
New Life In MCU

Short synopsis : An average looking but intelligent guy who despite growing up in abusive and selfish family worked hard and became successful. But as said previously selfish family betrayed him and tried to steal all his wealth. But as said tried but failed. ----------- MC: What the where am I?( waking up in a beautiful grass land he asked puzzled) ???: Well hello there looks like you are awake. MC: WTF [further part in Prologue.] {A/N:– this is my first novel and just writing to experience, so I hope you like it. And if any suggestions for improvement than please let me know. It'll be Genderbende so, proceed on your own risks.}

JustSomeone31 · Movies
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11 Chs


(A/N:- I am writing novel for the first time so I hope you won't mind some mistakes)


In a hospital bed you can see an bloodied injured young man around 30-32, surrounded by doctor's and nurses constantly trying to save him. But alas there efforts seems useless. He is our MC (y/n)

(A/N I will be writing most my note like this, so I didn't give any name to MC in the start thought in new life he will have a name so why brother, so put your self as MC.

MC pov

Damn my body hurts like hell, and let me tell you dying isn't so peaceful. All the voices of this doctor's sounds like that one annoying mosquito that keeps buzzing near your ears when you trying to get some sleep.

Well if your wondering what happened to me, than it's like this I was pushed down from the roof by my annoying, ungrateful bitch of gf and my asshole, narcissistic, shellfish brother.

Last thing before kissing the soil I saw was my brother, cheating ex and behind them were standing were my shellfish family, my parents and an annoying bitch (also known as sister). I'm damn sure it was her plan, because she is the only one in this group of asshole who have above avarage brain (barely).

Now as you know like every cliche novel why I was betrayed well the answer is my wealth. Wealth which I accumulated with my hardwork and Little luck... actually more than little. And none off these so called family had any contribution in this, instead they made my life more miserable. How it is given below.

I grew up an abusive environment, since I was little my parents priority was always my siblings. Reason being them having good looks. Really they were camparable to models from magazines. But looks were only thing they had. But still my parents liked them more. Both my parents were really good looking, for but due to there bad habits they didn't do anything significant in life. It's not like I was ugly or anything, I was perfect example of average looking guy neither above avarage or below average just average.

But hey I had intelligence, Atlas my parents never bothered. I think it was because they themselves were dum as fuck. I was there first child so it wasn't as unbearable experience at the start. They weren't that involved in my life so I was just living my life. But after my siblings were born, I was neglected completely. They gave food, shelter and schooling but nothing else.

As my siblings grew up due to my parents behaviour they became shellfish, narcissistic and a topical bullies. I would get beaten up and if I tried to retaliate or defend again I would get beaten even more or starved. Sometimes both.

School wasn't much better than home. Only difference being at home it was my family and in school it was my siblings and some kids from school. My siblings were part of the popular group of school and I was introvert, loner and nerd. I didn't bother with them much, I was used to it.

I kept to myself and improving my myself. I had my intelligence and I used it to the fullest. I gained knowledge and skills in my free time, about computer or other. During this time there were also some people who helped me.

During my free time I free time I would do some odd jobs. Where I can use my skills, I also did some hacking for money nothing to illegal like hacking bank of something.

All this money was saved by me for the future.

It was during my final, year after exams. As always like a top student I was, I topped in my class. When I was back home everyone was in living room. When I went inside and my parents and siblings saw me for some reason they looked happy. Ofc it wasn't because of me. Apparently my siblings had descided to persive there carrier as models and so they were going to move to different city.

MC dad " As you know we are going to move away from here, and as our financial condition isn't really good me and your mother has decided that you have to move out of this family." Than my sister said. "It's not like even if we took you with us you can do anything, with that pathetic looks of yours. Might as well do yourself a favour and pack your bags."

I didn't bother to say anything to them. They told me that they already had packed there luggage and transport truck will be here soon. And the house was going to be sold. They had talked to someone who will help them to sell the house.

