
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Shadows in the Chaos

Everyone walks through the empty streets of Savannah. Lee, Ben, Christa, Katjaa, and Kenny have drawn their pistols, Yhwach Carries a Sword and Chuck carries a shovel. Omid limps along, his injured leg now bandaged. Clementine walks beside Lee and looks at her walkie-talkie attached to his hip.

Clementine: Can't I just hold it? Just for a little while? We're getting real close to where my mom and dad are, maybe I can--

Lee: Not now, Clementine. Maybe later, okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Lee: How's Omid?

Christa: His leg's pretty bad.

Omid: I'm fine.

Christa: You're not fine, you need to rest. He needs to rest.

Lee: Kenny, how much farther to the riverfront.

Kenny: Should be just a few more blocks up ahead.

Christa: And there'll be boats there?

Lee: There sure as hell better be.

Kenny: There'll be boats. Have to be. Have to be.

Ben: It's going to be okay. Kenny knows what he's doing.

The belltower starts ringing.

Ben: What the hell?

Christa: Maybe this city's not so dead after all...

Kenny: Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer.

Lee: (checks watch) What kind of church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?

Yhwach And Lee notices a figure climbing on the rooftop.

Lee: Someone's up there.

Ben: Are you sure? I don't see anything.

Lee: I know what I saw. I'm telling you, there's someone up in that belltower! Someone alive!

The radio crackles.

Stranger: If I were you, I'd get out of the street. Now.

Christa: I thought you said that thing didn't work!

Lee presses the button on the radio.

Lee: Hello? Hello? Are you there?!

Omid: What the hell was that? Is someone trying to fuck with us?

Ben: Sounded more like a warning.

Chuck: Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Kenny: What are you yammerin' on about?

Chuck: It tolls for thee...

Dozens of walkers start to approach the group. The bell has stopped tolling.

Lee: Everybody, run!

The group kills several walkers and run through the street. A walker trapped under a car grabs onto Kenny's ankle, making him fall and drop his gun. He grabs onto a pole and tries to pull himself toward the weapon.

Lee: Kenny!

Katjaa: Kenny!

Lee shoots the walker.

Kenny: Little too close, don't ya think?

Clementine: Ben!

Ben Katjaa and Clementine are cornered against a brick wall by walkers.

Lee: No! Ben, help her!

Clementine panics as Ben runs away.

Lee: Goddamn it!

Lee shoots several of the walkers near himself and Clementine.

She yelps as a walker gets close to her, But Instead the walker bites katjaa on the neck

Lee: No!

Chuck knocks over the walker and drives his shovel through its chest. Lee hugs Clementine.

Yhwach's Pov

As the chaos unfolds on the streets of Savannah, Yhwach observes the struggles of the group with a detached intensity. His keen eyes analyze the unfolding events, seeing beyond the immediate dangers to the deeper currents of fate weaving through the survivors.

The tolling bell and the ominous warning linger in the air, a prelude to the challenges that lie ahead. Yhwach, his sword in hand, moves with calculated precision, seamlessly blending into the group as they navigate the city's perilous streets.

He senses the fear, the desperation, and the choices each survivor grapples with. Amidst the undead horde, he remains an enigmatic figure, his motives shrouded in mystery. Yhwach, the silent observer, watches as the group fights not only against walkers but also the fractures within their own unity.

As Katjaa falls victim to the relentless walkers, Yhwach recognizes the harsh reality of their world. In this apocalyptic landscape, survival demands sacrifices, and the tolling bell becomes a haunting reminder of lives forever changed.

Lee's anguish, Clementine's fear, and Kenny's fury resonate within the group. Yhwach notes the weight of their burdens and the shadows cast by their past actions. The emotional undercurrents ripple through the air, mirroring the relentless advance of the undead.

As the group regroups and presses forward, Yhwach remains vigilant, attuned to the subtle shifts in the survivors' dynamics. The belltower, a symbol of both warning and potential salvation, looms over them like a specter of destiny.

In the midst of this unfolding drama, Yhwach contemplates the intricate threads of fate that bind this diverse group of individuals. The journey to the riverfront, once a simple quest for safety, has transformed into a crucible where alliances are tested, and the shadows of the past cast a long, foreboding presence.

Yhwach's presence, though unspoken, adds another layer of complexity to the survivors' narrative. As they move forward, the shadows of Savannah deepen, concealing secrets that only time will unveil. The silent observer remains an enigma, his purpose intertwined with the unfolding saga of Lee and his companions.

Chuck: Get her the hell out of here! I'll catch up with ya!

Lee and Clem run ahead.

Kenny: Move your asses! River Street's right up ahead!

Ben: That's not all... (more walkers approach)

Kenny: Oh, give me a fucking break!

Christa: Wait, where the hell's Chuck?

Chuck continues to kill walkers with his shovel as more of them swarm around him.

Omid: Shit, he's in trouble! We gotta help him!

Kenny: (looks at walkers approaching the group) There's no time! We've gotta go, now!

Chuck: I'll be fine! Just go!

Yhwach's Pov

As the chaos unfolds on the streets of Savannah, Yhwach observes the struggles of the group with a detached intensity. His keen eyes analyze the unfolding events, seeing beyond the immediate dangers to the deeper currents of fate weaving through the survivors.

The tolling bell and the ominous warning linger in the air, a prelude to the challenges that lie ahead. Yhwach, his sword in hand, moves with calculated precision, seamlessly blending into the group as they navigate the city's perilous streets.

He senses the fear, the desperation, and the choices each survivor grapples with. Amidst the undead horde, he remains an enigmatic figure, his motives shrouded in mystery. Yhwach, the silent observer, watches as the group fights not only against walkers but also the fractures within their own unity.

As Katjaa falls victim to the relentless walkers, Yhwach recognizes the harsh reality of their world. In this apocalyptic landscape, survival demands sacrifices, and the tolling bell becomes a haunting reminder of lives forever changed.

Lee's anguish, Clementine's fear, and Kenny's fury resonate within the group. Yhwach notes the weight of their burdens and the shadows cast by their past actions. The emotional undercurrents ripple through the air, mirroring the relentless advance of the undead.

As the group regroups and presses forward, Yhwach remains vigilant, attuned to the subtle shifts in the survivors' dynamics. The belltower, a symbol of both warning and potential salvation, looms over them like a specter of destiny.

In the midst of this unfolding drama, Yhwach contemplates the intricate threads of fate that bind this diverse group of individuals.

The journey to the riverfront, once a simple quest for safety, has transformed into a crucible where alliances are tested, and the shadows of the past cast a long, foreboding presence.

Yhwach's presence, though unspoken, adds another layer of complexity to the survivors' narrative. As they move forward, the shadows of Savannah deepen, concealing secrets that only time will unveil. The silent observer remains an enigma, his purpose intertwined with the unfolding saga of Lee and his companions.

In a decisive moment, Yhwach breaks away from the group and swiftly approaches Chuck, who's fending off walkers with his shovel.

Yhwach: Stand firm, old man.

With a few swift strokes of his sword, Yhwach clears a path through the encroaching walkers, allowing Chuck to regroup.

Chuck: Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Thanks, Yhwach.

Yhwach acknowledges with a nod, his stoic expression unchanged.

Chuck: No time for chit-chat, though. Let's catch up with the others.

Chuck: Yhwach, huh? Well, I appreciate the help back there. Not many folks would risk their necks for an old man.

