

What if the 4 emperor of the sea power combine into one. Ryu is an ordinary teenager, he has a loving mother and father of course he has 2 siblings. If you can describe Ryu in a one word that is 'Perfect' but Ryu is not a perfect person. Because he has an unstable mind or mentality. Sometimes he was so kind that he even try to help some girl being rape at the end he was stab by the rapist. But sometimes he become psychopath. His mentality was base on his mood whatever he wants to be a good guy or a crazy guy... *WARNING* The Naruto in this fanfic is AU because why not? Any review auto delete, why? because I wanted to. So don't try leaving some kind of review, whatever it's good or bad imma delete it. My english is bad but i think it's readable. Naruto and the One piece is not mine so credits to the owner.

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


"Now the last three can't not control any elements but this three summoned is very strong physically..." Akasuchi continues to tell at Tsuchikage abouts Ryu's summoned beast.

After a few minutes of listening to Akasuchi, Onoki begin to realize how much trouble can Ryu make when he grow older.

"So how many ninja we need to deploy against, Charlotte Ryu?" Onoki asked Akasuchi. " 5 jonin, 15 chunin, and 30 genin"

"Hmm make it 10 jonin, 20 chunin and another 20 genin" Onoki said and when Akasuchi heard yhis he was shocked "But Tsuchikage-sama, in our camp on the border, there were only 20 jonins and if we dispatch 10 jonin at the same time, almost half of our attack forces will disappear also we will attract the attention of Konoha camp"

"Did I say that the 10 jonin we will dispatch is from our camp in the border?" Onki said. "No, you didn't"

"Arrange 10 jonin, 20 chunin and 20 Genin now and they need to be ready to leave the village tomorrow night" Onoki gave order to Akasuchi.

"I understand, Tsuchikage-sama"

[One day later]

"So Tsuchikage-sama dispatch 50 ninja in total just to kill, Charlotte Ryu, huh?" The comander of the camp said to his assistant. "Yes"

"We will also dispatch another 30 ninja to support the 50 ninja that Tsuchikage-sama dispatch" The commander said and when his assistant heard this he was shocked and said "But isn't too much for that?"

"No, we will never known if they successfully kill, Ryu" The commander say to his assistant. "Also if we dispatch 30 ninja in one go, the Konoha's camp will be suspicious to us"

"I already have a plan for that, we will lunched an attack to the Konoha's camp while the 30 ninja will be dispatch" The Comander explained to his assistant.


[Ryu pov]

Fuck, Its been a day since I started practicing my chakra control even though I didn't use any kind of jutsu, oshit I forgot that I know kagebushin... maybe I should recreate Chidori. Acording to my Naruto knowledge, even though I don't have lightning chakra nature, I should able to recreate it.

"Multi-Shadow clone jutsu" I said and suddenly a smoke came out of my surroundings and 15 clone of myself appears.

(Note: Stamina is equal to chakra. Ryu has a tons of Stamina because of big mom template. If you don't know what stamina for, Stamina use to use devil fruit power in one piece)

I look at my clone, hmm not bad even though I didn't do my best, I can still clone my self to this number.

"Now everyone, you need to practice our lightning chakra nature as soon as possible" I ordered myself or my clone.

"YES SIR" The clone all said to me while saluting.

*Crow~* *Crow~* *Crow~*

"We don't know how to practice our lightning chakra nature" Clone no.1 said.

Fuck I also don't know, maybe if we focus our chakra into a shard looking blade we can recreate chidori.

*Cough* *Cough* "Since you ask for my help, I'm gonna teach you how to practice our chakra nature in lightning element, you shoul- ehem. We need to focus our chakra to form a very shard looking blade" I explained to myself.





The fuck? they understand what I am teaching to them while I didn't even understand what I am explaining to them. Did I become idiot?

"Now you should start practicing" I said as I leave them.

Time pass like a shit and It's been a week since Ryu and his self or his clone start practicing their Lightning chakra nature.


Yoww we only need 3 more power stone to enter top 80 in power stone ranking!!! LET'S GOOOOO!!

Now what are you waiting for? give me power stone!!!

Fuck I hate english subject! it's only been 2 weeks since the 3rd grading started and now I need to write a fucking 3 essay in english...

Stay safe everyone!

Sorry for the bad grammar.