
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey

Lee and Kenny return to the motel. Ben is keeping watch, sitting in a chair on the RV. Clementine is talking on her radio, but runs up to Lee when she sees him.

Clementine: You're back! Ben found some stickers in a drawer, and I put 'em on my walkie!

Lee: Hey, sweet pea. That's neat, I'll find you in a minute.

Lee knocks on the doorframe of the open door to Lilly's room. Lilly opens the door all the way to speak to Kenny and Lee.

Kenny: Looks like we got the kid on watch again.

Lilly: What'd you get?

Lee takes the pistol and gives his rifle to Lilly.

Lilly sets the rifle down on her dresser.

Lilly: So, what did you get?

Lee: A lot of stuff.

Kenny hands Lilly the backpack. She places it on her bed and searches it.

Kenny: We're fine, by the way...

Lilly: Nice work. This will keep us going. If we carry on like this, we'll get through the winter here.

Kenny: The winter? We'll freeze our asses off here.

Lilly: Because piling into an RV with you two, after what you did to my dad, is so appealing.

Kenny: Why wouldn't it be? You know I'll do what it takes to keep everyone safe.

Lilly: We're already safe.

Kenny: Take a look at the wall, Lilly. That's not graffiti, those are bullet holes. And we got enough arrow shafts sticking out of it to dry our laundry. And that's all beside the fact that Macon is busting at the seams with walkers.

Lilly: We don't have walker problems.

Lee: We have to go eventually, Lilly.

Kenny will remember that.

Lilly: We don't have to do anything.

Kenny: You didn't wanna go because of your dad's health, but he's gone now.

Lee: Easy, Kenny.

Carley: At it again, are we?

Kenny: Can it, Carley.

Lilly: Don't boss people around.

Kenny: I'm sorry. Somebody needs to make executive decisions for the group though, and I don't think you're capable anymore.

Lilly: And don't start with me, either.

Katjaa: Ken, we're all losing it with the attacks and lack of food...

Lee: We're strongest together.

Lee: It can't be you versus us, Lilly. We're sorry for what happened to your dad, but we're in this together now.

Kenny: What about the food situation? What about protection? What about when this place falls? Somebody's gotta be thinking about this shit.

Lilly: How has this not been working? We have everything we need.

Kenny: 'Cause of me, Lilly.

Lilly: That's BS, Kenny, and you know it.

Kenny: What about medicine?

Lilly: What about medicine?

Lee: We got plenty of food from that station wagon.

Kenny: Do you know how we got these supplies?

Kenny: We got lucky and let a girl get eaten out there.

Katjaa: What?

Kenny: Some girl came screaming out of an alley. She had dead hanging all over her. She gave us enough time to get everything we could out of the drugstore.

Lilly: You just let her suffer, like what, like bait? God, what is happening?

Kenny: You weren't out there.

Carley: You guys couldn't try to save her?

Kenny: Don't take that tone with him. It's the first smart thing he's done in a while.

Lilly: Glad to know you think being a killer is smart.

Kenny: Hey, if you don't agree with it, then we'll take everything we've got in these bags and put it in a pile marked "no hypocrites" and you can use everything else. I don't like living like this. But Christ, folks, it's not getting easier.

Lee: She was dead anyway. It made the most sense in the moment.

Kenny: Lee's right.

Kenny: We've been putting our lives on the line doing these runs into the city. You wouldn't believe the shit we see.

Katjaa: We all appreciate it, Ken...

Kenny: You should be thanking Lee for not shooting that girl.

Lilly: It's not so easy for him.

Kenny: Look, Macon and its people aren't savable. It's not a town, it's full of walkers. and the people who were left are dying and wandering out onto the streets. It's hell on Earth, and it's coming this way.

Lilly: It's not gonna be easier out on the road!

Kenny: How would you know?

Lilly: What I know?! I know you're not above murder! I know somebody has been stealing our supplies! That's right, stealing, and I know the list of people I can trust here gets smaller every day! Now, everybody get out!

Lilly closes the door and everyone walks away.

Lee: She'll get over it.

Kenny: She's riling everybody up, otherwise.

Katjaa: You understand, Ken.

Kenny: She's right about one thing. None of this is gettin' any easier.

Kenny and Katjaa leave.

Carley: Oof. Things are coming to a head.

Lee: You could say that.

Carley: Well, I think you did good today. And I find myself thinking that most days.

Lee: Thanks.

Carley: (touches Lee's cheek) It's probably worth following up with Lilly about what she was saying about missing supplies. With her wound up the way she is, I don't wanna see her paranoid.

Lee: No question.

Carley: And I'd like to talk, when you've got a minute.

Lee nods and Carley leaves.

Lee opens Lilly's door and enters the room. She sits on the bed with her head in her hands but looks up when Lee approaches.

Lilly: I'm sorry.

Lee sits in a chair opposite her.

Lee: You don't have to apologize.

Lilly: Did you come in here to give me hell or to coddle me?

Lee: I wanted to follow up on what you said about stolen supplies.

Lilly: Do you know what's going on?

Lee: I don't, I just heard you mention it.

Lilly: And you came in here to confess?

Lee: I'm not stealing shit, I came in here to help.

Lilly: There's a traitor, somebody, one of us, out there. He or she or they have been taking things.

Lee: For real? Who? What do you got?

Lilly: Yes, for real. And I don't have shit. I just know.

Lee: Lilly...

Lilly: The count's off and it's the good stuff. Antibiotics, oxy, fuck, anything with opium in it.

Lee: I see the count and it's fine.

Lilly: I keep my own. That one's getting messed with. I'm a fucking mess right now but I'm not stupid. I know what happens if I start a witch hunt.

Lee: So you want me to start one?

Lilly: I want you to poke around.

Lee: What's there to go on?

Lilly reaches under her bed and pulls out a large broken flashlight, which she hands to Lee.

Lilly: I found this tossed into the garbage.

Lee: Hmm.

Lilly: We don't toss out equipment. We fix it. You'd only try to get rid of a flashlight if you were using it when you shouldn't.

Lee: Seems like you're manufacturing this from nothing.

Lilly: Prove me wrong.

Lilly: Or I'll just assume it was you.

Lilly noticed that.

Lee exits Lilly's room.

Duck: A mystery!

Lee: Jesus, Duck!

Duck: I'm sorry, I heard you guys talking.

Lee: You need to un-hear all of that.

Duck: Can I help?

Lee: What did I just say?

Duck: You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! Your ward! That's Robin.

Lee: I know who it is.

Lee: You can help. Don't tell anybody.

Duck: Secrecy!

Lee: Yeah. Good.

Duck: What do I do?

Lee: I don't know. Go look around. Let me know if you find anything weird.

Duck: I'm on the case!

Duck will help.

Lee examines the broken flashlight.

Lee inspects the broken flashlight, turning it over in his hands. The flashlight appears to be in relatively good condition, aside from the shattered lens. He wonders why someone would discard it instead of trying to fix it.


Lee Pov:

Lee: I don't think it's anything.

Duck: Maybe it's a sign!

Lee: It could be. It's pink chalk, which is weird.

Duck: Okay, back to investigating!

Lee notices other chalk drawings on the ground, one of which is pink, then looks to Clementine, who is currently using chalk.

Talk to Carley (saved Carley)

Lee climbs the stairs to speak to Carley, who is leaning on the railing of the balcony.

Carley: Talk to Lilly yet?

Lee: Yeah. She thinks supplies have been walking away.

Carley: Really?

Lee: There's some broken equipment too. I'll look into it.

Carley: Thanks for doing that.

Carley: What I wanted to say was, I've been thinking a lot. About you.

Lee: What about?

Carley: You're a convicted killer.

Lee: Carley, Jesus...

Carley: And I think people should know. Not because they deserve to and not because you're a bad man. I think the opposite of those two things. People need to know because we're hanging by a thread here and I can't see Lilly talk about you without thinking it's the next thing she's going to say. You don't have to tell everyone, but think about who you trust and take the opportunity while you have it.

Lee: It was a lifetime ago.

Carley: Which is only going to make the feeling that you hid it and that there was even more to hide that much worse.

Carley: Larry's gone, but he knew. If he didn't tell Lilly outright, he probably said enough to make her wonder. I'll tell you what I would tell anybody, apocalypse or not, there comes a time when you can get out ahead of something like this and discuss it on your terms. Do it before that chance is taken away.

Lee: No. I'm not doing that. People have enough to worry about.

Carley: What are you so afraid of? Three months ago, I told you to tell no one and now I'm telling you to tell everyone. Do you think it's because they'll turn on you? We almost got eaten, for fuck's sake. Things are different now. I hope you change your mind.

Carley is not pleased with lee decision.

Carley: Now. Um, is there anything else you want to talk about?

Lee: You really think people are ready to hear about me?

Carley: It's not a manner of ready or not. There's never going to be a good time but there are going to be a lot of bad ones. Right now doesn't seem like one of them. But everyone's different. Who knows how each person would take it, you know? Maybe it's worth thinking about who you wanna tell.

Talk to Lilly

Lee: Hey.

Lilly: Find anything?

Lee: Are you worried about morale at all? The darker things get the more we have to worry about people giving up.

Lilly: Tell me about it.

Lilly: You're worried about people's moods? Have an ice cream social.

Talk to Clementine

Clementine sits on the floor, using a pallet as a table while making art.

Lee: Hey, Clementine.

Clementine: Hey, Lee.

Lee: What's that you're working on, Clem?

Clementine: It's called a leaf rubbing. My teacher Miss Moore showed us how do to 'em when we went to the botanical garden once.

Clementine shows the leaf and the leaf rubbing on paper.

Clementine: See? It's the same! Um, kind of.

Lee: That's really something.

Clementine: I'll make one for you, too!

Talk to Clementine Again

Lee: How's the drawing?

Clementine: Good.

Talk to Kenny and Katjaa

Lee: Hi, guys.

Lee: You need to try harder with Lilly. You guys gotta straighten this out.

Kenny: I don't know how straight we can get it given all that's happened.

Lee: So what then?

Kenny: Time'll come we'll have to do what's best for our families, and that's what we'll do.

Lee: Kenny, you got a second? I need to tell you something.

Kenny: Sure, pal. What d'ya got?

Lee glances at Carley. He and Kenny walk a short distance away.

Lee: It's serious.

Kenny: Oh, no, what'd the she-devil do to you...?

Lee: Shut up, man.

Lee: I was on my way to prison three months ago.

Kenny has a worried expression.

Kenny: No shit?

Lee: No shit.