Yhwach's gaze remains steady, revealing nothing of his thoughts or intentions.

Yhwach: Survival knows no age.

They catch up with the group just as they reach the River Street sign.

Kenny: There you are! Chuck, you alright?

Chuck: Not a scratch. So, this must be the River Street, huh?

Kenny: And that's our ticket out of here.

Lee: We can't wait around. Yeah, it's clear, but let's move.

The group proceeds down River Street, but tension lingers in the air.As they approach the waterfront, the sound of boats and the distant moans of walkers create an eerie symphony. The survivors eye each vessel with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Kenny: We need to find a boat that's seaworthy. Fast.

Katjaa: And we can't forget about Clem's parents. They could be out there.

Clementine clutches her walkie-talkie, her eyes reflecting a mix of longing and anxiety.

As they approach the waterfront, the sound of boats and the distant moans of walkers create an eerie symphony. The survivors eye each vessel with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Chuck: Yhwach, my friend, what do you make of our options here?

Yhwach scans the area, his piercing gaze evaluating the boats.

Yhwach: We need something sturdy, reliable. The one with the least attention from the dead.

Lee: Agreed. Let's split up and check each one.

The group disperses to inspect the various boats along the riverfront. Yhwach and Chuck exchange a few words.

Chuck: You've always been good in a tight spot, Yhwach.

Yhwach: Survival demands adaptability.

Chuck nods, appreciating the simplicity of his friend's wisdom.

As the survivors continue their search for a seaworthy boat, tragedy strikes. Walkers emerge from the shadows, creating chaos on River Street. In the frenzy, Katjaa finds herself surrounded and overwhelmed by the relentless dead.

Katjaa: (panicking) Help! Someone, please!

The group, scattered among the boats, hears her desperate cries. Yhwach reacts swiftly, drawing his sword and rushing towards the commotion.

Yhwach: (determined) Stay close, Clementine.

Lee, Kenny, and the others fight off the approaching walkers, but the situation grows more dire. Chuck, with a heavy heart, recognizes the danger.

Chuck: Dammit, Yhwach, go help her! We'll handle this!

Yhwach swiftly reaches Katjaa, fighting off the walkers that threaten her. Unfortunately, the chaos attracts even more undead, making the situation increasingly perilous.

Katjaa: (teary-eyed) Thank you, but I can't... I can't keep going.

Yhwach, realizing the severity of her injuries, makes a difficult decision.

Yhwach: (softly) It's okay, Katjaa. Rest now. We'll take it from here.

Katjaa succumbs to her injuries, and Yhwach, with a heavy heart, rejoins the group in their struggle against the walkers.

They Reach A House

The group runs into the backyard of The house.

Kenny: I'll get the door!

Lee closes the gate. Omid falls down and Christa kneels next to him. Ben and Kenny try to open the boarded-up door.

Lee: You okay?

Omid: (moves to a sitting position) Ugh... Yeah.

Christa: You've opened up your wound, you're bleeding! Shit, that's gonna get infected. We've gotta get him inside, clean him up!

Lee: Kenny? How's that door coming?

Kenny: I'm working on it, I'm working on it!

Christa: Well, work faster, would you? Won't be long before those things outside figure out where we went. You know they can smell blood!

Kenny: Lady, I ain't the one who's bleeding.

Lee: Let me see if I can find us a way in.

Lee: Guess this used to be his home.

Talk to Clementine

Clementine: Do you think the dead people saw us come back here? Are they going to find us?

Lee: No, they didn't see us. We were too fast for them.

Clementine: I can still hear them out there. It sounds like they're getting closer.

Lee: It's just your imagination.

Clementine: I'll feel safer when we're inside the house.

Clementine sits on the ground next to Omid and Christa.

Talk to Clementine Again

Clementine: Will we be inside soon?

Lee: Yeah, not much longer now.

Clementine: I hope so. It's getting cold out here.

Talk to Omid and Christa

Lee: How's he looking?

Omid: I'm alright.

Christa: You're not alright. You've reopened your wound, you're losing blood, and god only knows what might've gotten in there. It could be infected, it could be--

Omid: No offense, but you really need to work on your bedside manner.

Lee: Try not to worry, it always looks worse than it really is.

Omid: Except when it's a bite.

Lee: Yeah, well, it's not a bite. We're gonna get you fixed up.

Christa: Just get us inside the house, will you?

Lee: I'm on it.

Christa: Lee?

Lee: Yeah?

Christa: Thanks.

Lee: No problem.

Lee reassured them.

Talk to Christa and Omid Again

Lee: How're you guys doing?

Christa: Not great, so long as we're stuck out here. Will you please go figure out a way to get us inside?

Talk to Ben

Lee: Ben?

Lee: How do you think Kenny's holding up?

Ben: I don't know. It's... it's like all he can think about is finding a boat. He definitely doesn't want to talk about Katjaa and Duck. At least not with me.

Lee: Yeah, well, I figure that's probably for the best.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: How's it coming? Find a way in yet?

Kenny: Door's locked up tight. Too heavy to force it without making a whole lot of noise.

Lee: Maybe there's a better way in.

Kenny: Well, if there is, I ain't seeing it.

Talk to Kenny again

Lee: Making any progress on that door?

Lee looks at the pet door.

Lee: What's this? Looks like there's some kinda pet door here.

Ben: I tried it already, that's locked too.

Kenny: Who the hell ever heard of a locked doggy door?

Omid: I have. My neighbor had one just like that. It's radio-controlled, the dog wears a collar with a chip in it so the door only opens when the dog gets close to it.

Kenny: Well, shit. Everyday's a school day.

Ben: Alright, so... where's the dog?

Chuck Picking up His Shovel

Chuck: Guess this old thing still is useful.

Chuck prepares to dig up the dirt mound.

Omid: Hey, be careful. Digging up dead things isn't what it used to be, you know what I mean?

Chuck: Yeah, I hear Ya.

Everyone but Omid approaches the grave as Chuck digs up the grave.

Clementine: What's buried down there?

In the grave lies a dog's corpse with a collar still on.

Lee: Whatever it is, it's been here a while.

Clementine: Ew, I can smell it from here. Gross!

Christa: Clementine, honey, come sit with me and Omid. Let Lee work.

Clementine sits with Omid and Christa.

Chuck finishes digging up the grave and sits the shovel aside.

Ben: Oh, God, the smell.

Lee: Must've belonged to someone.

Lee picks up the collar.

Lee: I can't get it off.

The dog's head falls from its corpse and the collar comes off.

Lee: Ah!

Ben: Okay, that is not cool!

Christa vomits.

Clementine: Are you okay?

Christa: I'm fine, honey. It's just the smell.

Omid: Are you sure you're--

Christa: I said I'm fine, okay?

Lee takes out the collar and places it near the pet door.

Lee: Here goes nothing.

The pet door unlocks.

Kenny: Yes! Goddamn!

The group approaches the door. Lee looks through the pet door.

Ben: You see anything in there?

Lee: No. Looks like it's been empty a while.

The sound of walkers can be heard nearby.

Christa: Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast.

Lee: Okay, lemme see if I can reach up in there.

Ben: Be careful, man.

Lee tries to reach the door handle.

Lee: (grunts) It's no good, I can't get it.

Ben: Here, let me try. I think I can--

Clementine crawls through the pet door.

Lee: Clem! Goddamn it, get back here! Clementine!