After that I packed my bags and left. After sometime when I was walking on road I heard familiar voice. It was my teacher miss Jessica. She was kindest person I have ever seen. She would always help anyone in need. When she saw me with luggage she asked what happened. So I told her, she was like a mother to me someone who was always kind to me. When she heard what happened to me, it would be understatement to say she was furious. She was planning to go and beat them up but I said no to it. As it might cause trouble to miss. She asked what I was planning to de now. I didn't have any a at the moment but I said I will manage. When she saw I was going she stopped me and told me that I can come and stay at her place for sometime. I wanted to reject her but she insisted so I agreed. Besides what can go wrong, I knew her for long time. She was single lady. She lost her husband and child in accident in early age. Since than she was the only one in the house.

After that I stayed with her. I didn't like taking advantage of her so I started helping her in her house. She said not to but this time I won. When I was there she treated me like a family member. One day when I asked why she treated me so kindly she told me that she saw here list son in me. I didn't know what to say so I just listened to her while she told me about her husband and son. I didn't know how to react.

Than she asked me "Would you like to stay here as my son." I didn't know what to say, for me she was always like mother that I never had. But I also didn't wanted to be a burden on her so I asked for sometime. After whole week I decided to stay. And so I finally found a mother.

She also helped me grow as individual. Just like that I completed my graduation. I also made some friends. And with those friends help I started my company. I grew successful and made lot's of money. I also helped lot of people. Being the youngest billionaire. Then I found a girl on social media and she became my girlfriend. Miss Jess also became old.

Than one day when I was working in office miss Jess came to visit me. And with her were my shellfish family. When I saw them I was angry but miss Jess calmed me down. She told me that she found them in our old neghbourhood. She told me that they lost everything. Apparently my siblings tried to become models. But failed and they lost everything. She wanted me to help them. At first I rejected it but she insisted on helping them. She said they were changed and they now understood how much pain they have caused me. Miss Jess always thought that if someone wants to repent on his/her mistakes than we should give them sacond chance. Not just her but my gf (bitch) also insisted that I should give them second chance. So I agreed ( which I regret) to help them. I gave both of my siblings a good job. They said they are grateful to me and they will do everything to gain my forgiveness.

Just like that time kept passing. Little by little I started feeling that they were really changed, but I still didn't trust them much. But then one day mom (miss Jess) fell unconscious when tests were done we found that she was terminally elness. I was again lost but I pulled through it she was admitted to hospital. But didn't make it she passed away. During that time y didn't talk much always working to get distracted from sadness.

But unknown to me my family were planning to take everything from me. And in this my GF helped them. Apparently my brother and she had affairs behind my back. One day when I was relaxing on roof. While drinking my favourite alcohol. I heard familiar voice behind me. It were my family and GF. She was really close to my brother hugging him. I knew something is wrong. Before I could speak I felt dizzy, my throat felt my dried and burning at the same time. My breathing also became unstable. I knew its not because of the drink cause I have good tolarance for alcohol and it was my first glass which still had half drink remaining.

Then I heard my GF laughing looking at me. She said "ohh you okay honey, is something wrong." With moking look she kissed my brother. She said " don't give me that look mister loser, you should understand that your brother is way better than you. And besides if it wasn't because of your money. I would never date you." I felt my self shattering. Then my brother spoke " well well well look at you, you will always be a loser. I am always better than you." I was so pissed at that time that I wanted to ripp both of their tongs out.

Then my sister came forward and Said " you really thaught that we will ever be your family. No way from the day we saw you on TV we planned to take this from you. And like a pathetic loser you are you lost it. Now why don't you go ahead and die."

All this time my parents were silent but thier moking smile spoke everything for them. While they were waiting for me to beg for my life I didn't say anything and gave them big moking smile and said " oh you lot are so gonna pay for that." When they saw this they felt offended and pushed me. But they didn't know that I had hidden camera in here. For security purposes. Aside from the once that cane be seen.

I also made sure that if something were to happen to me all my property and money will got in my charity trusts. So not just they won't be getting anything they will also loss everything. And as experts in programming I had made a program that identifies is there is an emergency than it automatically alerts. So I knew that my men were on there way.

So that's what happened to me. And this brings you to this hospital bed where I am die....

Doctor's " Damn it we are losing patien, come on respond Mr. y/n sir." TV news " Today we lost the youngest billionaire and kind person mr. y/n. In the investigation it was found that he was murdered by his GF and his family for money. Further news will be provided by us shortly after the swall break."

A/N I know there are lot of mistakes but I will try my best. So give me some suggestions on how to improve.