Kenny stares Lee down with concern.

Kenny: It wasn't for touching kids, was it?

Lee: come on man!

Kenny: What? I gotta ask!

Lee: No.

Lee: I killed a guy in a fight.

Kenny: Hmm. Must'a been a real piece 'a shit if you had to haul off and kill him.

Lee: So we're straight then?

Kenny: Lee, look at everything this mess has got us doin' now. I'm sorry you went through whatever you went through. Yeah, we're "straight".

Kenny appreciates your honesty.

Talk to Ben

Lee: Hey, Ben.

Ben: What's up, Lee?

Lee: Have you seen anything weird on watch? Is there anybody out there up to anything?

Ben: Nope. Really quiet.

Lee: Really?

Ben: Yeah, totally. Which is good.

Talk to Carley Again

Lee: Hey, Car.

Lee: I talked to Kenny about who I am.

Carley: I thought you weren't going to do that.

Lee: I changed my mind.

Carley: And?

Lee: He was cool. He just worries about his family.

Carley: That wasn't so hard, was it, tough guy?

After Lee speaks to Clementine about the chalk, Duck stands by the RV and motions for Lee to go over to him.

Duck: Psst, Lee. I found something.

Lee: What is it?

Duck: (holding out chalk) I found this piece of pink chalk and a scuff of it over by the gate!Lee: Really?

Duck: Totally! I was combing the scene for clues and--

Lee: Yeah, Duck, I got it. Good job.

Lee and Duck go over to the gate. Duck holds up his hand for a high five.

Lee high fives Duck.

Duck: Cool!

Duck thinks lee is incredibly awesome.

Talk to Duck

Lee: Have you found anything else?

Duck: Just the chalk. I also found some bugs underneath the stairs. Don't tell Clementine.

Lee: Okay, I won't.

Lee: More chalk...

Lee investigates the chalk scuff and moves one of the dumpsters forward.

Lee: Somebody was over here too.

Duck: See, I did good, huh?

Lee: Yeah, Duck, you did.

Lee: I suppose I should go out there and look around. You stay here this time. Seriously.

Duck: Okay.

Talk to Lilly Again

Lee: Hey.

Lilly: Find anything?

Lee: So there's this...chalk marking on the wall on the side of the motel, and a matching scuff on the other side, leading out the gate.

Lilly: Someone is working with those fuckers, I know it.

Lee: Whoever it is went out to do something, but we come and go all the time. I don't want to create more paranoia.

Lilly: Go outside and look, you have to.

Lee: Okay.

Lee moves one of the dumpsters and walks out the gate.

Lee: Those bandits gave us hell, but they've been quiet for days now.

Lee opens the grate in the side of the wall. In the alcove behind the grate there is a brown paper bag. Lee takes the bag out and opens it, discovering that it's filled with medicine.

Lee: Son of a bitch...

Lee returns to Lilly's room.

Lilly: You haven't come up with anything, have you?

Lee: I came up with this. (hands Lilly the bag) It's got a bunch of meds in it. It was in a grate on the outside wall and there's a sign on the other one.

Lilly: Holy fuck.

Lee: Yeah.

Lilly: Okay. We line everybody up. Everybody. Somebody is killing us. Stealing from that supply is the same as slipping into your room at night and cutting your throat while you sleep. You die. What is the difference? What if Clementine gets sick and we don't have what we need?

Lilly looks out the window.

Lilly: What the hell?

Jake: You don't fucking steal from us!

Lee: Who the fuck is that? They've got our people out there!

Jake: Y'all better get your asses out here! We ain't fucking around!

The bandits have infiltrated the motel. They line everyone up on their knees with their hands behind their head.

Lee: What do we do? Lilly?

Lilly: Oh, shit! (grabs rifle) They're gonna start kicking in doors any second!

Lee: Lilly, what the hell are you...?

Lilly: Stall them.

Lee: What?

Lilly: Just keep them talking. Do whatever it takes to stop him pulling the trigger!

Lilly climbs outside the bathroom window.

Jake: You made the biggest mistake of your lives!

Lee: (sighs) Shit.

Jake: Enough of this bullshit! Drew, start putting your boot to these doors!

Drew: Yeah!

Lee walks out, his hands raised.

Jake: (aims gun at Lee) Hold it, asshole!

Lee: Take it easy...

Lee: We have more supplies. We can keep the deal going.

Jake: Too late, shithead! We ain't giving second chances!

Lee: It was a mix-up! We'll make it worth your while!

Jake: I'm listenin'.

Lee: We can split the supplies. Spread them around!

Jake: Or we could just kill you and take it all?

Lee: And what about when they run out? When you don't have us out there collecting them for you?

Jake: Well, I suppose we oughta hash out some terms, then.

Gary: I don't like no hash.

Jake: Man, shut up or I'll--

Lilly shoots Jake in the head.


Yhwach's POV:

From the shadows, Yhwach observes the chaos unfolding in the motel. The bandits are aggressive, and the situation is escalating quickly. Lilly's sudden gunshot takes Yhwach by surprise. He didn't expect the tension to erupt in violence so soon.

As the bandit leader, Jake, falls to the ground, Yhwach notices the fear and confusion on the faces of the survivors. The bandits, now aware of the threat, become more hostile. Yhwach can feel the collective anxiety in the air, and he knows that he needs to act carefully to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

The Quincy leader steps forward, revealing himself to the group. His stern gaze assesses the survivors and the remaining bandits. Lilly, holding the smoking rifle, looks at Yhwach with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

Yhwach: (calmly) It seems we find ourselves in a predicament. Unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected.

Drew, one of the bandits, glares at Yhwach, his anger palpable.

Drew: Who the hell are you?

Yhwach: (smirking) Call me Yhwach. I've been observing your little altercation here. Now, I believe we can reach an agreement without further bloodshed.

Gary, another bandit, raises his weapon, eyeing Yhwach skeptically.

Gary: We ain't taking orders from you, pretty boy.

Yhwach: (ignores the insult) It appears your leader's impulsive actions have complicated matters. I suggest we find a solution that benefits everyone.

Lee, still with his hands raised, watches Yhwach carefully, trying to gauge his intentions.

Lee: What do you propose?

Yhwach: (gesturing to the bandits) Your group has a resource that these gentlemen desire. In exchange for safe passage and an agreement on future dealings, we can ensure a more peaceful resolution.

The survivors, including Lilly, look at Yhwach with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Yhwach's presence introduces an unexpected variable into the already tense situation, and his ability to predict the future gives him a unique advantage.

As negotiations unfold, Yhwach subtly maneuvers the conversation, aiming to diffuse the immediate threat while securing a beneficial outcome for the survivors. The fate of the motel and its inhabitants hangs in the balance, and Yhwach, with his foresight, will play a crucial role in shaping the events to come.

Yhwach's calm demeanor contrasts sharply with the tense atmosphere as he continues to negotiate with the bandits and the survivors. The gunshot has put everyone on edge, and Yhwach understands the delicate balance he needs to maintain.

Yhwach: (addressing the bandits) It's clear that hostilities won't benefit either side. We're all trying to survive in this new world, and cooperation is more valuable than conflict.

Drew, still wary, eyes Yhwach suspiciously.

Drew: Why should we trust you?

Yhwach: (smirking) Trust is a delicate commodity in these times, my friend. But if you choose violence, it won't end well for anyone.

Gary lowers his weapon slightly, seemingly considering Yhwach's words. Meanwhile, Lilly, still holding the rifle, watches the Quincy leader with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Lee: (interjecting) We can work this out. We've got more supplies back at the motel. We're willing to share.

Yhwach: (nodding) Wise decision. Cooperation benefits us all.

As the negotiation continues, Yhwach subtly uses his foresight to guide the conversation. He predicts the bandits' reactions and steers the discussion toward a more amicable resolution. His ability to foresee the immediate future grants him a strategic advantage, allowing him to anticipate the bandits' moves and counteract them.

Bandit Leader: (eyeing Yhwach) Fine, we'll consider your offer. But if this is a trick, pretty boy, you won't live to regret it.

Yhwach: (smirking) Doubt not my sincerity. You'll find that cooperation often yields greater rewards than conflict.

The tension begins to ease as the bandits, although still wary, appear more open to negotiation. Yhwach's influence on the situation is evident, and he subtly guides the group towards a compromise.

Ben, hiding behind a pile of furniture, tries to run over to Lee.

A bandit fires at him and misses, hitting the window behind him.

 Ben dives to the ground and returns to his hiding spot.

 Kenny, holding a rifle, runs out of a motel room.

Kenny: We gotta get out of here!

Lee: No shit!

Kenny: (handing Lee the rifle) Get those bastards! Cover our people and get them to the RV!

Ben and Carley/Doug crouch behind furniture.

Bandit: Go around, shit-for-brains! He's back there!

Talk to Ben

Lee: Ben! Stay down!

Ben: Help! Jesus!

Talk to Ben

Lee: Hang on, Ben!

Ben: Hurry up!

Lee: Carley!

Carley: Any time now!

Lee shoots several of the bandits.

Lee: Now! Get over here! Hurry!

Ben and Carley/Doug run over to the RV.

Ben: Man, you saved our asses!

Lee: Get inside!

Ben and Carley/Doug get in the RV. The bandits successfully move the dumpster away from the gate.

Bandit: Behind the RV!

Katjaa, Duck, and Clementine crouch behind some furniture.

Katjaa: Help!

Lee: Katjaa, hang on!

Walkers start to attack the bandits.

Bandit: Where is he?

Bandit: He's hidin' behind that van! Get your asses around behind!

Talk to Clementine

Lee: Stay down, Clem! Everything's gonna be okay!

Clementine: Help!

Lee: Kat, keep them down!

Katjaa: Help!

Lee: Stay down, Duck!

Duck: Stop them!

Lee shoots more of the bandits. Clementine runs over to Lee.

Lee: Katjaa, hurry! Come on!

Clementine: Lee! (hugs Lee)

Lee: Clem, get inside the RV! It's gonna be okay. Go!

Clementine gets inside the RV. As Katjaa and Duck try to run to Lee, a walker knocks them over and tries to bite them.

Lee shoots it, and Kenny runs out.

Kenny: Kat! Oh, Christ!

Kenny helps Katjaa and Duck get up and run to the RV. Lilly is still firing at the bandits from the balcony.

Lee: Lilly, get in the RV!

Kenny: Screw her! Let her stay!

Kenny tries to start up the RV.

Carley: Shit!

Carley jumps out and draws her pistol. Crouching at the other end of the RV, she fires at the bandits as Lee does the same. Kenny gets the RV working and Carley runs inside.