Clementine opens the door.

Clementine: (raises hands) Ta-da!

Lee: Good work, Clem, but don't go shooting off like that without asking first. Okay?

Clementine: I was just trying to help!

Lee: I know, and you did good! You just had me worried there for a minute.

Lee gently warned Clementine.

Omid: Can we maybe have this conversation inside? My leg's starting to hurt like hell.

Kenny: (steps through door) Looks okay from here, everybody in.

Everyone enters the house. Christa help Omid onto a couch in the living room.

Omid: Argh!

Christa: Sorry! Sorry!

Omid: No, it's okay. I'm good. Feel better already just being off my feet. Thanks, babe.

Christa joins the group in the kitchen.

Christa: So, when were you going to tell us about the radio?

Kenny: Tell you what?

Christa: That it's working! That there's someone else on the other end of that thing! You didn't think that might have been worth sharing with the rest of us? Well?

Lee: I was going to tell you. Yhwach, Kenny and I only found out yesterday.

Lee were honest with Christa.

Christa: So The Three of you were keeping it from the rest of us? Great.

Kenny: Who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell and bringing the dead down on top of us! It's like they didn't want us to make it to the river!

Christa: What makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever was on the radio was close enough to see us in the street. And we didn't see anyone else other than the guy in the belltower.

Kenny: Because that doesn't make a lick of damn sense. Why would they bring out the dead like that and then try to warn us about it?

Christa: How much sense does anything make anymore? In case you haven't noticed, there's a lot of twisted folks out there these days. At least the dead don't play games with you.

Lee: Whoever it was, seems like they're following us. And I don't like being followed.

Kenny: All the more reason to get on a damn boat, where we can't be followed.

Christa: I'm not going back out there any time soon. Omid needs to rest.

Lee: I'm with Kenny on that. Once it's quieted down outside we'll all head out to the river together. Deal?

Kenny: Suit yourselves. But I'm not gonna wait around too long for someone else to grab up those boats, that's our ticket out of here.

Ben: Place seems secure, at least.

Christa: I'll feel better when we know that for sure. We need to check the whole house.

Kenny: (sighs) Alright, fine. You and me'll take the upstairs. Lee, you've got down here. Make sure you check every door, understand?

Lee: Okay.

Yhwach's Pov

As the group settles into the house, Yhwach's watchful gaze continues to assess the dynamics within the survivors. The air is thick with tension, fueled by recent events and the ever-present threat of the undead. Yhwach, however, remains an enigmatic presence, silently observing.

In the kitchen, the discussions unfold, each member expressing their concerns and suspicions. Yhwach turns his attention to Chuck, who has been a steady companion throughout this harrowing journey. Chuck, leaning against the wall with his shovel in hand, catches Yhwach's eye.

Chuck: (nodding towards the group) Quite a lively bunch, huh?

Yhwach: (nods) The living can be as unpredictable as the dead.

Chuck: (smirks) Ain't that the truth. So, Yhwach, my friend, what's your take on all this? You've got that look in your eyes like you know more than you're letting on.

Yhwach: (stoic) I observe. It is my nature.

Chuck: (laughs) Observant, huh? Well, we could use a few more folks like you in these times. Keeps the group on its toes.

Yhwach: (looking around) Survival often demands more than observation.

Chuck: (leaning in) You got a point there. But tell me, what do you make of Kenny? He's a good man, been through a lot, but he's got his demons.

Yhwach: (analyzing) His focus on the boat is both a strength and a vulnerability. The desire to protect his own can drive a man to extremes.

Chuck: (nodding) Ain't that the truth. We all got our reasons for pushing forward. (pauses) What about you, Yhwach? What's your story?

Yhwach: (guarded) My story is of little consequence. We are all bound by circumstances beyond our control.

Chuck: (smirks) Fair enough. But remember, secrets have a way of coming to light, especially in times like these.

Yhwach: (acknowledging) Indeed.

Chuck: (gesturing towards the others) Keep an eye on them, Yhwach. We're all in this together, whether we like it or not.

Yhwach observes as Chuck rejoins the group in the kitchen, leaving him with his thoughts. The shadows of the past linger in the air, and Yhwach remains a silent guardian, ever watchful as the survivors navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Chuck and Yhwach Conversation

Chuck: (leaning on his shovel) Quite a group we got here, huh?

Yhwach: (nodding) Diverse, yet unified by the struggle to survive.

Chuck: (laughs) You got a way with words, my friend. I can't help but notice you're not one to share much about yourself.

Yhwach: (stoic) The past holds little relevance in the face of the present.

Chuck: (raising an eyebrow) Mysterious and to the point. I can respect that. But you see, in times like these, trust is as valuable as a good pair of boots.

Yhwach: (nodding) Trust must be earned, not freely given.

Chuck: (smirks) Wise words. So, what's your take on our chances out there?

Yhwach: (analyzing) The odds are stacked against us, yet survival is not solely determined by chance.

Chuck: (leaning in) You believe in fate, then? That we're all meant to be here, facing the dead together?

Yhwach: (guarded) I believe in choices, and the consequences that follow. Fate is a concept shaped by the actions of individuals.

Chuck: (nods) Choices and consequences, huh? You sound like you've seen your fair share of both.

Yhwach: (expression unchanged) Survival demands adaptability. The dead care not for fate.

Chuck: (laughs) Fair enough. Well, Yhwach, let's hope our choices lead us to safer shores. We could all use a bit of luck.

Yhwach: (silent nod) Luck, like trust, is earned.

As Chuck rejoins the group, Yhwach remains a solitary figure, his focus unwavering. The survivors, each with their own burdens and stories, navigate the uncertainties of the present, unaware of the silent observer in their midst.

The group continues to discuss their plans, with Kenny and Lee assigning tasks for securing the house. Yhwach, ever vigilant, follows Chuck's lead, observing the interactions among the survivors. The house, once a symbol of safety, now becomes a battleground for both the living and the dead.

As they settle into their assigned roles, Yhwach's thoughts linger on the intricate web of choices and consequences that shape their journey. The shadows on the riverfront extend into the house, concealing secrets yet to be revealed.

The survivors brace themselves for the challenges ahead, knowing that the dead and the living alike hold the keys to their fate. Yhwach, the silent guardian, continues to watch over them, a mysterious presence in a world where every step could lead to salvation or peril.

Lee returns to Christa, Omid, and Clementine.

Lee: Well, the place ain't got much. We should be okay here for a while, at least until it quiets down outside.

Christa: Good. Thanks.

Lee: Is he okay?

Christa: Yeah, for now. But I'm really worried his leg might've gotten infected. Don't suppose you turned up any meds while you were poking around?

Lee: Nah, just dog food. And there's some whiskey in the back.

Christa: I was just asking Clementine if she knows who the man on her radio is. It's okay, honey, you can tell us. Who is he? What does he want?

Lee: Go ahead, Clem. It's okay. You're not in any trouble.

Clementine: It's just a friend. I don't think he wants to hurt us.

Christa: What has he been saying to you? What have you been saying to him?

Clementine: I told him I was trying to find my parents, and that they were in Savannah. He really seems nice, I think he wants to help me find them.

Christa: Clementine. Honey, trust me, that's not what he wants. He--

Ben: Lee!

Ben runs partway down the stairs.

Ben: Lee, you need to get up here now.

Lee: What's wrong?

