Ava asked in a quiet voice.

"No...Not busy, is everything alright?" Sam put down the red pen and asked with a smile. Ava was like a sun in his life no matter how busy he was he will always have time for her and her phone will always make him smile and reduce his stress.

"I want to meet you I have something to tell you. Are you at the school right now?" Ava looked at the time and thought why not go to the school and pick up Sarah and talk to Sam as well.

"Yes, I am here. You can come anytime." Sam's eyes widen a little and he was really curious why Ava suddenly wanted to meet him.

Ava arranged the other invitation and put them aside neatly. "Mom, I am going out."

"Where are you going? It's going to rain." Lilly looked at her worried.

"To get Sarah from school," Ava said as she stood up.

"I'll go. You're pregnant. Don't run around. You'll be tired." Lilly quickly said.

Ava shook her head and said, "Mom, don't worry, I'm ok. It's only been two months. Look at me, my stomach is still flat, I don't even look pregnant."

However, Lilly was very uncomfortable at the thought of Ava going out alone in this condition so she stood up from the couch and said, "Fine, if you want to go then I'll accompany you."

"Mom, no need. I am not a child anymore. You have been out the whole day, you should get some rest before dinner. I need to see Sam and invite him to the wedding." Ava said with a gentle smile.

Lilly felt a headache, Ava has always been this stubborn. However she didn't protest anymore, instead, she went inside and got a winter jacket for Ava and said, "Put it on, it's cold outside."

"Thank you, mom, bye." Ava put on her jacket and with a smile left the house.

When Ava drove halfway, it started to rain heavily. She slowed down and started to drive more carefully. She has a life inside her she couldn't be reckless anymore. Since she was driving slow it took a while for her to reach the school and even when she reached the school gate, she still couldn't get out of the car because of the rain. Unfortunately, she forgot to bring her umbrella so she had no other choice but to call Sam and ask him to pick her up from the school parking lot.

Sam finished his grading and went back to the class to discuss the homework when Ava's phone came again. He quickly got out of the class to pick up the call.

"Hello, Sam, I'm in the parking lot of the school. It's raining hard and I forgot my umbrella. Can you please come with an umbrella and pick me up?"

"All right, I'll be right here. Wait for me." Sam went back to the classroom, took his umbrella, and hurried to the parking lot.

However, this scene was noticed by the English teacher who once asked Sam out in front of the whole school. She saw Sam going out in a hurry with his umbrella, she quickly followed him out of curiosity.

Sam went to Ava's car and opened the door. He held out the umbrella for Ava and helped her out of the car, the rain was very strong, and trying to protect Ava Sam's clothes were already soaked.

"Sam, your clothes are all wet," Ava said when she noticed.

"I'm fine. Come quickly." Sam subconsciously moved closer to Ava and held her so she wouldn't get wet. On top of that, he was taller than Ava and the umbrella was not big enough for both of them so they looked very intimate under the umbrella from far.

Unfortunately, the English teacher who was following Sam saw all of it, she was full of jealousy. Seeing it was Ava, she wanted to go there and slap her, how dare this shameless woman seduces another man when she already has a boyfriend. She knew Sam liked Ava, she has seen her photo on Sam's phone before so seeing them together the English teacher was very angry at Ava. She quickly took out her phone and took a few pictures of Sam and Ava and quietly left.

"Sam, do you have a teacher's apartment at school?" Ava asked when realized she couldn't wait outside in this heavy rain.

"Yes, I'll take you to my apartment. Will you take Sarah home with you?" Sam asked.


"OK, you can wait in my apartment until her class is over."

The teacher's apartment was very close to the parking lot, so Sam already thought of taking Ava there and let her wait even before she asked him.