Lee: Lilly, Yhwach, last chance! Get In!

Lilly: Shit!

Lilly, Yhwach, gets into the RV and Kenny drives away, killing several walkers and breaking through the fence.

The RV speeds away from the motel, leaving behind the chaos of the failed negotiation with the bandits. Tension lingers inside the vehicle as the survivors catch their breath and process the recent events. Kenny steers the RV down the desolate road, leaving the motel and its troubles behind.

Inside the RV, the atmosphere is thick with mixed emotions. The survivors exchange glances, silently acknowledging the close call and the uncertainty that lies ahead. Yhwach observes the group with his usual calm demeanor, seemingly unfazed by the recent encounter.

Kenny: (gritting his teeth) Damn it! We're almost out of gas. We need to find someplace to stop and we can just get some more.

Lee: I agree. We can't keep going like this.

Katjaa tends to Duck, who looks visibly shaken by the events.

Katjaa: Poor Kat... she's got to deal with so much.

Lee: (nodding) We all do.

Clementine sits quietly, clutching her hat, absorbing the intensity of the situation.

Lee: You okay, Clem?

Clementine: (nods) Yeah, I'm okay, Lee.

Yhwach: (looking out the window) These conflicts are inevitable in a world like this. It's survival at any cost.

Carley: (loading her pistol) We need to be more careful. This won't be the last time we run into trouble.

Ben: (looking guilty) I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Carley: (softening) It's not your fault, Ben. We're all in this together.

The RV rumbles along the empty road, the survivors contemplating the uncertain future that lies ahead. Kenny searches for a suitable place to stop and refuel, while tension simmers beneath the surface.

Kenny: (sighs) We need to find a safe spot. We can't afford to take any more risks.

Lee: Agreed. Let's just hope we find one soon.

The RV continues its journey through the post-apocalyptic landscape, leaving behind the wreckage of the motel and the unanswered questions that linger in the survivors' minds.

Katjaa sits in the front seat, cradling Duck. Both of them are covered in walker blood.

Kenny: Kat! Jesus, are you okay?

Katjaa: I'm fine, I'm fine!

Ben: (holding head in his hands) Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, sh-- (looks up) I'm sorry.

Carley: Everything's fine, Ben.

Lilly: Everything's not fine. We need to figure out how this happened.

Lilly: We just lost everything.

Kenny: Well, we're lucky as shit to have this RV!

Carley: And nobody died.

Kenny: Kat's head is split open!

Katjaa: I'm fine!

Lilly: Somebody in here caused this.

same scene from the video game yes lilly still gets left behind

The RV pulls to a stop in front of a railroad crossing with a train stopped in the middle of the tracks. Lee, Kenny, and Ben get out of the RV and approach it.

Ben: Is there any way to get around it.

Kenny: Doesn't look like it. On foot, maybe. Can't really afford to do that now.

Lee: This seems like a safe area. All this brush will stop anything from creeping up on us.

Clementine steps out of the RV, wearing a backpack. Katjaa holds Duck's hand as they both climb out of the RV as well.

Ben: Why don't you and I go look around?

Lee: Yeah, everyone else relax. Clem, stay close to Kenny and Kat, okay?

Katjaa: Lee, if you come across anything to drink, if there's a dining car or something, I think Duck's a bit dehydrated.

Kenny: It's a freighter, hon. Be careful in there.

Lee: What, you think there might be something dangerous inside of an abandoned locomotive? Hadn't crossed my mind.

Kenny, Clementine, and Katjaa, cradling Duck in her arms, sit down on some logs nearby the train. Clementine sets her backpack down next to her.

Lee: Hey, sweet pea. You okay out here?

Clementine: I don't think Duck feels good.

Lee: Me, neither.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: Hey, man, we're still looking around and haven't figured much out yet.

Kenny: It's fine. Radiator could use a rest as it is.

Talk to Katjaa

Lee: How's Duck?

Katjaa: I don't know. Tired. Which could mean a lot of things, right?

Lee: Yeah. His body is probably fighting whatever is in it.

Katjaa: Exactly.

Talk to Ben

Lee: Was it you?

Ben: Not this again...

Lee: Was it?

Ben: No.

Lee: Okay, then.

Ben won't forget that.

Lee opens the boxcar door and enters. Inside is a mattress, a chair, and other miscellaneous items. Ben appears behind Lee and gets into the boxcar as well.

Ben: Whoa.

Lee: Somebody's been livin' in here.

Ben: Yeah, man. Shit. Think they're gone?

Lee: I hope so, but this looks recently used. Be on the lookout and have your guard up.Lee picks up the map.

Lee: A map of where the train goes. I think these tracks might lead to the coast. Route 27, Savannah. That's where Kenny's got us headed.

After Lee looks/prepares to open the cab door, he notices someone inside that appears to be a walker with his back turned.

Lee: Shit.

Ben joins Lee at the window.

Lee: We got one. Walker. Sitting in the chair. We got 'im.

Lee steps closer, about to shoot the "walker".

The "walker" falls over, already dead.

Lee: Suppose we ought to look him over.

Ben: Yeah.

Lee drags the engineer off the chair. He notices the missing chunk of his face and the bloody, cracked window at the front of the cab.

Ben: I don't think this guy came back...

Lee: Christ... (notices orange button) That light is blinking.

Ben: Push it!

Lee: Push it?

Ben: Why not?

Lee: Are you fucking serious?

Ben: Here, look. (presses button)

The train squeals, and Kenny smiles, happy that it's still working.

Ben: It's just the brakes.

Lee: Okay, I'll give you that one.

Kenny enters the cab.

Kenny: This fucker works?

Lee: Seems like it.

Kenny: (sits in front seat) I'll be damned. How the hell do we get it movin'?

Lee: I don't know, ask Mister Amtrak over here.

Ben: (dragging body away) No clue.

Lee: We found this in the boxcar back here. (gives Kenny the map)

Kenny: Whoa, is this what it looks like?

Lee: I think so.

Kenny: This hoss will take us right to Savannah. A hundred tons of steel. Put a thousand walkers between us and the ocean and we don't have to give a shit! I can't believe it...

Lee: We just have to figure out how to get it started.

Kenny: I'm sure we can figure it out. How tough could it be?

Lee: No idea, but we'll find out.Kenny: That's the spirit.

Ben returns from disposing of the corpse.

Kenny: Ben, if you could keep an eye on the girls and Duck, I'd appreciate it. I'm going to make sense of these controls.

Ben leaves.

Kenny: Man, this could be exactly what we need.

The photograph shows the engineer, his wife, and two children.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: Hey, Ken.

Kenny: What's up?

Lee: I don't know about leaving Lilly back there. Abandoning someone on the side of the road is the same as murder.

Kenny: Don't worry about it. We just would've had to deal with her eventually.

If Lee leaves the train, Ben has now joined the others and sits on the ground.

Talk to Ben

Lee: We found a notebook that we think might've had some starter directions on it, but the page is missing.

Ben: Well, I'm sure you guys will figure it out.

Lee uses the pencil from the RV on the notepad; the indentations stand out against the scribbled-on page.

Lee: Perfect.

Kenny: You can read it now?

Lee: Yeah. Should be able to just follow the steps to get the engine on.

Kenny: Sounds good.

Lee toggles the switches as shown on the notepad and the dashboard lights turn on.

Kenny: Son of a bitch! Whatever you did lit the dash up!

Lee: So far, so good.

Lee turns the dials as shown on the notepad and the red light switches to green.

Kenny: Now we're talkin'!

Talk to Kenny

Lee: We got a problem.

Kenny: What?

Lee: We still got the rest of the train attached to us back there.

Kenny: Shit.

Lee: I tried to yank the pin out, but it won't budge.

Kenny: Well, we ain't going anywhere until it does.

Lee turns the switches in the engine compartment.

Kenny: Holy shit, we're golden!

Lee: What about Duck?

Kenny: What about him?

Lee: Look, Kenny, it's something we're gonna have to deal with.

Kenny: Did you not hear Kat? We don't know shit, Lee.

Kenny: Let's fucking enjoy this.

Kenny: C'mon, let's see if she'll move.

Kenny and Lee return to the train cab.

Kenny: It's all yours.

Lee: That's the throttle.

Lee uses the throttle and the train lurches forward, then stops.

Kenny: Damn it. Of course, we're still attached. Can you go find out where we're stuck, and get us un-stuck?

Lee: Yeah.

Lee pries the coupler pin free with the wrench/spanner/spike remover and detaches it.

Lee: There. Hey, Kenny, we're loose!

Lee goes back inside the boxcar. A man appears behind him.

Chuck: You touch any of my stuff?

Lee turns around to see a middle-aged man, seemingly homeless, with a weathered face and a weary demeanor. The man is holding a shotgun, eyeing Lee cautiously.

Lee: Who are you?

Chuck: The name's Chuck. I've been living in that boxcar for the past couple of months. And I've been scoping out your crew for a while now.

Lee: You're not a bandit, are you?

Chuck: Well, I didn't take from you, if that's what you're asking. But I could've. What do you want?

Lee: We're a group of survivors. Our motives are purely to survive and protect each other.

Chuck: That's good enough for me. You all mind if I stay?

Lee: We don't take in strangers lightly, Chuck. You got any skills or useful information?

Chuck: I'm a retired teacher, mechanic, handyman. I can fix things, and I know a bit about trains. More than anyone else here, that's for sure.

Lee: (smirking) Well, it seems we could use your expertise. Welcome aboard, Chuck.

Chuck: Thanks, but could you tell your group not to mess with my stuff? I don't like my train being messed with.

Lee: (nodding) Fair enough. I'll let them know.

Lee heads back to the front of the train, where Kenny is anxiously waiting.

Kenny: What was all that noise?

Lee: Just a new addition to the group. His name's Chuck, and he's got experience with trains.

Kenny: Trains, huh? Well, I could use some help with this RV.

Lee: We'll talk about it later. You mind if Chuck rides with us?

Kenny: Hell, why not? If he's useful, we'll keep him.

The train starts moving again, the rhythmic clatter of the wheels echoing through the silence.

Katjaa approaches Lee with a worried expression.

Katjaa: Lee, Duck's not doing well. Can you do something about it?

Lee: I'll check on him. Thanks for letting me know.

Lee goes to the back of the RV, where Duck is lying down, visibly weaker.

Lee: How you doing, Duck?

Duck weakly smiles.

Duck: I'm okay, Lee. I want to play with Chuck.