Ben: It's Kenny.

Ben and Lee go upstairs and stand in front of the stairs to the attic.

Ben: Kenny said he thought he heard something up there, went to go look.

Lee: He's up there?

Ben: I can't get him to come down.

Lee: Stay here.

Lee climbs up the attic stairs. Kenny is kneeling on the floor.

Lee: Kenny? You okay, man? Oh, Jesus. What the hell is that? Oh, my God.

Lee notices the shriveled walker corpse of . It takes a step forward, then falls, unable to support its own weight.

Kenny: Kinda looks like Duck, don't he?

Lee: It's just a kid. What the hell happened to him?

Kenny: Ain't nothing on him. Guess he must've been hiding out up here. Starved to death.

Lee: Jesus Christ...

Yhwach's Pov

Yhwach follows Lee and Ben upstairs, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings. The atmosphere in the attic is heavy with the weight of a grim discovery. As they reach the top of the stairs, Yhwach observes Kenny, kneeling beside the shriveled remains of the young boy.

Kenny: Kinda looks like Duck, don't he?

Lee: It's just a kid. What the hell happened to him?

Kenny: Ain't nothing on him. Guess he must've been hiding out up here. Starved to death.

The sight is haunting, a stark reminder of the cruel realities of survival in this post-apocalyptic world. Yhwach maintains his composure, his expression betraying nothing as he assesses the situation.

Lee: Jesus Christ...

Kenny: I don't know if I can, Lee. Couldn't do it before. Can't do it now.

Yhwach steps forward, his presence imposing yet strangely serene.

Yhwach: I can handle it.

Kenny looks up, his eyes reflecting a mixture of grief and guilt.

Kenny: I should've seen it. Should've figured it out.

Yhwach kneels beside the small, lifeless figure, his gaze unwavering. He reaches for the boy, closing the child's vacant eyes with a solemn gentleness.

Yhwach: In this world, one must often confront the harshest truths.

Kenny watches in silence as Yhwach prepares to carry out the grim task. Yhwach's sword gleams in the dim light, a symbol of both protection and the harsh inevitability of this world.

Lee: I'm sorry, Kenny. He might've turned on us.

Kenny: (voice breaking) You don't know that.

Yhwach, without uttering a word, understands the weight of Kenny's emotions. In a world where hope is a fragile commodity, the loss of innocence becomes a heavy burden to bear.

Yhwach: Acceptance is the first step toward resilience.

With a steady hand, Yhwach fulfills the somber duty, putting an end to the small specter that once bore the spark of life. The silence in the attic is punctuated only by the distant moans of the undead outside.

Lee: I'm sorry, Kenny. He deserved better.

Kenny: (voice strained) I'm sorry, Lee. I really am. We just... We gotta get away from this place.

Yhwach rises, sheathing his sword, the weight of the moment lingering in the air. The survivors, faced with the harsh realities of their journey, contemplate the fleeting nature of life in a world overrun by the dead.

The group descends from the attic, the memory of the young boy forever etched in their minds. The journey continues, each step fraught with challenges, and Yhwach, the silent observer, remains vigilant amid the shadows of Savannah.

Kenny: We should bury him.

Lee: I'll take care of it.

Lee picks up the walker's body and goes downstairs.

Lee carries the body to the backyard. He places it in the grave with the dog and covers the grave with dirt as Chuck, Clementine and Christa briefly watch from a distance before going inside. Lee finishes filling the grave and notices a figure behind the fence; he runs away as soon as Lee sees him.

Lee: (grabs fence rails) Hey. Hey!

Lee: You come back here, I'll kill you! You understand? I'll kill you!

Ben and Christa run out to the backyard.

Christa: Lee, what's going on?

Lee: I saw someone standing there by the fence. Watching us.

Lee told the truth.

Ben: A walker?

Lee: No, too fast. Took off like a bat out of hell when I spotted him.

Christa: Was it a man or a woman?

Lee: Didn't get a good enough look.

Ben: What does it matter?

Christa: I'm wondering if it's the same guy who's been following us. The guy on the radio.Kenny steps out of the house.

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: I'm fine. Just... I'm fine. What's all the ruckus?

Ben: Lee saw someone watching us from outside the gate.

Kenny: What? Who?

Lee: I can't be sure. They ran off before I could get a good look.

Ben: I don't like this one bit. Not one bit.

Christa: Me either. Walkers are one thing, but the thought of someone out there actually stalking us...

Kenny: Alright, that's it. We've stuck around here long enough. It's time to get back on track, time to get down to the river and find ourselves a boat.

Christa: I don't know if Omid's well enough to move yet.

Kenny: Well, he'd better get ready. Because I'm going down to River Street right now to find a boat, and as soon as she's ready to go we're moving out.

Lee: I'm with Kenny, the sooner we get the hell out of here, the better.

Kenny appreciates Lee support.

Kenny: Well, then, hell, what are we waiting for?

Ben: I'll go get my stuff.

Kenny: No. Ben, you'll only slow us down. Yhwach, Chuck, Lee and I can go scout the river while the rest of you get ready to move out. You stay behind with Christa and Omid.

Clementine: Wait, can't I come? My mom and dad can't be far away now, maybe we can look for them on the way to the river.

Lee: We need to focus on finding a boat right now, Clem. Like we talked about on the train, remember?

Lee asked Clementine to wait a little longer.

Clementine: Okay.

Kenny: Daylight's burning. Gonna go grab my gear, then we'll head out.

Christa: Come on, Clem, let's go see if Omid needs anything.

Everyone but Lee and Ben go inside.

Ben: So, you're just gonna leave me on the bench here?

Lee: That's not how it is, Ben. I need you to stay here and keep an eye on Clementine.

Ben: I can do that.

Lee: Well, just so we're clear. While I'm gone, anything or anyone tries to get inside this house, you shoot them. Don't even think twice about it. Understand?

Ben: I got no problem shooting walkers.

Lee: Did you hear what I said? Anything or anyone. (Ben nods) Good.

Lee trusted Ben to look after Clementine.

River Street

Yhwach, Chuck, Kenny and Lee walk down the abandoned street.

Lee: Hey, so you wanna talk about it?

Kenny: About what?

Lee: About what happened back there. In the attic.

Kenny: No.

Lee: You sure, man? I mean--

Kenny: River's right up ahead.

Bells start tolling and Kenny draws his pistol.

Kenny: Son of a bitch. That bastard's fucking with us again. It's another trap.

Lee: No. Listen. That's not the same bell as before. This one's further off. Whatever it is, it's gonna get the dead moving over there.

Walkers start to appear on the street, moving away from them. Kenny and Lee hide behind a wall.

Kenny: What in the hell is going on?

Lee: I don't know, but the person ringing that bell might be doing us a favor.

Kenny: Whatever, man. I find whoever's doing that, I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em.

Lee: Good one.

The walkers have disappeared.

Kenny: Hmph. Let's keep moving.

Yhwach, Chuck, Kenny and Lee continue walking.

Lee: Still nothing moving behind us, I think we're-- Oh, my God.

Only one boat, partially submerged, is left at the harbor.

Kenny: There's gotta be a boat... there's gotta be.

Lee: Kenny, man... I don't think so. Maybe we need to come up with a new plan.

Kenny: This is the plan, Lee! This is our best and only shot! You said so yourself back at the house! You agreed with me!

