
New Life In MCU

Short synopsis : An average looking but intelligent guy who despite growing up in abusive and selfish family worked hard and became successful. But as said previously selfish family betrayed him and tried to steal all his wealth. But as said tried but failed. ----------- MC: What the where am I?( waking up in a beautiful grass land he asked puzzled) ???: Well hello there looks like you are awake. MC: WTF [further part in Prologue.] {A/N:– this is my first novel and just writing to experience, so I hope you like it. And if any suggestions for improvement than please let me know. It'll be Genderbende so, proceed on your own risks.}

JustSomeone31 · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Wishes, body customisation and adios.

After reading the letter y/n was sad. Sad, because he didn't expect his mother to blame herself for all that has happened to him. If it's someone should be blamed then it should be those people. But he was also glad to hear that she still loves him. And waited for him.

After wiping small drops of tears that fell while he reading the letter. He said " thank you for delivering this message to me." When Steve heard he smiled and said. " It's okay kid. Now would you like to hear you options." When y/n heard this he became serious and nodded.

Steve: after getting affermation he said " well as I said the first reason for bringing you here. Is that you are one of the people who have high amount of good karma." " And according to that you have two options. One is you go on your way to after life like every one and those karma points will be used to give you good life in your next life."

MC : took sometime to digest everything and said. " And what's the second option."

Steve: " second option is that you can reincarnate in different world fictional or non fictional. With Three wishes and in your case you get extra three wishes."

MC: when he heard this he became surprised and started thinking about possibilities. But when he heard second part he was shocked. He asked " why do I have three extra wishes?"

Steve: " It was given to you by your mother. She had even more Karma points than you. So she got 6 wishes and out of them she used

Three of them."

MC: "what are the wishes she made?"

Steve: "the first wish she made was to be able to see you again and when she found out what happened to you. She wished for a chance to apologise to you." After the small pause he said " the third wish was that all the trusts, orphanages and all the charities both of you started, to keep functional and help people." He said that last part with faint smile.

" As for the remaining wishes she said that it to be given to you"

MC: when he heard her wishes he had wide smile. He said "even after death she still thinks about others." He took sometime time to calm his emotions. And said " well I am ready to make my choice... I will go with second option."

Steve: when he heard this he had amusing smile " well as I thought. So, let explain to what is second option.

1-> you can go to any non fictional or fictional

world known to you.

2->you can choose to have your memories

with you or not. And if you choose to have

have your memories, they will be little hazy

little incomplete. So as to not cause you

Problem to incorporate in new world.

3->you will be given wishes, number depends

on your karma points. But make sure there

are some restriction on them. So choose


MC: he took sometime to digest and think about his wishes. Then he said

1" my first wish is that, those people who killed me should be punished."

2" my second wish is that my adoptive mother

have a good, happy and healthy second life."

3"my third wish is to have a high adaptability and it wouldn't change how I look."

4"my fourth wish is to have system. This system should include:


•Quest function and please make sure that if I want then I can choose not to do quest and penalties shouldn't be too much like death or being forced to experience something weird I hope you understand.

• inventory

•Gacha function

•And lastly Shop, this shop should have everything from different multiverse from item, skills and even templates and bloodline."

5"I want to customise my own body. In this second life."

6"my sixth and final wish is that no one should be able to read or control my mind and be it universal or multiversal level character shoul find my existence as anomaly and try to erase me."

Steve: when he heard y/n's second wish he smiled faintly and said ( You don't have to worry about them getting punished, no one can escape from punishment. If you make mistakes you will be punished one way or another. (😈)Though now that you wished I can make them even more miserable."

" And your second wish also be granted but she still will have some up's and downs, I mean what the life without little bumps in it."

He said all of it with kind and approving smile.

Steve: he again became serious and said " your third wish will also be granted, but know that it wouldn't be too high like that one character from your dc character or that Godzilla, It will fast but not to much. Though the more you use it the more it will develop and it can develop to really high level."

He took little time and again said " Now you can have system. About quest function, if this quest involves something like world threatening or something which may affect your life then they can be compulsory. But in return I will give you starter pack. And also about your gacha function, higher the tier of the price, the lower it's probability. Though I will make so the more you do good karma more the chances."

MC: he nodded and said " okay!"

Steve: he smiled and said " you can customise your body. But let me tell you not all people are same. Not everyone judge people on basis of your looks, it can increase your initial judgement but your efforts and character matters more."

MC: when he heard this he lowered his gaze then again looked up and smiled "I will remember this."

Steve: " third wish will also be granted, but know this if you cause damage to universe or multiverse then you may face problems."

MC: smiled and nodded " okay! I won't cause any damages to universe or multiverse."

Steve: "Now why don't you choose the world you want to reincarnate and what time line do you want to reincarnate in. Though by your wishes I can guess the world already." ( Or you just read his mind.) " You can then customise your body"

MC: He smiled and said " well the world I want to reincarnate into is the world of MCU. But little AU with aspects of other movie and TV shows including."

Steve: "Okay! It can be done. Now make your body" and the he snaps his fingers and a holographic screen appears. " Here you can make your customise now. Also select to have your looks to look like someone else."

MC: he looked at the screen, there was his image (naked). In the right corner there is a option for gender selection, And just besides it is button [save] to confirm the charges.

One the left corner is [options]. It had characters that you can choose to look like.

Below then were taps for hair, eyes, skin, height, body type. There was even tab for dick size.

MC: he thought ' I want my looks to be like sung Jin woo. Cause he has the both badass and deadly looks.' So, he chose the character of Sung Jin Woo. He kept his eyes purple. He also added little silvery white on the hair at there edges. Then he thought 'I had pretty big dick size. So, I won't change it. I mean that's what my first one night stand said to me.' Yes he was pretty big then any other guys so he didn't care about that.

Steve: when he saw the look of y/n's new body. He said "that looks pretty good."

MC: when he heard Steve. He smiled and said "thanks, well I think that'll do." When he was done he again looked at the screen and observed. When he didn't find any problem smiled. Just as he was about to save this, suddenly he felt a strong push behind him. Like something just smacked behind him and he smacked save button. Just as he smacked save button he was covered in multicolored light. Then last thing he saw was Steve panicked face and he heard someone shouting in female voice "No! Wait!".

Then everything went blank.

(A/N see you in next chapter adios)