Lee: We'll see, buddy. Let me check you out first.

Katjaa joins Lee in examining Duck.

Katjaa: His fever's getting worse. We have to do something about it.

Lee: We don't have much in terms of medicine. Maybe Chuck knows something.

Katjaa: I hope so. We can't lose him, Lee.

Lee goes to find Chuck, who is sitting at the front of the train, looking out.

Lee: Chuck, we got a sick kid back there. Can you help?

Chuck: I'll do what I can. I'll take a look.

Chuck follows Lee to the back of the RV, where Duck is lying down.

Chuck: Well, the first thing we need to do is get him cooled down. There's a bottle of water in that cooler over there.

Lee hands Chuck a bottle of water, and Chuck uses a cloth to dampen it. He starts gently wiping Duck's forehead.

Chuck: This might help with the fever. Keep an eye on him, and let me know if his condition changes.

Lee: Thanks, Chuck. We appreciate it.

The group continues their journey, the train steadily making its way towards Savannah. As they navigate the challenges of this post-apocalyptic world, new alliances form, and the bonds of the group are put to the test. The uncertainty of what lies ahead keeps everyone on edge, but for now, the wheels of the train carry them forward into an uncertain future.

As the train rumbles along the tracks, Yhwach silently observes the group from a corner of the RV. His piercing gaze takes in every detail, his senses attuned to the dynamics among the survivors.

Yhwach's mind is filled with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he recognizes the vulnerability of the group, their struggles mirroring the fragility of human existence. On the other hand, his Quincy instincts remind him of the inherent weakness of mortal beings, their futile attempts to survive in a world overrun by the undead.

Lilly, having been left behind, lingers in Yhwach's thoughts. He contemplates the swift judgment and harsh decision-making of the group. In his millennia of existence, he has witnessed countless acts of survival, but the ruthlessness of this new world surprises even him.

As Yhwach broods over the group's actions, he notices the ailing Duck and the concerned faces of Katjaa and Lee. A small spark of curiosity ignites within him. Mortal emotions, the intricacies of life and death – these are phenomena that Yhwach has observed countless times but never truly experienced.

He decides to approach the situation delicately, stepping closer to Duck's bedside.

Yhwach: (softly) A sick child... intriguing.

Katjaa looks up, surprised to find Yhwach standing beside her.

Katjaa, recognizing Yhwach from their earlier encounters, eyes him warily as he approaches Duck's bedside. The air in the RV feels tense as Yhwach observes the sick child with an unsettling interest.

Katjaa: (guarded) You're that stranger who's been with us. What do you want?

Yhwach: (smirking) I am merely an observer, watching how mortals navigate the challenges of life and death.

Katjaa: (defensive) We have enough challenges without your observations.

Yhwach: (leaning closer to Duck) Mortal ailments are often beyond your control. However, I can offer a solution.

Katjaa: (skeptical) What kind of solution?

Yhwach: (smirking) A Quincy's powers extend beyond the confines of the natural order. I possess abilities that can alleviate suffering.

Katjaa: (intrigued but cautious) Abilities? What are you talking about?

Yhwach: (leaning in) With a touch, a transfer of energy – I can make a difference. I can try to ease the child's suffering.

Katjaa hesitates, torn between the desperation to help her son and the uncertainty of trusting this enigmatic Quincy.

Katjaa: (softly) What do you get out of this?

Yhwach: (smirking) Consider it an act of goodwill. A demonstration of the potential for cooperation in this harsh world.

Katjaa glances at Duck, whose condition seems to worsen with each passing moment.

Katjaa: (resigned) Fine. Do whatever you can to help him.

Yhwach extends his hand over Duck, a faint glow emanating from his fingertips. The atmosphere in the RV becomes charged with an otherworldly energy as Yhwach channels his abilities.

Duck's labored breathing begins to ease, and a sense of calm washes over him. The fever that gripped him starts to subside, and his pale complexion regains a hint of color.

Katjaa watches in astonishment as Yhwach's intervention appears to have a positive effect on her son.

Katjaa: (whispering) It's working. But who... what are you?

Yhwach withdraws his hand, the glow fading, leaving Duck in a more stable condition.

Yhwach: (mysterious smile) Just someone who understands the delicate dance between life and death.

Katjaa, grateful for the unexpected help but still wary, looks at Yhwach with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

Katjaa: (softly) Thank you. But I still don't fully trust you.

Yhwach: (nodding) Trust is a luxury in this world. I harbor no ill intentions. Merely an observer and occasional mediator.


Lee: Welcome.

Chuck: Thank ya.

Lee: You met Kenny?

Chuck: Sure did. Man shares my love of the road.

Lee: That's for certain.

Duck coughs.

Chuck: I'm awful sorry your son's not feeling good.

Katjaa: I appreciate your concern.

Chuck: Well, with a little TLC, I'm sure he'll be fit as a fiddle in no time. And I can offer y'all whatever I got, although it ain't much.

Kenny joins the group.

Katjaa: Thank you. We'd like to do the same.

Kenny: Why don't we hold off on...?

Katjaa: Stay with us, we'd like the company.

Kenny leaves and Chuck starts playing his guitar.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: Hey, sweet pea. That candy Chuck gave you... it taste okay?

Clementine: It was really good.

Lee: No funny aftertaste.

Clementine: No.

Lee: The train's cool, huh?

Clementine: I guess. Scary, kind of.

Talk to Chuck

Lee: Hey, Chuck.

Chuck: Howdy.

Lee: Why are you alone?

Chuck: Why not? Seem to be doin' alright.

Lee: Fine, then.

Chuck: I'm sorry; I do like being around you all, actually. It's nice.

Lee: You caught us on a bad day.

Chuck: Eh, you still got a couple'a kids, and this one's got a good spirit. (nods at Clementine) That's some kinda something.

Lee: Route 27 will get us straight there.

Katjaa: To Savannah?

Chuck: Yep.

Talk to Ben

Lee: How ya doing, Ben?

Ben: I'm watching the girls and not working on a mega-cool train. What do you think?

Lee approaches Kenny, who is standing by the train.

Kenny: So that's it? We're cut loose?

Lee: Seems that way, yeah.

Kenny: Great.

Kenny: We don't got much left, so just gather whatever you have. Let's go.

Everyone walks over to the train.

Kenny: Want a ride?

Chuck: Well, it sounds like you're taking my home.

Kenny: That's a yes, then.

Chuck: Haven't found anything better for keeping the creepy-crawlies out than that boxcar. (hops inside the boxcar)

Clementine: Duck's sick.

Kenny: Get on the train, Clementine.

The group boards the train, finding places to settle in the limited space of the boxcar. Chuck, having claimed the boxcar as his temporary home, seems content with the arrangement. As they prepare for the journey ahead, Lee notices the somber atmosphere among the survivors.

Lee: (to Kenny) How's Duck holding up?

Kenny: He's bitten. We know that for sure. Gotta figure out what to do with him.

Lee: We can't let him suffer.

Kenny: I'm not sure it's a kindness to him.

Katjaa, listening to the conversation, approaches with a heavy heart.

Katjaa: What are you thinking, Lee?

Lee: We need to make a decision. For everyone's sake.

Katjaa: I know you care about Clementine. And for her sake, I hope you can handle it.

Lee nods, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Lee: I'll do what needs to be done.

The train rumbles along the tracks, the rhythmic sound of wheels against steel echoing through the boxcar. The group, each lost in their thoughts, contemplates the harsh reality of survival in this world overrun by the undead.

Clementine, sensing the tension, looks up at Lee with concern.

Clementine: What's going on?

Lee crouches down to her eye level.

Lee: Duck is bitten. We need to make some tough decisions.

Clementine's eyes widen with realization, and she glances at Duck, who lies weakly on a makeshift bed.

Clementine: Oh no...

Lee: I know it's hard, Clem. But there are things we have to do.

Kenny, overhearing the conversation, joins Lee and Clementine.

Kenny: He's right, Clem. It's gotta be done.

Clementine: (teary-eyed) I don't envy you, Lee. I know it's not easy.

Lee: (softly) It's not. But it's our responsibility to take care of each other.

As the train hurtles toward an uncertain future, the weight of the decisions weighs heavily on the group. The bonds they've formed will be tested, and the choices made in the coming hours will shape the course of their journey. In this world where survival often means confronting the harsh realities head-on, the group must find the strength to endure and protect those they care about.

Yhwach, having been with the group since their encounter at the motor inn, quietly observes the unfolding events. His presence is familiar to everyone, and despite the initial suspicions, he has proven himself as a valuable and enigmatic ally. The survivors, now on the train headed towards Savannah, are still grappling with the challenges of their post-apocalyptic journey.

As Duck's condition worsens, Yhwach maintains a silent vigil. The intricate dynamics of the group haven't escaped his notice, and he understands the delicate balance that must be maintained for survival.

Katjaa, deeply concerned about Duck's deteriorating health, approaches Yhwach.

Katjaa: Yhwach, I know you've been with us for a while now. Do you have any insights into what could be ailing Duck?

Yhwach: Mortal illnesses are not my area of expertise, but I can sense a spiritual imbalance within him. The world has changed, and the rules that once governed life and death have become blurred.

Katjaa: (nervously) Can you do anything to help him?

Yhwach: (thoughtful) I can offer guidance, but the choices you make will determine his fate. There are forces at play beyond our understanding, and the threads of destiny are intertwined in ways we cannot foresee.

Katjaa nods, absorbing Yhwach's cryptic words. Meanwhile, Lee is deep in conversation with Kenny, discussing the practicalities of their journey and the challenges that lie ahead.

Lee: Kenny, we need to figure out our next steps. We can't afford to lose momentum.

Kenny: (grimly) Yeah, but Duck... I can't just ignore what's happening to him.

Lee: We'll find a way to help him, Kenny. We have to keep moving forward.

Kenny grudgingly agrees, realizing the harsh realities of their situation. The train continues its rhythmic journey, the wheels clattering against the tracks.

Clementine, ever perceptive, approaches Yhwach with a mix of curiosity and trust.

Clementine: Yhwach, can you really help Duck?

Yhwach: (smiling faintly) We'll do our best, Clementine. The future is uncertain, but sometimes, the choices we make can shape the outcome.

As the group confronts the challenges ahead, Yhwach remains a mysterious presence, offering his unique perspective on the intertwining paths of survival and destiny. The wheels of the train carry them closer to Savannah, but the shadows of uncertainty loom over their journey.

Everyone except Kenny sits in the boxcar.

 They all notice Duck's worsening condition.