Lee: Yeah, but that was before we--

Kenny turns away. Lee reaches out for him, but Kenny runs, soon followed by Lee. Kenny jumps down onto the dock to examine the boat, and Lee stands on the sidewalk behind the railing.

Kenny: This one might still be salvageable.

Lee: Seriously?

Kenny: You got a better fucking idea?

Kenny: I'll check it out. You look further along the waterfront. Maybe there's something at the other end.

Lee: I don't think we should split up too far.

Kenny: We don't have to. See that telescope? You can see all the way along the waterfront from right here. See what you can find.

Lee: Okay.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: I'll just have a look around, okay?

Lee: Jesus.

Lee looks through the telescope.

Lee: Great. Needs a quarter to work.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: You got a quarter on you?

Kenny: Don't have a lot of use for small change these days. Maybe you can find one on the street somewhere.

At the end of the street, several "living" zombies are stuck on pikes next to a sign saying "STAY OUT".

Lee: What the fuck? What is this meant to be, some kind of warning? Who would do something like this?

Lee bashes the newspaper machine with the spike remover/monkey wrench/spanner and picks up the quarter that falls out.

Talk to Kenny again

Lee: Better just let him do his thing.

Lee is about to use the coin on the telescope, when Kenny jumps back up to the street.

Kenny: Fuck!

Lee: What's up with the boat?

Kenny: It ain't gonna work. Hull's cracked beneath the water line, plus someone stripped out the battery.

Lee: You can't fix it?

Kenny: (notices walker barricade) What the.... what the hell is that?!

Lee: A fate worse than death...

Talk to Kenny again

Lee: Hey, Kenny.

Kenny: The hell you waitin' for? We need to look though that telescope to see if there are any other boats out there.

Lee inserts the coin and looks through the telescope.

Lee: No sign of any boats down there.

Lee looks all the way to the left and sees a figure on top of a building.

Lee: What the hell?

The figure climbs down using an ice pick.

Lee: Get down, get down!

Kenny and Lee crouch on the dock. They look through the fence as the figure searches the newsstand.

Kenny: Why the hell are we hiding?

Lee: Someone came down from that building at the end of the street.

Lee: Where'd he go?

Lee: Saw him run into that newsstand.

Kenny: Could be our bell ringer. How about we go find out?

Lee: Maybe he's just another scavenger, like us.

Kenny: Yeah, and maybe he ain't. Maybe he's that fucker on the radio who's been messing with Clementine's head. Don't you wanna know? 'Cause I wanna know.

Kenny: Okay, you head up the middle of the street, I'll go around the side, cover your flank. We'll come up on him quiet, take him by surprise. (draws pistol)

Lee: We just wanna talk to this guy.

Kenny: Oh, we're gonna talk!

Kenny hides in an alleyway and Lee sneaks forward. Molly crouches down, and Lee looks over the counter, his melee weapon raised. The newsstand is empty.

Lee: What the?

Molly comes up behind Lee and takes the weapon out of his hand.

Yhwach and Chuck, having followed Kenny and Lee from a safe distance, approach the newsstand cautiously. The tension in the air is palpable as they witness Molly disarming Lee.

Yhwach: (whispering to Chuck) It seems our group has encountered another survivor. Let us observe and assess the situation.

Chuck: (nodding) Right you are.

Lee, with his hands raised in a sign of non-aggression, attempts to defuse the situation.

Lee: Easy. I just wanna talk.

Molly: You wanna talk? Talk. And you want to shoot me?

Lee: You don't have to do this. It doesn't have to end in violence.

Molly eyes them suspiciously but lowers the weapon.

Molly: I think you're right.

Kenny emerges from the alley, his pistol still drawn.

Kenny: All right. Nobody needs to get hurt. Just take it easy.

Yhwach and Chuck step forward, making their presence known.

Yhwach: We mean no harm. We're just passing through.

Molly: Passing through, huh? So you just thought you'd make a pit stop and grab some supplies?

Lee: Well, you see, we're looking for a boat.

Molly's expression changes, her guard slightly lowering.

Molly: You're not the only one.

Yhwach: Perhaps we can help each other. We seek a means of transportation as well.

Molly eyes Yhwach and Chuck, assessing the group. Lee seizes the opportunity to establish common ground.

Lee: Look, I know you have no reason to trust us, but we're a group of survivors, just like you. Trying to make it in this messed-up world.

Molly: (sighs) I guess you could say the same about us.

Yhwach: Cooperation can be mutually beneficial. If you know of a boat, we have skills that may assist us in acquiring it.

Clementine: Lee?

Lee: Clem?

Molly attempts to get up, but Lee holds her down. Molly removes her hoodie.

Molly: You're not from Crawford.

Lee: You're not the guy on the radio.

Molly: I'm not a guy at all. Full marks for observation.

Molly: Mind if I get up?

Lee: Slowly.

Lee lets Molly get up. She removes her mask and Lee puts his gun away.

Kenny steps out from his hiding spot, pointing his gun at Molly.

Lee: Kenny, no! It's not our guy!

Molly sweeps Kenny's leg, and he falls, dropping his gun as it fires. Molly kicks his gun away and brings down her ice pick, stopping at the last second.

Lee: No, he's with us!

Kenny gets up and Molly puts her weapon away.

Molly: Who the hell are you people?

Lee: I asked you first.

Molly: The name's Molly.

Lee: Molly, I'm Lee, this is Kenny, Chuck, Yhwach and Clementine. We're not looking for any trouble.

Clementine: Hi.

Clementine waves.

Molly: You guys really aren't from Crawford, are you?

Lee: I don't even know what that is.

Molly: Everything beyond that barricade.

Lee: What the hell happened here?

Molly: You sure you wanna know?

Yhwach, Chuck, Lee, Kenny, or Clementine nod.

Molly: When everything went to shit, some people got together and sealed off that whole neighborhood. Folks willing to do anything to stay alive, stop the dead getting in. I try to avoid 'em.

Kenny: Why?

Molly: Let's just say they have a zero-tolerance policy for anyone who won't... or can't... live by their rules.

Kenny: So how'd you know we weren't them?

Molly: Because there are no children in Crawford. Not anymore.

Lee: Do you know who's been ringing those bells all over town?

Molly: Yeah, that would be me.

Kenny: I knew it! Lee, I knew she was the one who's been following us, fucking with us! (points at Molly)

Molly: Get that finger out of my face, grampa, before I jam it straight up your ass. (Kenny complies) I haven't been following you. I don't even know who the hell you people are.

Lee: Calm down, Kenny. The voice on the radio was a guy, remember?

Kenny: Yeah, well, whoever you are, ringing those bells this morning nearly got us all killed, raised the dead all around us!

Molly: That's the idea, genius. It's how I get around. I ring a bell in one neighborhood to attract the local geeks toward it, buys me some time to scavenge the areas they cleared out.

Kenny: Geeks? Is that what you call them?

Molly: Yeah. You know, like at the carnival. They'll eat anything, alive or dead.

Lee: That's pretty smart, with the bells.

Molly: Doesn't take much to outsmart the dead. Bunch of dumbasses. You just gotta move fast, get in and out before they start to wander back again.

Molly: Look, I'm gonna ask you people again. You're not from Crawford, so who the hell are you? What are you doing here?

Lee: We came down here looking for a boat, hoping to get our people out of here and find someplace safe.

