
New Life In MCU

Short synopsis : An average looking but intelligent guy who despite growing up in abusive and selfish family worked hard and became successful. But as said previously selfish family betrayed him and tried to steal all his wealth. But as said tried but failed. ----------- MC: What the where am I?( waking up in a beautiful grass land he asked puzzled) ???: Well hello there looks like you are awake. MC: WTF [further part in Prologue.] {A/N:– this is my first novel and just writing to experience, so I hope you like it. And if any suggestions for improvement than please let me know. It'll be Genderbende so, proceed on your own risks.}

JustSomeone31 · Movies
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11 Chs

chapter 1 MEETING

In the wast land filed with fresh grean grass and colourful flowers with sounds of bird's chirping peacefully. Amidst all this is our MC laying on this land of beauty and peace. Thoughtlessly enjoying the relaxing quietness without care in the world,... or he was just to much in shock. ( 🤨 ) Let's just know from him.

MC pov

Wtf is going with me! Shouldn't I be laying in hospital or something.... No wait, now I remember, I was in hospital before this. So I am dead huh. This how heaven looks like, quite peaceful. " Now what should I be waiting for someone to guide me to after life. Or this is after life." I thought out loud.

While MC was having his self monologue. There was beautiful lady watching him with gentle smile. Besides her was middle-aged man who had soft and amusing smile watching this. He said " so miss are you happy seeing your son after so long. As your first wish to see him has been full filled. I hope you don't have any regrets now." This lady was non another than miss Jessica. As for unknown man it, you will know ahead.

When miss Jess heard what the man said she was little sad. " It's true that I wanted to see him, but it's still pains me to see him like this.

It's also my fault that he ended up like this." She said. When the middle aged man herd this he said " It's not your fault miss! Only wanted him to have a family who would stay by his side, after you were gone." Miss Jess knew that she had cancer. So when she saw MC old family and when they claimed that they have changed and only wanted to ask for his forgiveness. She decided to help them.

If they didn't managed to convince her, she would have never helped them. On contrary she would have made sure that they would stay away from MC. But alas she was too kind to find lies in those people and she regrets it.

Then the man said " miss do you want to go see him. If not then you should be get going on your way to the after life. I was delay for this long but anymore and it may damage your soul." When miss Jess heard this she sighed. She relactantly stopped observing her dear son. And said " well as much as I want to continue seeing him and talk to him. I can't make myself to face him." Then she had an idea " can you help me to deliver my message to him. If you don't mind." She asked to man.

When man heard her he smiled and nodded.

Then he gave her pen and paper. She took it and hastily wrote whatever she wanted to say to her son. Once she was done she handed the latter to the man. And said "here give this to him." Then she turned around one last time and looked at MC. She had a small tears in her eyes. She wiped them and said " I am ready to go."

When man heard this he smiled and nodded. Just then white glow covered her and she wanished. Then turn his gaze towards MC and he said " now then time to pay a visit to you man." And he teleported.

Now then back to MC " f**king assholes, can't believe that bitch sided with those basterds. Well it's also my fault for believing her so easily." When he was saying all this, he heard voice behind him " you know it's not your fault. Whatever happened to you there fault and it can't be undone. So it's useless to blame yourself." When he heard this he said " ya your right. What's the use for bla.... Wait wtf." He jumped on his feet and turned around.

He saw middle aged man behind him. He said " who are you!? Are you like some kind of angel or something." But then he thought shouldn't angel be beautiful ladies. Why is my angel fricking male and middle aged one at that. Then man replied " aren't you quite an energetic young man. And no Im not an angel. By the way sorry for not being beautiful girl." He said that last part with raised one eyebrow and small smile.

Seeing that smile on the middle aged man y/n became little intimidated. Then he said " I am sorry for that... Wait!.. how did you know what I was thinking?" The man smiled and said "because I can read your mind." When y/n heard this he became even more uncomfortable. Seeing this the middle aged man said " No need to be uncomfortable young man. I am here to meet you. Let me introduce myself I AM WHAT YOU CALL GOD OR OAA (ONE ABOVE ALL) or you can just call me Steve."

When y/n heard this he became so shocked that he didn't know how to react. But he still managed to regain his composure. And said

" Uh uhm hello! God.." " you can call me Steve." Steve (god) inturupted him.

MC: "So uh Steve why am I here and what is this place."

Steve: "This my domain and if your are wondering why I bought you here. Then it's for two reasons." God gave y/n sometime to digest everything.

MC: " what are those reasons? If you don't mind telling me."

Steve: " you see first reason is that you are one of the few people who have high good karma. And second reason is that someone asked to see you."

MC: who?

Steve: " you know her very well. It's your mother. Adoptive mother to be specific."

When y/n heard this he became shocked and said "what she is here?! Where is he? Can I see her?.

Steve: when he saw y/n like that he smiled and said " I have apologies young man. But she's already gone on her journey to after life."

MC: when he heard this he was sad but then he thought 'well she will atleast be in peace now.' " It's okey, so what now am also going on my way to after life."

Steve: " Well if you want to go and if you don't then there also another way for you. But before that I have something for you."

MC: what is it?

Steve: " A letter from your mother." And he handed y/n the letter.


Dear y/n,

If you are received this letter then you have already met Steve. And I also know that you must have asked to meet me. Sorry son I couldn't bring myself to see you. After all it was me who caused you so much pain. If it wasn't because of me you would have lived an happy life. But because of my foolishness you had to go through all that.

I won't blame of you hate me. I always wanted you to have someone. A family that will stay by your side when I wasn't there. But I failed I am sorry.

I don't want to tell you this so you will forgive me. I just want to say that I love you. And I always will. And I am proud of you. Iam happy that you became suck an amazing young man.

Lastly whatever future hold for you and whatever discussion you have I will always support you. Though I don't think I will be there to see, but I hope that you will have happy life ahead of you. And last thing I will say to you is enjoy your life to the fullest.

By my son mother always loves you. Goodbye! (A/n 🥺so, emotionalll waaaaaa😭)