 Chuck: Got to be hard on ya, eh? Four adults taking care of three kids; no disrespect, son. (Ben frowns)

 Lee: There were more of us.

Chuck: Dead get 'em?

 Lee: No.

 Chuck: Ah. Livin' got 'em.

 Duck coughs up blood.

 Katjaa: Lee! Lee. I need you. Right now. I need you to go get Ken.

 Lee: What's...?

 Katjaa: Would you get that off his face? My hands are full here.

 Lee picks up the rag on the floor.

 Katjaa: Thank you. Could you just get that off his face, please?

 Lee wipes the blood off Duck's face.

 Katjaa: He's out of time. We need to stop this train.

 Lee: Okay.

 Katjaa: Please.

 Lee: I'm gonna go get Kenny. Hold on tight in case the train stops fast.

Lee exits the boxcar and enters the cab.

 Lee: You need to stop the train.

 Lee: Kenny.

 Kenny: What?

Lee: KEN. (shows bloody rag)

 Kenny: What the hell's that?

 Lee: Your son's blood.

 Kenny: Get outta here, Lee.

 Lee: You know he's dying.

 Kenny: Nobody knows shit! He'll be fine.

 Lee: I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk like that right now.

 Kenny: Go back there and tell my wife everything will be fine. What is the goddamn deal? He's a little sick, but we can't just quit. It's a scratch! He's not like the others. Jesus, all y'all are just makin' it worse.

 Lee: This isn't about Duck.

 Kenny: The hell it's not. You think we're pals and you know me? You're some elitist prick with a fancy education who can pick me apart?

 Lee: It's not like that.

Kenny: The fuck it isn't.

 Lee: You think you're the reason Duck was bitten. Like you had this coming, or something. Lee: You didn't kill Hershel's son.

Kenny: Yes, I did. And now it's catching up to me.

Lee: That's not what went down. You looked out for your kid and a bad thing happened to someone else's.

 Kenny: There ain't no way this world lets my son live when I helped put someone else's in the ground.

Lee: That's not the way it works. You know that. (puts hand on Kenny's shoulder) Stop the train, man.

 Lee convinced Kenny to stop the train.

 Katjaa: Ken, it's... I think it's time.

 Kenny: The boy's been bit. In case you haven't figured that out.

 Ben and Chuck cross their arms, looking sad.

 Lee: What do you need?

 Kenny: I... I...

Lee: Katjaa?

 Katjaa: It's time to... this is not possible.

 Kenny: What are we gonna do?

 Katjaa: We can't allow him to become one of those things.

 Kenny: But what if... what if he doesn't?

 Katjaa: Kenny, I love you very much. I love our son more than life itself. I need you to hear me. What you are saying, that he may not turn, is foolish.

 Kenny: But--

 Katjaa: No.

 Kenny: There's... come on, Kat...

 Katjaa: If you think of one, let me know.

 Kenny: Isn't there some sort of pill, or something we can just give him, Yhwach Maybe Knows Something 

Yhwach Pov

Yhwach observes the heartbreaking scene unfolding within the train's cab. The atmosphere is heavy with the impending loss, and the weight of the group's decisions hangs in the air. He steps forward, his presence commanding attention.

Yhwach: There is a way to end his suffering.

Everyone turns to look at Yhwach, their expressions a mix of surprise and desperation.

Kenny: (impatiently) What do you mean?

Yhwach: (calmly) I possess knowledge that can spare him from the fate that awaits. However, you must be prepared for the consequences.

Katjaa: (desperate) Please, tell us. We can't let him suffer.

Yhwach: (looking at Kenny) There is no magical cure or pill, but I can end his life swiftly and spare him the agony of transformation.

Kenny hesitates, his inner turmoil evident on his face.

Lee: (softly) It might be the only way, Kenny.

Kenny clenches his fists, his eyes filled with anguish.

Kenny: (voice breaking) Do it.

Yhwach nods solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. He steps closer to Duck, who lies unconscious in the cab.

Yhwach: (whispering) May your journey to the afterlife (Soul Society) be swift, young one.

In a swift motion, Yhwach ends Duck's suffering, sparing him from the fate of becoming one of the undead. The group watches in silence as the weight of the decision settles upon them.

Katjaa breaks down in tears, and Kenny, though devastated, knows that it was an act of mercy.

Kenny: (choked up) Thank you, Yhwach.

Yhwach: (stoically) It was the only way to prevent further suffering.

As the reality of their loss sinks in, the group grapples with grief. The train continues its journey, carrying the survivors towards Savannah, a somber reminder of the harsh choices that define their existence in this unforgiving world.

In the quiet aftermath, Yhwach reflects on the fragility of life and the complexities of mortality. The threads of destiny continue to weave, and he remains an enigmatic figure, silently observing the survivors' journey through the remnants of a broken world.


Lee: You want to talk?

Clementine: Uh-uh.

Lee: You understand what happened?

Clementine: Yes.

Lee: Okay. What are you thinking about?

Clementine: What Chuck said.

Lee: What'd Chuck say?

Clementine: That what happened to Duck would happen to me.

Lee: The fuck? He did?

Clementine: Swear.

Lee: Sorry. I'm gonna go talk some sense into him.

Clementine: Don't be mad.

Lee joins Chuck at the front of the train.

Lee: Hey.

Chuck: How ya doin'?

Lee: I don't care what reasons you had for doing it, no reason to go and tell my girl she's gonna end up dead!

Chuck: 'Cause she is.

Chuck: I don't know much about you folks, but I can tell you, sure as the sun's gon' come up tomorrow, that y'all keep going on like this and that girl ain't gonna make it.

Lee: What do you know?

Chuck: I'll tell ya, long as you don't toss me over the rail.

Chuck: I know that you don't have a goddamn plan. We get to Savannah and then what?

Lee: We find a boat.

Chuck: You think that's a new idea? You got even the foggiest idea 'bout where you're gonna find one of those?

Chuck doesn't like that.

Chuck: Look, sit down with the girl and hash it out. Find a map for Christ's sake, I'd give you one if I had it. And if something were to happen to you...

Lee: It won't.

Chuck: If it were, you gotta prepare the girl. Teach her to use a weapon, and for criminy, cut that hair.

Lee: Like a gun? Are you kidding me?

Chuck: What? She's too young to handle one? There ain't too young, not anymore. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive. Look at her hair.

Chuck: You got her running around with a mop that's gonna act like velcro to any hands swingin' its way. Find some scissors in my pack and take care of that hair before a walker does it for you. And then show her how to use a gun, because like it or not, that's what saves your life from here on out.

Lee: Okay.

Chuck: Explain to her how they work and not to be afraid. I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but too many people have died already...

Lee: They have.

Chuck: And seein' another little girl die might just do me in.

Lee: I hear you. A plan, a haircut, and a gun. It's good advice.

Chuck: It's something.

Lee: You have any family?

Chuck: Out there, somewhere. Been sort on my own for the past...oh, fourteen years now.

Lee: I'm sorry to hear that.

Chuck: No one to blame.

Lee: You're homeless then.

Chuck: Suppose. I've had homes here and there and they just don't work out. I like a drink, you know?

Lee: Yeah.

Chuck: Got any?

Lee: No.

Chuck: Darn.

Talk to Ben

Lee: Hey, Ben.

Ben: Hey.

Lee: Aren't many of us left.

Ben: Yeah... you, me, Yhwach, and Kenny. Clementine. The homeless dude, if he sticks around.

Lee: We're all homeless.

Ben: You know what I mean.

Lee: There's not much use in describing people by who they were.

Ben: Yeah... I guess not.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: Hey, Clem.

Clementine: Did you talk to him?

Lee: (sits down) I did, he had some, uh...he explained himself and made some good points. Look, we're not going to let anything bad happen to you. But there are some precautions we have to take.

Clementine: Okay, yeah, that makes sense.

Lee: Don't worry, sweetheart.

Clementine: Okay. What should we do?

Lee: Well, we're gonna figure out a plan for when we get to Savannah, teach you how to protect yourself, and, uh, tidy you up a little so you can't get grabbed so easily.

Clementine: I'd like that.

Lee: Good.

Lee: What a crappy day.

Clementine: The crappiest.

Lee: If three months ago I'd have known what you'd be seein', I don't know if I would've taken you with me.

Clementine: I probably would've run out of food.

Lee: You damn near starved with me.

Clementine: I'm glad I came with you.

Lee takes the whiskey.

Lee: It's a fifth of whiskey.

Lee takes the scissor's from Chuck's pack.

Lee: They look clean enough.

Lee gives the whiskey to Chuck.

Lee: I found this in your pack, if you want it.

Chuck: Damn, didn't realize I had it left. Thank ya. Want a nip?

Lee: Nah, I'm fine.

Chuck: Suit yourself.

Lee decided not to share a drink with Chuck.

Chuck: Anybody in there want to share a drink, you let 'em know.

Lee: Will do.

Talk to Chuck

Lee: I found those scissors in your pack.

Chuck: Oh, good. Get to snippin'.

Yhwach observes as Lee takes the scissors and starts cutting Clementine's hair. The somber atmosphere is punctuated by the rhythmic sound of the train wheels against the tracks. Chuck sits nearby, occasionally taking a sip from the whiskey bottle.

Chuck: (nodding) It's about time she got a trim.

Yhwach: (looking at Clementine) Practical decisions in a world like this are crucial.

Chuck: You betcha. Gotta be ready for anything.

As Lee continues with the haircut, Yhwach engages Chuck in conversation.

Yhwach: You seem to have adapted well to this world, Chuck. How did you manage to survive on your own for so long?

Chuck: (sighs) Well, I've always been a bit of a loner. Never had much luck with people, even before all this happened. Found myself a good spot, stocked up on essentials, and just kept to myself. People can be more dangerous than the dead, you know?

Yhwach: (nodding) Wise words. Survival often requires a certain level of solitude.

Chuck: Ain't that the truth. But now, with that little one on board, things are different. Gotta think about more than just myself.

Yhwach: (glancing at Lee and Clementine) The bonds forged in adversity are often the strongest.

Chuck: (smiling) You got that right. Lee's doing a good job with her. Teaching her the ropes.

Yhwach: It's essential for her survival.

Chuck: Speaking of survival, what's your story, Yhwach? You don't strike me as the average survivor.

Yhwach: (smirking) My story is as ancient as time itself. I've witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. In this world, I am but an observer, navigating the currents of fate.

Chuck: (raising an eyebrow) Well, that's one heck of a story. You got any insights on what the future holds for us?