Molly: Yeah, good luck with that. Anyone with a boat took it out of here as soon as people started eating each other. Any that got left behind, Crawford stripped 'em for parts. Cars too.

Kenny: There's gotta be something.

Molly: If there was, do you think I'd still be here? I've been over every inch of this city, this whole place is picked clean.

Kenny: Goddamn it! Fuck!

Molly: Hey, moron! You wanna keep your voice down?

Kenny: Shit.

Molly: Since you're not getting on any boat, I'd advise you folks to go back to where you came from, before--

Walkers appear.

Molly: Great. Just great.

Kenny: Isn't that the--

Lee: The way we came.

Kenny: Fuck, gunshot must've brought 'em back.

Clementine: Isn't there another way back to the house?

Lee: Molly, is there a--

Lee turns around to see Molly run into the alley. She wall climbs with her ice pick to get up to the fire escape.

Lee: Hey, you're just gonna leave us here?!

Molly: Sorry, I must have missed that part of our conversation where you became my problem.

Clementine: Don't leave us here! Please?

Molly turns around sees Clementine's sad expression and reaches out her hand.

Molly: Come on, make it fast!

Lee and Molly help Clementine climb up. Walkers fill the alley.

Kenny: Oh, fuck me.

Lee: Come on, come on, hurry!

Lee and Molly help Kenny climb up.

Clementine: Lee! Come on!

Kenny reaches out his hand.

Kenny: Come on, man! One good jump!

Yhwach and Chuck Following Them

Lee tries to grab Kenny's hand but is dropped to the ground.

Clementine: No! Lee!

Lee pushes the dumpster to the side.

Clementine: Hurry!

There are walkers on the other side of the alley too.

Kenny: Come on, Lee! Get your ass outta there!

Lee tries to open the manhole cover.

Lee: (grunts) I can't get it open!

Molly tosses down her climbing pick.

Molly: Here! Use that to pry it open!

Lee takes the climbing pick, pries open the manhole cover, and climbs down.

Clementine: Lee!

Lee climbs down the ladder. A walker falls from the open manhole above and crashes to the ground, smashing its brain.

Lee: Clementine, can you hear me? If you can hear me, just get back to the house, okay? I'll meet you there!

Lee looks at the ladder behind him; walkers continue to growl and groan aboveground.

Lee: Shit.

Chuck: Well Ain't This Something

Yhwach Nods

Lee: No going back now.

Lee walks down the steps and through the sewers and reaches a tunnel sloping down with sewage running through it. He starts to carefully walk through it.

Lee: Half-eaten sewer rats. Walkers must be down here, too.

Lee continues to walk through the sewer and comes across a group of walkers consuming a corpse. Lee enters the small passageway on the left.

Lee: Looks like some kind of drainage pipe.

Lee turns the green wheel of the pipe to the right. Water begins flowing from the pipe on the other side of the passageway grate, and the sound attracts the walkers.

Lee: Good thing I'm out here and not in there. (looks at wheel) Hmm, seems loose.

A walker stands in front of the passageway.

Lee: Shit.

Lee takes the wheel with him. He turns left and uses the climbing axe to unlock the grate in front of the passageway. Lee opens it and enters the area from earlier. He places the wheel on the drainage pipe and turns it to the right. Water flows through the grate near the pipe, and walkers stop eating and approach the sound.

Lee: Here they come.

Lee, Chuck, and Yhwach returns to the passageway and enters the area the walkers previously were

Lee goes to the end of the hallway; a single walker stands at the end of it, its back turned as it concentrates on the grate in front of it.

The walker growls.

Lee sneaks toward the walker, planning to kill it with ice pick. Suddenly, a walker's hand reaches out from the grate on the floor and grab's Lee's leg. The first walker starts to approach Lee.

Lee: Let go, goddamn it!

Lee uses the climbing pick to pry the zombie's hands off him. As he stands up, the other zombie stands in front of him.

Lee whacks the walker's head with the pick.

Lee, Chuck, Yhwach walk to the end of the hallway, where there is a manhole cover with no ladder leading up to it.

Lee: Looks like somebody sawed the damn thing off.

Lee takes out the climbing pick and tries to jump up the wall, but his foot hits the sign, making it come loose and reveal a hole in the wall behind it.

Lee: What the hell?

Lee pulls the sign down and steps through the passage behind it. He enters a room with supplies and furniture.

Lee: What the hell...? Must've been one of those old nuclear fallout shelters.

Lee: Wonder if someone's living down here.

Lee opens the door and enters the next room, where he finds a group of survivors. One of them shakily points a revolver at him, and Lee raises his hands.

Vernon: Who are you?

Yhwach's Pov

Yhwach observes the tense situation in the fallout shelter, where Lee has encountered a group of survivors led by a man named Vernon. The atmosphere is fraught with suspicion as Vernon cautiously points a revolver at Lee.

Vernon: Who are you?

Lee: (raising his hands) Easy, easy. I'm just a fellow survivor. We came down here looking for safety.

Vernon eyes Yhwach, Chuck, and Lee, gauging the potential threat they might pose. Chuck, with his calm demeanor, and Yhwach, with his stoic presence, maintain an air of composure.

Vernon: Well, you can't be too careful these days. We don't just open our doors to strangers.

Yhwach: Understandable. In this world, trust is a rare commodity.

Lee: We're just trying to find a way back to our group. Our people are in a bad spot. We're not looking for trouble.

Vernon: Hmm. You sure about that?

Yhwach: Our intentions are genuine. We seek only safety and cooperation.

Chuck: We're just trying to survive, like everyone else.

Vernon lowers the revolver slightly, his suspicion not entirely dissipated.

Vernon: You guys got a real nice setup here. And I can't help but notice you got a lot of medical supplies.

Lee: We're here for a reason. A boat. We need to get back to our group and find a way out of the city.

Vernon studies Lee for a moment, then makes a decision.

Vernon: I'm not just gonna open the doors for you. We don't know who you are. But if you want to talk, I'll take you to the leader of our group.

Yhwach: We appreciate your caution. Lead the way.

Vernon gestures for Lee, Yhwach, and Chuck to follow him deeper into the fallout shelter. The air is thick with uncertainty, but a glimmer of potential cooperation arises.

As they navigate the underground labyrinth, Yhwach remains vigilant, aware that alliances forged in the crucible of survival can be both a boon and a potential risk. The journey through the fallout shelter becomes a test of diplomacy, trust, and the shared struggle for existence in a world overrun by the relentless march of the undead.

The fallout shelter reveals its secrets, and the survivors must decide whether to join forces or continue their separate paths in the pursuit of survival.

Vernon gestures for Lee, Yhwach, and Chuck to follow him deeper into the fallout shelter. The air is thick with uncertainty, but a glimmer of potential cooperation arises.

Lee: It's alright. It's okay.

Brie: Vernon, what the hell are you doing?! Vernon!

Lee: (puts gun away) Relax. I'm not here to hurt you.

Clive: You're really not from Crawford?

Lee: No. I'm really not.

Vernon: Well...we are.

Vernon: Or were. We got out of there when they starting sealing up the place, starting weeding out the sick and the old so their perfect survivor society wouldn't be threatened. No room for weakness or vulnerability in their little master race.

Lee: You don't look that old. So...you're sick?

Vernon: WE'RE sick. We're all members of a cancer survivors group that used to meet here at the hospital. We're in remission.

Vernon: But that wasn't good enough for Crawford. They'd already rounded up five of us before the rest managed to hole up and hide from them down here. This old basement's been abandoned for years.

Lee: What is this, a morgue?

Vernon: Yeah. Irony's always high on my list when I'm looking for a place to survive. How did you find your way down here?

Lee: our group and I were up by the river looking for a boat. Now I just want to get out of here and find them again.

Lee is being honest.

Vernon: That sewer system you came through runs all over the city, it'll take you wherever you want to go.

Lee: Those sewers are like a damn maze. Any chance you could help me find my way back?

Vernon: Look, I'd like to help you.

Vernon: But we've all got our own problems. Two of our group are sick and need constant care. And I'm the only doctor here.

Brie: Besides, why should we help you?

Lee: Look, I'm sorry if I scared you. I just want to get back to my people. Back to Clementine.

Vernon: She's your daughter?

Lee: No. She lost her real parents. I'm doing what I can.

Lee told the truth.

Brie: You're not seriously considering going with Them.

Vernon: It's alright, Brie. I had a daughter too. Lost her in the first days. I'll be damned if I'll just sit back and let that happen to someone else.

Clive: We need you here!

Vernon: Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it.

Vernon: Let's go.

Vernon hugs Brie goodbye, exchanges nods with Clive, and checks on Joyce. He, Yhwach, Chuck and Lee leave.


Yhwach, Chuck, Lee and Vernon enter the house.

Lee: Clementine? Clem?

Molly searches the kitchen cupboards and drawers.

Lee: Molly?

Molly: Oh, hey. you guys made it back.

Vernon: Who's this?

Molly: They didn't tell you about me?

Molly: I'm the one who saved Their asses back at the river.

Molly: Who's the fossil?

Lee: Where's Clementine?

Lee avoided Molly's question.

Molly: She's around here somewhere. Relax, I got her and Kenny both back safely. You're welcome, by the way.

Molly: I think you have something that belongs to me.

Lee hands her the climbing pick. Molly walks away, and Christa rushes down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Christa: Lee, Yhwach, Chuck Thank God, All of you are back

.Lee: Christa, what's wrong?

Christa: It's Omid. He's gotten worse. Much worse.

Lee: We have a man wounded.

Christa: Who's this?

Lee: This is Vernon, he's a doctor.

Christa: Oh, thank God!

Lee: Could you take a look at him?

Vernon: I'll see what I can do. Take me to him.

Vernon, Lee, and Christa enter the bedroom Omid is resting in.

Christa: Omid, honey. You're gonna be alright. Lee brought a doctor.

Vernon: Alright, let's take a look at him... I work better without an audience. I'm sure you have more things of your own to attend to.

Lee leaves the room.

Lee: Clementine... Clementine?

Lee: (knocks) Everything okay in there?

Christa: We're fine. Just... leave us alone and let the doctor work.

Lee walks down the stairs.

Lee: Clementine! Come out, please!

Lee walks into the living room. Ben and Kenny are sitting down, and Kenny is drinking from a whiskey bottle.

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: Oh, hey. You Guys made it back. Good job. Good job.

Lee: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Kenny: What does it look like?

Lee: Where'd you get the bottle?

Kenny: Found it.

Kenny: First good thing that's happened since...

Lee: What the fuck were you thinking, letting Kenny get like this?

Ben: Hey, man, I tried, but he gave me a look like he was gonna rip my face off. He won't listen to you, you think he was gonna listen to me?

Ben defended himself.

Kenny: To hell with you!

Lee: Getting wasted is not going to help anyone.

Kenny: Yeah, well, what is? We are fucked! Molly said there's not a single boat left in Savannah. No way out. We got walkers all around us, that crazy fuck on the radio messing with us... Hell, if now ain't the time for a drink...

Kenny takes a sip and offers the bottle to Ben; he is about to take it when he notices Lee glaring at him and decides not to have any.

Lee can open various doors.

Lee: Doesn't look like she's in here.

Talk to Kenny/Ben

Lee: Have either of you seen Clementine?

Kenny: Damned if I know. Gotta be around here somewhere.

Lee: Ben, I gave you one job when I left here, take care of Clementine. Then she shows up out on River Street looking for me? What the hell happened?

Ben: Hey, don't put all that on me. Omid took a turn for the worse and Christa asked me to help. I'm sorry, I'm doing the best I can here. She was frantic and things got kind of crazy. I told Clementine to stay put, what else could I do?

Lee: That's not good enough.

Ben: Whatever.

Lee: Don't give that "whatever" shit. Just tell me where she is.

Ben: I think she went out to play in the backyard.

Lee: On her own? With no one watching her?

Ben: Man, will you get off my back? She's fine out there!

Lee: She'd better be, or it's your ass!

Lee automatically goes to the backyard.

Lee enters the backyard.

Lee: Clementine? Clementine!

Lee: Door's covered in vines...don't think anyone came in through there.Something bumps against the shed door from the inside. Lee opens it as Clementine pushes against it, and she accidentally knocks Lee to the ground.

Clementine: Lee!

Clementine runs over to Lee and hugs him.

Lee: What have I told you about wandering off on your own?

Clementine: I know, I know, stay close to you! But you weren't here! And look! Look what I found!

Clementine walks up to the shed and Lee opens the doors all the way, revealing a boat.

Lee: Holy shit.

Clementine: Swear.

Kenny walks up to the shed and smiles, dropping the whiskey bottle.

Yhwach's Pov

While Lee, Clementine, and Kenny discover the hidden boat in the shed, Yhwach and Chuck stand back, observing the unfolding events. Yhwach turns to Chuck, who has been silently watching the scene.

Yhwach: (whispering to Chuck) Fate has favored us today, my friend. A boat is a valuable asset.

Chuck: (nodding) Indeed, Yhwach. It seems like we might catch a break after all.

Some time later, at sunset, Molly, Omid, Christa, and Vernon sit in the living room as Lee paces across the room.

Lee: Omid's doing okay?

Vernon: As well as can be expected under the circumstances. I did what I could for him, cleaned out the wound. But he's got a real infection, running a fever. Without antibiotics...

Molly: Will you quit pacing? You're making everyone nervous.

Christa: Why are you even still here?

Molly: Hey, if your friend really can get that boat working, you're taking me with you as payment for saving your asses. I figure that's fair enough, don't you?

Ben and Kenny enter.

Lee: Well?

Kenny: (sighs) You want the good news or the bad news?

Lee: Let's get the bad news out of the way first.

Kenny: Bad news is, she's not taking us anywhere, the shape she's in right now. Gas tank's empty and the battery's dead.

Christa: So what's the good news?

Kenny: That's it, that's all she needs, some gas and a battery. Other than that, she's good to go.

Christa: Well, how are we supposed to get that stuff?

Lee: Sounds like Crawford is the one place that has everything we need. Maybe we should try there.

Christa supports Lee's plan.

Vernon: Now, hold on a minute.

Christa: Surely, we have to try. If there are people left in this city who are still alive, who still have supplies...what harm can it do to ask?

Vernon: Trust me, you don't know these people. I do. You showing up with a wounded man? Might as well put a noose around his neck. They don't exactly welcome children with open arms, either.

Christa: What the hell kind of a place are we talking about here?

Molly: The worst kind. But I don't see what other choice we have.

Kenny: And just how exactly do you figure we do this? Because, from what I've heard, that place ain't exactly friendly to outsiders.