Yhwach: (mysteriously) The future is a tapestry woven with countless threads. Some events are inevitable, while others are shaped by the choices we make. Your group stands at a crossroads, and the path you choose will determine your destiny.

Chuck: (nodding) Ain't that the truth. Well, I appreciate the conversation, Yhwach. Always good to share some wisdom in these troubled times.

Yhwach continues to observe the interactions within the group as Lee finishes Clementine's haircut. The subtle transformation symbolizes the harsh realities of their world and the need for practical measures to ensure survival.

As Lee proceeds to teach Clementine how to handle a gun, Yhwach remains vigilant, aware that the challenges they face are far from over. The journey to Savannah holds unknown perils, and the group must remain resilient in the face of adversity.

As Lee continues to teach Clementine and cut her hair, Yhwach reflects on his own journey of seeking redemption. The weight of his past actions and the consequences of his Quincy powers weigh heavily on his mind. He watches Lee, Chuck, and Clementine with a mixture of detachment and introspection.

Yhwach: (whispering to himself) Redemption, a concept that eludes even those with the power to shape destinies. Can I, too, find solace in the choices I make in this forsaken world?

Yhwach's gaze lingers on the group, contemplating the dynamics of their relationships and the challenges they face. Despite his Quincy abilities, he is bound by the same uncertainties as any survivor in this post-apocalyptic reality.

As Lee finishes teaching Clementine how to handle a gun, Yhwach's thoughts turn to the group's collective resilience. Redemption, he realizes, is not a solitary journey but one intertwined with the fates of those around him. The threads of their lives are woven together, creating a tapestry of shared struggles and survival.

Yhwach silently vows to contribute to this group's quest for redemption, acknowledging that even a being with his powers must actively shape his path toward salvation. The journey to Savannah becomes not only a physical voyage but a symbolic quest for redemption, shared by every member of the group, including Yhwach himself.

As Yhwach observes the group and their interactions, he reflects on the unique circumstances surrounding his own existence in this post-apocalyptic world. While the majority of his Quincy powers have been sealed, he retains only a fraction of his once-immense abilities. This residual power serves as a constant reminder of his past and the responsibility he bears.

Yhwach: (internal monologue) A mere fraction of what I once wielded, a lingering echo of a power that once shaped the destiny of worlds. In this diminished state, I navigate the complexities of survival, seeking not only redemption for myself but understanding the nature of humanity's struggle.

As Yhwach contemplates the group's dynamics, he acknowledges the limitations imposed upon him. The residual Quincy power is both a tool and a burden, a testament to the consequences of his actions in the past. It serves as a source of humility, compelling him to engage with the group not as an omnipotent being but as a survivor with a shared destiny.

With this clarification, Yhwach continues to observe, learn, and contribute within the bounds of his remaining power, all while embracing the challenges of seeking redemption alongside his fellow survivors.


Lee: Chuck wanted to know if you need a drink.

Kenny: He's got some?

Lee: Yeah.

Kenny: Yeah, that'd help.

Kenny goes outside.

Lee takes the map from the map bin. As he is about to leave, Kenny returns.

Kenny: Thanks.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: Have another with Chuck?

Kenny: You'll keep an eye out up here?

Lee: Sure.

Kenny: Okay, then.

Kenny leaves to have another drink.

As Lee is about to enter the boxcar, Ben speaks to him.

Ben: It was me.

Lee: Huh?

Ben: I was the one giving the bandits supplies.

Lee: What?

Ben: It's all my fault.

Lee: What for? Why the hell would you do this?

Ben noticed Lee reaction.

Ben: They said they had my friend, that he was with them. By the time I realized they didn't, it was too late. They said they'd kill me. Kill all of us. I'm sorry, Lee.

Yhwach listens to Ben's confession, his keen perception absorbing the weight of the young man's guilt. The residual power within Yhwach, though diminished, allows him to sense the sincerity in Ben's words.

Yhwach: (thoughtful) A web of choices, consequences, and remorse. The boy bears the burden of a desperate act, woven into the tapestry of survival in this harsh world.

Yhwach approaches Ben with a measured gaze, acknowledging the complexity of human decisions made under duress.

Yhwach: (calmly) Benjamin, in this world, one's choices are often shaped by the harsh winds of necessity. What matters now is the path you choose moving forward. Redemption is not unattainable, but it requires a commitment to rectify the mistakes of the past.

Ben looks up, uncertainty in his eyes.

Ben: What should I do?

Yhwach: Face the consequences of your actions and strive to make amends. The bonds within this group are resilient, and trust, once broken, can be rebuilt with sincere effort.

Yhwach's words linger in the air as Ben contemplates the road ahead. The weight of guilt and the potential for redemption hang in delicate balance, and Yhwach, though a mere observer in this human drama, recognizes the power of choice that defines their shared journey.

As Ben grapples with the repercussions of his confession, Yhwach remains vigilant, ever watchful of the evolving dynamics within the group and the individual paths each survivor must tread.

Lee: Ben, we'll talk about this later. Right now, we've got to focus on getting to Savannah and figuring out our next move.

Ben nods, a mix of guilt and relief evident in his expression. As Lee enters the boxcar, he can't shake the weight of the revelation. The group's journey becomes even more precarious with the newfound knowledge of Ben's actions.

Inside the boxcar, Yhwach remains observant, understanding that the bonds within the group have been tested once again. The fragility of trust in this post-apocalyptic world becomes more apparent, and the road to redemption for each survivor takes unexpected turns.

The train rattles along the tracks, carrying the burden of the past and the uncertainties of the future. Yhwach reflects on the complexities of human nature and the choices made under the relentless pressure of survival.

As the train barrels toward Savannah, the survivors must navigate not only the dangers of the outside world but also the internal conflicts that threaten to unravel the unity they've built. Yhwach, though an enigmatic presence, recognizes the pivotal role he plays in this delicate balance.

The group converges in the boxcar, discussing their plans and strategies for the challenges awaiting them in Savannah. The atmosphere is tense, and Yhwach can sense the undercurrents of unease among the survivors.

Lee: Alright, everyone, listen up. We need a plan for when we get to Savannah. We can't afford any more surprises or setbacks. Chuck had some valid points, and we need to be prepared for whatever comes our way.

Kenny: (grimacing) Damn right. We can't let our guard down.

Yhwach: (nodding) Pragmatism will be your greatest ally. Consider every possibility and be ready to adapt.

Lee: First things first, we need to find a boat. That's been the plan, and it's our best shot at getting out of this mess.

Clementine: (looking worried) But where do we find a boat?

Yhwach: (interjecting) I suggest we locate a map of the area. Knowing the geography will significantly improve our chances of finding a suitable vessel.

Lee: Good idea. Ben, you got any insight into where we might find a map?

Ben: (nervously) Well, the train station might have some. I used to make supply runs there.

Lee: That's a start. We'll check the station when we arrive in Savannah.

As the group discusses their plans, Yhwach remains attentive, recognizing the importance of each decision in shaping their destiny. The delicate balance between survival and morality continues to test the group, and Yhwach contemplates the intricate threads that bind their fates.

The train rumbles on, hurtling toward an uncertain future. Yhwach, while not directly shaping the events, understands the profound impact of his presence on the group dynamics. Redemption, survival, and the pursuit of a semblance of normalcy in this apocalyptic world intertwine in a narrative that unfolds with every passing mile.

The boxcar becomes a makeshift council room, with each survivor contributing their insights and concerns. Yhwach, though an outsider in many ways, respects the resilience displayed by these individuals in the face of overwhelming odds.

The train's rhythmic sounds echo the heartbeat of the group, a collective pulse that propels them forward into the unknown. Yhwach, a silent participant in this journey, remains a witness to the unfolding drama, understanding that the road ahead is fraught with challenges, both seen and unseen.

As the group readies themselves for the trials awaiting them in Savannah, Yhwach reflects on the intricate dance of fate and free will. The decisions made within the confines of the boxcar will reverberate in the days to come, shaping the destinies of those who dare to defy the relentless march of the undead.

The train hurtles through the Georgia landscape, its wheels grinding against the tracks as it carries its precious cargo toward an uncertain destination. Yhwach, a mysterious figure with a past entwined with the supernatural, watches over the survivors, his role evolving with each passing moment.

In the quiet lulls between discussions and plans, Yhwach's mind wanders to his own quest for redemption. The parallels between his journey and that of the group are not lost on him. The remnants of his Quincy powers serve as a constant reminder of the choices he made in a world that mirrors the chaos surrounding the train.

Lee, a leader burdened with the responsibility of guiding those under his protection, approaches Yhwach with a contemplative expression.

Lee: You've been here from the start, yet there's so much we don't know about you.

Yhwach: (smirking) My existence predates this world's descent into chaos. I am a mere observer navigating the currents of fate.

Lee: (raising an eyebrow) You've seen civilizations rise and fall. What makes this world any different?

Yhwach: (reflectively) The fragility of humanity's survival and the resilience displayed in the face of annihilation. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit that defines the essence of your kind.

Lee: (nodding) Well, we're in this together now. We've got a plan, but we need to stay vigilant.

Yhwach: (intoning) Vigilance is the cornerstone of survival. Yet, even the most careful plans can unravel in the blink of an eye.

As the conversation continues, Yhwach imparts cryptic insights, weaving a narrative that extends beyond the immediate challenges. The survivors, united by circumstance, listen intently, understanding that the enigmatic figure in their midst holds knowledge that transcends the realm of the ordinary.

The train hurtles forward, its wheels turning with a relentless determination. The survivors, bound by shared purpose, confront the uncertainties of a world overrun by the undead. Yhwach, a harbinger of both mystery and wisdom, accompanies them on this tumultuous journey, his role evolving with each twist and turn of the tracks.

As the train approaches Savannah, the tension within the group is palpable. The decisions made in the coming days will shape not only their immediate fate but also the intricate tapestry of their collective destinies. Yhwach, ever watchful, stands as a silent sentinel, a presence intertwined with the threads of their survival.

The long road ahead beckons, fraught with challenges and revelations. The train, an unyielding vessel forging through a landscape marred by decay, carries with it the hopes, fears, and aspirations of those who dare to defy the relentless march of the undead.

On the overpass ahead of them, part of a gas truck is hanging off the edge and blocking the road.

Kenny: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

Ben: Maybe we could walk?

Kenny: That's fucking stupid, Ben.

Ben: I'm just sayin'...

Chuck: Hmm. I dunno. I ain't got much experience with y'all's fortitude but we could probably deal with that. We got a goddamn train.

Kenny: That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel; something that's going to explode.

Chuck: You gotta get ahold of yourself. This a crew here.

Kenny: This ain't shit.

Chuck: This--

Omid: Yo, you keep screaming like that and you're gonna get your face chewed off!

Christa: Are you guys gonna be trouble? Because we could've just kept walking.

A Man and a Women stand on the overpass. Kenny reaches toward his gun.

Lee: No, we're friendly! Put your hand down, Ken.

Christa: That's what everybody says.

Lee: We know.

They'll remember that.

Omid: Let's give these guys a break.

Christa: We'll see.

Omid: You guys got a problem with your train?

Kenny: Yeah, you're standing right in front of it.

Omid: Dude, it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look.

Kenny: Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape.

Talk to Kenny

Kenny: We'll be down here.

Lee grabs onto the ladder.

Lee: If I come up there, you better not be murderers or thieves.

Christa: I guess you'll have to find out.

Lee climbs up the ladder.

Omid: A group of guys is what we need.

Christa: They're what you think we need. We're doing fine.

Omid: For now. What about when...?

Christa: Stop it.

Lee reaches the top of the overpass.

Omid: Hey, dude, I'm Omid.

Lee: Lee.

Christa: Christa. What's the deal with the train?

Lee: We're driving it.

Omid: OH, MAN.

Lee: Look, you wanna help us out? We could use some able bodies and...yeah, we really need some help.

Christa: What's in it--

Clementine joins Lee on the overpass.

Omid: Oh, shit! Goddamn, you guys have a kid!

Lee: What are you doing up here?

Omid: Do you know how long it's been since I've seen a kid? Shit! What's your name?

Clementine: Clementine.

Lee: Oh, so he gets to swear?

Omid: Well, this is great. See, things are looking up.

Christa: You're not her dad. He down there?

Lee: It's that obvious?

Christa: To me.

Lee: And, no, he's not down there.

Christa: Hmm. What's your story?

Lee: I came across Clementine alone the first day all of this happened. I was actually incarcerated.

Omid: Sick, do you have any prison tats?

Lee: I didn't make it that far.

They will remember that.

Christa: And everybody down there, they're cool?

Lee: We just met Chuck, but he seems like an alright guy.

Christa: You always have to worry about new people.

Omid: Used to love meeting new people.

Lee: That must've been a long time ago.

They will remember that.

Omid: We're sorry for anything that's happened to you guys. That train is awesome, though.

Christa: That tank is your real problem. We'll help you with it, but if we see anything we don't like, we're moving on down the road. Alone.

Lee: We'd appreciate the help.

Omid: You can't just blast through it, I guess.

Christa: If you could get it down, the rest would probably be pretty easy.

Lee: We'll start there.

Christa: We'll come down and settle in and see if we can help.

Lee: Leads up to that wrecked tanker.

Talk to Christa

Christa: Am I gonna have to tell your people the plan or what?

Talk to Omid

Omid: Let's go talk to your people, man!

Christa: Omid...

Omid: What?

Lee opens Federal Rescue Services truck and searches it, finding a roll of tape.

Lee: That's about the only useful thing in here.

Everyone goes down the ladder to join the rest of the group.

Lee: Guys, this is Omid and Christa.

Chuck, Ben, Yhwach, and Kenny look at them and say nothing.

Omid: Not big on welcomes...

Lee: Like I said, we could use some good people.

Omid: We just wanted to say hi and say that your train is pretty cool.

Christa: But we're not looking for charity.

Omid: We COULD help you guys, though.

Christa: Maybe.

Omid: So, yeah...hi, uh, again.

Chuck: Y'all want some candy?

Lee: The plan is to cut that tanker down and be on our way.

Kenny: Seems like plan enough to me.

Omid: You want to start in on that tanker?

Christa: I'll get to know the girl for a minute, if you don't mind.

Kenny: And why don't I show you how this thing works, in case something happens?

Lee: Really, Ken?

Kenny: It's probably for the best. Someone might want to have a look inside of that station back there, too.

Omid: Sounds great. Let's do this thing.

Kenny and Omid enter the cab. Christa and Clementine sit on the ground, talking. Chuck sits on a rock, playing guitar. Ben sits on top of the train.

Talk to Ben

Lee: Got a clear view up there?

Ben: Yeah, we're good for a ways. Thank God... We need someone, anyone, to come along and... and... exterminate them or something.

Lee: No shit. Walkers, man. You know, sometimes you might see me take care of one, because I have to, but don't start thinking they don't horrify me.

Ben: I'm glad somebody else feels that way.

Ben: I'm telling you, Lee, if they ever get a HOLD of me...and I know I'm not getting out of it...that's it, man. I'm just gonna...punch my own ticket.

Lee: Punch your own ticket?

Ben: Yeah, take myself out.

Lee: Don't be dramatic. And don't let them get a hold of you.

Talk to Ben Again

Lee: As soon as that thing comes down, we'll be on our way.

Ben: Yeah.

Lee: And I hope we won't have any more trouble out of you.

Ben: I promise you won't.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: You interrogating this woman for us?

Clementine: Yep.

Lee: She set off any alarm bells?

Clementine: Not yet.

Christa: She's very thorough.

Lee: That's what I like to hear.

Talk to Christa

Lee: Hey, there.

Christa: That's a pretty useful radio for her to be holding onto, no?

Lee: It's busted, but it means something to her.

Christa: Ah, I understand.

Lee: Where you from?

Christa: San Fransicso.

Lee: Jeez, a long way from home.

Christa: I blame the one in there. He wanted the "great American road trip".

Lee: He got a little more than he bargained for, huh?

Christa: Who the hell is into Civil War history anyway? Other than old white guys.

Lee slowly raises his hand.

Christa: Wonderful. You two will be thick as thieves.

Lee learned that Omid is interested in Southern history.

Talk to Omid

Lee: Learning the ropes? Can't be too hard, right?

Omid: There are a lot of levers I can't wait to use.

Kenny: I said if something WERE to happen to me.

Omid: Maybe we can drive in shifts?

Kenny: We'll see.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: Teaching him anything?

Kenny: Trying to...

Lee approaches the train station.

Clementine: Can I follow you over there?

Lee: You don't like the new girl?

Clementine: I do, but... it's like we're a team. Like you said.

Lee: Yeah, alright. Come on. (to the others) Clementine and I are checking out this train station, alright? Hustle over if you hear anything.


Yhwach observes the interactions among the survivors, his mind processing the intricate dynamics at play. The revelations within the group have added layers of complexity to their journey, each member carrying their burdens of guilt and redemption.

As Lee and Clementine head towards the train station, Yhwach remains near the group, his gaze lingering on each individual. The remnants of his Quincy powers allow him glimpses into the inner struggles of the survivors, their thoughts and emotions laid bare before him.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) The human condition, a kaleidoscope of choices and consequences. Their journey is not just a physical one but a profound exploration of the soul.

He reflects on the challenges that lie ahead, the broken trust, and the fragile bonds that hold the group together. Yhwach understands the significance of this moment, where survival hinges not only on external threats but also on the resilience of the human spirit.

Kenny and Omid continue to familiarize themselves with the train, their collaboration echoing the unity necessary for survival in this world. Yhwach watches, recognizing the strength that emerges when disparate individuals unite towards a common goal.

Yhwach: (introspective) Redemption and survival intertwine, dancing in the shadow of despair. The choices made now will ripple through the fabric of their destinies.

He moves toward the outskirts of the group, where Christa and Clementine engage in conversation. The subtle nuances of their exchange do not escape Yhwach's perceptive gaze. The bonds forming among the survivors are a testament to the shared struggle against the relentless tide of the undead.

Yhwach: (musing) In the face of adversity, connections are forged. Yet, the echoes of the past reverberate, shaping the present and dictating the uncertain future.

As Lee explores the train station with Clementine, Yhwach takes a moment to reflect on Ben's confession. The young man's journey towards redemption mirrors the broader narrative of the group. Yhwach contemplates the intricate web of choices and consequences that define their existence.

Yhwach: (whispering to himself) Redemption, the elusive pursuit that beckons in the midst of remorse. Each step forward is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

The train station, a silent witness to the remnants of civilization, holds secrets and potential dangers. Yhwach remains vigilant, his enigmatic presence a silent guide in the shadows.

As Lee and Clementine navigate the station, Yhwach observes their movements with keen interest. The echoes of their footsteps resonate in the empty corridors, a haunting reminder of the world that once was.

Yhwach: (contemplative) The remnants of a society left behind, a testament to the fragility of human achievement. In this desolate place, the survivors navigate a maze of memories and uncertainties.

As the survivors each play their part in the unfolding drama, Yhwach's role remains that of an observer, a silent guardian in the shadows. The choices made within the train station will set the stage for the next chapter in their journey.

The air is thick with anticipation as Lee and Clementine explore the station's mysteries. Yhwach, though detached from their immediate concerns, senses the undercurrents of tension and possibility.

Yhwach: (whispering) The threads of fate intertwine, weaving a narrative that transcends the mundane. In the remnants of a world consumed by chaos, the survivors carve their paths with each step.

As Lee delves deeper into the station, uncovering both the echoes of the past and the potential dangers that lurk in the shadows, Yhwach stands watchful. His presence, a constant in the ever-changing landscape of their journey, serves as a silent reminder that the story is far from over.

In the stillness of the train station, where echoes of the past collide with the uncertainties of the present, Yhwach contemplates the intricate dance of survival, redemption, and the relentless march of time. The survivors, unwittingly bound by the threads of destiny, move forward, each step resonating with the weight of their collective experiences.

As Lee and Clementine navigate the challenges within the station, Yhwach's thoughts linger on the enigma of their shared existence. The train, a symbol of both hope and adversity, awaits its next destination, carrying with it the hopes and fears of those who dare to defy the odds.

The journey continues, propelled by the wheels of fate and the indomitable will of those who traverse the desolate landscapes of a world forever changed. Yhwach, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of their stories, remains a mysterious presence in the backdrop of their struggle for survival.


Lee: Somebody must have been pretty desperate...

Lee approaches the door to find that Clementine is already trying to open it.

Lee: You should wait for me before trying to open doors.

Clementine: Sorry.

Lee: Luckily, it's locked. We'll get better at working together.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: We'll have to find a way in.

Lee looks at the window above the door.

Lee: The window's open up there.

Clementine: Maybe I could look in?

Lee speaks to Clementine.

Lee: Why don't I put you on my shoulders and you can peek into that window up there?

Clementine: Sounds good.

Clementine stands on Lee's shoulders and looks into the window.