Molly: That's putting it mildly.

Lee: There's got to be some way we can sneak in there undetected.

Lee suggested sneaking in.

Vernon: There might actually be a way.

Vernon: I know the sewer system that runs beneath Crawford like the back of my hand. Y'all wouldn't happen to have a map by any chance?

Lee: Yeah, actually...

Lee unfolds the map and places it on the coffee table.

Vernon: I think I could lead us through so we could pass under the perimeter and right into the center, where they keep their supplies. We come up right underneath 'em, take 'em by surprise, grab what we need and get out before they even knew what hit 'em.

Molly: That's actually not the worst idea I've ever heard. I mean, it's close. But I don't know, maybe it could work.

Vernon: I've thought about it before, just never had the people to do it. But I think if we all work together, we could pull it off.

Kenny: And what do you want in return for all this help you're giving us?

Vernon: Crawford doesn't just have what you need for your boat, they're also well-stocked with medical supplies. Medicine that my people could use, just as yours could.

Christa: We can do this. We have to!

Kenny: So, it's decided, then? We're going to Crawford?

Lee: Anyone else have a problem with this plan? Because we're going to need every one of us to pull this off.

Ben: Man, I don't know...

Kenny: I don't know about you, kid, but I'd rather take a chance on doing something than just sitting around here waiting to die. That boat out there is an answered prayer, we just gotta push a little bit farther. Are you in or out?

Ben does not reply.

Vernon: We should go tonight, under cover of dark. I'll go let my people know, give you all a chance to prepare. I'll be back before midnight.

Christa: Be careful.

Vernon: That's how I'm still alive.

The group separates. Lee walks toward the stairs where Clem is sitting.

Lee: I told you to stay in your room. How long have you been there?

Clementine: Is it going to be dangerous?

Lee: Is what gonna be dangerous?

Clementine: Crawford.

Lee: I can't lie to you, Clem. Yeah, it's gonna be dangerous. But it's the only way to get the things we need to make Omid better, and get the boat working. That's why we have to do this. Do you understand?

Lee Told Clementine The Truth.

Clementine: I don't want anyone else to die.

Lee: That could happen. But we have to take that risk, because it's just as dangerous not to.Clementine: I guess I should go get ready.

Lee: Uh, say what now?

Clementine: You said you'd need all of us to do this. And you said I'm a big help, remember? Molly said Crawford is the only place left in Savannah that still has people. That means it must be where my mom and dad are, right?

Lee: Clementine, I think it'd be safer for you to stay here with Omid.

Clementine: But what if something happens to him while you're gone?

Lee: What do you mean?

Clementine: He's sick. And if he doesn't get better, and...you know. He might try to hurt me.

Clementine: Can't I come with you?

Lee: Okay, you can come. But you have to promise to stay quiet and do exactly what you're told the whole time we're there.

Lee chose to bring Clementine with Them.

Clementine: Okay. I'm gonna go get ready.

Clementine runs up the stairs.

It is nighttime when everyone but Omid gathers in the backyard. Christa loads her gun, Molly studies the map, and Kenny searches the shed.

Kenny: Check out what I found in the garage. Hatchet, hacksaw, some other tools. Might come in handy on this little break-in.

Lee: Nice.

Kenny: Can I talk to you a minute?

Lee: What's up?

Kenny: I took another look at the boat. She's a 30-footer.

Lee: So?

Kenny: So, we're gonna have a capacity problem.

Kenny: Boat that size ain't gonna hold more than five people, even with one of them a kid.

Lee: Me, you, Clem, Yhwach, Chuck, Christa, Omid, Ben, Molly...

Kenny: Assuming everyone makes it back alive, that's still one too many, even if we cut Molly loose. Before this is over, we're gonna have to make a decision.

Lee: You're not serious.

Kenny: Look, I'm just saying, if we want the best chance of--

Vernon and Brie enter the backyard.

Kenny: Who the hell is this?

Vernon: This is Brie, she can help us.

Lee: Help us how?

Brie: I was a student at the school where Crawford keeps their supplies. I know the layout.

Vernon: With her help we're in and out faster. Anyone got a problem with that?

Lee: I guess not.

Molly: Then what are we waiting for? Let's get moving.

The group starts to move out.

Lee: Hold up just a sec.

Lee: You ready?

Clementine: Ready.

Vernon: Whoa, hold on a minute. You're not taking her with us. Did you not hear anything I said about the kind of place Crawford is? If you take her in there and they find her--

Lee: I'm not leaving her alone in the house with only Omid to protect her. Just not happening.

Molly: For what it's worth, I don't think it's a great idea either.

Lee: She's coming. Deal with it.

Kenny: You heard the man.Kenny: Let's move out.

Ben offers Lee the hatchet, and he takes it.

Yhwach's Pov

The group, now augmented by the addition of Brie, moves quietly through the darkened streets of Savannah. Yhwach walks beside Chuck, the two of them maintaining a watchful eye on their surroundings. The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air as they approach the outskirts of Crawford.

Yhwach: (whispering to Chuck) The night conceals many dangers, and the city sleeps in the grip of the undead. Our success depends on our ability to navigate this place unseen.

Chuck: (nodding) You got that right. Keep an eye out for any biters and those Crawford folks.

As they reach the entrance to the sewer system, Vernon takes the lead, guiding the group with the knowledge only a former resident possesses. Brie stays close to him, ensuring the group follows the correct path.

Lee glances back to make sure Clementine is keeping up. She walks beside Molly, who occasionally looks back and offers a reassuring nod.

The sewer system proves to be a labyrinthine network, with the group relying on Vernon's guidance to navigate its twists and turns. The air is damp, and the echoes of their footsteps resonate in the confined space.

Yhwach notices the tension in the group, the mix of determination and fear etched on their faces. It's a silent understanding that their survival hinges on the success of this risky mission.

Vernon: (whispering) Almost there. Keep it together, everyone.

As they approach the exit that leads directly into Crawford, Vernon motions for everyone to stop. He peeks around the corner, checking for any signs of danger.

Vernon: (whispering) All clear. Follow me, and stay close.

The group emerges into the heart of Crawford, a place that has seen better days. The eerie silence of the abandoned city amplifies the tension. Brie points to the school building in the distance, indicating the location of the supplies they seek.

Vernon: (whispering) That's where we need to go. Stick to the shadows.

The group moves stealthily, avoiding any unnecessary noise. Yhwach senses the anxiety in the air, the heightened awareness of their surroundings. This is a crucial moment, and the success of their mission depends on their ability to remain undetected.

As they approach the school, they notice a small group of walkers in the vicinity. Molly takes point, dispatching them silently with her trusty pickaxe. The group moves quickly, reaching the entrance to the school.

Brie: (whispering) This is it. The supplies should be in the basement.

The group cautiously enters the school, wary of any potential threats. Yhwach stays vigilant, his senses attuned to the sounds of the undead and the living alike.

As they descend into the school's basement, they find the room filled with various supplies-medical equipment, food, and other essentials. The sight is a relief, a reward for their daring infiltration.

Lee: (whispering) Grab what you can and let's get out of here.

The group begins to gather supplies, mindful of the limited time they have. Yhwach keeps watch, his eyes scanning the shadows for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a noise echoes through the basement-an unsettling groan that doesn't belong to the walkers. The group freezes, their eyes widening in realization that they might not be alone in Crawford.

To be continued...