Clementine: Okay, I can see in, what do I do now?

Lee: What do you see?

Clementine: Lots of crates and stuff.

Lee: Maybe we can find the key or figure out a way to knock this door down. Kenny'd probably have me pick the lock, which actually might work now that we have the time...

Clementine reaches through the window and unlocks the door.

Clementine: I think I opened it!

Lee: For real?

Clementine: I think so!

Clementine and Lee open the door.

Lee: Well, I'll be damned.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: You okay?

Clementine: Uh-huh.

Lee prepares to open the door.

Clementine: Let's go. Be careful.

Lee: I'm supposed to tell you that.

They enter the station.

Lee: Goddamn, it's dark in here.

Clementine: Maybe I can hold the door open?

Lee: I don't like that. I'll prop it open with something.

They go outside.

Clementine: It's too dark in there.

Lee: Yeah, we should prop the door open with something.

Lee uses the spanner/monkey wrench/spike remover to prop the door open.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: How we doin'?

Clementine: Good. What do we need?

Lee: Something to help us deal with the tanker out there.

Lee: That's exactly what we need.

Clementine: Over there?

Lee: Yeah. We need to get in there and get that blowtorch.

Lee looks at the gap above the door.

Lee: There's some space up there, but not much.

Clementine: We're lucky I'm so little.

Lee: Yeah, we are.

Lee speaks to Clementine.

Lee: You okay going over the top of this fence?

Clementine: Yeah, definitely.

Lee boosts Clementine into the cage.

Lee: Go on and grab the keys, Clem. Come on, scoot.

Clementine: Behind you!

A zombie approaches.

Lee: Fuck!

Lee pulls out his pistol, but another zombie attacks him, knocking the pistol out of his hands and under the cage door. Lee pushes him back, but both walkers continue to advance. Lee can punch the zombies, but it is ineffectual. Lee backs up to the door and grabs his weapon.

Lee kills the zombie in the t-shirt with the tool and struggles as the zombie in the jacket grabs onto him, but then knocks it over and kills it.

Lee sees Clementine holding the pistol, her hands shaking.

Lee: It's okay. It's okay... everything's fine.

A third zombie approaches.

Lee: Keys, now!

Clementine takes the keys and hands them to Lee. He unlocks the door, takes the pistol, and shoots the walker.

Lee: Goddamn...

Clementine: That didn't go so good.

Lee: No, it did not go so good. But we're okay. Everything's okay.

Christa: (outside the door) What's going on? I thought I heard a gunshot.

Lee: We're fine.

Christa enters and notices the walker corpses.

Lee: We found some walkers.

Christa: You and an eight-year-old versus three of them, huh?

Lee: It was stupid.

Christa: You think?

Lee: What do you want me to say? I'm trying to teach her how to take care of herself. We're getting used to working together.

Christa: I'm gonna go make sure the noise didn't cause us any problems.

Clementine: That's a good idea.

Christa smiles and nods, then starts to leave. Before reaching the door, she turns back to them.

Christa: I hope you know what you're doing with her.

Lee: We're still alive, aren't we?

Christa: Yeah, you are.

Christa won't forget that.

Christa leaves.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: You sure you're okay?

Clementine: Yeah. I'm a little shaky.

Lee: It'll pass.

Lee picks up the blowtorch and somehow fits the entire thing into his pocket.

Lee: We got it.

Clementine: Let's go outside now.

Lee: What did we learn?

Clementine: I'm not ready for a gun.

Lee: No, Clem. We learned that everything we will ever do is dangerous. We'll get better, smarter, and faster. Okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Clementine will remember that.

Lee and Clementine return to the group.

Omid exits the cab.

Lee: I found a blowtorch in the station. Should make quick work of the coupling up there.

Omid: Excellent, I'll come up there with you to have a look.

Omid climbs the ladder.

Talk to Christa again

Lee: Hi, girls.

Christa: Hey.

Lee: We were trying to get used to being on our own, Clementine and I.

Christa: So you take her into a dark, boarded-up building to build character?

Lee: Not exactly.

Christa: I think it's a good idea--figurin' stuff out for yourself--for what it's worth. But be smart about it, though, you know? Teach her to scan the area for things. You two should never be looking in the same spot--that's a waste. Stay the hell out of places like that building over there, especially if you don't have more than one way to get out. And be more afraid of groups of living men than dead folk.

Lee: That, we know.

Christa: Omid and I are still alive because we're two, and not six or eight or ten. I don't believe in strength in numbers and you shouldn't either.

Lee climbs the ladder.

Talk to Omid

Lee: Think this'll work?

Omid: Dude, you're cutting metal with fire. How could it not?

Lee: I got this blowtorch...

Lee sets the blowtorch down and turns it on, but it doesn't ignite.

Lee: Shit.

Omid: What's up?

Lee: The hose has a leak in it.

Omid: Turn it off, dude! I don't want my eyebrows burned off!

Lee complies.

Omid: Better plug that leak with something.

Lee: Once it's fixed, it should be enough to cut the coupling.

Lee uses the tape to cover the leak.

Lee: Hope this holds.

Lee turns on the blowtorch and starts to cut the hitch while closing his eyes.

Omid: That's crazy, look at it go.

Lee: Just about got it.

The truck starts to slide down and Omid pulls Lee backward to safety.

Lee: (gets up) Whoa, thanks!

Omid: No sweat, man.

Lee: This thing is hanging by a thread. The smallest cut and it'll go.

Lee: It's too far off the edge.

Lee offers the blowtorch to Omid.

Lee: Here. The weak portion of the coupling is out of my reach.

Omid: (pushes blowtorch away) You think it'll be within mine?

Lee: Ha, no, but I'm gonna dangle you over that ledge.

Omid: The hell you are!

Omid leans over the edge and uses the blowtorch as Lee holds onto his arm to keep him from falling.

Omid: God, you're a real son of a bitch, aren't you?

Lee: Shut up and start cutting.

Ben notices a giant herd of walkers approaching.

Ben: Guys, there's something coming.

Omid: What the what?

Lee: There must be thousands...

Ben: (running) We gotta go!

Lee: Fuck, Omid, cut! Cut!

Omid: I am! It's going! Pull me up!

Omid successfully cuts through the hitch, and Lee pulls him up. The tanker falls and crashes into the ladder, destroying it.

Lee: Kenny, go!

Everyone but Lee and Omid get into the train as Kenny starts it up. Gas spills from the tanker.

Omid: Shit, what the hell do we do now?

Lee: It's smashed to hell!

Omid: Shit!

Lee: Hope to God this works.

Lee kicks the blowtorch down, lighting the gas on fire.

Omid: Holy crap!

Lee and Omid must run over to the railing.

Lee: We gotta jump!

Omid: What?! No way!

They both climb over the railing, leaning against it.

Christa: Guys!

Ben: Come on!

Lee: Have it your way.

Omid: I will!

Lee pushes Omid.

Omid: You son of a--!

Lee pushed Omid.

Omid fall and hits the top of the train, bouncing to the ground while Lee watches.

Omid: Ah!

Christa: Shit!

Lee jumps onto the train and climbs up.

Lee: Oof.

Christa jumps down and helps Omid up. Omid limps and Christa runs alongside the train.

Christa: Run!

Lee swings into the boxcar. Omid and Christa run beside him.

Yell to Christa

Lee: Grab my hand!

Yell to Omid

Lee: Run!

Lee grabs Omid's arm and hoists him into the boxcar.

Lee saved Omid first.

Omid: No, her! Not me! Christa, no! Fuck!

Christa falls behind the train.

Omid: You piece of shit! She's a woman! Don't you know--?

Christa reappears; she grabs onto the edge and pulls herself into the boxcar.

Omid: Baby.

Christa: It's okay, honey. I'm okay.

Lee looks at the herd of walkers behind them. Clementine enters the boxcar.

Omid: That was a lot of them.

Clementine: Are you hurt?

Lee: No, we're okay.

Omid: Speak for yourself, my leg is fucked.

Christa: We're fine, Clementine. We're fine.


Some time later, in the cab, Clementine is asleep in a chair with her backpack on the floor next to her. Lee goes to the open backpack and examines a drawing Clementine made of Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck. Kenny enters the cab.

Kenny: Next stop, the Atlantic.

Yhwach, an enigmatic observer of this fractured world, hovers on the periphery of the survivors' journey. As Lee and his companions grapple with the challenges of survival, a new threat emerges through the crackling waves of a radio transmission.

Yhwach: (whispering) The tendrils of fate weave a complex tapestry. An unseen adversary, whispering secrets through the airwaves, challenges their resilience.

The revelation of Clementine's parents being held captive adds a layer of urgency to their quest for safety. Yhwach's piercing gaze remains fixed on the unfolding drama, his thoughts a labyrinth of contemplation.

Yhwach: (thoughtful) Bonds tested, destinies intertwined. The road to Savannah holds the promise of answers, but also the shadow of impending confrontations.

The survivors, once focused on the tangible dangers of walkers and scarce resources, now face the intangible threat of a mysterious stranger. Yhwach, accustomed to the ebb and flow of fate, recognizes the shifting currents within the group.

Lee: We have to find a boat. We just have to.

Kenny: We will.

Yhwach: (whispering) A boat, a symbol of hope amidst chaos. Their determination, a beacon that pierces through the encroaching darkness.

As Clementine sleeps, her innocent dreams intertwining with the harsh reality around her, Yhwach contemplates the fragility of childhood in a world stained by hardship.

Yhwach: (reflective) The burden of responsibility, the weight of guardianship. Lee shoulders the role of protector, navigating the delicate balance between shielding innocence and preparing for harsh truths.

The radio crackles again, the stranger's voice echoing through the confined space. Yhwach senses the ripples of tension that emanate from the survivors, their unity tested by the unseen adversary.

Stranger: Can't wait for you to get to Savannah, Clementine. I've got your parents right here...

Yhwach: (whispering) A revelation that pierces the veil of uncertainty. The past, a specter haunting the present, threatens to reshape the trajectory of their journey.

Kenny: I thought that fucking thing was broken.

Lee: So did I.

Kenny: Well, it sounds like somebody knows where we're headed.

Lee: Who the fuck?

Yhwach: (silent observer) The chessboard of fate unfolds, pieces moving into positions unknown. The journey to Savannah, once a quest for sanctuary, now transforms into a pursuit of answers and a confrontation with the ghosts of Clementine's past.

As the survivors hurtle toward the unknown, Yhwach remains an enigmatic presence, his gaze unwavering, watching the threads of destiny weave their intricate dance.